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Page 9

by A. Vivian Vane

  "That's it," the masked man praised. His voice was hoarse and tense. "Thaaat's it." He groaned and shoved his dick in deep. Mary gagged and shuddered as it slid past the back of her mouth and down her throat. She squirmed, trying to escape, but the hand in her hair yanked her right down into the man's crotch. His pubes filled her nose, and the cockhead pulsed deep inside her. Something hot and thick squirted down her throat, making her choke and sputter.

  The blue-masked man gave a groan and leaned back. His cock slid up Mary's throat and slipped from between her lips with a wet popping sound. It spurted cum as it went; a salty string splashed across her tongue, and another draped over her lips and squirted up to stain the edge of her mask. Mary kept her eyes clenched tight as the hot droplets rained down on her lips and chin, knowing that more were surely decorating her expensive mask. Her mouth hung open, panting, and she coughed and swallowed convulsively to try and clear her throat of the clinging goo.

  Slumping, the stranger that had just fucked her face gave a last few jerks on his cock, wiping himself roughly on the front of Mary's mask. "Good slut," he panted. "Good girl. Keep that slutty mouth open. Show us all your load!"

  Moaning, Mary opened her mouth and tilted her head back. There was really very little for the men to see -- most of the thick spunk had already slid down her throat as she gulped and swallowed to try and clear her airway -- but they chuckled and grinned appreciatively all the same. She cracked her eyes to peer around, and blushed at the sight of the half-naked crowd admiring her gaping face.

  "Sexy little cumdump," said a man who stood nearby. He was jerking his cock vigorously, and he took a half step forward, pointing the tip of his dick at Mary's upturned face. "Open wide, now." His cock erupted as he spoke, and he leaned over her, masturbating furiously and spraying his load toward her open mouth. Gobs of jizz flew everywhere: some managed to splash against Mary's tongue or down the back of her throat, but more splattered her mask and landed atop her naked breasts to start dripping down the valley of her cleavage.

  There were approving murmurs from all around. Hands grabbed Mary's breasts, her shoulders; her ass and pussy. Another cock thrust at her from the other side and painted her face and mask with a third thick load. She turned toward it instinctively, shutting her eyes again as one of the wide strands draped over her eyelashes.

  "Jerk me off," someone said, thrusting his cock into her hand. Uncertain of herself, Mary made a fist of her gloved fingers and rubbed it up and down the shaft, hoping her untutored effort was good enough.

  "Swallow more!" someone else said, shoving his meaty cockhead between Mary's lips. The swollen glans lay against her tongue and spurted jizz into her mouth.

  "No," someone else cried, "don't swallow -- here, share it with your friend!"

  Hands grabbed at Mary and turned her, shuffling awkwardly on her knees, to face Jennifer. Someone shoved her toward the redhead's mask, which was covered in wild splatters of clinging jism. Jennifer's panting mouth gaped wide in front of Mary, its makeup smeared and the plush bows of her lips shining with spit and cum. Mary could see a gooey wad of unswallowed sperm swirling near the back of her maid's throat -- and without a second thought, she mashed her lips against Jennifer's and shoved her tongue as deep into the puddled spunk as she could.

  The crowd hooted and cheered as the two women embraced, releasing the cocks they had been jerking off to grab one another with sticky gloves. No one seemed to mind too much; the abandoned men just resumed stroking themselves, and one of them groaned and blew his wad all over Jennifer's red curls.

  Mary's tongue writhed against Jennifer's as they made out. Their bosoms mashed together, naked and slippery with cock-slime. All Mary could taste was dick and spunk and her friend's hot breath, chased with the faint smell of two wet pussies dripping away eagerly. Her mask shifted on her face, dangerously close to slipping off, and she shoved it hastily back up as laughing men finally pulled the two women apart and tipped them into the pile of pillows, side by side on their backs.

  A fit-looking man in nothing but a silver mask knelt between Mary's legs and grabbed her ankles. She shuddered as he lifted and spread them, tilting her pussy and ass upward and baring them for everyone to admire. His cock bobbed between her legs, hard and dripping; clearly he had not blown his load on one of their ruined faces.

  "Slut," the man promised breathlessly, "I am going to pound your little pussy!"

  Mary moaned. Even in her haze of lust, she was dimly aware of some taboo that she dared not break. There was some unspoken danger to letting a stranger fuck her; something that made her want to save that dripping hole for her brother and her brother alone. Desperately, her horny mind hit on an appropriately wanton solution: "No," she moaned, cramming a pair of fingers into her sodden pussy and thrusting them lewdly in and out, "my ass! Fuck my ass!"

  The crowd hooted, and silver-mask grinned appreciatively. He lifted her ankles even higher, so that her ass rose almost completely off the floor. Mary rested awkwardly on the base of her spine, her feet dangling above her. When the man took one hand away to finger her butt crack, Mary used her free hand to hold the abandoned leg up by the thigh, keeping herself spread invitingly for him.

  "Oh?" the stranger asked, prodding her bumhole. "Is that what you want? You want a cock in your slutty ass, huh?" He leaned forward and spat on her, shocking Mary for a moment until she felt his finger working the saliva into her crinkled flesh, and realized that he was simply lubing her up.

  "Yes," she moaned, shoving herself against his finger. It sank into the puffy flesh, and she felt her hole stretch and yield, embracing him. Someone whistled approvingly as the finger slid deep into her ass. "Please," Mary begged, "fuck my ass. I want a cock in my ass. I want it right now."

  Jennifer, beside her, was offering similar pleas to another nearly-naked man: "Fuck my ass too," she cried. "Fuck our slutty asses! Spunk them up good! Sluts love cum in their assholes. Ohhh...fuck, that's good!" She squealed loudly. Her partner's dick had found its mark between her butt cheeks. The redhead rolled back in the pillows, almost doubled over with a grunting man hunched atop her. His body flexed and strained as he drove his way deep into her tight hole.

  Hot flesh prodded Mary between her own cheeks as she watched her maid's exertions. She groaned in eager expectation. Her latest fuck's finger slid from her rear, only to be replaced seconds later by a much thicker, more insistent pressure. The taut rim of her anus flexed and dimpled inward. Mary felt the familiar stretching sensation that she had grown to love, followed by the breathtaking rush of something solid sliding up into her ass. With a gasp, Mary shoved her fingers deep into her cunt and curled them upward, rubbing the front wall of her pussy. Pleasure surged inside her. She felt her body stiffen.

  "God, you're tight!" the man atop her grunted. He shoved hard with his hips, forcing himself deep into the clenching hole. Mary screamed and jerked as she came beneath him, pleasure exploding through her brain. Her fingers popped from her pussy, nearly forced from her body by the strength of a sudden, irresistible climax. Her strong buttocks clenched, and she heard the man groan, his dick trapped inside the flexing walls of her anus as she rode her pleasure out beneath him.

  "Fucking tight!" the man gasped as Mary's spasms subsided. Freed, his cock pulled back and slammed into her once again, beginning to pound at the puckered hole. "That tight little ass...gonna fuck you so hard!"

  Moaning, Mary grabbed a thigh in each hand and spread herself as wide as she could go. Her feet bobbed in the air, still wearing pretty stockings and the treacherous little black heels. Sweat had soaked her dress, turning it into a sodden band of cloth around her belly, and she felt hands shoving it up and out of the way as the man grabbed her waist and plowed her for all he was worth.

  In and out the thick cock went, feeling huge and swollen against the walls of Mary's sensitive passage. She moaned and writhed beneath the stranger and dug her fingers deep into the flesh of her thighs for purchase. Something slapped down across her mask,
and she opened her mouth automatically, letting another swelling cockhead slide between her lips to pump its sticky goo all over her tongue. She slurped and slobbered wetly, guzzling the spunk in long, thick swallows.

  "Her tits too," someone gasped, "gotta paint those titties...ahh, fuck!" Hot liquid rained down on Mary's naked, bouncing breasts. The man fucking her cursed and took a hand from her waist to shove someone away; clearly, a cock had gotten too close to him for comfort as it spent its load on her naked tits.

  "Gonna cum," the man panted as he plowed Mary, "gonna fill your ass up. Cum in your ass...take it, you slut!" He arched his back and grunted. Hot jism spurted into Mary's bowels. Thick and wet, she could feel it painting the dark passage, oozing disgustingly deep as the man went on shoving his dick in and out to milk every last drop from his balls.

  "Ahh!" cried the man next to him, still hunched atop Jennifer. "Her slut's taking it cum in her asshole!" He straightened out of his crouch and ripped a squirting dick from Jennifer's rear with a popping sound, pumping it with his fist and spraying cum all over the redhead's ass and pussy.

  Mary's partner, unlike his fellow, finished his climax while still buried balls-deep inside her. Barely a trace of the gooey load escaped her clenching hole as he slid his dick free and wiped it on her thigh. Mary shoved a finger into her rear end automatically, sliding it in deep and swirling it around in the slick cum that painted her inner walls. "Ahh, God," she moaned, squelching the finger in and out until spunk frothed from around the edges of her asshole, "your cum feels so good in me!"

  Mary opened her eyes to look around, feeling horny despite her last climax, but to her surprise the frenzy of lust in the Red Parlor seemed to be subsiding at last. One final gentleman -- an older man, with gray in both his upper hairs and his lower -- had managed to slide into Jennifer's pussy and give a few thrusts in and out, but he was already groaning and pulling a softening, spunk-slicked member from her slit, having blown his load in a few seconds after entering her. The other men around them were slumped on pillows or chairs, panting and adjusting their clothes. Every dick seemed spent, its load smeared somewhere on Mary or Jennifer's bedraggled bodies.

  With a moan, Mary released her thighs and let her legs flop down onto the bare wood floor. A trickle of spunk oozed out of her asshole, reminding her of the finger still lodged inside her rectum. She pulled it free and slipped it between her lips without really thinking about it, tasting cum and letting more puddle between her thighs as her gaping asshole drooled helplessly. Sucking the salty slick off her finger, Mary laid her head back and turned to look at Jennifer.

  The redhead's mask swiveled as her maid looked over at her, and Mary giggled at the sight of it. Gooey cum was everywhere, dangling from the edges of Jennifer's mask and stretched between the pointed wings at the top. Jennifer's makeup was smeared, her chin shiny, and her eyes more than a little glazed behind the holes in the mask.

  Mary scooted closer and leaned across a pillow to kiss Jennifer. They tongued each other gently, sharing spit and spunk. All around them, men were rising, pulling on clothes and chuckling and talking quietly. None seemed to pay the sperm-stained women any mind, except to watch them with condescending admiration; the men's conversations were with one another, and not directed at the two sluts on the floor.

  Jennifer reached a hand out and stroked Mary's cum-slicked tits. She squeezed a soft breast lovingly. "Sexy," she whispered, thumbing the nipple back and forth. Her hand slid easily over the wet skin, rubbing the seed of some unknown stranger into the young noblewoman's flesh.

  "You too," Mary whispered back. She kissed Jennifer, almost delicately. A tiny strand of cum stretched between their lips, glistening, and Mary giggled. It broke and spattered both their lower lips, immediately vanishing into the broader glaze of cum that covered both their features.

  A key clicked in the door, and it swung open to allow the men (many of them still adjusting their clothing) to file out in chuckling, satisfied clusters. After the last had left, the Countess Antrim swept in, her heels clicking on the floor. She peered down at the sweaty, satiated pair of women with a crooked smile, and set the large iron door key down on one of the pushed-aside tables.

  "Hello, girls," she said. "The second round of dancing will be starting soon, but you look very comfortable right where you are. Shall I leave you there? I think I shall." She turned and beckoned, and a rather plump young woman with a spill of blond curls and a daffodil mask ducked meekly into the room. A young man in a small black mask and sailor's trousers followed, and Mary gasped, recognizing her brother at once.

  "This is my daughter-in-law," the countess said mildly, taking the blond woman by the arm and laying her hands on the top of a waist-height table. Bending the young woman over, the countess lifted the back of her skirts in one smooth motion, revealing a lovely -- and utterly naked -- backside. Mary gaped, and her eyes went automatically to the cleft between the woman's legs; as she spread her feet wide, Mary could see that the girl's cunt was soft, puffy, and pink, with an untouched tenderness that reminded her of her own.

  "Her husband's a useless shit," the countess went on calmly, "with a whole staff of strapping young footmen at their London house, who bugger him night and day. The poor dear finally confessed it all to me, as if I didn't know what a poof my son was, and I said your kind brother could sort her out. You don't mind, do you Mary dear?" She smiled sweetly. "Jack's told me all about the special love you share, but I thought that after being plowed by my guests for an hour you could spare him long enough to plant an heir in her."

  Mary blushed brightly behind her mask. She lay on the floor, covered in spunk and exposed not only before her brother, but also before a countess and a complete stranger -- and, despite her terror, she found herself warming eagerly to the moment.

  "Oh, yes, Lady Wilthrop," Mary heard herself saying. She smacked her lips, tasting cum, and smiled adoringly up at her brother and the silent blonde woman. "Jack's got such a lovely cock. He'll fuck your daughter good and hard, I just know he will!"

  The countess laughed. She waved a hand generously at her daughter-in-law. "There, you see?" she said. "Give it to her good and hard. I want grandchildren in the family, whether they're my son's or not."

  Hiking her gray dress up, Lady Wilthrop swung a foot over Mary's face and straddled the spunk-stained noblewoman. Mary found herself staring up at the countess's slit; for a dizzying moment she wondered if anyone bothered to wear proper undergarments anymore. Perhaps it was something you simply gave up once you discovered sex. Mary could certainly see the practicality of it.

  "Open wide, dear" the countess instructed calmly. Her naked cunt dropped toward Mary's face, warm and musky-smelling beneath the gray skirts. "Little sluts like you need to learn how to give a good pussy licking. You want your brother to be proud of you, don't you?"

  Blushing, Mary opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. She heard a squeal from beyond the countess's skirts, and the slap of flesh on flesh. Beside her, Jennifer was moaning happily.

  As she lapped up her first taste of Wilthrop's musky pussy, Mary smiled in the darkness of the enfolding dress. Tired beyond belief, she could still feel her wet cunt throbbing eagerly...and she knew, with a deep and satisfying certainty, that her brother was already proud of her, and had been the moment he came in to find her spunked and spent on the parlor floor.

  She couldn't wait for the rest of their life together!

  Books by A. Vivian Vane

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  Preview - "In the Talons of the Succubae"

  by A. Vivian Vane

  Available now from all major e-book retailers!

  Amaline hated to admit defeat.

  It was not, she firmly believed, possible for someone like her to lose to a mere demon. And so she reached for her
magic, and kept reaching, screaming all the while as the succubus curse turned her world into a blinding haze of red agony.

  Lost in a wash of mystical pain, the young wizard barely even noticed a pair of demons hefting her to her feet. Each one cupped an armpit to hold Amaline up, their claws flashing as they tore the soft robes from her body. Tender, naked flesh flopped out, soft and pale in the reddish light, making the succubae sigh and lick their lips in eager anticipation.

  "Look, sister," one lisped. She bent and thrust her tongue outward, stroking between Amaline's legs. A wet, musky smell rose from the wizard's crotch, and the succubus purred with pleasure. "Thisss one likes it," she giggled, smacking her lips. "She feels the pain and wantsss more."

  "Does sssshe?" the other asked. She reached between Amaline's trembling thighs; pinched the spellcaster's clitoral hood delicately between two sharp-pointed fingernails. A tiny squeeze made Amaline howl with pain, but she went right on reaching for her power, panting for breath until her soft bosom bounced and jiggled like an obscene parody of an erotic dancer's. Wetness drooled from between her plump labia despite the girl's agony -- or perhaps because of it.

  Dainty, strawberry-pink nipples puffed outward stiffly on the wizard's chest as the succubus sisters laughed and ground their crotches lewdly against each of Amaline's hips. "Yes yes!" they encouraged. "Show us you pleasure, morsssel! Silly, horny, will never leave this place!"


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