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Challenge Protocol

Page 13

by Dawn Ryder

  “Make me come, Logan!”

  His body slapped against hers, the chair shaking as he worked against her bottom. He leaned down, pressing his cock deep inside her to whisper against her ear. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  The husky tone made her snarl. Turning her head she snapped at him, searching for an outlet for the tension and need roaring through her. He chuckled at her attempt to wound him, renewing his thrusts, increasing in speed as she heard his respiration speed up. Lifting her bottom, she worked it back against his thrust. One of his hands slipped across her belly to the wet folds of her slit. A harsh gasp escaped his mouth as he fingered her clit. He thrust fast and deep into her ass as he rubbed the little nerve center equally as hard. Satisfaction burst through her, wrenching her away from thought. There was nothing but sensation and pleasure. Logan snorted and cussed as he buried his length deep inside her. She felt the jerk of his cock as it began pumping hot seed. He collapsed halfway on top of her, bracing his hands next to hers as he gasped for breath, his heart hammering away against her back.

  A soft kiss landed on her neck and then another on her shoulder. His hands lifted from the seat, smoothing up her arms as he stroked her skin. There was a moment without contact as he withdrew from her and removed the condom. But he wrapped her tightly against his chest and held her, even when she tried to wriggle away. There was more tender concern in the moment than she’d anticipated. After all, she’d just had both guys in the space on one night. She really wasn’t sure what she expected to happen, but being held wasn’t it.

  She wasn’t normally so happy to be proven wrong.

  “I need to play with you more often.”

  Logan’s voice was tender but smug. He released her to reach for his clothing, driving home that fact that he and Dack didn’t feel comfortable in her condo. A little flicker of apprehension rippled through her as she considered the sort of trouble that would keep them from relaxing behind the locked front door.

  Looking past Logan, her muscles went tense as she caught sight of Dack in the doorway. Heat covered his face and hers as well because he’d been watching the entire time. Logan reached out and captured her chin in his hand, bringing her attention back to him.

  “We’re not going to fight over you.” He let her chin go and she looked back at Dack and then back at Logan. “And we’re partners. You don’t get one without the other.”

  “But not at the same time?” She was obsessed with the idea now that she’d tasted them both. It just might lead her to ruin but she couldn’t seem to banish it from her mind.

  “Not here,” Dack answered. She lifted her eyes to look at him. She caught the same desire flickering in his eyes. “Not secure enough.”

  Excitement raced through her. Dark need bubbled up from that part of her personality that enjoyed strength. It was a part of her that was in direct conflict with her control issues. She wanted to run her own life but needed a man who took control of her sometimes. It was the thing about Logan and Dack that made them irresistible. She suddenly understood women who hung onto bad boyfriends a little better. No woman chose who or what turned her on. You could reason yourself to death but it wouldn’t change what sent your clit throbbing.

  “I need a shower.”

  Turning on her heel, Cambria strode up her stairs without any concern over her naked state. To tell the truth, she was enjoying being nude, loving the fact that two men were watching her and only her. For the moment, she just enjoyed the soft pulse of need Logan’s words inspired. Need and logic bumped against each other inside her brain as she flipped on the water and let the soap carry Dack’s and Logan’s scent off her skin. She’d only turned on the closet light because the darkness fit her mood. Moonlight sparkled off the tile floor of her bathroom and made the water glitter on her skin.

  The long day caught up with her as she finished her shower. A sharp headache was centered behind her eyes as she grabbed a towel and pulled it across her wet skin. A shadowy figure was leaning against the doorjamb. In the dim light, Dack almost looked like a phantom.

  What surprised her were his bare feet and shirtless torso. He looked more relaxed than she had ever seen him.

  “You should wear that attitude more often, Dack. It looks good on you.”

  A few wrinkles appeared on his forehead as he listened to her. But he straightened up and rolled his shoulders. “You did warn me that you were a demanding woman.”

  Cambria laughed softly. Brushing past him, she trailed her fingers over one tight pectoral. “Stress can kill you.”

  “So can letting your guard down.”

  Looking over her shoulder at him, she lifted a knee and climbed onto her bed. His gaze followed her as she lay back among her pillows. Patting the one next to hers, she offered him a smile full of invitation.

  “Since Logan’s downstairs, buzzed out on caffeine, why don’t you relax a little.”

  A genuine smile appeared on his face. Not the kind he’d flashed her when he was horny and cornering her. This one was tender, and it left a slice across her heart.

  “Yeah, it’s Logan’s watch. Even If I did take pity on him and give him some recess time with you.” There was the rasp of his zipper before he stepped out of his pants and laid them over the foot of her bed. The moonlight washed over the hard cut of his frame, illuminating the brawn that she’d really only felt. Even now it was shadowy, adding to the mystery that surrounded him. There was a hint of danger in him that really should have turned her away, but she was mesmerized by the few glimpses she’d had of the man when he was relaxed.

  “But he’s not going away.” The bed rocked as Dack sat down. His words were ultrasoft. He kept his back to her, waiting for her to make some sort of comment. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the wide expanse of well-defined shoulder muscles, lightly dusted in dark body hair. Reaching out, she raked one set of fingernails down his spine. He turned so fast, the bed shook violently. He somehow imprisoned her wrist as he landed in the middle of the bed while he pulled her down into the middle of the mattress with him. Half his body weight pressed down onto her as she heard a low grumble cross his lips.

  “Don’t. Sneak. Up. On. Me.”

  His growling tone didn’t impress her. Neither did the angry look on his face. “Then don’t turn your back and hide from my opinion about Logan. I don’t like chickens.”

  The grip on her wrist opened. He traced her face with tender strokes from the same hand that had just yanked her halfway across her bed. Tiny ripples of enjoyment moved down her neck and across her chest.

  “You’re the first person who has turned me into one.” He frowned “I normally don’t give a crap what people think about me.”

  His voice was so low she almost didn’t make out all the words. Lifting her hand, she smoothed the wrinkles marring his forehead. The moment touched her deeply because it was an admission. “That I believe.”

  “Good.” He didn’t sound relieved. His voice was edged in that hard, commanding tone again.

  “Not that I’m going to be content with not knowing why for very much longer.”

  He caught her hand and turned her wrist up. The moonlight reflected off his teeth as he opened his mouth and bit the tender skin. A hard jolt of desire went through her as he closed his lips around the spot and sucked.

  “Be careful what you ask for, Cambria. I just might tell you so that I have an excuse to keep you.”

  Her response died as he leaned down to capture a nipple with his mouth. She arched up off the bed to press her breast against his lips. The sheets were cool, but she wanted to be pressed against his warm skin. The desire wasn’t white-hot, as it had been an hour ago. Now it was a steady need that flowed through her veins, intoxicating her. She wanted to keep sipping the fine wine, letting it carry her away into sweet bliss. Her hands roamed over his shoulders as their legs tangled. There was a hard brush of his erection against her hip and she let her hand drift down until she clasped the hard flesh. A soft, male groan brushed past her
ear as she stroked his cock, her fingers teasing it from crown to base and then back again.

  A soft kiss landed on her neck before Dack sat up, reaching for his pants. She felt the brush of cool night air against her skin, noticing the lack of his heat. Maybe if she wasn’t so tired, she’d have chastised herself for being so conscious of him beside her. But at the moment she didn’t much care. She listened for the sound of the condom wrapping being ripped open, waited impatiently for him to don the protection and return. She craved his embrace, his scent filling her senses.

  “Soft and easy this time, baby.” A firm hand on her hip pushed her onto her side as he lay down behind her. “I just want to be back inside you.”

  His voice was low and gruff, as though he didn’t like admitting needing anything. Pressing her bottom towards him, she sighed as his cock pressed into her. She understood him, better than he knew. Independence was a safety zone she didn’t like leaving either.

  “Don’t worry so much, lover. There’s no one here but us.”

  A hard arm held her against his body as the bed rocked with his thrusts. He cupped a breast as he worked his cock in and out of her. There was no racing need to climax this time, just a deep enjoyment of the intimacy. She lost track of time, until he grunted next to her ear. Rising above her, he pressed her flat onto her back before lowering his body, trapping her with his upper torso. His hips worked in a faster pace, his length pressing against her clit now. His mouth captured hers in a hard kiss that pressed her jaw wide. Need tightened through her sheath as she strained towards him.

  Pleasure burst upward into her body, shaking her as she tore her lips free of his kiss. A harsh cry filled her bedroom as he rose up, his hands fisting in the sheet beneath her. He drove hard and fast into her, his breath coming in harsh pants. Lifting her hands she drew her fingernails down his chest. He cussed low and deep as his cock jerked inside her. His face was harsh as climax ran through him. As it faded, he suddenly looked more tired than she’d ever seen him. Smoothing her hands over the skin she’d clawed, she felt the tremor shaking his body.

  “Let’s get some sleep.”

  He left her for a moment, disappearing into her bathroom. She listened to the soft sounds of the sink running before turning over, too tired to search for the bedding. A longing for him to stay coated her, but she held the words back. There had never been any promise of tender cuddling, only fulfillment of the desire they sparked off each other. She was a big girl and that meant…well…it meant that she had to be strong, even if her bed felt as cold as an igloo without him next to her. She closed her eyes, refusing to watch him leave. She wasn’t strong enough to watch his frame clearing the doorway.

  “Hey, wait for me.”

  The mattress shifted as his body joined hers. He flipped a quilt over her as he slid up next to her, pulling her flush against him. A soft kiss landed on her neck, before he tucked her head under his chin. His chest expanded with a deep breath as her eyelids fluttered open. Amazement filled her, but it was far overshadowed by tender enjoyment. Her feet were clamped between his calves as he held her tightly against his body. It was sweet and totally unrealistic, but she just enjoyed it so much. Her mind drifted off into slumber as she listened to her lover’s breathing as he held her.

  Chapter Eight

  He should leave. Dack stared at Cambia and couldn’t do it. He was almost relieved to discover such an emotion inside his jaded self. After smoothing the covers over her puckered nipples, he rubbed a hand over his burning eyes before turning towards the door. A brief glance at the clock told him it was five in the morning. Logan would need some down time by now.

  The scent of coffee drew his interest as he dressed in his discarded clothing. Checking his gun, he tucked it back into his harness before entering the kitchen in search of a mug. A basketball game was playing on the television, the volume turned way down. Logan stretched as he stood up, his back popping in the quiet room.

  “That coffee is as mean as she warned it was. It must pack one hundred percent caffeine.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Logan considered him for a moment, waiting for him to make a decision. Dack filled a mug with coffee and took a long sip before he faced the matter at hand. There was another thing that Cambria did to him, she disrupted his priorities.

  “I think she’s got a guest room upstairs with thick curtains.”

  Logan shrugged. “You’re welcome to try it out and tell me how the bed is.”

  Dack smirked at his partner. It was just a guy sort of thing to do, competing over a woman. Even if they were sharing her, there was still room for bullshit teasing. “Guess you’ll have to work on your charm. Because Cambria snuggled up to me nice and sweet. I believe she tried to take your head off with a right cross.”

  “I think we need to invite her up to the mountain.”

  Dack frowned but Logan wasn’t impressed with his disapproval. His junior officer stared right back at him, and said, “I think she’ll enjoy it.”

  “I think Jace and Nash will laugh their asses off at us.”

  Logan shrugged. “Do you care enough to walk away? I don’t. I think they’ll have more sympathy than you give them credit for.”

  Logan didn’t wait for a reply. He disappeared around the corner. There was one faint creak from the staircase. Lifting the mug again, Dack remained where he was. He didn’t pretend to understand why he was so intent on remaining in her home, only that it felt incredibly right. He wanted to be there when Cambria woke up, wanted to make sure that she knew he wasn’t just showing up for sex. That would have been simpler, safer, but it actually hurt to think about doing it. But more importantly, he wanted to take her home. That wonderful thing that Jace and Nash had discovered in Robyn was calling to him. Was it love? He didn’t know because he’d never been in love but he knew for sure that it was more than lust.

  So he raised the mug again and moved towards the refrigerator to see what she had on hand for a hungry man.

  * * * * *

  She woke up with Logan in her bed.

  It was the sort of surprise that could kill a girl. His shirt was hanging off the foot rail, along with the Stetson she’d come to expect on his head. His feet were bare, telling her that his boots had to be somewhere on the floor. He was stretched out on his back, with only his pants on. The soft fabric lay over his groin, teasing her with a hint of his cock. Even in sleep, the organ was still large enough to push his pants up. Her eyes moved up to his chest. Dark hair ran over his pectoral muscles and down across his abdomen. His hands were pressed against his sides as his lungs inflated in a slow rhythm.

  He was there for a reason. She got the message clear enough. Thirty feet away was a guest room but he wasn’t in that bed.

  No, he was in hers. She couldn’t help but smile. Maybe she was crazy but it felt like a compliment that he was intent on invading her bed. It had to be one of the cockiest things she’d ever experienced, though even that didn’t detract from her enjoyment of it.

  It didn’t make sense but it sure did feel good. A little twinge of pity went through her again for the pair of them. She sort of felt guilty for the facts that drove them to stick so close to each other because those harsh realities were making it possible for her to have both of them.

  Except she was assuming there was going to be a continuing relationship. She didn’t like the dread that crept into her heart as she considered that. It burned away the remaining slumber from her brain, leaving her wide awake. A quick glance at the clock told her it was six in the morning.

  Moving slowly towards the edge, she slipped off the mattress as she kept one eye on him. She smiled with triumph as she managed to shrug into her robe without waking Logan. Chalk one point up for the black chick—maybe she wasn’t some highly trained, ultra soldier, but she could move like a cat when she wanted to.

  The scent of coffee was strong as she descended the stairs. Tying her robe, she looked around before moving into the kitchen. The gun Dack liked to
wear sprang to mind as she peered through the kitchen doorframe. He was watching her, his eyes trained on the opening. His face was a mask of calm focus.

  “Can’t sleep?”

  His voice was low and masked. As if he was nervous and waiting to see what her mood was. Well that seemed fair enough, considering she was thinking about him.

  Shrugging, she moved into the kitchen. He had only the range light on. A half-full mug was near his hand and a laptop open on her counter. His shoulder harness was missing though. But the gun was placed beside the mug. It looked dangerous sitting there on her white kitchen countertop.

  “I was thinking about you.”

  A crease appeared between his eyebrows. “Is that so?”

  Sighing, she reached for a clean mug. “It’s too early for your evade-and-guess attitude.” Shooting him a hard glance she dropped a sugar cube into her coffee. “And there is not enough caffeine in my system. Since this is a condition of your life, Dack, it would help if you colored in a few details.” She filled the mug with dark coffee while her words sunk in. “Who’s gunning for you?”

  He contemplated her for a long moment, his eyes hooded and his expression giving nothing away.

  Cambria didn’t back down, she simply looked back at him, her face a mask of acceptance. “A pair of guys who carry guns around and appear happy to share one woman needs a little explanation. I’m not saying no but I am asking what the story is.” Her chest actually tightened as she spoke because she was drawing a line. But she had to do it. Even Dack wasn’t going to turn her into a milksop of a girlfriend who let her man keep her in the dark. Heartache hell be damned, she was going to find out before she lost her heart completely.

  “How much do you know about your brother’s life?’

  Shooting him a glare, Cambria walked across the kitchen. “Enough to listen when he talks and not ask questions. But no one chooses family. Lovers are optional. When they come with guns, I ask questions.”


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