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Drenched Panties

Page 3

by Nichelle Gregory

  “Tired player,” Tyla muttered.

  She shook her head, hating how weak she’d been the last time she’d let Jared talk his way through her door. He’d grabbed her, kissed her and Tyla had melted in his arms. She let him fuck her in the foyer of her condo, knowing the moment they’d both climaxed she’d made a mistake.

  Tyla stared at the last line of Jared’s email on her computer screen.

  You know you want it only the way I can give it.

  Fury boiled inside of her at the kernel of truth in his arrogant words.

  He had some damn nerve!

  She left the email open, toggled to another window and viewed the last email from Brian, her art director. She groaned with dismay as she read his message. He wanted some last minute changes to her design before she left.


  Just when she thought her day was over. Tyla read through his bullet points carefully, seeing merit in his requests. Brian was a tough art director, but Tyla respected him and she thought he was a hell of a designer. His work was always on point and he consistently knew how to take any designer’s work on his team to the next level with his suggestions.

  He was also sexy as hell.

  She often wondered about the lucky woman in his life. Brian was not only talented, but genuinely warm. Some lady was seriously lucky.

  Tyla typed a quick email in response to his, letting him know she would make the changes before she left. After hitting send, she began implementing the changes requested. Forty minutes later, she sighed with frustration. She couldn’t focus. Her mind was on Jared’s email. The more she thought about his treatment of her and his pathetic emails, the more furious she became. She knew it wouldn’t change anything, but she wanted to tell him a piece of her mind.

  Tyla opened her inbox and hit reply on Jared’s message, determined to turn the tables. Her fingers practically flew over the keys. She smiled when she’d finished reminding him of how much he would miss how she could give it to him. She’d reminded him of how soft and wet her pussy felt around his cock and how he would never get another chance to touch her big, super sensitive nipples.

  Jared used to tease her for wearing padded bras to conceal just how big they were. He’d spend almost an hour playing with her breasts as foreplay, knowing how wet she got by him licking and biting her nipples.

  Tyla squeezed her thighs together. She was wet now, turned on by her own email.

  “What are you doing, Tyla?” She asked herself.

  Sending the email would be childish and counterproductive. Cursing, she decided to delete the email. Her finger hovered over the delete button.


  Her head lifted above her monitor to see Brian approaching. She quickly toggled back to the design she’d been working on for him as he reached her desk.

  “Did you change that last item?” Brian asked, looking impossibly sexy in his dark suit.

  “I was just getting ready to.”

  “Don’t. I took another look at your concept and decided it’s perfect for the client."

  “Great.” Tyla smiled, pleased by his words. She stared at him, fascinated by his immaculate beard and his chiseled profile.

  “I’m so pleased with how the final design came together. You did a fantastic job, Tyla.”

  “Thank you.”

  She took in a deep breath and the scent of his cologne made her stomach flutter. As far as she was concerned, Brian was the hottest guy at the company. He had gorgeous mocha skin, muscles that couldn’t be concealed beneath his fancy suits and the knack for getting anyone to smile. He seemed unaware or uninterested in all the attention he got from the female staff. Tyla knew half the ladies working at the company wondered if he was as talented in bed as he was at work.

  “You are very welcome, Tyla.”

  He towered over her at six feet four inches and she lifted her chin to stare into his dark brown eyes. She tried not to stare at his full lips curving into a friendly smile. Images of him putting his sexy mouth all over her breasts sent a flash of desire through her. Her pulse quickened while she pictured him licking her sensitive nipples.

  She averted her gaze, embarrassed by her train of thought. Heat rolled over her in waves and Tyla could only hope Brian wasn't picking up on her weird behavior. Not having sex was driving her crazy, turning her into a daydreaming closet nympho.


  “I’m sorry.”

  She blinked, mortified she’d been staring at him the whole time fantasizing what those caramel muscles looked like under his shirt. Tyla cleared her throat and motioned toward the monitor where the design she’d been working on for Brian was displayed. “So, this design is officially done?"

  Brian nodded. “Yes. Go on home and enjoy your weekend. You deserve it!"

  He flashed a sexy grin, kicking her desire for him up another notch.

  “Thanks, you too.”

  “Goodnight, Tyla.”


  She didn’t exhale until he exited her office. It didn’t seem right for such a nice, tight ass to be confined by pants. She shook her head in disgust. A nice full glass of wine was definitely in the cards for her Friday night. She clicked on her open windows, saved her work and started closing the programs she was using.

  Tyla opened her email and clicked on another one from Brian. She smiled at his note of thanks for staying late. She clicked reply and typed two words: Anytime, Brian.

  Another dialogue box popped up informing a file hadn’t saved properly.

  Cursing under her breath, Tyla set the file up to save again. She re-opened her email again, distractedly typing Brian’s email address into the recipient box of her note and clicked send. Her stomach hit the floor a nanosecond later.


  She hurriedly opened her sent folder and gasped in horror.

  Brian had just received her email to her ex!

  Tyla broke into a cold sweat.

  What was she going to do?

  What could she say after he read what she had written? Just the idea of facing him was making her stomach do triple flips. He was probably reading the angry, racy email right now.

  Tyla cursed again. She had to say something. There was a chance he hadn’t read it yet. She could ask him to delete it, tell him she’d mistakenly sent the wrong email.

  “Dammit,” Tyla said, feeling unsteady in her heels when she stood up.

  She stared at her computer screen as if she could mentally will the already sent email back into her inbox. With a shaky sigh, she turned away and walked out of her office, grateful no one else was around.

  Maybe Brian already left.

  That thought gave her hope as she neared his office.

  Her black heels clicked loudly in the hallway and each breath she took felt tight in her chest. Brian’s door came into view and Tyla’s heartbeat soared higher. She knocked on the door, sucking in a deep breath when Brian beckoned her inside. She turned the knob and stepped into his office, momentarily thrown off by the dimly lit space. She glanced around his office, abstractly admiring the elegant décor and the tall windows open to show the twinkling skyline.



  She approached Brian’s desk with knots twisting in her stomach. He was staring at his computer, the twenty-five inch monitor serving as the only source of illumination in the room. She walked up to the edge of his desk and met his eyes when he turned away from his computer to look at her.

  "Umm...I came to see if there were any more changes to make on the project I'm taking home."

  She was amazed she could speak, let alone come up with a decent excuse to engage him again. Her heart lurched as Brian shook his head, his gaze steady on her face.

  "No changes, Tyla. In fact, I’m thinking you are in need of a break."

  “A break?”

  She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. There was an edge in his voice.

  He knew.

  Tyla grip
ped the edge of his desk as she waited for him to continue. She was sure he was disappointed in her for bringing her personal life to work.

  "How long has it been for you?" Brian asked.

  "Look, I am sorry about-"

  “I don’t want to hear your apology, Tyla.”

  Tears burned her eyes as Brian stood up. She lowered her gaze from his, her eyes widening upon seeing the outline of his hard on in his pants.

  “So, how long has it been, Tyla?” Brian asked, taking off his jacket. He came around the desk to stand in front of her.

  He was close to her. She could smell his cologne.

  “How long has it been since you've made love?"

  Her panties were getting soaked as she stared at him. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  Heat burned her cheeks and streaked all over her body.


  “How long, Tyla?”

  Flustered, she held up her hand and Brian reached up to take hold of it.

  “One month...two?”

  “Four,” Tyla said.

  Brian nodded. “Four months. That wasn’t in the email.”

  "Brian, please..."

  "Please what?"

  His voice was like velvet and it made her tremble.

  "Please forget that you saw that email. I can’t believe I accidently sent it to you."

  Brian rubbed the pulse point on her wrist. “Don’t worry about the email, Tyla. I can’t believe that jerk cheated on you. Look at you. You’re gorgeous. Not to mention talented as hell.”

  “Thank you, Brian.”

  Her heart knocked against her ribs in a chaotic rhythm. His words had taken her completely by surprise.

  “Jared’s a fool.”

  Three simple words brought the tears she’d swallowed back with a vengeance.

  “You figured that out faster than I did.”

  She hadn’t meant to sound bitter.

  “Well, thank goodness you did.” Brian smiled at her. “He doesn’t deserve you. Your email would’ve given him a million more reasons to kick his own ass for letting you slip away.”

  “About the email...”

  He held up his other hand. "Forget the email. It's already deleted.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll never mention it again. You can walk out of here knowing that, or stay and answer one more question for me.”

  Tyla considered walking out of his office for only a split second. She wanted to hear his question. She wanted him to keep stroking her wrist.


  Her response made him chuckle. A deep rumbling sound that made her toes curl in her high heels.

  “So, is it true, Tyla?”

  “Is what true?” She asked, her gaze falling from his face to his hand covering hers.

  “Are your nipples ultra-sensitive?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise and her nipples pebbled in reaction to his brazen question.

  “Yes,” she said drawing in a shaky breath.

  “I want to see them, Tyla. Are you going to stay or go?”

  She was going nowhere and she was certain Brian knew it.

  “Stay or go?” He asked again and his deep voice bombarded her senses.


  She gasped when his arm snaked around her waist. He pulled her close against his body, her breasts crushed against his chest. She lifted her face and he kissed her. Her nipples hardened and she moaned beneath the sensual onslaught of his mouth. Brian ended the kiss, released her hand and walked over to lock his office door.

  He held out his hand and she took it, letting him lead her over to the gorgeous leather couch over by the windows. It was the same couch she had sat on in meetings during the week. He closed the blinds enough to block unwanted voyeurs and returned to her side. He unbuttoned her blouse and smiled at the purple padded bra she was wearing. She reached behind her to unhook it. With her eyes on Brian, Tyla slowly let the bra fall.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” Brian said, his gaze running over her breasts.

  She quivered beneath his appraisal. Her nipples were so hard they ached. She longed for him to touch her. She wanted him to tongue the tips until she moaned.

  Brian bent his head to kiss one puckered nipple and Tyla moaned. His warm breath rasped against her sensitive flesh, making her grab onto his shoulders as he reverently licked her nipples. He moved his other hand down the side of her skirt and under the hemline. She gasped when his fingers slipped inside her purple panties and into the hot, slick warmth of her pussy. His fingers caressed he clit and her breath caught in her throat.

  “You are so wet for me, Tyla. Will you let me pleasure you?”

  “You already are,” She breathed.

  He laughed. “I’m only teasing you. I want you...all of you. Is that what you want?”

  She shuddered with need when he cupped her pussy and squeezed the dewy flesh. “Yes, please. It’s what I want.”

  His hand slipped from between her legs. He reached behind her and unzipped her skirt. It fell to the floor, leaving her in only panties and heels.

  “Take off your panties.” Brian watched her while she pushed the soaked lingerie down and stepped out of them.

  “Now sit down.”

  She sat down on the couch and looked up at him. He stepped out of his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing dark chocolate muscles and a lickable six pack.

  “Spread your legs and show me your pussy, Tyla.”

  Her gaze fell to his hands as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. She slowly spread her wet thighs while he pushed his pants and underwear to the floor. His cock was as beautiful as the rest of him, thick and long. Tyla wanted to feel it buried inside her so bad, she leaned back against the couch and spread her thighs wider.

  “You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” Brian said, moving to kneel in front of her.

  She gasped with pleasure when he kissed her pussy. She grabbed hold of his head when his tongue flicked over her clit. He slid one finger into her and stroked her while sucking on her wet flesh. Another finger was added, stretching her as she moaned and writhed beneath his erotic onslaught. He thrust his fingers deep inside of her while suckling and kissing her clit.

  Tyla’s hands slipped off his head to grab hold of his shoulders. She dug her fingers into him as pleasure erupted into blissful waves. Her entire body trembled with each orgasmic tremor. She fell back, panting against the couch.

  Brian removed his fingers, pressing one more kiss against her wet pussy before standing. She shifted her body to lie fully on the couch. He went over to his pants, rustled in his pocket and pulled out a condom. Still trembling from her climax, she watched him open the package and sheath his cock while walking over to her. He covered her body with his, positioning himself between her legs and teasing her with the fat head of his cock.

  “Now, Brian. Please.”

  He smiled at her while sliding his cock down her pussy lips to the heart of her. She cried out when he thrust forward, filling her completely. He was bigger than Jared and a more skilled lover, she vaguely thought. Brian began to move within her, all other thoughts fled as he pumped her. She cried out each time his balls smacked her ass.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” He ground out.

  His handsome face was a mask of control as he fucked her with slow, deliberate strokes. She wrapped her legs around him as he bent his head and kissed her. He increased his pace, making her gasp again. She scratched his back with her nails, mewling with each thrust.

  “You’re so deep. Oh, my god!” Tyla cried.

  He fucked her faster, went deeper and she screamed. Brian groaned, his tempo faltered and she could feel the pulse of his cock as he came. He pulled out of her body and moved beside her. She pressed her sticky thighs together. Her pussy throbbed, but in a delicious way.

  “God, Tyla. That was so damn good.”

  “It was,” Tyla said
, turning her body to face him. “Too good...which is a problem.”

  Brian frowned. “Why?”

  Tyla averted her gaze from his. “Because...”

  She couldn’t tell him she wanted more could she?

  “Because...” Brian prompted.

  He toyed with her nipple, making her shiver with delight.

  “I want more." She said hoarsely.

  “More what?”

  She wrapped her hand around his slick cock. “More of this.”

  He grinned. “That isn’t a problem. Not a problem at all.”

  Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than wearing ultra-feminine, ultra-sexy lingerie, especially panties. Well, other than wearing none at all.

  ~Nichelle Gregory

  No Panties

  It was Friday night and Lisa was going out with her girls. Tonight, she was going to have some fun. She deserved it after the week of hell she’d put in at work. Pivoting in the mirror, Lisa looked at her curvy silhouette from all angles. Her honey-toned skin looked great against the black dress, making the splashes of white flowers running down the sides of her hips more dramatic. The dress fit in all the right places, defining her shape. It made her feel sexy as hell.

  Lisa looked at her backside and frowned. Maybe it was too tight on her ass. The soft material hugged the rounded curve of her derriere before flaring out into ruffles. Her eyes were drawn to her visible panty-lines.


  She glanced at her watch. If she didn’t hurry she was going to be late meeting her friends.

  In a quick decision, Lisa reached under the silky dress and pulled off her black lace panties. Turning around again, she was happy with the results.

  No visible lines and her ass looked amazing.

  She stepped into her strappy heels and headed out of her apartment. Warm wind swirled around her and up under her dress, giving her a little thrill as it caressed her bare skin. Wearing no panties was a definite turn on. She felt brazen, bold and just a little aroused as she waited for the train. Having a secret did wonders to her libido if the needy tingle between her legs was any indicator.


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