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Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series

Page 24

by Tracie Podger

  “My mother,” Vinny said by way of some sort of explanation.

  “She’s wonderful,” I replied.

  He nodded but also sighed and I laughed. I suspected she ruled the villa with an iron rod.

  “Mr. Stone, you have a meeting scheduled tomorrow and I understand that meeting is to be kept private from your other guests. I’ll collect you at eight, or will that be too early?”

  Robert was adjusting his watch to show the local time.

  “Eight will be fine.”

  With that, Vinny was dismissed.

  “This place is amazing. I love it,” I said.

  “Certainly is,” Robert replied.

  We climbed the stairs to check out the bedrooms. Gerry had already decided on his, and it helped that Vinny had placed his case on the bed, of course. Our bedroom was as large as the lounge. A four-poster bed dominated the centre of the room facing doors that led to a balcony. To one side was a bathroom with a shower large enough to fit a family and next door a dressing room.

  “I like the bed,” Robert said with a wink.

  “Mom, Dad, did you see my room? Look!” Gerry called out from the balcony—a balcony that ran the length of the building.

  Sam and Scott’s room was on the other side of Gerry’s. While Robert went back downstairs, we walked the balcony.

  “Oh my God, look at that view,” Sam said as he joined us.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it? As soon as the others arrive we’ll have supper, okay? Gerry, go and wash your hands and face.”

  I left them to explore a little more and walked downstairs. Robert was sitting in a chair on the terrace, under the shade of the balcony above.

  “You look pensive,” I said as I joined him.

  “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “It feels odd to be here. The man who brought me up lived here. Not in this house, down there. I have the strange feeling of coming home, does that make sense?” He was looking down towards the village. “I know so much about this village. As he got older, Joe would reminisce. I know the names of his friends, his family. I know where he used to sit each night for a coffee. Maybe that’s why Evelyn was so quiet this morning.”

  “She did say she wanted to catch up with some cousins that are still here. Maybe you should join her,” I said.

  “Maybe. How about a glass of wine?” he said as he rose.

  We made our way to the kitchen, and I stopped short when we walked through the door. It wasn’t a kitchen in the domestic sense. The room housed a table that could seat ten with plenty of space for double that. Stainless steel appliances more suited to a restaurant ran along one wall with a marble counter that separated it from the dining area. The table was laden with food, and if that was supper, I dreaded to think what dinner would be like. Dishes were covered with muslin or foil, and I could see plates of meats, figs, bowls of olives, cheeses and breads. There were bottles of olive oil and carafes of red wine. I poured two glasses of the wine and handed one to Robert.

  I heard Gerry bound down the stairs and call out. He had spotted a car snaking it’s way towards the villa.

  Taking our wine, we headed outside. Two cars pulled on the drive. Travis and Katrina exited from one and we had to feign a look of surprise—he hadn’t told us she would be joining us. She winked at me. Evelyn and Harley climbed from the other with Dan.

  “Katrina, it’s great to see you. Travis, you didn’t tell us you’d be bringing a guest,” Robert said with a teasing tone to his voice.

  “Yeah, well, don’t make a deal of it,” he replied.

  “Oh man, look at this,” Harley said before running off to meet Gerry.

  “Welcome, welcome,” Elvira called out as she strode across the courtyard.

  She stopped short and covered her mouth with her hands. “You look like your mother,” she said staring at Evelyn.

  “You knew my mother?”

  “I did. She was a friend to mine before she left. I have pictures. I’m so pleased to meet you.”

  Elvira must have been a good ten years older than Evelyn, if not more.

  “We’ve actually met, many years ago. You were a child. You have a sister, yes? My mother and I came to your house. We were in America, my father had business to attend to.”

  “I do have a sister, although she’s very poorly. I’m sorry, I don’t remember,” Evelyn replied.

  “I don’t expect you would. Oh, you were probably no more than five years old. It was a brief visit but our mothers kept in contact. I have all their letters. Perhaps you’d like to read through them while you’re here?”

  “I’d love that, thank you.”

  “Well, let’s get you in and settled. Mrs. Stone, I’ll be over shortly to unwrap those dishes.”

  “I can do that, Elvira. You’ve done enough, thank you.”

  Travis, Katrina and Evelyn followed Elvira to a second door in the opposite wing. Harley had already decided to explore with Gerry.

  An hour later, they came through a connecting door to the kitchen.

  “What an amazing house,” Evelyn said. “And look at that kitchen!”

  “How strange that Elvira knew your mother,” I said.

  “I know. I don’t remember her visit, to be honest, but it’ll be interesting to read those letters.”

  Evelyn and I unwrapped the dishes and I called everyone to supper. I couldn’t fail to notice the glances between Travis and Katrina and I smiled. After dinner and once the kids were in bed, a chat was in order, I thought.


  Sam and Scott decided to retire early. Although it was only a six hour time difference, it was catching up on everyone. I put Gerry to bed; Travis did the same with Harley. I did wonder how Gerry would be through the night. His nightmares had stopped but he was in a different house, a different bedroom. I selected a bottle of wine and joined Robert, Travis and Evelyn on the terrace. Katrina had left us so she could freshen up.

  “So, I have an announcement,” Travis said. Whenever he started a sentence with ‘so’ I knew he was nervous. “Katrina and I are dating,” he added.

  “Dating?” Robert asked. I could tell he was going to drag out this conversation purely for fun.

  “Yeah, you know, going out. Dating. Whatever the words are.”

  Robert leaned back in his chair, and crossed one leg over the other, resting his foot on his knee. He swirled the wine glass in his hand as if he was thinking hard about something.

  “And when did this start?” he asked.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but recently.”

  “So, you’ve only just got together?”

  “No, we’ve known each other a while. Fuck sake, Rob, Katrina goes to the home, it’s not like I haven’t seen her before.”

  Travis was getting agitated.

  “So you met her what, a month ago?”

  “No, I’ve known her about a year, okay? You want the details?”

  Robert laughed. “Bro, I’m pleased for you. How does Harley feel about it?”

  “He’s cool. He likes her; I sat down with him a couple of days ago and asked him if he minded. I think he’s just pleased he doesn’t have to have therapy with her anymore. Oh, she hasn’t quit on the kids because of us, just so you know.”

  “I guess it’s a bit like dating his teacher. But I think you did that once or twice as well, didn’t you?”

  “Let’s not go there.”

  The conversation was halted when Katrina joined us. She sat next to Travis and it pleased me to see him take her hand. She was clearly winning her battle—Travis never showed affection openly.

  “Harley asked me to read him a story. I got to the second paragraph before he passed out. I’m not sure he liked my accent,” she said.

  I poured her a glass of wine and we clinked glasses before she took a sip.

  “You two look like you have a secret,” Travis said.

  “Us? Perhaps. You’ll know soon enough,” she replied.

bsp; “I don’t like secrets,” he answered.

  “Get used to it. I love surprises.”

  I laughed. She was sure going to challenge him.

  “I’m going to head on to bed, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you in the morning.” Evelyn rose and made her way across the terrace to the house.

  “She does look more tired than normal,” Travis added.

  “I know. I’m a little worried about her. I think this trip is going to be upsetting for her,” I said.

  I explained to Katrina that the village was where her parents had come from and that perhaps being there had made her think of them.

  We continued to chat, to drink wine and after a couple of hours, we headed for our bedrooms.

  “What do you think?” Robert said as I undressed.

  “About what?”


  “I like her. I wasn’t sure at first but I think her accent makes her sound more abrupt than she really is. I think they’ll make a good pair. Harley seems to like her, that’s the most important thing.”

  “She looks like his mother.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. Both were blonde, tall and with blue eyes.

  “I’ll be gone all day tomorrow. I’m meeting Rocco in Rome,” Robert said.

  “Okay. Evelyn wanted to meet with Franco, see if there was any help he needed, but he told her he was fine.”

  “He’s a very proud man. I guess he wants to deal with the arrangements himself.”

  I folded the duvet back on the bed and climbed under the top sheet. It was too warm for anything else. We’d left the balcony doors open to allow the gentle breeze to flow through; I preferred that to the air conditioning. After a quick shower, Robert joined me.

  “Look at the sky,” I said. Thousands of stars twinkled in the clear night sky.

  “I guess we don’t see that back home, too much light pollution,” he replied.

  “I already love it here. You know, it’s a country I’ve always wanted to visit and never have. And to think it’s only a few hours from the UK.”

  “Do you want to stop there on the way home?”

  “The UK? No, not really. One day I’d like to take Gerry to London but not while…”

  I didn’t finish my sentence. I didn’t want to visit the UK while my parents were still alive. The temptation to see them would be too strong, and I’d suffered so much rejection from them. To turn up at their door and receive a frosty reception would finish me. I’d come to terms over the years that they, for whatever reason, didn’t want a relationship with me, and I knew if we met face-to-face I’d have to ask why.

  I was a mother and to reject my child was something I could never do. I’d accepted it for a long time. I’d even made excuses until I got Gerry. From that moment on, I could find no reason for their attitude towards me. No, I would never visit the UK all the time they were alive.

  I curled into Robert’s side, rested my hand on his chest to feel his heart beat and closed my eyes. I fell asleep to the sounds of crickets chirping.


  I woke and reached over across an empty bed. Sunlight streamed through the windows warming the room. I could hear the boys laughing and splashes of water. I checked my watch. I’d slept for twelve hours straight and probably missed breakfast. I stretched, feeling the soft cotton sheets shift across my body and breathed in deep. The air smelt different, a combination of dry earth with a citrus tang. I rose and headed for the shower then put on a red bikini and matching sundress over the top.

  “Mom, watch,” I heard Gerry call out as I walked out onto the terrace.

  He ran and somersaulted into the pool. I winced, Sam clapped.

  “Been teaching him that all morning,” Sam said.

  “Hope you brought your driver’s licence because when he smacks his head on the side, you’re the one taking him to hospital, and you better drive fast, Robert will be after you. And Gerry, sunblock on, please.”

  “Aw, spoil sport. He’s fine.”

  I shook my head and headed to the kitchen to find a cup of tea. I chuckled as I noticed a cup and saucer, teapot and a box of Twinning’s Earl Grey sat on a tray. After searching unsuccessfully for a kettle, I found the hot water tap and filled the teapot. I dropped a tea bag in and carried the tray to the terrace.

  Scott was in the pool, Sam was sitting on the side dangling his legs in the cool water and Gerry and Harley raced from one end to the other. As they were growing, they were getting more and more competitive, and I wasn’t sure I was comfortable with that. Gerry often won despite being the youngest, and I had begun to notice a little resentment from Harley. I had talked to Gerry about gloating but it was hard for him not to be excited when he won.

  “I can’t believe I slept in so late,” Katrina said as she joined me.

  “Same. I’ve only just got up. Can I get you a coffee?”

  “Travis is fetching them now,” she replied.

  It was lucky I hadn’t taken the sip of tea I was about to. It would have been spurted all over my nice new dress.

  “Travis is making coffee? Wow, you have already got him trained.”

  “I have the measure of him. He’ll let you think he can’t do something, but did you know he actually makes a mean pasta dish? A recipe of Evelyn’s so he tells me.”

  “Now I don’t believe you,” I replied with a laugh.

  “Did I hear my name and look at the time!” Evelyn made her way over.

  “I think, other than the boys, we’ve all slept in late. Katrina was just telling me that Travis cooked a pasta dish, one of your recipes,” I said.

  “Really? I’m speechless,” she said. “In fact, he has cooked once before. The night my father died, he cooked pasta. I imagine it’s the only thing he can cook. Maybe we’ll have to invite ourselves over for a meal,” she added.

  “Where’s Robert?” Katrina asked.

  “Business meeting,” I replied as I slathered on some sunblock.

  Perhaps my tone was enough to end any further questioning and we settled back on our loungers.

  We had a nice day of doing nothing but relaxing by the pool, eating and drinking some of the delicious local wine. We had plans, a walk around the village, a visit to the local church, but none of that happened. I guessed we were all a little jet lagged. Elvira popped in periodically to see if we needed anything. She had a couple of young girls with her to tidy the house and make the beds. Evelyn was itching to help; sitting still for any amount of time was alien to her. Gary and Dan sat, alert, in the shade and enjoyed being waited on by Elvira I thought.

  “You’re on your holiday. Please, relax,” Elvira told Evelyn after the third time of her asking if she could help.

  So that’s what we all did.


  The boys had showered and dressed and were in the care of their favourite uncles in the living room. I was taking a shower when I heard the bedroom door open. Robert walked into the bathroom, suit jacket slung over his shoulder and his shades pushed up on his forehead.

  “Did I ever tell you how hot you look in a suit?” I said.

  “No, but you can if you want.”

  He dropped his jacket on the floor and continued to walk towards the open shower, kicking off his shoes as he did. He threw his sunglasses on top of a cabinet as he passed.

  “You are a fine specimen of a man.”

  “No, the words you want are, ‘you look fucking hot in a suit.’ Now say it.”

  “You look fucking hot in a suit,” I repeated with a giggle.

  “I love it when you have a filthy mouth.”

  He stepped into the shower fully clothed and pushed me back against the wall. His white shirt soaked through and it clung to every muscle.

  “Shall I show you just how filthy my mouth can be?”

  I ran my hands around the waistband of his trousers and unbuckled his belt. He placed his hands either side of my head on the slate tiled wall and looked down at me. Water ran down his face and over his lips, li
ps I wanted to kiss. I tilted my head as I unbuttoned his trousers and lowered the zip.

  I swiped my tongue across his lower lip before sucking it into my mouth. He growled as I gently clamped my teeth around it. I loved that sound—it was carnal, primal, Robert.

  As I lowered myself to my knees, I pulled his trousers to his thighs, freeing his cock. I took it in my hand and sat down on my heels. It wasn’t his cock I wanted in my mouth though. I shuffled closer until I was between his legs and tilted my head back slightly. I extended my tongue until the tip reached what I wanted in my filthy mouth. I heard him groan as I licked across his balls. Rising slightly, I opened my mouth, gently sucking them in. I held them between my lips as my tongue stroked. At the same time, I slid my hand up and down his cock.

  “Fuck,” he said as if through gritted teeth.

  I moaned and immediately one of his hands wrapped in my hair, gripping and pulling. He swore again, louder. The vibrations of my moan clearly had an effect on him.

  My hand stroked faster and I moaned some more. His hair pulling was becoming erotically painful—the more he pulled, the more I moaned. I could feel a throbbing between my thighs—I needed some relief. As I ran two fingers over my clitoris, it was as if an electrical charge had exploded in my body. I let go of Robert’s cock, gripped his thigh and cried out, releasing his balls from my mouth.

  “I need to watch,” I heard him say.

  He stepped back slightly and knelt in front of me. I watched him pleasure himself and he watched me do the same.

  “Look at me when you come,” he whispered.

  I wanted to throw my head back and close my eyes as my stomach quivered and heat rushed over me. Instead, I held his gaze. I saw the desire in his eyes as he watched me come, saw his tongue slowly run across his lower lip and I heard him breathe in deep. He grabbed my wrist and raised my fingers to his lips. He smelled them first then sucked. He continued to suck until he came himself.

  As he released my fingers from his mouth, he started to smile that lopsided, half-smile that looked so wicked.

  “You are fucking awesome,” he said, and I laughed.

  He stood and helped me to my feet, my knees ached from kneeling. As he stripped off his wet clothes, I grabbed a towel. My skin was wrinkled from being under the water for so long. I watched as he cleaned himself up before reaching for a towel himself.


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