The Routes Not Taken
Page 41
access to proposed location of Bronx airport, 78, 85
discussion of New York, Westchester and Boston Railway committee report, 182
inclusion in Empire City racetrack plans, 233
inclusion in Regional Plan Association plan, 167
inclusion in Westchester County Transit Commission plan, 162
increase in service, 184
latter-day proposals for use of old tracks, 254
removal of New York, Westchester and Boston Railway infrastructure by, 174, 180, 184
New York State Assembly, 10
New York State Board of Housing, 93
New York State Legislature, 159, 168
New York State Senate, 8, 10
New York State Society of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, 89
New York Stock Exchange, 216
New York, The Wonder City, 87
New York Times, 1, 2, 6, 32, 38, 82, 93, 94, 202, 216
New York Times Magazine, 96
New York World, 39
New York, Westchester and Boston Railway (W&B), 154, 196, 197
access to Hillside Houses, 98
access to Manhattan, 76
access to proposed Bronx airport, 85
Bronx Express Truck Highway plan, 106–107, 169, 172–173, 175, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 192, 195
connection with 2nd Avenue line, 93
connection with White Plains Road line, 180–181
discussion of city takeover, 181–182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190
discussion of connection with Burke Avenue line, 102–103, 104, 105
discussion of Port of New York Authority study, 183, 185
efforts to keep W&B operating, 107
end of service, 169, 171, 175
financial issues 99–100, 105–106, 107, 181–182, 187, 188, 190
impact on purchase on Burke Avenue line, 228, 229
legislation to create operating authority, 170
negotiations for city purchase, 186
New Rochelle–Port Chester Branch, 174
New York, Westchester and Boston Railway Committee (The Ritchie Committee), 171–172, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185
plans for extension into Manhattan, 160–163
plans for extension into Queens, 167
purchase of line by city, 191–193, 194, 195, 228
removal of railway infrastructure by the New Haven Railroad, 174, 180, 184
role in development of the Bronx, 75
New York, Westchester and Boston Railway’s Employee Protective Association, 170
New York, Westchester and Boston Railway stations:
Baychester Avenue, 84, 99, 104
Dyre Avenue, 99, 190
White Plains, 169
New York Post and Home News, 233
Nicoll, Courtland, 131
Nicoll-Hofstadter Legislation, 131, 132
1921 mayoral elections, 259
1929 mayoral elections, 156
1938 hurricane, 174
1939–40 World’s Fair, 43, 45
1949 mayoral elections, 232, 234–235
1971 Transportation Bond Issue, 221
1973 Transportation Bond Issue, 222
1964–1965 Capital Plan, 244
Ninfo Salvatore, 177, 184, 186–187, 188, 190
9th Avenue Elevated, 20, 188, 194
North Beach, 92
North Beach Airport, 92, 258
North Bronx Civic Voice, 190
North Jersey Transit Commission, 6, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166
North Pelham, 169
North Queens line, 246
North Shore Transit League, 68, 74
Northeast Bronx, 179, 185, 193
auction of land, 89
debate in area over Burke Avenue line, 105
Hillside Houses, 93
impact of end of New York, Westchester and Boston Railway service, 106, 174–175
public transit needs, 81, 98, 176, 177, 180, 191, 197
Northeast Bronx Civic League, 81, 82
Northeast Queens line, 253
Nostrand Avenue, 119, 152
Nostrand Avenue line, 111, 114, 120, 254
demand for subway along, 2, 118–119
inclusion of extension in 1929 Board of Transportation plan, 119, 203
inclusion in “New Routes” plan, 253
inclusion in Transit Authority plans, 215, 240
land purchases near route of line, 110
1952 Board of Transportation capital plans, 238
proposal to extend line to the Rockaways, 237
public hearing on 1929 extension plan, 203
O’Brien, James J., 2
O’Brien, John P., 8, 95, 96, 97, 135
O’Donnell, John F., 237
O’Dwyer, William, 260, 261
at groundbreaking for Queens Boulevard line extension, 227
discussion of transit system needs, 211, 213, 227, 228, 229–230
1945 mayoral elections, 20
1949 mayoral elections, 234–235
relationship with Charles P. Gross, 230
resignation as mayor, 213
role in fare increase, 231
O’Grady, Joseph E., 248, 249
O’Hare, Rev. Patrick, 25, 30
O’Neill, John T., 220
O’Ryan, John F., 202–203
Oetjen’s Restaurant, 119
Old Burke Mansion, 186, 195
Olvany, George W., 132
103rd Street, 63
111th Street, 63
125th Street, 107, 162
170th Street Merchants Association, 80
“Open Cut” subway construction, 154
Orr, Alexander E., 1, 28
Page, Alfred R., 1
Palmer, George, 25
Palisades line, 164
Palma, Joseph A., 186
Paris, John W., 50
“Park and Ride,” 250
Park Avenue, 203
Park Avenue Improvement Association, 77
Parkchester, 197, 221, 254
Parsons, William Barclay, 47, 254, 262
partnership with Henry M. Brinckerhoff, 155
plans for East Side trunk lines, 199–200
role in early system plans, 1, 5–6, 27, 28
support for Utica Avenue line plan, 115
Parsons, Herbert L., 34
Patten, Bernard M., 65
Patterson, Thomas, 234
Patterson, Charles L., 245–246, 262
appointment as TA chairman, 215, 241
background, 294–295
death of, 248
discussion of 2nd Avenue line plans, 215
on financing for system improvements, 245
on not connecting Lenox Avenue and Jerome Avenue lines, 244
on use of 1951 Transportation Bond Issue funds, 216, 243
proposal for Cross Queens line, 242–243, 253
Pelham, 106, 183
Pelham Bay Park, 83, 84, 103
Pelham Line, 76, 78, 197, 228, 233
extension to Co-op City, 253
Pelham Parkway (Bronx and Pelham Parkway), 86, 154
Pelham Parkway Houses, 234
Pennsylvania Station, 156
Periconi, Joseph F., 245
Peters, Ralph, 63, 64, 65, 67
Pheifer, Phillip E., 209–210
Phelps, Albert D., 78–79
Philip J. Healey, Inc., 204
Pierce, Loretta M., 179, 183
Pitkin Avenue, 236
Plan for New York City and Its Environs, 6, 107
Planning Commission, New York City, 148
Pople, George W., 50–51, 52–53, 55, 57–58, 63, 64
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 129, 227
Port Chester, 106, 183
Port of New York Authority, 129, 131, 163, 167, 182, 183, 185
1936 plan, 168
plans for rapid transit on the George Washington Bridge, 164
Port Richmond, 163, 164
uer, Charles, 65, 70
Powell, Charles U., 53, 58
Prendergast, William A., 59–60, 152
Prince’s Bay, 121
Prospect Park, 32
Public Service Commission for the First District, New York State, 30
assessment plans to finance subway constructions, 113, 117–118
discussion of McAdoo plan; 150–154
end of control over transit planning, 3
engineering work for Utica Avenue line, 114
hearing on Staten Island line, 124
inception, 2
planning for Crosstown line, 28, 31
planning for Flushing line, 47, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59–63, 64–66, 67–68, 70
planning for Staten Island subway line, 124–125
planning for Utica Avenue line, 112–114, 116–117
plans to expand system, 150–151
proposal for Ashland Place connection, 139
public hearings on the Crosstown Elevated, 33
Tri-Borough Plan 4, 28
Utica Avenue line assessment plan, 113, 116–117
vote on Flushing line proposal, 60
Public Service Commission, New York State (modern era), 237
Quackenbush, James L., 70
Queens, 19, 133, 148, 178, 196, 205, 245
in Queens Parkway Line plan, 154–155
in Regional Plan Association plans, 167
in Transit Construction Commission plan, 154
lack of benefit from Crosstown line plans, 39
needs to meet ridership demands to and from, 41
1962–1963 Transit Authority capital plan, 245–247
1963 City Planning Commission plan, 247
1965 City Planning Commission plan, 250
opposition in borough to demolition of elevated lines, 206, 209
plans to extend Crosstown line to, 28
plans to extend Fulton Street El in, 140
plans to extend Fulton Street subway to, 137, 141–142, 143, 145–146
population and growth related to subway system expansion, 47, 48, 211, 232–233, 256
start of subway service to northern Queens, 67, 68
Queens Borough Chamber of Commerce, 16, 29, 48, 55, 67, 237, 249
Queens Borough Hall, 175
Queens Borough Transit Conference, 2
Queens Boulevard, 13, 47
Queens Boulevard Line, 11, 41, 155, 242
connection with Brooklyn–Queens Crosstown line, 39
connection with 53rd Street line, 40
connection with Rockaway Beach line, 15, 16, 247
construction , 16, 19, 95, 147
expansion into eastern Queens, 14
groundbreaking for extension to 179th Street, 227, 229
impact on population growth in Queens, 232–233, 256, 258
inclusion in “New Routes” plan, 253
inclusion of Regional Plan of New York plan, 166
service demands, 41
Queens City Transit Alliance, 227
Queens College, 44
Queens-Long Island Rail Transit, 250, 253
Queens Super Express line, 252, 253
Queens Transit Committee, 243
Queensboro Bridge, 20, 68, 72, 207, 208
Queens Parkways line, 154–155, 166
Queensboro Plaza 28, 36, 167
Quill, Michael J., 177, 241
Quinlan, James H., 53, 67
Quinn, Hugh, 43
Quinn, Peter, 170, 182
Rapid Transit Commission, Fifth Brooklyn, 24, 25
Rapid Transit Commission, First Brooklyn, 23–25
Rapid Transit Commission, Ninth Brooklyn, 27
Rapid Transit Commissioners, Board of, 1, 27, 28, 48, 123, 199, 200
Rapid Transit Committee of Queens, 48
Rapid Transit Law, New York State, 28, 43, 65, 230
Ravitch, Richard. 254
Real Estate Exchange of Long Island, 48, 50
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 94
Regional Plan Association, 6, 107, 108, 167, 182
Regional Plan of New York, 166
Rego Park, 242
Reid Avenue, 115
Reid, Charles, 76
Reid, William A., 20, 211, 213, 231–232, 233, 234, 259, 292
appointment as Board of Transportation chairman, 230
background, 292
Rendt, David L., 132
Rice, George S., 1, 28, 47, 199, 200
Richardson, Rodman, 70
Richmond Chamber of Commerce, 124
Richmond Chapter of Professional Engineers, 134
Richmond Hill, 253
Richmond Hill Taxpayers Alliance, 243
Ridgewood, 13, 257
Ridgway, Robert, 125, 140
Riegelmann, Edward J., 138
Risse, Louis A., 76
Ritchie, Albert, 173, 179, 183, 184, 185
Riverdale Avenue, 78
Robinson, Phyllis, 261
Rockaways, 14, 113
Rockaway Beach branch, 14, 252, 295
approval of purchase, 238
attempt by LIRR to sell line, 15
charge of second fare, 238
discussion of purchase, 16, 236–237
discussion of which subway line to connect line with, 235–236
elevation of tracks, 235
end of LIRR service, 236, 244
financial issues affecting LIRR operation of line, 235
future reuse, 244, 254, 262
inclusion in Coverdale and Colpitts plan, 253
inclusion in NYCTA 1962–1963 capital plan, 247
opening of subway service, 243–244
purchase of line, 216, 238, 259, 261
Rockaway line (IND), 240
Rockaway Park line, 243
Rockaway Review, 235
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 168, 219, 221, 222, 223
Rockefeller Institute, 249
Roe, Clinton E., 67, 68
Ronan, William J., 217, 218, 219–220, 221, 222, 250
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 93, 96
Roosevelt Avenue, 47, 71, 73
Roosevelt Avenue Bridge, 71
Rosenblatt, William, 243
Rostenberg, Leo O., 169
Roth, Henry, 112
Route 52, 60
Route 119-F, 15
Route 120, 135
Route 121, 135
Route 122, 135
Route 123, 135
Rowe, Frederick W., 112
Rugby, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 118, 121
Rugby Chamber of Commerce, 118
Rugby Civic Association, 118
Ruppert, Jacob, 117
Ryan, Daniel L., 15, 77, 78, 79, 81, 91, 96
St. Albans, 243
St. Anthony’s Church, 25
St. George, 125, 126, 159, 163
St. George Ferry Terminal, 120
Sander, Elliot G., 254
Sartorius, Irving A., 99, 182
Scannell, Daniel J., 248
Scheuer, James H., 218, 219
Schmidt, Frederick G., 169
Schramek, William E., 107, 170, 172, 179, 182
Schwab, Anton L., 132
Schwarzler, August F., 89–90
Scott, Harry, 169, 182
Sea Beach line, 123, 154
Sea Gate, 119
Seabury, Samuel, 96
2nd Avenue Elevated:
connection with Flushing and Astoria lines, 68
connection with New York, Westchester and Boston Railway, 107
connection with Pelham line, 76
demolition of line, 20
end of service to Queens, 72–73
hearings on demolition, 188, 207
impact of construction, 200
impacts of demolition, 207, 208, 220–221, 258
support for demolition, 208–209
2nd Avenue subway, 245, 249
Brooklyn connections, 205
calls to change Bronx routing, 221
calls to change do
wntown routing, 218–219
Chrystie Street connection, 215, 216–217
connection at Burke Avenue Line, 198
construction delays in 1950s and reaction, 215–216
“Cuphandle” route, 219
current project, 168, 199, 225
DeKalb Avenue interchange project, 235
discussion of by Mayor La Guardia in 1944 message to City Council, 209
extensions to Queens, 213, 236
funding issues, 221–223, 232
groundbreaking for Chinatown segment, 221
groundbreaking for East Village segment, 223
groundbreaking for uptown segment, 221
inclusion in Board of Transportation plans, 205, 242
inclusion in Coverdale and Colpitts plan, 217
inclusion in Manhattan East Side Alternatives Study, 224–225
inclusion in “New Routes” plan, 217–218
inclusion in 1929 Board of Transportation plan, 11, 84, 86, 89, 203, 256
inclusion in 1932 Board of Transportation plan, 186, 205
inclusion in 1944–1948 and 1945 Board of Transportation postwar plans, 209–211
inclusion in 1947 Board of Transportation plan, 211–212, 230
inclusion in 1948 Board of Transportation plan, 233
inclusion in 1950 Board of Transportation plan, 213, 236
inclusion in 1952 Board of Transportation plan, 238
inclusion in 1954 Transit Authority plan, 240
inclusion in Transit Authority plans, 242, 243
issue in 1949 mayoral elections, 234
protests over number of stops, 219–221
service to Hillside Houses, 93
stop of work on East Village segment, 224
“Second Avenue Subway Line … The Line That Almost Never Was, The,” 221
Seneca Avenue, 86
Sesselberg, Hugo, 120
7 Line, 47
7th Avenue Line, 201, 228
extension to New Jersey, 159
722 Miles, 257
76th Street Tunnel, 246, 247
Sheepshead Bay, 119, 152
Sheridan, Arthur V., 89, 99, 169, 195, 198, 197, 232
Sholom Aleichem Houses, 77
Shonts, Theodore S., 71, 200–201, 216
Short, W. Allaire, 123
Sidamon-Eristoff, Constantine, 218
Siegelstein, Bennett E., 170, 183–184
Silver, Abe, 219
Silzer, George S. 163
Sissman, Jack, 218
6th Avenue Elevated, 20, 208, 291
6th Avenue–Houston Street Line, 16, 98, 203, 204, 249, 250
connection with South 4th Street–South Queens Trunk Line, 11
connection with Brooklyn–Queens Crosstown line, 39
connection with Utica Avenue–Crosstown line, 119
construction of express tracks, 244
extension to 57th Street, 216
inclusion in 1962–1963 Transit Authority plan, 245
61st Street Tunnel, 203, 204, 248, 249, 250
63rd Street line, 199, 216, 224, 253, 254, 262