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Yesterday's Sins

Page 15

by Wine, Shirley

  "The one with the trees," she said skipping on the spot.

  "There's a good distance between three and seven. They want privacy from each other," he mused, rocking back on his heels, brows puckered in thought. "I'm inclined to agree with your selection. What do you think Catriona?"

  "I'm with Sarah. They are the best two lots in the subdivision."

  Alex snapped his fingers. "Get the agreements drawn up on both lots. I want them tied up as soon as possible, and Cat?"


  "I'm paying for them, but these sections are in Emily's and Luke's private names. These purchases are nothing to do with the Korda Group."

  "You're very generous." Kate was warmed to realize that the affection between them all was mutual. Given the circumstances surrounding Emily and Luke it could have been very different.

  "My father treated Emily and Luke shabbily." Alex's expression was grim as he caught her wrist. "They have both adamantly refused any part of his estate, but I will never see them want. They are my family."

  "Of course they are." She rubbed her other hand over his tensed knuckles, sensing an anguish she didn't understand. "Emily likes you, and I'll love having her nearby. I've missed her."

  "I know she's missed you." His mouth twisted in a wry grimace. "Luke thinks I've treated you badly."

  That surprised her. "I seldom saw Luke while I was in Australia."

  "I know." Alex rubbed a hand around the back of his neck as he met her suspicious gaze.

  "You warned him away?" she asked, alert to the signs of discomfort he couldn't conceal.

  "You'd better believe it. There's a lot we have to unravel between us and I didn't want my little brother getting close."

  As she looked at him, and took in his grim expression she realized he was jealous of Luke, and wary of his brother living closer. In a flash of insight, she knew his jealousy shamed him. Did Alex consider he was unworthy of her regard? And feared she'd find Luke more attractive?

  Fat chance, she thought squashing a grin as she remembered her revulsion to Luke's kiss.

  And that's something I'd prefer Alex didn't know.

  Acting on an impulse she put her arms around his neck and standing on tiptoes, kissed his hard mouth, her lips soft and coaxing in an effort to wipe away his distress.

  He was motionless with surprise.

  Then his hard arms snaked around her holding her melded against the full length of his body, crushing her lips under his. At last he lifted his head, scanning her flushed face and kiss stung lips, touching them with a finger.

  "You defeat me at every turn," he whispered, then dropped a swift hard kiss on her upturned mouth and set her free.

  He turned away, warily meeting Sarah's curious gaze. "It's almost time for tea, Sarah."

  He held out a hand and Sarah took it, skipping beside him. "Do you like kissing Kate, Daddy?"

  Alex stopped and looked down at his daughter. Kate held her breath curious to hear his reply.

  "I do indeed. Far too much for my peace of mind," he said, giving her a wry glance.

  "I like her too," Sarah looked from one adult to the other. "You could marry her and I'd have a new mummy. My old mother wouldn't care, she left me with you."

  Kate went hot and cold all over.

  Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings—

  "Would you like that?" he asked the child as he opened the car door for her, ignoring Kate's shocked gasp.

  Sarah nodded vigorously. "Then I'd have a mummy like all the other little girls at school."

  A shaft of agony pierced Kate's heart. Rooted to the spot, she listened to this private father and daughter moment.

  Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.

  Alex leaned into the car and kissed Sarah's cheek, murmuring something Kate couldn't hear. Then he shut the car door and turned to face her. His enigmatic expression betrayed no emotion. Her heart thudded painfully in her chest.

  He leaned past her and opened the door of her car.


  "Leave it Kate," he said curtly. "Now isn't the time to discuss this."

  One glance at his expression and she agreed. There would never be a time for this. She sank into the car seat and fastened her seat belt, hands fumbling the keys as she stabbed at the ignition.

  "I'll see you soon. Drive carefully." He shut the car door, turning on his heel towards his own car, checked Sarah then drove away.

  For several minutes Kate sat in her car, motionless.

  Chapter Eleven

  "Mrs. Smith saw you kissing your Greek millionaire last night. Is he a good kisser?"

  Startled, Kate stared at Coralie Spence, unable to prevent the involuntary reaction. "Why don't you mind your own business?"

  "Mrs. Old saw you too, in broad daylight," she prattled on ignoring Kate's glower. "So, do you kiss or what...when you're up at The Birches, behind the security fences? That place is now a fortress."

  "I refuse to discuss Alex with you," Kate flared, rattled from her usual cool composure.

  "So it's Alex." Coralie pounced with glee on her slip. "Mrs. Webster was certain there was something between you when you threw flowers at him. So unlike the prim spinster we all knew. And she says he's behind your makeover."

  Kate ignored her, handing over a letters for typing. "Can you stop yattering long enough to type these?"

  She retreated to her office, but her respite was short lived. The print in front of her blurred. Wearily she pushed back her hair. It wasn't hard to find the reason for her lack of concentration, so marked that Dave had commented on it twice today.

  Alex had her unsettled.

  Kate was unable to suppress the memory of his famished possession.

  She frowned, staring into space as her description registered. She hadn't been the only one making love with starved hunger. Alex had been as needy as she'd been.

  Kate shook her head. Alex was a virile male, easily aroused and very demanding. She, of all people, should know that. Yet that romantic basket of flowers, was it a thank you, or a sop from a wealthy man.

  But thoughtful, she added fairly.

  And he was being more than generous about Sarah. Why was he so intent on Sarah getting to know her when it was obvious, from her artless words, she resented her birthmother?

  Coralie brought in the typing. "Did you know Mr. Korda has a ravishing blonde staying at The Birches?"

  Jealousy burned in Kate's gut, the elusive bride to be?

  "I'm not interested," she snapped, angry.

  "Mrs. Webster saw them at the village store. Cool and glamorous she was," Coralie ignored Kate's outburst watching her like a hawk. "As expensively dressed as a film star, and hugging his arm like they were impatient to get to some place very private, Mrs. Webster said."

  Kate laid down her pen. "Either the gossip stops or I'll ask Dave to find us another receptionist."

  That threat had Coralie beating a hasty retreat. But Kate couldn't dismiss her words so easily. Had Alex stopped at the village store to ensure she learned of his visitor? In case she read too much into his lack of self-control? So much for his sweet words that he had treated her unforgivably.

  God, I'm so naive, so stupid.

  And all she'd been worried about was a possible pregnancy.

  How ridiculous of her to worry.

  With another woman hovering on the edge of his life the last thing he'd want or need was a pregnant mistress.

  That admission burned into Kate's pride and self-respect.

  Why had she allowed him close enough to lay that claim?

  She writhed in an agony of remorse, anger and distress. The phone on her desk shrilled and with a resigned sigh, she lifted the receiver.


  "Bryce." Genuine pleasure coiled through her. He was a pleasant diversion from her threatening thoughts.

  "Can I tempt you to have dinner with me tonight? I've found a restaurant that serves great seafood."

  His casual cheerfulness grated
on her overstretched nerves.

  "My favourite." Kate closed her eyes on the swift recollection of the wonderful ways Alex cooked seafood.

  She would not think of Alex.

  "Great." Bryce detected none of the undercurrents Alex would have heard and exploited. With a pang of conscience, she knew that in using him as a foil to her involvement with Alex, she was not being fair to Bryce Bennett.

  "Seven okay?"

  "I'll be ready." A wry smile touched her lips as she laid down the receiver and turned back to the agreement she was drafting up for a house purchase. But her concentration was shot to hell. She rubbed a hand around the back of her neck, trying to forget the cause of her restless thoughts.

  "Having problems concentrating, Catriona?"

  Kate raised startled eyes. Where had Alex come from? Had she conjured him from her restless thoughts?

  "Should I be?" she parried trying, to control her betraying blush.

  "That could depend on what was distracting you?" His voice held the sensuous undertone of a man determined she should remember him long after he'd gone and left her alone, in her lonely bed.

  "You can't distract me from anything that matters." Kate was pleased when he tautened at her jibe.

  "Is that so?" He crossed the room with the easy steps of a predator on the prowl.

  The Lion of Korda.

  She bit down hard on her lower lip as he rested his hands on the desk, leaning toward her. There was no way she could mistake his silent message, provoke me at your peril.

  "I was hoping you were sufficiently disturbed to have dinner with me tonight."

  "I'm so very sorry to disappoint you." Kate met his eyes with spurious concern. "I already have a dinner date."

  Alex stiffened. "Cancel it."

  Kate lifted her chin. Who did he think he was? "I will not."

  Alex stood up, folding his arms across his chest as he looked at her. "You're playing a dangerous game, Catriona."

  "It's Kate."

  "No." He leaned across the desk until their noses almost touched, grey eyes glittering. "It's Catriona hiding behind the briskly efficient Kate Audley. It wasn't Kate sobbing with pleasure in my arms the other night and it's not Kate Audley who's pretending now, that there's nothing between us."

  Kate stared at him helplessly.

  Agitated, heart hammering, she tried to understand what he was implying? And he had another woman at his house?

  "What about the blonde you have staying up at The Birches?"

  A slow, devilish smile lightened his lean, saturnine face. "The gossips have been busy. Have you been given the details of the wedding yet?"

  Jealousy ripped and clawed at her composure.

  Kate couldn't pretend she was indifferent to him and he, damn him, was exploiting this shamelessly.

  The hypocrite, talk about double standards.

  "How many women does it take to satisfy your sexual appetite?"

  He roared with laughter. Kate fumed. Why had he come back into her life? Did he get pleasure from tormenting her?

  "You have too much imagination, little Cat." He leaned across and patted her nose with one long tanned finger. "To answer your very impertinent question, one if she's willing enough."

  Fiery heat flooded Kate's neck and face.

  How could she be so stupid?

  She knew how demanding he was as a lover and he, damn him, was taking great delight in reminding her.

  "You have to face it some time, Catriona." He leaned closer, the intimate words for her ears alone. "You're addicted to me, no matter how much you deny it. When you're ready to surrender all that hostility come and see me."

  He turned and strode out of the room whistling cheerfully.

  She stared after him, confused and furious. The nerve, the sheer, unbridled cheek of the man; it would be a cold day in hell when she surrendered everything to that arrogant devil in the hopes of—what?

  Did he expect her to be his pillow friend while he had another woman and her daughter up in his big mansion?


  Kate was still simmering when Bryce called for her that evening. She'd used more makeup than usual to conceal the shadows beneath her eyes from too many restless nights.

  Bryce took her to The Fisherman, perched over the water under the Auckland harbour bridge.

  "Isn't it magnificent?" he asked, as he looked through the glass window so close to the water, one felt if a hand was extended it would get wet.

  "Yes." Had he never visited restaurants on the Barrier Reef? The waiter offered menus and Kate's mouth watered. Calamari. She drooled at the thought of the batter fried squid.

  "I'll have oysters in their shells with lemon and balsamic vinegar, and then the calamari," she said, shutting her menu, "with a Greek side salad, feta and olives."

  "You enjoy Greek food?" the waiter asked politely, waiting for Bryce to make his choice.

  "I adore it."

  Alex was a superb cook and his seafood was sublime.

  On Maude Island, he'd cooked while she did the other chores and she'd been content with the division of labour.

  Before he had come back into her life, she'd only remembered the bad things. Now constant contact was forcing her to remember all the other facets of their relationship. His kindness, his remorse when he realized he'd made such a stupendous mistake. His tears when he felt Sarah moving in her belly the first time.

  Memories invaded her dreams and waking hours.

  She pushed them away, labouring over a desultory conversation.

  If Bryce found her attention wandering and answers vague he didn't comment. Their waiter arrived with the main course and Kate's memories rioted.

  She'd enjoyed Alex's companionship, simple picnics on the beach. The turquoise water, warm and smooth as silk against their bare limbs, as they'd made love. She had been a willing pupil of an avowed sensualist. Alex awoke responses and taught her things so erotic she still blushed at the memory.

  Kate looked up to find Bryce watching her. Confusion clouded her eyes at being caught daydreaming.

  "I won't kid myself I'm responsible for the remembrance or that blush," he drawled.

  "I'm sorry." Kate was mortified with embarrassment, crushed at being caught out in such a manner.

  "Some other guy still has possession of the lady?"

  Filled with remorse Kate could only nod in dumb agreement. How could she have been so crass? She made no demur when he refused desert or coffee and called for the bill. His churlish attitude increased her embarrassment.

  He drove home in silence. A heavy frown marred his pleasant features as he saw Alex's black Porsche parked at the curb outside her house.

  "So the rumours of your involvement with Korda are true," Bryce said with considerable rancour. "You may be a beautiful woman but I don't want to be a point on a triangle with Korda on the other."

  "It's not like that," Kate protested.

  "Isn't it?" He leaning across the car and pulled her close and kissed her, a savage kiss, devoid of tenderness.

  Kate closed her eyes in revulsion, her stiffness was eloquent.

  Bryce lifted his head and looked at her.

  "Run along inside to your lover," he said, pushing her away with unflattering alacrity.

  Kate was angry, but guilt kept her silent.

  How could she have suspected that behind Bryce's pleasant face lurked a sarcastic brute?

  Be fair, you were using him and he had every right to be annoyed. She walked toward her house and as she reached the veranda¸ Alex stepped away from the rail.

  "Go away," she said from between clenched teeth.

  She went to unlock the door but fumbled and dropped the key. It landed with a clatter on the porch.

  Before she could retrieve it, he'd done so, unlocked the door and held it open for her. "After you, Catriona."

  She stared at him and her emotions erupted.

  "Who gave you the right to come here whenever you choose?" She stamped her foot to em
phasize her point.

  "Didn't your beau live up to your expectations?"

  "Get out of my house." Goaded by the disastrous evening, she lashed out. Flying at him, she pummelled at his chest with clenched fists. He didn't try to stop her but when she swung back her hand intent on slapping him; he caught her wrist and pulled her close until she was pinioned.


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