The Hemingway Cookbook
Page 22
General Index
Across the River and into the Trees, 18, 26–28, 30–36
Adams, Nick, 12–14
Anderson, Sherwood, 39, 51
Anita (boat), 112, 132
Anoz, Matías, 89
Arnold, Lloyd, 155–56
Arnold, Tillie, 155–57
At the Hemingways, 7
Barkley, Catherine, 18–25
Barnes, Jake, 72, 82–83, 85, 90–91
Beach, Sylvia, 39–40
Berenson, Bernard, 129
“Big Two-Hearted River,” 12–13
Boise (cat), 120–22
Bourne, Catherine, 75
Bourne, David, 75
Brasserie Lipp (restaurant), 47–48
Burguete, Hostal, 82–83
Cannell, Kitty, 71
Cantwell, Richard, 26–28, 30–36
Capt. Tony’s Saloon, 119
Casa Botín, 97
Casa Marceliano, 89
Cipriani, Arrigo, 27–28
Cipriani, Giuseppe, 27–28
Civil War, Spanish, 99
Clyne, Frances, 71
Dangerous Summer, The, 81, 104
Death in the Afternoon, 81, 104, 111
Dingo Bar, 62
Dominguín, Luis Miguel, 104
Dos Passos, John, 50–51
Farewell to Arms, A, 18–25, 26–27
“Fathers and Sons,” 145
Fiesta de San Fermín, 81, 85–86
Finca Vigia, 112, 136
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 62–63, 65–66
“Food for Fiction,” 25
Ford, Ford Madox, 45, 177
For Whom the Bell Tolls, 81, 99–101
Found Meals of the Lost Generation, 71–72
Fuentes, Gregorio, 112, 132
Garden of Eden, The, 75
Gorton, Bill, 72, 82–83, 85, 88, 90
Green Hills of Africa, The, 111, 146
Gritti Palace Hotel, 26, 30
Harry’s Bar, 27–28
Hatueybeer, 116
Hemingway, Clarence Edmonds (Ed), 3, 5–7, 14, 145
Hemingway, Ernest
as an ambulance driver in Italy, 17–18
birth, 3
in China, 129
in Cuba, 111–13, 116, 120–24, 131, 136
death of, 155
drinking habits, 173
on duck hunting, 27–28
father’s influence on, 5–7
at the French Riviera, 75
on hunger, 47
and the hunt, 145
in Key West, 111–13, 117, 119
love affair with Agnes von Kurowsky, 17–18, 162
marriage to Hadley Richardson, 39
marriage to Mary Hemingway, 136
in Paris, 39–40, 44–45, 47–51, 54, 57, 60, 65–66
return to Italy, 26
on safari in Africa, 146–49, 151–52
in Schruns (Austria), 66–68, 71
in Spain, 81–83
and the Spanish Civil War, 99
in Sun Valley and Ketchum, Idaho, 153, 155–56
traveling with F. Scott Fitzgerald, 62–63, 65–66
Hemingway, Grace Hall, 3, 14
Hemingway, Hadley Richardson, 39–40, 44–45, 47–51, 54, 57, 71
Hemingway, Joan, 156
Hemingway, John (“Bumby”), 66
Hemingway, Marcelline, 3, 6–7, 145
Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn, 99, 112, 119, 129, 153, 155
Hemingway, Mary, 30, 54, 112, 136–42, 147–49, 155–57
Hemingway, Patrick, 111
Hemingway, Pauline Pfeiffer, 71, 111–12, 146, 153, 155
Hemingway, Tyler, 17
Henry, Fredric, 18–25
High on the Wild, 155
Hotchner, A. E., 121
How It Was, 149
Hudson, Thomas, 120–24, 129
Islands in the Stream, 112, 120–24, 129
Ivancich, Adriana, 26
Jordan, Robert, 99–101
Loeb, Harold, 71, 81
MacMullen, Forrest, 64, 136, 156–57
Macomber, Francis, 146–47
Macomber, Margot, 146–47
Madrid (Spain), 95, 99
Morgan, Harry, 113
Nakjavani, Jeanne, 25
Nobel Prize, 116, 130
Oak Park (IL), 1, 3, 14
Old Man and the Sea, The, 104, 112, 129–30
Ordoñez, Antonio, 104
Ordoñez, Cayetano, 71
Pamplona (Spain), 81, 85–86
Pepica, La, 105–7
Percival, Philip, 146
Pickering, Harry, 27
Pilar (boat), 112, 120, 131–32
Pound, Ezra, 39–40, 47, 81
Pruniers, 54
Pulitzer Prize, 130
Red Cross hospital, American, 17–18
Renata, 26–28, 30–36
Rendezvous-des-Mariniers, 71–72
Rodriguez-Hunter, Suzanne, 71–72
Royal Order of Shrimp Eaters, 120–21
Russell, Joe, 117
Sampson, Harold, 6, 145
San Sebastián (Spain), 91–92
Schruns (Austria), 66–68, 71
Scribner, Charles, Jr., 40
Shakespeare and Company, 39–40, 45
“Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber, The,” 111, 146–47
Silver Slipper, 117
Sloppy Joe’s, 111, 117, 119
Smith, Bill, 39, 71, 81
“Snows of Kilimanjaro, The,” 111, 146
Stein, Gertrude, 39–40, 44–45, 47, 81
Street, Julian, 72
Sun Also Rises, The, 71–72, 81–83, 85, 90–91
Taube, Hotel, 66–68
To Have and Have Not, 113, 119–20
Toklas, Alice B., 44–45
Torrents of Spring, The, 51
Underhill, Linda, 25
Valencia (Spain), 100–101
Van Guilder, Gene, 155
von Blixen, Baron Bror, 146
von Kurowsky, Agnes, 17–18, 162
Walloon Lake (MI), 4, 5
Walsh, Ernest, 60
Where Paris Dines, 72
Recipe Index
Absinthe, 174
Algerian wine, 161
Alioli (Garlic Mayonnaise), 94
Fried Octopus, 106
Apple Tart, 43–44
Campfire Apple Pie, 11–12
Marmelade de Pommes (Apple Conserve), 53
Apple Tart, 43–44
Apricots, Stewed, 11
Armagnac and Perrier, 175
Artichoke Vinaigrette, 33–34
Asti wine, 162
Avocado, Boise’s, 122
Bacalao de Pamplona (Salt Cod), 89–90
Bacon, Canadian, 36
Bananas, Fried, 130–31
Barbera wine, 162
Black Bean Soup, 114
New Green Beans, 74
Pork and Beans and Spaghetti, 13
Beaune wine, 163
Beef Stew with Boiled Potatoes, 114, 116
Châteaubriand, 127
Cornish Pasties, 157
Foie de Veau à I’Anglaise, 42
Oxtail Stew, 152
Picadillo, 141
Tournedos with Sauce Béarnaise, 61
Beef Stew with Boiled Potatoes, 114, 116
beverages, alcoholic
Absinthe, 174
Algerian wine, 161
Armagnac and Perrier, 175
Asti wine, 162
Barbera wine, 162
Beaune wine, 163
Cahors wine, 163
Campari and Gordon’s Gin, 176–77
Capri wine, 163–64
Chablis wine, 165
Chambéry Cassis, 177
Chateau Mouton-Rothschild wine, 165–66
Châteauneuf du Pape wine, 166
Citron Pressé with Whiskey (The Hemingway Whiskey Sour), 178
Cuba Libre (Chasing a Straight Whiskey), 178–79
Daiquirí Special, 181
Ernest Hemingway Gin and Tonic, The, 185
Fleurie wine, 166
Gimlet, 184
Gin and Tonic, 184–85
Glühwein, 185
Grappa, 186
Green Isaak’s Special, 191
Hemingway Daiquirí, 179–80, 181
Hemingway’s Bloody Marys, 176
Highball (Highbalito con Agua Mineral), 186–87
Izzarra, 187
Jack Rose, 187
Kirsch, 188
Kümmel, 188–89
Mâcon wine, 167
Marc, 189
Marsala wine, 167
Mojito, 180–81
Montagny wine, 167
Montgomery, The, 189–90
Muscadet wine, 167
Papa Doble, 181
Pernod, 175
Pouilly-Fuisse wine, 168
Rioja wine, 108
Rum Punch, 190–91
Sancerre wine, 168
Sangría, 105
Sherry, 168–69
Sion wine, 169
St. Estephe wine, 169
Tavel wine, 170
Tomini, 191
Valdepeñas wine, 170
Valpolicella wine, 170
Vermouth and Bitters, 191–92
Whiskey, 192–93
Wild Daiquirí, 181
Biffi’s Fruit Cup, 164
Black Bean Soup, 114
Black Currant Liqueur, 46
Bloody Marys, Hemingway’s, 176
Bocadilla de Tortilla de Patata (Potato Omelet Sandwich), 86, 88
Boise’s Avocado, 122
Bouillabaisse de Marseilles, 126–27
Brioche, 23–24, 76
Brioche, 23–24, 76
Burgundy Snails (Escargots à la Bourguignonne), 64
Cabbage, Red (Rotweinkraut), 70
Café au Lait, 76
Cahors wine, 163
Grace Hall Hemingway’s English Tea Cakes, 4
Visitandines, 46
Campari and Gordon’s Gin, 176–77
Campfire Apple Pie, 11–12
Canadian Bacon, 36
Canapé of Fried Fish, 94
Capri wine, 163–64
Cauliflower Braised with Butter, 33
Celery Rémoulade, 78
Cervelas with Mustard Sauce, 49
Chablis wine, 165
Chambéry Cassis, 177
Châteaubriand, 127
Chateau Mouton-Rothschild wine, 165–66
Châteauneuf du Pape wine, 166
Purée de Marron (Chestnut Purée), 21–22
Poularde de Bresse, 65–66
Roast Chicken, 73–74
Truffle-Roasted Chicken (Poularde Truffée), 63
Chop Suey, 138–39
Choucroute Garni (Garnished Sauerkraut), 25
Citron Pressé with Whiskey (The Hemingway Whiskey Sour), 178
Civet de Lièvre à la Cocotte (Jugged Hare), 53
Clams on the Half-Shell, 34–35
Cochinillo Asado (Roast Suckling Pig), 98–99
Coconut Ice Cream, 142
Café au Lait, 76
Coffee According to Hopkins, 14
Deusico (Turkish Coffee), 182
Coffee According to Hopkins, 14
Cold Cucumber Soup, Ernest Hemingway’s, 5
Alioli (Garlic Mayonnaise), 94
Mango Chutney, 140–41
Cornish Pasties, 157
Crabe Mexicaine, 55–57
Crabe Mexicaine, 55–57
Cuba Libre (Chasing a Straight Whiskey), 178–79
Ernest Hemingway’s Cold Cucumber Soup, 5
Black Currant Liqueur, 46
Curry of Wild Bird, 150
Daiquirí, Hemingway, 179–80, 181
Daiquirí Special, 181
Apple Tart, 43–44
Biffi’s Fruit Cup, 164
Campfire Apple Pie, 11–12
Coconut Ice Cream, 142
Fruit Compote, 156
Lime Ice, 139
Zabaglione, 22
Deusico (Turkish Coffee), 182
Dorado Fillet in Damn Good Sauce, 134
Dorado Fillet in Damn Good Sauce, 134
Roast Duckling (Anitra Arrosto), 28–29
Bocadilla de Tortilla de Patata (Potato Omelet Sandwich), 86, 88
Omelet with Truffles, 36
Zabaglione, 22
Eland Piccata, 151
Hunter’s Safari Steak, 147
Eland Piccata, 151
Endive Salad, 42
English Tea Cakes, Grace Hall Hemingway’s, 4
Ernest Hemingway Gin and Tonic, The, 185
Ernest Hemingway’s Cold Cucumber Soup, 5
Ernest Hemingway’s Fillet of Lion, 153
Escabeche de Atún (Marinated Tuna with Onions), 88–89
Fillet of Lion, Ernest Hemingway’s, 153
Bacalao de Pamplona (Salt Cod), 89–90
Bouillabaisse de Marseilles, 126–27
Canapé of Fried Fish, 94
Dorado Fillet in Damn Good Sauce, 134
Escabeche de Atún (Marinated Tuna with Onions), 88–89
Fried Trout, 9–10
Friture de Goujon (Fried Gudgeon), 50
Pastry of Fish, Peppers, and Pine Nuts (Empanadilla de Pescado), 102
Red Snapper Stew, 135
Rollmops, 52
Sea Bass Grilled with Butter and Herbs, 77–78
Sole Meunière (Fillet of Sole Miller’s Wife Style), 52
Swordfish á la Pilar, 134
Trout au bleu, 58
Trucha a la Navarra (Trout Cooked with Cured Ham), 84–85
Fleurie wine, 166
Foie de Veau à l’Anglaise, 42
French-fried Potatoes (Pommes de Terre Frites), 61
Fried Baby Eels, 104
Fried Bananas, 130–31
Fried Octopus, 106
Fried Trout, 9–10
Friture de Goujon (Fried Gudgeon), 50
Fruit Compote, 156
fruits. See under specific fruit name
Curry of Wild Bird, 150
Eland Piccata, 151
Ernest Hemingway’s Fillet of Lion, 153
Hunter’s Safari Steak, 147
Roast Duckling (Anitra Arrosto), 28–29
Venison in Juniper Cream Sauce (Hirschfilet in Wacholderrahmsauce), 69
Woodcock Flambé in Armagnac, 20–21
Garlic Olives, 95
Gazpacho, 96
Gimlet, 184
Gin and Tonic, 184–85
Gin and Tonic, Ernest Hemingway, The, 185
Glühwein, 185
Grace Hall Hemingway’s English Tea Cakes, 4
Grappa, 186
Green Isaak’s Special, 191
Friture de Goujon (Fried Gudgeon), 50
Civet de Lièvre à la Cocotte (Jugged Hare), 53
Hemingway Daiquirí, 179–80, 181
Hemingway’s Bloody Marys, 176
Rollmops, 52
/> Highball (Highbalito con Agua Mineral), 186–87
Home-Pickled Mushrooms, 78
Hunters Safari Steak, 147
Izzarra, 187
Jack Rose, 187
Rognons Grilled with Champignons, 35–36
Kirsch, 188
Kümmel, 188–89
Leeks, Young Tom Hudson’s, 123
Lime Ice, 139
Ernest Hemingway’s Fillet of Lion, 153
Foie de Veau à l’Anglaise, 42
Lobster Salad, 31–32
Paella de Langosta, 106–8
Lobster Salad, 31–32
Mâcon wine, 167
Mango Chutney, 140–41
Marc, 189
Marmelade de Pommes (Apple Conserve), 53
Marsala wine, 167
Mashed Potatoes, 42
Alioli (Garlic Mayonnaise), 94
Mojito, 180–81
Montagny wine, 167
Montgomery, The, 189–90
Moules (Mussels) in Peppery Milk Broth, 125–26
Mount Everest Special, 131
Muscadet wine, 167
Home-Pickled Mushrooms, 78
Rognons Grilled with Champignons, 35–36
Moules (Mussels) in Peppery Milk Broth, 125–26
Mustard Sauce, 49
New Green Beans, 74
Fried Octopus, 106
Pulpo a la Vinagreta (Octopus Vinaigrette), 92–93
Olives, Garlic, 95
Bocadilla de Tortilla de Patata (Potato Omelet Sandwich), 86, 88
Omelet with Truffles, 36
Omelet with Truffles, 36
Oxtail Stew, 152
Oysters, 54–55
Paella de Langosta, 106–8
Pancakes, 10–11
Papa Doble, 181
Pork and Beans and Spaghetti, 13
Spaghetti, 133
Brioche, 23–24, 76
Pastry of Fish, Peppers, and Pine Nuts (Empanadilla de Pescado), 102
Pastry of Fish, Peppers, and Pine Nuts (Empanadilla de Pescado), 102
Patatas Alioli (Potatoes in Garlic Mayonnaise), 93
peanut butter
Mount Everest Special, 131
Pastry of Fish, Peppers, and Pine Nuts (Empanadilla de Pescado), 102
Pimientos, 94
Pernod, 175
Picadillo, 141
Pie, Campfire Apple, 11–12
Pilar’s Rabbit Stew, 100
Pimientos, 94
pine nuts