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Scarred Horizon (Scarred Series Book 4)

Page 15

by Jackie Williams

  Her head fell back as her orgasm spiralled out of control and he plunged deeply one last time before his own climax exploded from him, shattering his mind into a million shards of white hot sensation.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Geraldine eased herself behind the steering wheel while Amy looked on anxiously.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want me to drive? I don’t mind. I have driven on the right before.” Amy sounded as concerned as she looked.

  Geraldine shook her head.

  “No, thanks but I am afraid that you don’t have any insurance and I feel fine anyway. There are only a few boxes of golden tiles to collect from the manufacturer as the plain ones come straight from the brico. I’m looking forward to being allowed to go shopping afterwards even if I do have to take along a babysitter.”

  Amy laughed.

  “Don’t you start! Paul only just stopped calling me that.”

  Geraldine pulled the seatbelt under her stomach and started the car.

  “It is good that you are with Paul now. I knew that it would happen soon enough. He needs someone like you. I think you will be very happy together and you are both going to make a big success of the new château .”

  Amy felt her cheeks glowing red.

  “I can’t believe he hauled me off like that the other day. He was like some kind of cave man. I was so embarrassed when we came down to eat in the evening. Everyone must have known that we’d been in bed all day.” Her face became even hotter as she thought of all the hours they had spent in bed since. He’d neglected the Marines shamelessly and had hardly visited the project château in five days.

  Geraldine laughed as they pulled out into the road on their way to pick up the order of golden tiles.

  “It is the French way,” she said simply. “If you feel passion then you must show it.” Her own cheeks began to take on a pink tinge and Amy laughed right back at her.

  “Ha! So that’s why we are late leaving this morning. I hope we are going to get back in time for my flight. I’m meant to be at the airport by five.”

  Geraldine fanned her face with her hand as she smiled serenely.

  “It was my husband’s fault. He may not be French but he has adopted our ways very well. He will never take no for an answer and I am afraid that I can never resist him. David is a fabulous lover,” she spoke without the slightest hint of embarrassment, her expression glowing only with adoration for the man she clearly loved with all her heart but then she looked over sharply at Amy. “What do you mean, you should be at the airport at five? I thought you were leaving tomorrow.”

  Amy leaned back in the comfortable leather seat and settled in for the half an hour ride into town.

  “I changed it. If I wait until tomorrow I won’t be able to see anyone in the office. The case loads mean that anyone with any authority is out. I can’t wait to move over here. As soon as I can sort out this mess with my job then I will be back. I’m going straight to the office in the morning and then onto the court. I just want to get all the paperwork for Paul over and done with. He’ll still have a criminal record but the conditions the judge made should mean that he has no further problems so long as he stays out of trouble. With a bit of luck, if I can see my boss at the office too I will be back here by the weekend.”

  Geraldine smiled as she drove. She wound down the window and let the breeze blow through her thick dark hair.

  “I understand but I assume that you didn’t tell Paul this. He will be worried that you have gone.”

  Amy laughed.

  “That’s another reason I booked the flight without him knowing. I don’t think he would have let me go back on my own. I didn’t want that judge to think of any new reasons to send him to prison. It might give the man ideas if Paul was there too. I thought it best to keep him out of the way until I can sort out everything officially. I left him a message that I was going. He’ll find it on his phone tonight when he gets back from the château .”

  Geraldine nodded.

  “You are probably right. With you by his side he will be fine. Do not worry about him Amy. Paul’s heart is yours forever. He will never let you down.” The two women continued chatting all the way into town.

  Paul couldn’t believe his ears.

  “What do you mean Jean-Paul? I don’t understand that at all.” He stood on the château steps with Joe as a stream of guests brushed past him.

  Jean-Paul waited until the last guest had followed Joe and David into the château grounds before he began to explain again.

  “It is not my fault. The farmers have called a strike over the prices of milk and my men are supporting them. I’m afraid that they have downed tools this lunchtime and walked out until the dispute can be resolved.”

  Paul threw up his hands in exasperation.

  “And how long is that likely to be? We are on a tight schedule here. Our men need our help urgently.”

  Jean-Paul gave an enormous Gaelic shrug that Paul couldn’t appreciate, as he spoke again.

  “I do not know Monsieur. It may be just today or it may be three weeks. I cannot tell you which.”

  There were more footsteps as Patrick joined them along with the four Marines.

  “What’s going on? Problems?”

  Paul frowned.

  “You could say that. The workmen have gone on strike with the farmers over the price of milk apparently. They packed up working at lunchtime,” he sounded incredulous.

  Patrick sighed deeply.

  “Happens all the time over here I’m afraid. I was actually thinking that things were going far too smoothly. We’ll just have to manage as best we can. Had you anything particular planned for this afternoon? Is there anything Mick and the fellas can do to help?”

  Paul was about to offer a couple of suggestions that would keep them on schedule when Jean-Paul stepped in. He held up a hand as his eyebrows contracted.

  “I am afraid that you cannot do that. You are not allowed to replace my men. Your Marines don’t have the necessary certificates for work as they are only here as guests I believe. It was fine that they work when I am there on site but I cannot break the strike. Apart from the fact that my workers would be furious, there is the insurance of the building to be considered. I am afraid that I cannot let your men take over.”

  Paul looked as if he was about to explode when Patrick placed a hand on his arm.

  “Don’t worry about it Paul. This sort of strike is fairly common here but they don’t normally last very long so there’s no point in getting into a stew about it. It will mean a short hold up, that’s all. Two or three days won’t make a huge difference in the big scheme of things. Why don’t you all enjoy the unexpected break and go for an adventure with David, Joe and all the guests?”

  Paul thought for less than a moment and then he grinned.

  “You’re right, it’s not going to hold us up for too long and I have been dying to try out that zip wire again. I might as well while Amy is out of the place for a while. She’d probably have a fit if she saw me doing anything remotely dangerous.”

  Mick stepped forwards.

  “What zip wire? Is it a good one?”

  Patrick laughed aloud.

  “Best, longest and fastest zip wire I was ever on and I’ve been on a few, believe me. David will have it tweaked so tight you’ll be lucky you stop even when you do hit the water.”

  Caleb slapped Mick on back.

  “I’m up for that. I could do with some fun. The last three weeks have been non-stop work. Not that I mind or anything but it would be great to do something different.”

  John was already halfway down the steps.

  “Come on, we can catch them up.” It didn’t take long for the others to follow him.

  Paul stood for a moment longer on the step. He tilted his head towards Patrick.

  “Are you coming down to play too?” He grinned up at where he knew the huge ex-major stood.

  “Not today. I’m expecting some calls and I promised to spe
nd some time with Ellen and Rose later on this afternoon. I have neglected them for far too long.” Patrick lifted his chin to where he could see Peter waiting anxiously for Paul. “You go ahead. I’ll see you all back here for dinner later. I’ll make you all something warming. You’re going to need it after you get soaked all afternoon in that river.”

  Paul started down the steps and then hesitated for a moment. He was unsure if the path to the ravine was clear and was about to go back rather than fall flat on his face over some unseen obstacle when an American accent reached his ears.

  “All clear at twelve o’clock, Sir. Don’t worry, I’ll check it all out so you don’t make a great prat out of yourself,” the laughter in the Marine’s voice made Paul smile widely and he followed the good humoured accent into the quiet forest.

  Amy glanced at Geraldine as they drove away from the tile manufacturers. The woman’s face was flushed and she had a sheen of perspiration covering her brow.

  “Are you okay? You look very warm,” she asked with deep concern in her tone.

  Geraldine tried to smile but her forehead creased into pained lines and she gave up the pretence.

  “I do not feel very well.” She glanced at Amy and gave a grimace of a smile. “My contractions started while the men were loading the tiles. I don’t think I will be able to drive much further,” her voice caught in in her throat and she bit back the pain that suddenly gripped her stomach.

  Amy took in a deep breath as she frantically punched numbers into her mobile phone. She let out the breath slowly when the call disconnected before the number even registered and she noted the lack of signal bars. They were driving along the quiet coast road and she silently cursed the mobile telephone companies as she stared out over the beautiful blue sea. She blinked slowly and kept her voice calm. There was no point in making Geraldine any more tense.

  “We are only a few minutes from the new château . We can go there for help. Paul will be on site with the Marines and all of Jean-Paul’s staff. They’ll get hold of David and we can take you to hospital from there.” She reached across the car and put her hand on Geraldine’s shoulder in a gesture of support.

  Geraldine concentrated on the road as she gritted her teeth.

  “I can make it that far. Mon Dieu! I cannot believe this has happened. The doctor told me the baby would arrive in two more weeks. It is David’s fault. He was far too amorous this morning.” She tried to laugh but it sounded like more of a sob.

  Amy didn’t think the situation was funny at all. She glared out of the front window, desperately searching for the sign indicating the château and she gave a deep sigh of relief when it appeared at the side of the road a few moments later.

  Geraldine turned into the long drive a few moments later pulled up in front of the steps.

  Amy leapt out of the car and rushed to help Geraldine out. It was only a second before she realized that there were no other vehicles parked outside the building. She stood for a moment listening to the eerie silence of the château grounds.

  “Where is everyone?” She was more unnerved than she sounded.

  Geraldine bent over at the waist as another contraction hit her. She didn’t look up again until it passed and then she stared around at the deserted site. She glanced down at her watch.

  “It is lunchtime Amy. Everyone has gone back to Ellen’s to eat. We must get back to the hotel too.”

  Amy laughed grimly.

  “You have to be joking. You can barely move and I can’t drive this car. We can’t risk moving you anywhere now. Let’s get inside and make you comfortable as possible and then I’ll try to call David again. We’re sure to get a signal from here. He can come and pick you up or we can get an ambulance and everything will be fine.” She crossed her fingers as she helped Geraldine up the château steps and prayed that she wouldn’t have to make an emergency delivery in a building site.

  Amy looked around the hallway. There was dust and dirt everywhere and for a moment wondered if they wouldn’t be better off back in the car. Geraldine stood breathing deeply.

  “This is no place to bear a child. I am so sorry Amy but it is too late already. Just get me somewhere clean.”

  Amy looked frantically around the hall. There was nothing there to help her. The dirt lay in piles across the floor. Cement dust covered everything and clouds of grit and sand curled up from the floor where the breeze blew in at the door.

  She clasped Geraldine around her thickened waist and guided her towards the stairs. She was about to sit her on one of the treads when she heard a door bang shut somewhere beneath them.

  “Hello! Who’s there?” She yelled out. There was no immediate answer but she turned towards the cellar door beneath the main stairs. A scrape of a door had her shouting again. “For God’s sake help us. She’s going to have her baby!”

  There was a sudden sound of running footsteps and then the under stairs door burst open. One of the two new workmen stood there breathing hard and staring wildly at the two women. He stepped forwards, his expression grim as he frowned at Amy but then he glanced at Geraldine and his whole demeanour changed.

  He jumped forwards as Geraldine let out a deep groan of pain.

  “I get you lady,” his accent and grammar was thick and the words barely recognizable but Geraldine nodded thankfully as he picked her up.

  There were more footsteps and the second new workman appeared. He glared at his friend with the pregnant woman in is arms and then barked out some words that Amy had no chance of recognizing. They didn’t even sound similar to the few words that she had heard him mumble on previous visits.

  The first man’s eyebrows dipped deeply. He glanced down at Geraldine and suddenly barked back at his friend. It took a few more moments for Amy to realize that they were both speaking their own language. She didn’t understand a word but she interrupted and spoke quickly.

  “I need somewhere clean for her to lie down and then I need some clean cloths, something to wrap the baby in. I don’t think it’s going to be long coming. Her contractions are only a few minutes apart.

  The first man shouted as the other hesitated and then he suddenly held the door to the basement open.

  “Cleaner down here and there are seats,” his accent grated at Amy’s nerves but she didn’t protest as the first man strode through the doorway. He walked quickly down the stairs turning slightly so as he didn’t knock Geraldine as they walked through the doorway and arrived in the hydrotherapy room. There were several plastic garden chairs arranged around a pallet of boxed blue tiles. Two or three chipped and dirty mugs littered the top of the boxes. The man gently placed Geraldine in one of the chairs and then he glared over at his friend who had followed them down to the basement.

  The quiet man narrowed his eyes as he stared at the two women and then he grabbed up two of the dirty mugs, turned on his heel and disappeared back along the corridor.

  Amy held Geraldine’s hand. She smiled encouragingly and then looked back to the workman.

  “I need to call an ambulance and her husband. I can’t get any signal on my phone.”

  The man shook his head and waved his hand vaguely around the room.

  “No signal here. No line in yet. I will go and make call from town.”

  Amy knew that there was no other choice and she muttered under her breath as she wiped a tissue across Geraldine’s brow.

  “Damn, I should have driven you to the hospital. Blast the insurance. Now we’re stuck here until we can get help and I think that’s going to be far too late.” She looked back up at the workman. “Take the car, it will be quicker than walking.”

  He gave a quick nod but then hesitated.

  “I wait for my friend. Do not want lady left on own.” He stood awkwardly to the side as he attempted to give them some privacy.

  Geraldine breathed in and out regularly as she gave Amy a watery smile.

  “It will be okay Amy. I have had two other babies. It will all be fine. I just need to relax for a moment and
do some breathing exercises to get me through the contractions.”

  Amy snorted and rolled her eyes.

  “Well at least one of us has some experience then. I know the theory side of it all of course but I never had the opportunity to deliver a baby before. I was in clinical care most of the time when I was nursing. It was mostly old ladies with infected leg ulcers and old men who couldn’t pee. Not quite the same thing.” She looked around the big room again and sighed. There were bags of cement in one corner and a pile of sawn wood in another. Sheets of plasterboard stood against an already prepared studwork wall and boxes of screws had spilled from their box and littered the floor. The room’s only salvation was that it wasn’t covered in plaster dust or sand. She turned back to Geraldine. “This is a nightmare. I’ll have to clean up around here only. I wouldn’t fancy giving birth in a building site but we will have to make the best of it until help arrives. I’ll see if one of those men can find some cloths or some packing to make some kind of bed for you. There must be a ton of relatively clean cardboard around here. If I can cover it, it might give you some level of comfort.” She glanced at the dirty mug left on the piled tiles. “I’ll see if I can rustle us up a cup of tea too. That always seems to help in an emergency.”

  Geraldine actually laughed as the perspiration ran down her face.

  “You English and your tea, but yes, that would actually be nice right now. I feel horribly thirsty.” She gripped Amy’s hand as another contraction made her wince.

  Footsteps echoed back down the stairs and the second workman arrived holding two steaming mugs. Amy smiled up at him as he put them on the tiles and quickly stepped back again.

  “You must have read my mind,” she spoke gratefully but her smile wavered as she tried to ignore his terrible teeth when he smiled crookedly back at her. His smile didn’t reach the corners of his eyes.

  Her hand trembled slightly as she passed one of the mugs to Geraldine and took the other for herself.


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