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Second Chance Romance

Page 8

by Sophie Monroe

  I gave him a quick kiss and left to collect my keys from Claire. I headed to the parking garage and as soon as I spotted my car I wanted to go back upstairs and smack him around. My car not only had new tires, it also had new rim’s… they were black and matched my car. I wonder if he could help himself. I called him and he swore it was all Jackson’s idea because they didn’t have my size tires in stock. They supposedly only had this pair of rim’s that would work and in Jackson’s words “they make it look bad-ass.” I hung up the phone with him and headed to the university.

  I headed into the graduate studies department and checked my student mailbox. There were a couple flyers for study groups, a book that my friend Cecile had returned and an official looking letter. I opened the letter.

  Ms. Julia J. Kline.

  717 Purcell Place

  Amityville, NY 11701


  November 6, 2012

  Dear Ms. Kline,

  This letter is to inform you that you are hereby required to attend a disciplinary meeting on 11/16/12 at one o’clock in the afternoon. The meeting is to be held at the Center for Graduate Studies in meeting room 4.

  During the meeting the question of disciplinary action against you in accordance with the universities policies disciplinary procedure will be considered with regard to the accusation of inappropriate contact and/or behavior with a faculty member.

  The possible consequences arising from this meeting could possibly result in your dismissal from our MBA program.

  You are entitled, if you wish, to be accompanied by an attorney.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Albert Chavez

  Dean of Graduate Studies

  Columbia University

  Holy Shit! This could not be happening. I reread the letter and pinched myself for good measure. Yep, it was real…

  I called Noah and tried my hardest not to cry. Crying was for the weak and I was not weak.

  “How can they even do this? Don’t they need evidence?” I asked.

  “You would think, but I’m not really sure how these things work. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before.”

  He went on to say because he got pulled away this morning he didn’t have a chance to finish his talk with Randall, but offered to reschedule over dinner. He reassured me over and over that everything would be fine.

  Ahhh! I need to tell him… He said would accompany me to the meeting, as my attorney. I hung up the phone and headed to my class, Noah texted as I was walking in. He said to meet him at Lola’s Bar & Grill after class and Randall would meet us there. I took my seat and prepared for the lecture.

  “Julia, please see me after class.” I nodded in acknowledgement. The next hour was going to drag on forever. When we were dismissed I stopped at his desk.

  “Hi.” He said shyly. He looked like a professor today, I stifled a laugh.

  “Hi.” I replied. We hadn’t talked much since our lunch.

  “So… I guess you got a letter too?” He asked.

  “I just got it today. It wasn’t me, if that’s what you wanted to ask.”

  “I know you wouldn’t do something like that. I’m just trying to figure out who would.”

  “I have no idea, but I should probably get going since we don’t need to give them anything else to talk about.” I said, he nodded sadly.

  “I miss you, Jules.” He whispered, standing and taking a step toward me. I couldn’t help myself, I stood on my tippy toes and lightly pecked his lips.

  “I miss you too, Chase. It doesn’t change anything.” I turned and walked away. I hated seeing him hurt. Great, how am I going to explain that to Noah?

  I arrived at Lola’s and saw Noah and Randall sitting at a table towards the back, they were smiling and laughing. Randall looked like an older version of Jackson. When I approached the table they both stood. Randall introduced himself and kissed my hand and Noah pulled my chair out. They filled me on what they had discussed before my arrival. Randall asked me of any possible motive that someone would have and a list of people that I suspected could be responsible. I said the only people I could think of would have been Reid or Carrie, but I could probably rule Reid out after the stint last night. Randall said anyone was fair game at this point. I asked Noah if he could get me a drink from the bar so I could have a minute with Randall. I didn’t want him to embarrass himself by calling the university when the claims weren’t entirely false.

  “Randall, I really appreciate what you’re doing for me. Before you call I need to clarify something first. I did have a relationship with Chase Mitchell, it was before he was a professor. We have conducted nothing more than a teacher-student relationship since before the beginning of the semester. I haven’t told Noah yet.” I said, ashamed.

  “How long did the relationship last?”

  “A little over a year and a half. We broke up because he wanted to be closer to his family. He was gone for a couple months, then he ended up getting hired as a professor and came back. We haven’t been romantically involved since, I swear. When I registered the spot just said TBD, to be determined. I had no idea he was going to be teaching one of my classes until I got the schedule. I work my ass off just as hard for his class as I do any other.” I emphasized.

  “This could cause a problem if it goes to a hearing. I’ll see what I can do, but you need to tell Noah.” I agreed. Noah returned with my drink and I thanked him, more enthusiastically than necessary.

  Randall said he would call the dean of the university tomorrow, and would keep us posted. He spoke with Noah a little more about Carrie being a possible suspect. He was nice and had a great sense of humor. He had me in stitches when he quoted Betty White “Why do people say to grow a pair of balls? Balls are weak and sensitive. They should say grow a vagina, those things can take a pounding.” Noah spat some of his drink out and started coughing. Before leaving he handed Noah the keys to the estate. He told him that he had made him his own set and for us to go up whenever we wanted. Laughter really is the best medicine, but I was dreading going home with Noah.

  I parked next to his Jeep in the parking garage and we walked hand in hand up to the condo. He said that he had to be in court at ten tomorrow but that we could leave for upstate after that. I packed a bag and he did the same.

  “Noah, I need to talk to you about something. I think you’re going to be upset with me and I’d rather do it here incase you want me to leave.”

  “I never want you to leave, what is it?”

  “I had a relationship with Chase Mitchell, the professor. The same one they are accusing me of sleeping with for better grades.” He stared at me in silence. Hurt was all over his face. “I guess I’ll be going.” I said walking toward the front door. My greatest fear was now a reality. I fucked up!

  “Why are you leaving?” He asked following closely behind me.

  “I knew this would happen.” I started crying.

  “Jules, I’m just shocked that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you to tell me that.”

  I went on to explain our relationship and that I really didn’t know he would be the one teaching the class. I needed it to graduate so I couldn’t drop it. I even told him about the kiss earlier. He looked hurt but took it at face value, it meant nothing. It was a goodbye.

  “This is going to change things with the hearing though. I’m sure there are pictures of the two of you. Someone could have gotten a hold of them and they could be used against you as evidence.”

  “I know. I’m really sorry Noah. My love life has always been a mess, I’m terrible at it.”

  “You’re not terrible at it, you just haven’t been with the right person.” I knew he was right. When all was said and done he’s the only one and it scared me. He smiled and led me back to the bedroom to continue packing.

  We curled up in bed and watched television. It seemed so domesticated. I turned to look at him and he smiled contently. With all of this behind me, and the fact that he was stil
l here I decided it was safe enough to let him in a little. I let my wall down.

  “Noah, please don’t make me fall for you if you don’t plan on catching me.”

  “I’ll always catch you baby, always. I wish there was some way I could make you understand how I feel. I give you what you want in the bedroom because I know it’s what you think you need, but every time we’re together it’s with love. I’m going to earn your love again, you’ll see.” We kissed and actually made love for the first time, since our first time. It didn’t even do my memory justice…


  Now or Never

  When I woke up the next morning the bed was empty. I freaked out thinking that maybe after my confession last night that he may have changed is mind. There was a note on my pillow telling me to have a good day and that he loved me. I smiled and headed to the kitchen, I regretted it almost immediately.

  “Morning princess.” Jackson was sitting at the breakfast bar. Does this place have a revolving door or something? Didn’t he just have the locks changed?

  “Morning… I’ll be right back.” I scurried back to bedroom and put some more clothes on. I only had a pair of boy-shorts and a tank top on. I knew that he’d seen me in less at work, but here it just felt wrong. I put on a pair of pajama bottoms on and walked back to the kitchen.

  “I should come here first thing in the morning more often.” He teased.

  “I should wear clothes more often.” I joked back.

  “So, Noah left already and I figured maybe we could go grab breakfast or something. I figured we should get to know each other since you’re dating my best friend.”

  “Um, sure, let me go get changed. Again.” I looked at what he was wearing so I could dress similar. He had on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve white polo shirt and sneakers. I headed into the closet and picked out a black sweater, skinny jeans and knee high black boots. I grabbed my new jacket since it was starting to get really cold in the morning.

  “I’m ready.” We went to the parking garage and he hit his key fab. Holy shit!

  “What kind of car is that?” I asked. It was literally the most beautiful car I’d ever seen.

  “It’s the 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish V12 Black Carbon Edition.”

  “Okay, whatever all that means. She’s sexy, I think I’m in love.”

  “Hey, she’s taken.” He opened the door for me and the inside was just as nice as the outside. I wanted one, I knew if it got back to Noah he’d probably have one parked there when I got home.

  “Do not tell Noah I said that.”

  “Why? Are you afraid of what he’ll do if I do?”

  “Yes. You know exactly what he’d do.”

  “Unfortunately I do.” He laughed. We headed across town to a retro diner and ordered breakfast. We talked about our meeting with his dad sans the Chase part. Then he started asking the tough questions that I would expect from a protective best friend. I told him my reasons for holding back. He went on to tell me about all the things he found confusing about life, which was a lot. He told me about his on again off again thing with a girl named Lexi. He was enjoying sewing his oats and wasn’t sure he could commit to just her. I told him how I felt about Noah but that I was apprehensive because I didn’t want to us to cling to one another just because we had a past. He said he didn’t see that way, more like we were soul mates. I explained to him that I couldn’t have kids, which Noah had already told him. Jackson said the same thing that Noah had, that he didn’t care. I still found that hard to believe.

  “You don’t know what tomorrow will bring. It’s now or never.” It was quite philosophical coming from him. When we were done with the heavy talk he changed to a lighter subject.

  “Why do porn sites have a ‘share to Facebook’ button? Who watches porn and thinks ‘You know who would really like this? My family and friends.’ I mean seriously” I nearly choked on my omelet.

  “I guess you never know.” I laughed.

  “Did Noah tell you about when we got our first apartment together we went to IKEA and we were looking for furniture?” I shook my head no. “Well, I hid in one of the closet unit thingy’s and walked out saying ‘I’m from Narnia.’ and another time I got really drunk at a party and harassed some kid because I thought he was Harry Potter.”

  “Jackson, you should totally date with my best friend Ellie, I swear you guys would be like two peas in a pod.”

  “Maybe I’ll ask her out sometime. So, tell me about this professor.” I cringed. I swear boy’s gossip worse than girls!

  “I’m sure you already know his name, Chase Mitchell. We met during my sophomore year at Columbia, he was a masters student at the time. He was really good looking and we just kind of clicked. We dated for almost two years, by then he had graduated and wanted to be closer to his family. His dad had gotten really sick so we decided to part ways, no hard feelings. We kept in touch and he visited a couple times but I had no idea he was planning on coming back. He said he got the job right before the semester started, we didn’t know he would be my professor but our relationship ended a long time ago.”

  “So, I don’t need to worry about you hurting Noah?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “But you kissed him.” Ugh! Damn Noah…

  “It was a goodbye kiss, nothing more!”

  “No need to get all defensive princess, just stating the facts.”

  “Sorry, I guess I’m just on edge lately. Things between Chase and I are in the past and that’s where they are staying.” I said firmly.

  “Glad to hear it. Are you excited to go upstate later? It’s a nice place.”

  “I’m looking forward to getting away for a bit. It will be nice to have some alone time with Noah.”

  Jackson paid for breakfast and offered to let me drive home. I practically tackled him for the keys.


  “I have to take this.” I said to my dad, who had just came to straighten things out at the police station because that stupid whore pressed charges. I answered my phone.

  “Well is it taken care of?” I asked.

  “I’m working on it. She got the letter from the dean today. Are you sure this is what you want it could end up backfiring on both of us.”

  “Oh, I’m sure. I want Noah Sinclair and I always get what I want.”

  My plan was brilliant, luckily I had gotten a certain someone who wanted her just as much as I did to take the bait. Everyone had a price.


  “Hey baby. I’m all done with court, I have to go back to the office and do some paperwork. I’ll be home in an hour or so. Do you want me to stop for anything before I get home?”

  “I’m good, I’m actually out with Jackson right now. He let me drive his car! I guess we’ll head back now.”

  “Wow, he must really like you, no one drives his car.” I laughed. “See you soon.” I hung up the phone. I quickly finished up at the office and headed home.

  I parked in my spot and headed to the elevator. When I opened the door I was surprised to see Ellie there. Jules was clinging to Jackson for dear life.

  I thought I heard laughing, but I quickly realized it Jules crying, hysterically.

  I rushed to her, I wanted to scold Jackson for not calling me. She probably convinced him not to because she hated interfering with my work.

  “Jules what happened?” She let go of Jackson and wrapped her arms around me. She shook her head letting me know that she couldn’t speak just yet. I looked at Jackson.

  “She got a phone call right after we got back, who ever it was really upset her. She started crying. I told her I was going to call you and she freaked out, so I called Ellie.” I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom leaving Jackson and Ellie behind. I placed her on the bed and took my jacket off sliding in next to her. She pressed her face into my neck.

  “Shhh. Everything’s okay Jules. I’m here.” I whispered into her hair.

  “No it’s not.” She choked and ha
nded me her phone. She pulled up a voicemail and I pressed play to listen.

  “Well, well you can’t even answer the phone for your own mother. How long has it been you little slut? I heard your whoring around has caused even more problems, as if it should come as a surprise. No one will ever want you for anything other than that Julia, ever.” The message ended. I had to refrain from calling that bitch back and giving her a piece of my mind. I knew that the façade that Jules kept of being tough as nails was faltering before me, she was breaking.

  “I don’t know how she found me Noah. How does she know what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, we’ll figure it out. Get cleaned up and ready to leave. I’m going to go talk to Jackson and Ellie.” I walked into the living room and told them about the message. I thought Ellie might explode, she was so angry, she went on a tangent about how she couldn’t understand how a mother could act like that. Abigail Kline was an ice queen, for as long as I could remember the way she treated Jules was more of a nuisance than a child. I asked Jackson to have his uncle Ethan to call in some favors, hopefully he would be able to shine some light onto the situation. Ethan said he would do what he could and said he was going to look into Chase as well. Jackson was going to go lend a hand, Ellie said she’d help too. I thanked both of them. They yelled a good-bye to Jules and headed out the door. I checked to make sure that everything was ready for our getaway, I was hoping it would be a good distraction for her. I carried our bags down to the Jeep and opened her door. She was very quiet for most of the trip, I didn’t want to press her, and I knew that she would talk if she wanted to. When we were about three-quarters there she spoke.

  “She’s right you know.”

  “What do you mean? You are not a whore Jules. She’s a spiteful bitch, she has done nothing but use you as a pawn you’re entire life.”


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