Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 14

by Sophie Monroe

  “No. He didn’t hurt me, not like you’re thinking. Just some grown up stuff that neither of us had any control of.” I patted his shoulder. I walked over to the end table and pulled out a picture of Noah and I and handed it to him.

  “You both look really happy here.” He observed. “Whatever happened maybe you could get past it. You only get one life, no dress rehearsal so we should make the best out of every day because there is no guarantee that you are going to wake up tomorrow.”

  “You’re awfully wise for being so young Harry. We’ve made our peace and we’re moving on. I’ll get there one day, I’m just not ready yet.” I held back my tears as he handed me back the photo. I ran my thumb over Noah’s beautiful face before placing it back in the drawer. We talked for a couple more hours and watched a movie before turning in for the night.

  At three in the morning my phone started ringing off the hook. I reached over to see who it was. It was Chase, I declined but it kept ringing again and again. I knew there had to be some reason for him calling me consecutively this early in the morning.

  “What!” I barked.

  “Jules there’s a problem. I need to talk to you. You’re going to hate me.” He was speaking a mile a minute. When he was finished my blood was boiling.

  “You fucking did what!!!!!” I screamed. “Please tell me you’re kidding, Chase.”

  “I’m so, so, sorry Jules.” I hung up before he could say anything else. I called the airline and booked the first flight I could get. I went to say goodbye to Harry and told him he had better come visit me soon and that I would be back. I didn’t want to wake my dad so I left him a note and I waited for the taxi.


  I didn’t even look at the speedometer, but I knew I was going well above the posted speed limit following the GPS directions. Randall had flown me to the nearest heliport in his private helicopter and even had a rental waiting for me when we landed. When I called him I didn’t even get out more than two sentences before he told me to meet him. He said he’d take me himself.

  He told me we had to fix this mess.

  Randall was a man with connections galore and this was one of the times that I was more than grateful. When I pulled up to the little cabin in a secluded part of North Carolina I saw a familiar car. It was Jules’ Infiniti. I barreled into the driveway and started pounding down the door like a madman. Jules didn’t answer, Chase did. I punched him right in the face because deep down I knew he had something to do with this too.

  “Where is she?” I bellowed walking around and opening every door.

  “She’s not here.” He stammered.

  “What the fuck do you mean she’s not here! Where is she?” I lifted him by his shirt and jacked him up against the wall.

  “I don’t know. She left about two weeks ago. She didn’t tell me where she was going. I swear.” He was crying like a little bitch.

  “You knew didn’t you? You sick and twisted little fuck! You were part of the plan all along too weren’t you?” I yelled.

  “It wasn’t supposed to end like this. You were supposed to marry Carrie and I was going to get back together with Jules. No one was supposed to get hurt.”

  I couldn’t help myself I punched him again. I was seething.

  “You selfish prick!” I screamed in his face. “Did you not think of how Jules felt?”

  “I didn’t. I thought I could get her to change her mind. I thought if she had enough time she would heal and get over you. Especially, since she wanted things to work out so badly with Carrie that she set up a fake engagement. I thought if she knew you guys were done and she would finally give me a second chance.”

  “Did you know that Carrie wasn’t pregnant?”

  “What? No. She is. I saw the test and everything.” He defended, the lawyer in me knew he was telling me the truth.

  “She’s not. She never was, it was a hoax.”

  I let go of him and he slid to the ground and dropped his head into his hands. A mumbled ‘what have I done’ slipped past his lips. He admitted to slashing her tires and that Carrie was the mastermind. She was the one that came up with the school scandal in hoped of ruining Jules’ chances at getting her degree. He said he couldn’t let that happen and that’s why he resigned. He told me that he sent Jules a picture from when I met Carrie for breakfast; the day that she told me she was pregnant. He told me shit that I didn’t even know about. I was ready to break his face, but I decided I needed his help.

  “You fucked up and now you’re going to help me fix it.”

  “How?” He looked up incredulously.

  I delved into the plan and he listened patiently and then we put our plan into action. I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.


  I woke up relaxed and refreshed. Today I would be Mrs. Carrie Sinclair and Noah would be mine, finally. Of course I was going to have to fake a terrible miscarriage, but I would make sure that it only brought us closer. I stopped my pill months ago so I shouldn’t have any trouble getting the deal done for real this time. I headed to go get my morning coffee. I walked in and saw that stupid bitch Melissa, and who was with her other than my second least favorite person, Ellie. I hated that whore almost as much as I hated Jules.

  “Getting ready for the big day.” They chimed. I was not happy that they were on the guest list but Noah insisted.

  “Yep. Only a couple more hours.” I rubbed it in a little more than necessary. There was no way they were knocking me down. Not today, bitches!

  I headed over to the hotel where we were getting married and checked in to the penthouse suite. I waited for my bridesmaids to show up. I was sipping on a vodka tonic when the first of my guests arrived. All my friends knew the baby was a lie, but they were just as vindictive as I was and didn’t really care. There was a knock and when I opened the door and couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a cart filled with champagne and my favorite mini desserts. They must be from Noah. I popped an éclair in my mouth and finished my drink. It was going to be a fabulous day!


  I was emotionally and physically exhausted by the time we touched down at Newark International Airport. I felt disgusting from all the travel. I grabbed my luggage off the turn style. Melissa and Ellie were waiting for me by the baggage claim. Ellie was holding a sign that read “The real Mrs. Sinclair” making me smile. She tossed the sign on the ground and practically knocked me on my ass as she ran to embrace me. I gave Melissa a hug too.

  “Thanks so much for coming to collect me.” I joked.

  “I missed you sooo much!” Ellie said, wrapping her arms around me again.

  “I missed you too.” I patted her head.

  “Come on let’s go, we have a plan to put into action.” Ellie said with an evil laugh.

  We got into Melissa’s Range Rover and headed towards NYC. Melissa explained to me her findings; I was literally shocked hearing it from her. She had been the one to tell Noah but that it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for Ellie’s persistence. I was appalled when Chase called me and told me what he had done. I felt so betrayed because I trusted him. I was just out right pissed at Carrie, that conniving bitch. Who does something like that? She knew damn well that Chase would go along with her plan and she used his vulnerability to push Noah and I apart.

  Ellie climbed into the back and rustled through my suitcase looking for something suitable for me to wear. She tossed a navy colored shift dress at me and found a thick brown belt that went well with it. She untangled my hair and applied some make-up making me look presentable. I didn’t have much in terms of shoes so Melissa took off her brand new Tory Birch flats, which happened to be the same color as the belt and handed them to me. She told me to think of them as a welcome home present. I felt lucky to have such great people in my life. It made me feel even more terrible for shutting everyone out when things went bad, but it’s hard when you run in the same circle. With Ellie dating Jackson and Melissa being married to Joe you don’t want the wr
ong thing getting out there. I honestly wanted Noah to try and forget me. I wanted him to do the right thing, even though it killed me to do it. I felt like it was the right thing to do, but now that I knew the truth I was going to let that spoiled bitch have what’s coming for her. She was going to be sorry for even hearing the name Julia Kline.

  Ellie glanced at her phone and told me that phase one had been put in to place. I asked her what it was.

  “You know that kid Brian that comes into the club sometimes?” She asked and I nodded. I knew he was a friend of Brad’s.

  “Well… he happens to work at the hotel that they’re supposed to be getting married at.” I nodded. “I had a nice delivery of laxative laced treats sent to her room. Noah said she’s a sucker for éclairs so I made sure there were plenty of them, so in about an hour she’s going to be shitting her brains out.”

  I looked at the clock and realized that they only had about an hour before the ceremony was going to start. I laughed internally. I wanted to feel bad, I really did, but after everything she put me through it didn’t even seem close to vengeance. Forty minutes later we were snuck in through the back door of the hotel. A very chipper Jackson greeted us. He pulled Ellie in and kissed her passionately before engulfing me in a hug. I was glad to see the two of them were still going strong. They made a great couple.

  “I’m so glad you’re here Jules.” He whispered into my ear. “It’s been hell without you and no one can stand what wench.”

  I asked where Noah was and he said he would be here and not to worry. I stood next to Melissa and thanked her again. I laughed as I looked at her immaculate outfit and my dingy running sneakers. She just shrugged and smiled.

  Ellie told Jackson what she had done as phase one. He was practically on the ground he was laughing so hard.

  “I love you woman. I really do.” He bellowed, making me smile.

  I was anxious to see Noah. I missed him like crazy. Jackson was leading us in a covert mission through the hotel lobby when a familiar set of red claws dug into my arm halting me in my tracks. I turned and gasped.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the whore trying to get in the way of the happy couple.” Abigail sneered. Jackson looked at Ellie with wide eyes. My palm started to twitch, but I controlled it in effort to not make too much of a scene. I didn’t want to attract unwanted attention.

  “What are you doing here?” I spat angrily.

  “Oh, I was invited sweetheart. Unlike you.” She cackled. She looked the same, a little older but the same.

  “Who invited you Abigail?” Ellie said getting in her face.

  “I don’t go by Abigail anymore. I go by Libby now.” Something flashed in Jackson’s face, like a missing piece of a puzzle. “That’s right. I’m Libby Collins, Carrie’s stepmother.” Oh my God!

  “You were behind this the whole time weren’t you?” I yelled.

  “Oh darling, I love nothing more than seeing you as miserable as you’ve made me.”

  “That’s why we couldn’t find any recent information on you.” Jackson mumbled.

  “I didn’t know that Noah was the same Noah at first, but as soon as I did I made sure that we never had the pleasure of meeting. I made sure he would never know that I was Robert’s wife. I made a point to avoid any work related function that he might be at, so he had no idea. When Carrie came to Robert crying saying that Noah called off the engagement she said your name. I knew that you’d gotten your filthy claws back into him. You don’t deserve him, you never have. I made sure that Carrie had the information that she needed to win him back.” I knew she was referring to the baby. The same baby that she made me lose. “We found out how bad the Mitchell boy had it for you and worked him into our little plan as well knowing that you’d take off because of your disgusting conscience.” She sneered.

  I was shaking and having a hard time staying upright when a familiar scent hit me. I’d know that scent anywhere. I sucked in a deep breath.

  “Abigail, what are you doing here?” Noah demanded, his voice menacing.

  “Is that anyway to speak to your future mother in law?” She cooed. He looked confused as he wrapped his arms around me. In that moment I felt safe. I turned my head slightly so I could look at his profile. He looked haggard, but still breathtaking. She couldn’t hurt me as long as he was holding me. He gave me the strength I needed to stand up to her for the first time in my life. She stood there with a smirk on her face as we filled in the gaps for him. When we were finished he had to pick his jaw up off the floor. Abigail just stood there with a bloodthirsty look on her face.

  “Abigail you need a high five in the face, with a chair.” Ellie said.

  I looked her straight in the eye and said my piece.

  “You are so self-absorbed! You have never cared about anyone except for yourself, ever. You have never been a mother to me. For a long time it made me sad, but you know what I’m actually grateful because I would have never been that shy, broken little girl. I’m stronger now and I probably wouldn’t be standing here with this group of amazing friends and the guy that I love more than my own life without you showing me what love isn’t.”

  “You’re nothing but a bitch.” She said harshly.

  “If I was really a bitch I’d make your life a living hell. Instead, I’ll just stand by and watch you do that yourself. You seem to do a pretty good job at it.” I said knowing Robert was standing within earshot. I knew he overheard most of what was going on. He approached slowly and Abigail started the dramatics. He looked slightly perplexed so Noah and Ellie filled him in on the rest. When they were finished Robert looked green. Jackson had gone to get him a chair so he could sit.

  The wedding was supposed to start in ten minutes and Carrie was going to feel a bit of what Noah and I had been feeling the last two months, alone. Ellie said she hoped that she’d shit herself in front of everyone. Jackson seemed to have everything under control. Noah pulled me into the stairwell and pushed me against the wall and claimed my mouth with his. It started out desperate and I forgot everything and lost myself in his kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as I could. We kissed until we were out of breath. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

  “I missed you so much.” Noah said as tears started streaming down his cheeks. He put his hands on the side of my face as if he was trying to reassure himself that I was really there. I leaned in and kissed him again for reassurance.

  “I never left you.” I said putting my hand on his heart. “I’ve always been here.” My own tears started flowing. Jackson tapped on the door.

  “Sorry to break up the reunion, but it’s show time.” He beamed.

  Noah tugged on my hand as we moved swiftly through the corridor to where Melissa and Ellie were standing. Apparently, Robert was furious and had hotel security holding Abigail until the ceremony was done. He agreed to go along with the plan because he believed in tough love, and more than that he believed in true love. Even more shocking was when he wished us nothing but the best.

  We had a perfect vantage point to see everything but where we couldn’t be spotted. We watched as Carrie came through the lobby with her posse. They went down the aisle one by one. I watched as Chase stood with his back to the crowd filling in for Noah. I had to say they did a great job because even I couldn’t really tell the difference from the back. I watched as Carrie walked arm in arm with Robert down the aisle. I leaned my head on Noah’s shoulder. He turned and smiled at me. When they arrived at the alter everyone took their seats. Chase finally turned and looked at Carrie. The look on her face was priceless. It was one of complete an utter shock. She started running back down the aisle only to trip on the horrendous thing she called a dress. Unfortunately, she didn’t take a total spill.

  We moved to greet her in the lobby. She pointed her skeletal finger at me.

  “You!” She yelled.

  “Haven’t we done this before Carrie. It’s not a wand.” I told her sternly.

  She started scr
eeching and what a horrid sound it was.

  “Damn girl, are you a fire detector? ‘Cause you’re really fucking loud and annoying.” Jackson said. She moved to take a step towards me but Ellie stepped in.

  “If karma doesn’t hit you bitch, I fucking will.” Ellie was nose to nose with her. Carrie started to look unwell and I had a feeling the laxatives were about to make their presence known.

  “Why?” Noah asked.

  “I love you Noah, it was supposed to be us all along.”

  “Carrie, this is not what you do to someone that you love. If you really loved me you would have done what Jules did. She left. It killed her to do it, but she wanted me to what was right. She did it because she loves me. That is what love is really about. It’s about sacrifice and putting the ones you love before yourself. You know nothing about love Carrie. Nothing. I’m actually ashamed that I even entertained the thought of marrying you. After this is over I never want to see your face again.” He looked her square in the eyes. “I don’t believe in hate, I think it weighs you down but you’re my exception. I hate you! I hate what you’ve done to me, and more than that what you’ve done to the people that I love. You disgust me.” Just then she grabbed her stomach and shit herself. It was disgustingly epic.

  Noah grabbed my hand and walked away from her. He never even looked back. Robert apologized again and said that he would be in touch. I felt bad for Robert. He had a psycho bitch for a daughter and a spiteful, vindictive bitch for a wife.

  We made plans to meet the others at Jackson’s condo in a couple hours but we wanted a little time to ourselves first. Once we were back at the condo exhaustion hit me full force. Noah picked me up as if I didn’t weigh anything and carried me to the bedroom. I laughed when I noticed nothing had changed in here. All my things were exactly how I left them.

  “She never came here and I didn’t sleep with her. You belong here Jules, you’ve belonged here all along.” He read my mind.


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