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More Than One: A Novel

Page 9

by Fowler, Monica

  My mom was still sobbing, with blood-shot, red eyes. She stared at me without blinking, like she was trying to remember every line in my face, like I could be gone in any second. I had to resist the urge to cry again. I then glanced at my father. He wasn’t crying, but I could see the pain written all over his face. I knew I had to get away from here or I was going to lose it. I stood up and turned to leave.

  “Son,” my father said, “I promise you, we will figure this out. I won’t rest until I make sure you’re one hundred percent again. I need you to trust me though.”

  “I trust you. This is the one time I’m glad I have a genius for a father,” I said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood before I retreated to my room.

  Chapter Nine


  I sat in my dorm room, posted up on my bed like a statue. The trip to Kansas didn’t relieve me at all. It just made matters worse. I felt like I had stepped into another dimension, where everything was backwards and anything goes. My emotions were on a roller coaster ride.

  “Hey Jay, I’m going to hang out with Derrick. I’ll be back later. Are you going to be okay?” Rach asked.

  I looked up from my daze and stared at her. What did she just say? I didn’t even know how long she had been talking to me.

  “Jamie, are you going to be okay? I’ll only be gone for a couple of hours.”

  “Oh, yeah I’m fine. Go ahead, have fun,” I said trying to get my thoughts together.

  “Are you sure? Because I can stay here tonight, it’s no problem. You’ve been acting strange since we got home from your parents. Did something happen?”

  “No, everything is okay. Please go have fun. Tell Derrick I said hi please.”

  She eyed me suspiciously. I turned my head and pretended like I was looking for something. Her glare was driving me crazy.

  “Rach, I promise I’m fine. Now get out of here, you’re getting on my nerves crowding my space,” I said. “Seriously, go have a life, I will be okay.”

  “Alright, but if you need me, just call.”

  I nodded and then waved so she would go. I can’t keep having my friend feeling like she needed to babysit me. She finally grabbed her things and headed for the door.

  As the door closed, I felt emptiness creep up inside me. All my thoughts were scattered. My heart was racing and I couldn’t calm it down.

  Before we left my parent’s house, I found a folder that has led me to believe that either I’ve been cloned or I am the clone. But there is no reasoning behind any of what I saw. Clones don’t exist. They can’t, it’s just not plausible.

  I remembered hearing something about the cloning of a sheep some years back, but that was an animal. They couldn’t have possibly come that far in science to be able to clone humans.

  And what was the file doing in my dad’s file cabinet? What was my name doing on it?

  This was too bizarre, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all connected to my dreams. I still couldn’t put it all together, but I knew once I did, it would all fit and make perfect sense.

  I felt sick to my stomach. What if my dad really did figure out how to clone humans? Wouldn’t he tell me about it?

  The file said the experiment had failed, so where did he go wrong? Why didn’t I know about this? This was too much to take in. It was making me dizzy. I needed to lie down, but I knew it wouldn’t stop and I would be up analyzing and obsessing.

  I went to the bathroom and looked in our medicine cabinet for anything to help me sleep. I didn’t want to think about this anymore.

  I found some sleep aide and grabbed a glass, filled it with water and took two pills. After, I washed my face and went to bed.

  I grabbed my journal and skimmed through. Scientist, doctors, hospital rooms… Why was I having these dreams? Even if I was cloned, I wouldn’t be having some kind of psychic connection to it, would I?

  I was still scanning pages when my eyes started getting heavy. The medicine must be kicking in. I laid down on the bed with the journal tight in my hand. I shut my eyes and tried to think about something else.

  I let my mind wander to the place that always gave me peace, the ocean. I was on the beach watching the waves. Finally, I decided to just dive right in. I went down further trying to reach the ocean’s floor.

  Suddenly, I was taken out of my serene thoughts and plunged into a very dark scene. I knew I had to be dreaming for real.

  I opened my eyes and I was in the room with the flashing red light in the corner. I climbed on the bed and reached for the camera. I pushed it to the side so the focus would be on the opposite wall.

  I went to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and some shoes. After I got dressed, I found a screwdriver that was lodged behind the dresser.

  I went to the door and started unscrewing the handle. When it came off, I jiggled the door and it popped open. I found a jacket that was on the edge of the bed, put it on, and silently left the room.

  I was walking through what seemed like some kind of laboratory. Equipment was everywhere, so I had to watch my step to insure I didn’t hit anything.

  Once I made it outside, I stood there smiling, amused with how easy this was for me. No regrets, void of any positive emotions at this point. I belted out a laugh and took off running.

  I ran as fast as I could down the dimly lit street. I was tiring out faster than usual, but I was so angry that it kept me going.

  I slowed down when I got closer to the park and heard a dog barking. I looked around waiting for the owner of the dog to come into my view. I finally stopped and sat down on a bench.

  Moments later, a woman came around the corner jogging, obviously trying to catch up with her pet. She slowed down while the dog urinated on a nearby tree.

  She is going to get what she deserves. No one should be out this late, especially with a serial killer on the loose.

  The dog started sniffing around and then we locked eyes. It started barking as it ran toward me. I wasn’t frightened. I just stood up and position myself for whatever impact was going to happen.

  I flashed a wide grin as the dog approached me and lunged. Once it was close enough, I took the handle of the screwdriver and smacked down on his muzzle as hard as I could. The dog collapsed whimpering.

  In the background, I could hear the woman shouting and yelling something I couldn’t understand. I looked around and there was no one in sight. I reached in my back pocket and put my hands around my pocketknife. I was traveling light these days.

  The woman finally made it to where the dog lay on its side, panting.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” she yelled. She had an accent. I couldn’t tell where she was from though. “He’s just a dog you stupid bitch.”

  I was beaming while getting closer to her. She was tending to her dog and didn’t realize I was standing over her at that point.

  “Are you okay Maddox? Let me get you home baby.” She was cooing at the dog, trying to pick him up.

  I brandished the knife and before she could turn around, I put my hand on her forehead and snapped her head back. She tried to wrestle with me, but I was stronger. I wasn’t going to let her get away that easily.

  The dog looked up and started to whimper again. The girl was still struggling, begging for her life. I winked at the dog and said, “Say goodbye Maddox.” I pulled on her head so she could look me in my eyes. When she was fully aware of her fate, I brought the knife down on her neck, swiftly pushing down hard and pulling from left to right. Her body fell to the ground.

  She started kicking around, gasping for air, and then the spasm slowed until it stopped. Her eyes were wide and lifeless. The dog finally got up and walked to his owner. He shied away from me before he knelt down in front of the woman and licked her cheek.

  I turned and walked away. I made my way across the street before a car came around the corner onto the main street directly in front of the park. The dog started barking again, so I ducked behind a house that was nearby.

  Once I made it to the backyard, my chest started to hurt. Pain shot through every inch of my body and I collapsed on the ground writhing in pain.

  “Jamie, Jamie, get up. Please wake up,” Rach was saying gripping my wrist.

  I was kicking and screaming. My body felt like someone was shocking me. “It hurts,” I yelled. “Please, make it stop.”

  “Jay, get up.” Rach was still screaming.

  I finally opened my eyes and realized I was fighting her. She was crying and trying to pin me down.

  “Dammit Jamie, what were you dreaming about?”

  I looked around the room. I was back in my dorm and Rach was here with me. My body didn’t hurt anymore, but I was tense all over. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

  Rach was still waiting on an answer. I didn’t know what to say at that point. It was just a dream, but it felt so real.

  “Jamie, say something.”

  “Um, I had another nightmare,” I said.

  “I know that, but what was it about? I’m surprised no one is banging on the door from all the screaming and kicking you just did.”

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

  I was still looking around. I’m here, in my dorm room. I felt like I was still somehow in the dream. I couldn’t wrap my head around much.

  “Was there another victim in your dream?”

  “Yes, there was another murder; a woman who was jogging in the park with her dog.”

  “Oh no,” Rach gasped. “What happened, I mean, well you know what I mean.”

  I did a full recount of the dream I just had to Rach. Her eyes were wide the whole time. Maybe I shouldn’t have went into such detail while I was explaining this to her, but I couldn’t help it. Once I started talking about it, I needed to get everything that happened out in the open.

  I looked around my bed for my journal and found it on the nightstand. I grabbed a pen and started writing. I didn’t want to miss any details of the nightmare.

  There was something different about this particular dream. I still didn’t know where I was, but I saw the room I was breaking out of and the surrounding area. I recognized the room that I escaped from. It was the same room from my earlier dreams. This was the first time I saw outside of the room, other than just the hospital space.

  The whole time I was writing and thinking, Rach sat silently on her bed. I looked up, face apologetic. I know this has to be taking a toll on her. I hadn’t considered her feelings.

  I put my journal down and walked over to sit next to her. Her eyes were still wide and blank as she stared into space.

  “Rach, I’m so sorry. I’m being selfish telling you about my dreams. I’ve been caught up with so much, I haven’t considered how you felt,” I said.

  “Jay, you’re the one having the dreams. I should be apologizing to you. I really don’t know how I can help you and I feel bad that I can’t,” she replied.

  “Listen, this is not your fault and you’ve helped more than you know. Don’t feel bad, you have no reason to.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me? Ever since we got back from Kansas, you have been more distant than usual.”

  I scooted further back on her bed and leaned against the wall, with my legs crossed.

  “Nothing happened. I’m just trying to process and deal with everything the best way I know how.”

  “I guess I understand,” she said.

  I couldn’t help but let my mind wander back to the dream during this moment of silence. The thing that kept coming back to my attention was the pain I felt at the end of the dream.

  I wondered what would have happened if Rach didn’t wake me up. The pain that shot through my chest felt like a heart attack. It crippled me and I couldn’t breathe.

  I glanced over to the clock and noticed it was late. I decided I needed to get some sleep so I could get up early. I have to do some research.

  Rach was still leaning against the wall. Her head was bobbing back and forth as she went in and out of consciousness. I moved out of the way and helped her lie down on her pillow. I covered her up with one of the throws we had and turned off her lamp.

  I put my journal back in my nightstand and turned out the rest of the lights. I wasn’t even afraid to go back to sleep. I knew I was going to figure this out somehow.

  The next morning I woke up sore, but I put that aside and rushed to get dressed. I was being extra quiet. I didn’t want to wake Rach up. She needed all the rest she could get. I told myself that after this was all over, I was going to treat her to some kind of awesome vacation.

  After I got dressed, I grabbed my books and headed for the door. I had class in about an hour and a half and I didn’t want to be late. I told my dad I was going to do better and I wanted to make good on my promise.

  I made it to the library, walked to the counter and asked the guy where I could find books and articles on clones.

  I sat down and spread the books out across the table. I grabbed the thickest one first. I flipped through the pages and most of it was about the sheep that was cloned named Dolly. I continued to look through the book and saw entries about a guy who claims he has a clone somewhere hidden from the public eye. According to him, the clone was born without any defects and is still living like a normal human.

  I grabbed another book and then another, until I was done skimming through all the pages. All of them, with the exception of two, said that every attempt had failed due to some kind of defect. Even if the clone had made it through the birthing process, it died some time later. There wasn't any solid record of a clone living past a year or so.

  I left the library feeling empty. I made it to the parking lot to get in my car, when I saw the black S.U.V. I stopped in my tracks and watched as it pulled up next to my car. The engine shut off and I felt giddy all over. I knew it was my mystery guy from the Junction. He got out of the truck and grinned. I wanted to melt all over again. He walked up to me and I looked up to meet his gaze.

  “Hi there,” he said.

  “Hi,” was all I could get out.

  “We haven't formally met, but I seem to always see you in passing. I just had to introduce myself,” he said extending his hand. “I'm Michael Ian.”

  I shook his hand and my palms were sweaty.

  “I'm Jamie Whitlock. Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. I hope I'm not interrupting you. I just wanted to come over and uh, well say hi,” he said.

  “Oh no, you're not interrupting anything, I was just doing some research at the library.”

  There was silence for a second and I started fidgeting with my purse.

  “Well Jamie, I guess I'll see you around then,” he said.

  “Uh, okay, that would be nice.”

  He turned to walk away and I wanted to kick myself. Rach told me I needed to be more aggressive, but I didn't know how. It wasn't in my nature. I was always taught that the guy should be the aggressive one and pursue me, but it wasn't working out so well for me right now. I mean, he did introduce himself. That has to count for something. But then again, he was probably just trying to be nice.

  I went for the door, so I could scream in the privacy of my own car, when he turned around and walked back over to me.

  “Look, this might be too forward, but would you like to have breakfast with me or something?” he said.

  “Right now?” I asked.

  “Yeah, oh wait, you're busy, right?”

  “No,” I lied.

  “So, would you join me?”

  “Sure,” I said cheerfully.

  I looked down at my book bag and rolled my eyes. I really wanted to hang out with him, but I needed to go to class. Which one was more important? What would Rach do in this situation? She would definitely ditch class and go. If I told her about this later, she would grill me about not going. I turned back to Michael and he winked. That's it, I'm going. I opened my car door and threw my book bag in the back seat.

  “So, where do you want to go?” I ask

  “Well, I'm not from here, so the only place I know is the Junction,” he said rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said.

  I followed him to his car and he opened the door for me. I got in and looked around. It was cleaner than my car and way more comfortable. My car looked like crap compared to his.

  He got in and turned the music down before pulling out of the parking lot. What was I doing? This was not me. I never do anything like this. On the other hand, Rach would be proud that I took some initiative. I was really looking forward to having this conversation with her.

  “So, tell me, where is your boyfriend? I know you can't be single. You are way too pretty,” he said.

  “No, I'm not seeing anyone. I haven't had time to work on that department,” I replied.

  “Well, I'm glad. I don't know anyone here and it would be nice to have someone as beautiful as you escorting me around town.”

  “I can definitely do that,” I said smiling. It was coming out of nowhere and I couldn't help it.

  We made it to the Junction and went in. He stood close to me while we waited to be seated. I had to concentrate on not acting weird around him. I didn't want to scare him off so soon.

  We finally sat down across from each other and he kept staring at me. It was making me self-conscious. It had been a long time since I've hung out with someone other than Ash or Rach.

  “So, what are you going to school for?” he said interrupting my thoughts.

  “Radiology,” I said.

  “Wow, I'm impressed. That is a good field to be in right now. Well, anything in the medical field is good.”

  “Yeah, both of my parents are in the medical field, so naturally I was going, too.

  “Is this a passion of yours or is it to please the parents?” he asked.

  “At first it was, but now that I follow it, I like it.” I said leaning forward on the table. “What about you? Are you in school?”


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