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More Than One: A Novel

Page 23

by Fowler, Monica

  His father eyed him before having a seat on the couch. His mom came from around the corner and had a seat next to him. That led everyone else to sit.

  “What's this about Ash?” his mom asked.

  I walked over to Ash and pulled him out to the entryway. Everyone watched us as we whispered to each other.

  “Are you sure this is the best time to blurt all of this out?” I asked.

  “Why not? He asked why you guys were here. Besides, I want to know what's going on, don't you?” he said.

  “Yeah, but...” I started.

  “But nothing. I told you everything will be fine. Calm down please and let's do this,” he said pulling me back toward the living room.

  “Ash, what's going on?” his father said.

  We took a seat.

  “Okay, let me start,” my dad interjected. “William, we came because Jamie has been having dreams about some murders that have been going on here in Rome. Have you heard about it?”

  “Sure I have. It is unfortunate, but what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well, she is dreaming that she is committing the murders,” he said.

  “I still don't follow.”

  My dad looked at Ash and Ash shook his head. It was like there was an unspoken understanding between them both. It was weird.

  “They know everything,” Ash said to his dad. “They know I'm a clone.”

  Both of his parents eye's got wide as they looked around the room.

  “Well of course I should have known about this a long time ago, since I did help with the research,” my dad said. “And rest assure, your secret is safe with us, but we need to know if there is another clone?”

  Ash's mother looked at her husband waiting for him to talk. Maybe she didn't know anything. She looked so shocked.

  “Is it true? Did you make another clone and didn't tell me about it?” Ash asked.

  His father was still speechless. I know he did not expect to come home to this. I really felt bad for the way Ash sprung this on him. I wished we would’ve waited.

  “Dad?” Ash yelled.

  That was the first time I heard him reference his father that way. I know he must have been hurting behind this and was just lying to protect me. I couldn't imagine going through life thinking I was the only one of my kind and then find out later there was another. All those years when he was confused, and had no one to talk to about what he was going through. It had to be hard.

  “Ash, listen to me, this is far beyond your understanding. Anything I've done, I did it for you,” he said.

  “Just tell me. Did you or did you not make another clone?” he said with a stern voice.

  His father looked down, like he felt ashamed.


  Ash stood up and started pacing the floor.

  “I can't believe you lied to me. Why didn't you tell me before? You led me to believe that I was the only one. Do you know how many nights I sat up wanting to get things off of my chest and never felt like I could come to you? You made me stay in this house day in and day out and I had no one. I can't believe you,” Ash yelled.

  “Ash, please calm down and let your father explain. You don't know the circumstances,” my dad said.

  “Yeah Ash, please calm down,” I said.

  I grabbed his hand and looked deep into his eyes. I could see the pain seeping through and it hurt me. I never knew that he had to go through this. The whole time I’ve known him, he could never tell me. How much did he suffer having to hold that in?

  I leaned in and hugged him and he squeezed me back. He kissed the top of my head and then let go of me. I held onto his hand, I didn't want him to blow up again, although he had every right to be upset.

  “Look, Ashton. I am so sorry about not telling you. I didn't know how you would take the news. I was already putting us all at risk and I just figured it would be better if you didn't know,” Ash's father said.

  I pulled Ash to a chair and we sat down together. My hand was on his chest and it was rising and falling quickly. I tried to comfort him, but he wasn't allowing it.

  “So, this other clone, where did the DNA come from? How did all of this come about?” my father asked. “I was under the impression that the process failed.”

  Ash's father looked up and took off his glasses to rub his eyes. He cleared his throat and began talking. He explained that when my parents left, how he and Dr. Lewis studied day and night on the failed experiment. They tried again and this time it worked. The clone grew at a normal rate, and they watched her closely to see if there were any changes and at the time, there weren't any.

  He then went over the story of how Ash came about, but we already knew this from Ash. I looked into the doctor's eyes and I realized I recognized them. I couldn't place them at the time, but as he continued to talk and look around the room with worry in his eyes, I knew exactly where I knew them from. In some of my dreams, this was the man who stood over me before I blacked out. He was the one taking care of me. A shiver ran down my spine and Ash felt me jump and looked at me.

  “William, where did the DNA for the other clone come from?” my dad asked again.

  He instantly looked at me. Once again, my heart started racing and I felt uncomfortable. Everyone's gaze turned toward me and I felt like I was on display. I started hyperventilating, and Ash wrapped his arm around me and told me to breathe. My dad came over and squatted down in front of me. He pulled my face up to his and I tried to hold back the tears. The concern in his eyes made me let go and cry. My dad turned back to look at Ash's dad before he got up and sat on the corner of the chair I was sitting in.

  “I found out that Mark still had some of her samples frozen in his lab. I just wanted to see if our theory was right. I never thought it would work, but when it did, there was no way we could discard her. She was a living, breathing person. We've studied her for years, along with Ash of course, and you would be amazed at how far the research has gotten...” Ash's father started.

  “Let me get this straight,” my dad said standing up. “You cloned my daughter without my knowledge or consent and you failed to tell me about it? Don't you think I had a right to know that information? I put everything into this.”

  “I know you're upset and you have every right to be. But you have to understand, that we, not just Dr. Lewis and I, you included, have stumbled upon something great. I thought you of all people would be happy,” he said rubbing his hands together. I could see where Ash got it from. “You were the one who pushed us to believe it was possible. If it weren't for you, we would have never gotten this far.”

  My dad still looked furious.

  “William, you say that to me now, but if my daughter wasn't having dreams of what your clone has been doing, we would have never known that she or Ash existed. There is no excuse for what you've done,” my dad said.

  I looked over at my mom and she was sitting there looking oblivious to what was going on. She stared into space and didn't move a muscle during the whole ordeal. Ash's mother was the same way. Occasionally she would gasp, but then there was nothing else.

  “I understand your frustration, but there was no way we could have known how you would take us using your daughter's DNA, that's why I didn't tell you. It sounds bad, but I did it in the name of science. You can appreciate that, right?” he said.

  “Look here, don't tell me what I should appreciate...” my dad said.

  “Dad,” I yelled cutting him off. “It's already done, so stop yelling. It doesn't matter what he did twenty years ago, what matters is what is happening now.” I turned to Ash's father. “Do you know if this clone is involved in the murders here in Rome? I know you monitor her.”

  He looked surprised.

  “How do you know that?” he asked.

  “Because I've dreamed about this house, her room, your laboratory, all of it. I don't know why I do, but I do. I can see what she does through my dreams sometimes. I can even feel her emotions. I know that right now, she is in
pain. There are times that she sits in her room rocking and when she gets really angry, her chest hurts. How am I doing so far?” I said.

  “That is exactly right, but I don't understand how you would know all of that... That is astounding, you can see what she see’s and according to the reports on her sessions with Dr. Thompson, she can see what you see. I didn't think it went both ways,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

  “Okay, let's get back to the situation at hand. Do you know if she is involved or what?” Ash said still holding me.

  “It isn't possible. She is in her room every day, there is no way she could get out,” he said.

  “When was the last time you checked the recorded tapes,” I asked.

  “We check them every day. She does the same thing as usual.”

  “What about the overnight feed?” my dad asked.

  “Well, we haven't checked those. We used to, but all she did was sleep. We felt there was no need to check them. I still work at the hospital and it is hard for me to be as efficient as I used to be. But I seriously don't think she is capable of doing such a thing,” he said.

  We all looked at each other.

  “Jamie, has been getting letters from Rome, from a person named A. In all of the letters, she is telling Jay to be careful and to not trust anyone. Apparently, this A person feels responsible for the other clone. Do you know anything about it?” Ash asked.

  “No, I don't,” he said turning to me. “What else do the letters say?”

  I gave him a full run down on all the letters and what they read. I told him I knew the letters were coming from Abigail and his eyes got wide. At that point, I knew he really didn't know anything about it. I didn't mention anything Michael said to me. I didn't want to start trouble for him. I just kept it simple and summarized everything I knew.

  “I don't know what to say,” he said rubbing sweat from his forehead.

  “We need to get Dr. Lewis and Dr. Thompson over here right away. And then check the tapes to see if there is anything there to help us find out what's going on,” my dad said.

  “You're right,” he said standing up. “Come with me Martin, I want to show you something.”

  My dad got up, kissed my mom before coming to kiss me on the forehead, and followed Ash's father out of the room. Everyone else was sitting like statues, as if it would hurt to move.

  I didn't know what to do or think. This was finally out in the open and we were getting somewhere. I was happy, but my heart still hurt for Ash. This had to be hard on him as well. It was like we were destined to meet the way our lives overlapped each others. It’s a small world after all.

  Chapter Twenty

  While my dad and Dr. Dean were gone, Ash and I discussed what we thought about the situation. He was still distraught about the fact that his father had lied to him all these years. On the other hand, I was glad it was out in the open.

  Our moms were still sitting like statues, not saying anything. I got up and went over to my mom. When I sat down, it startled her. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to figure out what to say to comfort her. Ash went and sat down next to his mom and did the same.

  “Mom?” Ash said.

  She looked up with tears forming in her eyes.

  “Mom, did you know about this?” he said.

  She shook her head like she was trying to get some of the thoughts out of it.

  “Mom, it’s okay. I just want to know if you knew?”

  I seriously wanted to know what Ash had against his father at this point. He was so sweet and gentle with his mom. It just didn't add up. His father must have done something major for him to be so insolent toward him.

  “Ash, I'm so sorry. Your father told me that it would be a mistake if we told you. I didn't know you were going through so many things. Why didn't you just come and tell me?” she said.

  “I'm a guy. There are some things that I need a man's advice about. And the fact that I'm different... all I'm saying is, it would've been nice to talk to someone like me to help me understand what I was going through. Do you get what I'm saying?”

  “Yes. I am really sorry baby,” she said and started crying harder.

  As he consoled her, I turned to look at my mom. She was still staring in the same direction as before.

  “Mom, are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I'm fine,” she said still looking forward.

  “You're not acting like it. Do you need to talk?”


  “Are you sure?” I said squeezing her shoulders.

  She looked at me and smiled.

  “Yeah, baby, I'm sure.”

  I leaned my head on her shoulder. Everyone was quiet as we sat there and waited for the doctors to return. The time seemed to linger on forever until they finally came back.

  “Dr. Lewis and Dr. Thompson are on the way,” Ash's father said.

  “Okay, so did you guys look at the video tapes?” Ash asked.

  “Not yet,” my dad said.

  “Why not? What were you two doing then?” I asked.

  My dad came and sat down next to me.

  “I went to see her,” he said.

  Ash and I looked at each other and this time, I knew exactly what he was thinking. We wanted to see her, too.

  “Um, so, what is she like?” I asked.

  “She looks just like you. Well, her eyes are dark brown, but everything else is the same; its uncanny,” he said.

  “We want to see her,” Ash said.

  His father walked over and sat down next to Ash's mother. Ash looked back and forth between his father and me.

  “You will see her, but not right now. I think we should wait until Dr. Thompson gets here. They have gotten close over the years and I think it would be easier for her if she were here,” he said.

  I guess I could agree with that, but I was not leaving until I did see this imitation of me. Ash conceded as well and went back to comforting his mom. My dad took in my mom’s expression and went to sit next to her. The atmosphere changed once again. It wasn't over though; I knew we had a couple more emotions in us that would come out before the day was out.

  My dad was holding my mom and Ash's father was talking to Mrs. Dean; so we decided to sneak away for a minute. He came and grabbed my hand and we left out of the front door. He took a seat on the steps and I copied him.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked.

  “I don't know yet. What about you?”

  “Me either. I know I want to see this other clone, though.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I said.

  Ash started picking up rocks that were on the front porch and throwing them across the lawn.

  “Can I ask you something,” I said.


  “Why are you so mad at your father?”

  He threw another rock. I watched it as it sailed through the air and almost landed in the street.

  “I just am. He was never there for me. I only had my mom. I had to grow into a man all on my own. I wondered why he stayed in the lab so much, and now I know why,” he said.

  “But isn't there anything he has done that was good,” I asked.

  “He made me. The end. There is nothing else. I always felt like he was disappointed because I didn't want to be like him. Nothing I did was ever good enough. He always wanted me to try harder. My mom was the one who raised me. I was home schooled, you know,” he said.

  I felt so bad for him. He was taking this better than I expected, but I knew inside, he was furious.

  “I'm not saying that you don't have every reason to be mad at him, but all I know is, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have you in my life. I am seriously thankful for that,” I said.

  He looked at me before he picked up another rock and threw it.

  “Yeah, I guess you're right. I just find it hard to love him like everyone says I'm supposed to. Maybe that will change over time, but for right now, I don't see it.”

  I knew there was no use in arguing and
trying to persuade him to see my side, so I didn't say anything more.

  Just as he picked up another rock, two cars pulled into the driveway, one behind the other. I sat and watched as they slowly crept to a stop. I figured they were the doctors we were waiting for. I waited for them to get out of their cars and Ash continued to throw rocks. I guess it didn't matter to him either way; the worst was already behind him.

  Finally, the first car door opened and a long legged woman stepped out. I assumed it was Abigail. When she looked at me, she had a shocked expression on her face. She closed her door and quickly walked over to us. I stood up waiting for her to reach me. When she stood in front of me, she started examining me.

  “Jamie, I presume,” she said.

  “Yes and you are?” I asked although I knew the answer.

  “I'm Abigail Thompson. Nice to finally meet you,” she said.

  She shook my hand and looked at Ash. He was still sitting down tossing the rock he had in his hand back and forth.

  “Ashton, I don't suppose you remember me?” she said.

  He looked up briefly and then back down.

  “Yeah, kinda,” he said.

  He was being so rude to her. It made me think she had done something to him that I was unaware of.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you again,” she said.

  By this time, the other person had made it out of the car and was standing behind Abigail. When I took in his features, I recognized him from my dreams, as well. He had a worried expression on his face and it reminded me of the dream I had when I was hypnotized. He was the man that kept floating through my head and I was angry with him for some reason.

  “I know you don't remember me, but I worked with your father a long time ago,” he said. “My name is Dr. Mark Lewis.”

  “Hey,” I said turning to Dr. Thompson. “So, you've been writing me letters? Why?”

  She looked at Dr. Lewis, who had a surprised look on his face, and then back to me.

  “We should go inside and discuss this,” she said walking up the steps to the entrance. Dr. Lewis followed her.

  Ash shrugged and I pulled him up from the step and we went in soon after. Everyone was in the living room talking. My dad was getting reacquainted with Dr. Lewis and meeting Dr. Thompson for the first time. Ash and I stood in the doorway waiting for them to settle down.


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