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More Than One: A Novel

Page 27

by Fowler, Monica

  “The Eagle?” I said confused.

  “Well, that’s what the name of the city means in Italian, but it is called L’Aquila. There are a couple of places there I want you to see. It’s not that far from here.”

  “Okay, you’re the guide. I’m all yours tonight.”

  “Yes you are,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  We drove for another ten or fifteen minutes. Michael impressed me with knowing his way around this place. We twist and turned down roads, dodging pedestrians who were walking in the streets, singing songs, and holding hands. The town really came alive at night. There were street performers and people dancing, all having a great time.

  “If you look to your left, you will see the fountain in one minute,” he said.

  I strained my neck to see what he was talking about, and just like he said, a minute later, this majestic piece of work came into view. I saw this on the computer briefly, when I was doing research, but that didn’t do it any justice. Seeing this up close took my breath away. This place was amazing.

  My eyes lit up again when he showed me the Piazza Navona on the way to L’Aquila. It was another, slightly smaller fountain, but it was just as immaculate. In just that instant, my interest changed and I wanted to know more about this fascinating place called Rome.

  “The place I’m taking you to now is the main historical and artistic center of Abruzzo. It has the Basilica of St. Bernadine, which is the largest Renaissance church in Abruzzo. Also, the 16th Century Spanish Castle, it crown’s the city’s highest point. Then there is the Church of Saint Mary in Collemaggio and the Fountain of the Ninety-Nine spouts. It is said to almost be the symbol of the city,” Michael explained. “The Fountain of the Ninety-Nine spouts is what I really want you to see.”

  “It is amazing that you know all of this. Were you born here?” I asked.

  “No, but I’ve pretty much lived here most of my life. Rome has so much history; you can’t help but to get caught up in learning about it. I have traveled to some awesome places, but this is by far the best.”

  “I can definitely see why you love it so much. I really appreciate you breaking me out and taking me on the town tonight. So far, this has been a wonderful adventure.”

  “Oh, don’t thank me just yet,” he said and flashed a smile.

  I leaned back in my seat and watched the road that spread out ahead of us. There were a lot of trees and houses that were stationed closed to each other along the way. We didn’t talk much for the rest of the trip to L’Aquila. I just took this time of silence to think about everything that I saw tonight. This was a perfect ending to a bad story. Now we were finally about to go home and being able to get out tonight and see the sights just added to my bliss.

  “We’re here,” Michael said interrupting my thoughts. “This time we’re getting out. You have to see this up close and personally.”

  “Yes sir,” I said and we both shared a laugh.

  We pulled around in an old looking parking lot and he parked. I got out and he grabbed my hand to lead me to our destination.

  “This place must really be something. You are so anxious,” I said.

  “It is. This is the last sight you’re going to see before you’re gone and I wanted it to be special.”

  I smiled and continued to follow him toward this irregular trapezoidal figure. In the distance, I could hear the sounds of rushing water and waves crashing, the sound was soothing. What I saw next was astounding. The walls surrounding the fountain were built with red and white square stones, alternated, so it looked like a huge chessboard. Along the perimeter were spouts with stone faces sketched into the side of the wall. I was speechless.

  “Didn’t I tell you? It’s something, isn’t it?” Michael said.

  “It sure is,” I answered.

  “Now, the name Fountain of Ninety-Nine Spouts is in reference to the Ninety-Nine castles in the Aquilan Valley, but there are actually no more than eighty castles. At first, there were only ninety-three spouts with the stone faces you see here,” he said pointing them out, “but later on, six more spouts were added. And they are all placed at man’s height. If you actually took out the time to count all the spouts and faces, you will find out that there are ninety-nine spouts, but not the same amount of stone faces,” he said smiling. “Cool, huh?”

  I nodded and he smiled once again, then looked at his watch. I figured this trip was coming to an end and I was sad at the thought. I was really enjoying this time with him. I started to see him in a new light. This was a nicer side of him that I wish I would have known about before.

  “Okay, we have to go, it’s getting really late,” he said.

  “I know,” I said pouting.

  He grabbed my hand and led me back to the car. But when he turned to look at me, it actually scared me. All the excitement was drained from the air and was replaced with one of melancholy.

  He finally started the car and turned the opposite direction from where we came from. I figured he knew a short cut since he knew the town so well, so I didn’t question it. We went further out and the lights started to disappear behind us. The area started to look old, ancient, and rundown.

  He stared straight ahead with a hard look on his face. I gazed back out the window and we were closing in on a heavily wooded area. The amazement I felt was now replaced with an eerie feeling in the bottom of my stomach.

  Something kept telling me to call Ash, but I knew Michael wouldn't allow it. I had to try though. I sat like a statue only moving my arm up slightly to pull my phone out of my purse. Ash was the last person I called, all I needed to do was dial and let him listen to understand what was going on. Please answer the phone Ash, please, please, please.

  I slid the phone under my thigh and pressed the talk button twice. I closed my eyes hoping it was Ash's number my phone was dialing. The even bigger problem was figuring out how to let him know where I was if he answered. I let out a relieved sigh when I heard the phone click.

  “Hello, Jamie”, Ash's voice was a whisper.

  “Where are we going Michael?” I asked trying to talk over Ash so Michael couldn't hear. “Where are you taking me? You're frightening me.”

  He didn't answer. He just kept looking forward, his face expressionless.

  “Michael, where are we going?” I asked again hoping Ash was listening close.

  “Just relax Jamie. I'm taking you to another one of my favorite spots. It’s on the way,” he said with a smirk.

  “Are we still in L’Aquila?” I said loudly.

  “Shut the hell up, Jamie,” he shouted.

  I leaned back in my seat and held myself. I couldn't hear Ash, I didn't know if he was still on the line. I was scared out of my mind and mad at myself for ever trusting him enough to sneak out. I sat in silence as we took turn after turn down some old, dusty road, trying to find away out of this mess.

  Finally, we came to a stop in front of a worn out looking warehouse. The name on the building said, Franco's Boulangerie. It was in the middle of a clearing with withered up trees in the distance. This looked like a scene from a horror movie and I didn't want to be here.

  “Why did we stop at this old abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere?” I said shaking.

  “Like I said, this is my favorite spot,” he said opening his door. “Get out of the car.”

  “I don't want to, can you please take me back to Ash's place.”

  “Can you please take me back to Ash's place,” he said in a whiny voice, mimicking me. “Get out of the car,” he yelled.

  I jumped and unlocked my seat belt. He was waiting for me to open the door. He just turned into some monster right in front of me. I thought I was seeing another side of him that was nice and sweet, instead it was a front for the bully he really was. He finally got out of the car and slammed the door. I wondered what he was going to do to me.

  “Ash if you're still there, please help me. I think I'm outside of L'Aquila. The name on the warehouse is Franco's Boula some
thing. Please hurry.” I said quickly into to the phone before putting it in my boot. I opened the door and slowly got out of the car.

  He came around, grabbed my arm, and pulled me toward the abandoned building. I wanted to cry. Why was he doing this? I thought my nightmares were over and now it was starting over again with the man I thought loved me.

  He was hurting my arm as he gripped it tighter. I looked around to scope out my surrounding. There was nothing here, no houses, stores, anything. If I screamed, no one would hear me. We got to the door of the building, and he knocked twice. I wondered who was in there waiting on us.

  The door finally opened, but there was no one there. He pulled me through and pushed me to the ground. I looked around at what seemed like some old factory. There was rusted machinery in the corner and an assembly line in the middle of the place. I could see a window that was covered over by sheets.

  Michael was standing over me with his arms folded across his chest. He didn't even look like the guy he was in Georgia or the one that just showed me around town. He looked like some old man with serious psychological issues. I tried to stand up, but he took his foot and pushed me back down.

  “Michael, why are you doing this to me? What have I ever done to you?” I asked with tears streaming down my face.

  “It's not what you did to me, it's what you, your family, and your friend did to her,” he said pointing in the direction of the door.

  I gasped as Elizabeth came into full view. She was standing there with a maniacal look on her face. I scrabbled backwards as she walked forward to stand over me. I knew this was going to be the end. My dream was actually coming true. I couldn't believe this was happening.

  “I don't understand. Elizabeth, what did I do to you?” I said crying harder.

  “Year after year I had to sit in that room, being held hostage. Day after day, they poked and prodded me with needles trying to find a cure for their precious Ash. No one cared about how I felt, what was going on in my life, they just used me,” she said.

  “Why didn't you just run away? Why didn't you just leave and not let them do that to you?” I asked.

  “Because, I knew I would die without the cure, too. I wouldn't have made it. I had to stay until they came up with a way for me to live.”

  “But what does that have to do with me? You're cured now, you can go live a normal life,” I said scooting back some more.

  She smiled and tilted her head to the side. This girl was really crazy. I knew I had to keep her talking. Someone had to come find me. Please God let someone come and find me.

  “There is no way they are going to let me go. They just said that to make poor little Jamie feel better, but you know as well as I do that they can't afford to let me leave. They want to keep me here so they can continue to study me. This was never about me, it was about Ash and his well being,” she said.

  I knew she was right. I already had a feeling that Dr. Dean wasn't going to let go of her so easily. What if something else came up and Ash was in danger of dying again? They wouldn't have any way of knowing if she wasn't around.

  I looked at Michael who was still standing guard with his arms crossed.

  “Michael, where do you fit in all of this? I thought you loved me.”

  His head flung back and he let out a loud laugh. He laughed so hard, tears came out of his eyes.

  “I never loved you. That was all apart of my baby's brilliant plan,” he said moving close to her. “She can see what you see, remember? She knew you would figure things out and want to come here for yourself. But I had to ensure that you would want to come out with me tonight. I said whatever I thought would make you feel comfortable with me.”

  “And you were the best. She fell for it,” Elizabeth said kissing him.

  Was his real name Issac? He must have been the guy Abigail was talking about. What I didn't understand is, if he was helping her all along, why didn't I dream about him? There was a lot that I didn't see, but I should have seen this coming.

  I wanted to throw up. I closed my eyes, trying to figure out a way out of here. There was nowhere to run and even if I did make a break for it, I wouldn't know where to go.

  “Please, please let me go back home. I didn't mean for any of this to happen to you and I'm truly sorry. Please let me go home,” I begged.

  “You can't go back home. I need you,” she said smiling.

  “You need me? What do you need me for?” I asked confused.

  They started laughing again.

  “You're going to give me a better life. A life with all the friends and family I never had,” she said. “You're going to give me your life.”

  The realization hit me like a bolt of lightening. She was going to kill me and take over my life. Now it was starting to make sense to me. Everything she had done led me here, right to the place where I was about to die.

  “But Dr. Dean said he was going to let you go when he knew you were better. He promised he would,” I said weakly.

  “Dr. Dean is a liar. What kind of man keeps a person locked up for years just to do research on them? I thought they were doing something great, something that was going to change lives, but I find out that they were using her as a lab rat. No one should ever have to endure that,” Michael said with anger in his eyes. “We know he won't let her leave, so we are taking matters in our own hands.”

  “You don't have to do this,” I begged.

  “Yes, I do. I want your life. I've dreamed of it all of my life and now I want to live it. I want everything you have and more.”

  “But you can just leave and I won't say a thing. I promise,” I said.

  “We can't trust that, sorry,” Elizabeth said. “Besides, if I just upped and left, they would search for me, but with you gone and me impersonating you, they will never find me.”

  She pulled out the knife that I remembered from all of my nightmares. She played with it by twirling it around in her fingers. She then started throwing it back and forth to each hand as she walked closer to me. There was nothing I could do. This was it.

  I closed my eyes and my life was actually flashing through my head. My childhood with my parents, high school and all of my friends, college. It was about to be over now. I would never get married and have children. I wouldn't be able to watch my parents get older. This was the end.

  I could feel her breath on my face as she hovered over me. I wanted to fight her, but I knew it wouldn't help. Michael was there and he wouldn't allow me to leave this building alive.

  “Thanks for coming to visit. It was nice of you to bring my family,” she said.

  I opened my eyes and looked into hers. They weren't brown anymore; she put hazel contacts in. It was like I was looking in a mirror. I cried harder. There was no way anyone would figure out she wasn't me. Since she dreamed of my life, she knew me inside out. She knew my thoughts and action. No one would ever know I was gone.

  I closed my eyes again and waited. I pictured the ocean to subside my fear. The waves were crashing as I lie there in the sand. Even these thoughts couldn't put my mind at ease. I felt the blade on my neck. It was cold as ice. She was playing with me, while I whimpered for someone to save me. No one was coming.

  Then, I saw white lights. Everything was blurry. Things started happening so fast, I couldn't keep up. There was a scuffle in front of me. Two bodies rolling on the floor. I saw this, but couldn't hear anything. I had a headache and the pain was spreading through my body. Was I dying? Did death finally catch up with me?

  My head is pounding, but my vision is starting to clear up. I'm being pinned to the floor. Someone is holding me down, my face smashed to the concrete. I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them again. Ash! Ash was here and he was fighting with Michael in front of me. I tried to move my head to see if anyone was with him, but it wouldn't budge.

  “I will kill you, you bastard,” I heard Ash say in between blows to Michael's head. He was on top of him punching him in the face. My hearing was finally coming back. />
  Where was Elizabeth? I hadn't seen her since... I tried to lift up again; using all my strength, I forced my head to look toward the entrance. So many people were standing around, arms waving, shouting, scrambling. My dad, Dr. Dean, Abigail and my mom stood paralyzed.

  “Ash don't do this!” Dr. Dean yelled.

  So much was going on, it was hard to register it all. I still couldn't see Elizabeth and my heart started back in panic mode. Was she the one holding me down? Was there still a chance I could die? All these thoughts were swirling around in my head and I got sick. I tried to sit up regardless of whoever was on me. Much to my surprise, there wasn't any resistance.

  My arms felt like jello as I scrambled to my feet. I was so disheveled, I fell back down to my knees. Finally, I felt a hand holding my arm to help me up. It was Dr. Lewis. He face was polite, but weary. He put his arm around my waist until I found my balance and helped me walk toward the others.

  “What were you thinking leaving the house like that?” my mom yelled. “You could have been killed.”

  She had tears in her eyes when she rushed to me and gave me a hug. I was holding it in, but after the embrace from her, I let it all go and broke down.

  “I'm so sorry mom... I was stupid... I just didn't know...” I said in between sobs.

  “I don't know what I would have done if we'd lost you,” she said.

  I stood holding her, not caring about anything else. I tuned out all the shouting and the noise and relished in the moment of me being alive and with my mom.

  “Nooooo,” Abigail cried out and ran in the opposite direction.

  I turned to see her running toward Elizabeth, who was slowly crumbling to the floor with the knife in her chest and a scared look in her eyes. She collapsed right before Abigail made it to her.

  “Why did you do that Elizabeth? I could have helped you,” Abigail said crying.

  “I don't want to be here anymore, not like this,” she said and then her eyes went blank.

  Abigail scooped her up and cradled her. Her sobs got louder and louder as she rocked back and forth with Elizabeth's lifeless body in her arms. She loved her. And now her only family was gone.


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