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Darkness Descends: A Skye Faden Novel

Page 69

by Alisha Ashton

  Her breathing instantly became frantic as she fed on the comfort of the contact.

  “It’s all worked itself out now, wee one,” he told her softly when their lips parted. He tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled down at her lovingly. “So, no more regrets, no more tears. And besides, ya did nah have to say ya love me. Did I nah tell ya? I’ve a good eye for things,” he reminded with a wink.

  She laughed and sniffled as he cradled her face in his hands.

  Several moments were devoted to frantic kissing before they could think of anything else beyond the feeling of being together again. His cheeks were wet with tears when he finally managed to get her back on her feet.

  “So...” he breathed in uncertainty, focusing on Sorcha and Faolan for the first time and swallowing hard. “Everything’s been explained then, has it?”

  “It has, my brave Taran,” Sorcha said with a warm smile.

  Faolan inclined his head to him. “Ya gave us all quite a fright. I am glad to see ya alive and well again. It pleases me to learn tha ya are the mate to our child. I trust ya will guard her well, keep her heart safe.”

  “Aye, with all tha I am, I swear it,” he insisted sincerely.

  “And my sweet Ciaran,” Sorcha said softly. “Ya will keep him safe and happy, as well?”

  Taran’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Of... course,” he assured, though he was at a total loss for why she would make such a request – or speak so fondly of a man she had never even met. “I always have looked after him,” he added.

  “Tha ya have,” Sorcha agreed with a sad smile. “Your friendship has gotten him through his times of greatest need – but there are more to come,” she whispered.

  Taran frowned at the prediction.

  “Remember tha he trusts your word above all else. When he is broken, it is your heart tha anchors him.” She waited for him to nod before motioning to Skye and smiling. “The two of ya are bound to the woman wielding my power in the world beyond this forest. There is a great battle ahead of her. She will need ya both and all the love and strength ya possess.”

  “And she has it – so long as the traitorous bastard doesn’t pull a repeat performance,” Taran said with a sigh and looked down at Skye apologetically. “I am sorry, wee one. I gave it my best. Had it been a fair fight, I’d have brought ya his ashes as a gift... but he’s commanding power I’ve no defense against.”

  “Firstly, are you seriously apologizing to me for dying?!” She demanded in disbelief and swatted him in the shoulder. “Secondly, who are you talking about?”

  “Brandubh,” Faolan snarled furiously.

  The light emanating from Sorcha became nearly blinding in its intensity.

  “He was the one tha harmed ya?” She demanded.

  “Aye... and nah for a lack of trying to prevent it on my part, I’ll have ya know,” Taran confirmed glumly.

  With all the emotion and confusion and fighting that had occurred since her phone conversation with Brandubh, Skye had not made the connection between his threat and the way she had found Taran. In her mind, she had blamed every member of the fògaraich for his death. Now that she knew the history of the breeds, she was astonished by Brandubh’s actions.

  “Why would he risk coming so close to you?” Skye asked Sorcha in surprise.

  Sorcha took a deep breath, a dangerous smile spreading across her lips as she exhaled. “Fear, my child. He was driven to action by fear. He knew what would happen when ya reached me and was trying to prevent it, no matter the risk.”

  “Sneaky whispers!” Skye blurted out suddenly.

  “What’s tha?” Taran asked in confusion.

  “The whispers, the vision of Miko in trouble – it was just to get me out of the castle before Brandubh got there!” She said in realization. “And, in turn, to make sure that I was there to bite Miko,” she added as an afterthought.

  “Ya bit Miko?” Taran asked with an astonished laugh.

  “Well...” she scrunched up her face guiltily. “We sorta, kinda, maybe, just a little, might have... almost died,” she confessed.

  “What?!” Taran cried in panic.

  “No, it’s okay! Ciaran found me and got us both out of the wreck before the fògaraich could finish the job. He saved both of our lives,” she insisted. “But if I hadn’t gone after Miko, he would have been killed and none of us would have been the wiser. So, again, sneaky whispers.”

  Taran ran his hands over her wounds, his eyes taking in the extent of what she had apparently endured since they had last seen one another. He shook his head, realizing that it could have been infinitely worse.

  “As much I loathe admitting it,” he sighed, “your decision to go off alone paid off. Had ya remained, Ciaran would nah have followed. In tha case, when Brandubh arrived, he’d have killed Ciaran and myself and taken ya with him as he fled.”

  “Well, as happy as it would make me to be able to say ‘I told you so’, I can’t. Up until a couple minutes ago, I was telling myself that I’d royally screwed up. If Sorcha hadn’t brought you back, I never would have listened to another thing those whispers had to say,” Skye insisted as she held him a little tighter. “So, Brandubh came straight to you?”

  “Aye, was following your scent,” he told her and added softly in her ear. “Needless to say it was strongest on me.”

  Skye smiled up at him warmly with tears of joy glistening in her eyes. She ran her fingertips across his cheek, beyond thankful to have him back with her. Just having him looking into her eyes like this, smiling down at her lovingly, was heaven.

  Sorcha studied Taran, frowning as she nearly whispered, “Ya’ve drawn his resentment, haven’t ya?”

  “He was seeing the similarities,” Taran agreed grudgingly. “Wanted to know what it was aboot me tha had earned Skye’s love. Said after Ciaran and I were out of the picture, he’d claim her as his own. Gave a deluded rant aboot how she’d be all for it, too.”

  “He’s ever been prone to giving rants of tha nature,” Faolan grumbled in distaste.

  Skye smirked up at Taran and cuddled closer to his chest. “So, he told you that I was just gonna hand myself right over to him, huh? And how did that go over?”

  “I may have described a more likely scenario,” Taran laughed.

  Sorcha watched the two of them sorrowfully and squeezed Faolan’s hand.

  “This does nah bode well for your Trinity, I’m afraid. Brandubh had enough cause to pursue Skye before, but now... ?” She trailed off, shaking her head that her mistake was placing them in such danger. “He will nah cease in his attempts to separate your union – nah after meeting ya face-to-face as he did, Taran. Ya remind him too much of my beloved Faolan,” she said, leaning back against her mate’s chest and retreating into private thoughts as he held her tightly. A moment later, she nodded to herself, apparently coming up with a solution. “Perhaps a gift, then,” she whispered as she stood and took a step forward, placing her hand over Taran’s heart.

  He gasped and leaned heavily on Skye as Sorcha’s magic flowed into him, coursing through his veins and leaving him breathing raggedly once she released him.

  “Whoa there, big guy! I can’t carry you around as easily in this form!” Skye said, holding him up as he clutched his chest.

  Faolan was there in an instant to lend a hand, supporting Taran’s weight as he swayed on his feet.

  “Are you okay?” Skye asked nervously.

  There is to be no swaying on feet, damn it! I just got him back, she thought. He needs to be all sturdy and healthy and ‘strong like bull’ for at least a few years to help me to get over the trauma. I don’t even want to see him tired until then.

  Taran nodded as he caught his breath and stared at Sorcha in wonder.

  “What was tha?” He managed in a strained voice.

  “A surprise for Brandubh, should your paths ever cross again,” Sorcha answered with a sly smile.

  “Wait,” Taran said and unexpectedly abandoned any further questi
ons for Sorcha as he looked down at Skye in disbelief. “Did ya just say ya can nah carry me in ‘this’ form?” He asked with wide eyes.

  “How else did you think I got you here?” She countered. “Ciaran was a little busy keeping me in one piece.”

  He groaned at the image that brought to mind. “Ya were carrying me around, then?”

  Skye grinned at his mortified expression and acted out cradling him to her chest.

  “Yup, just like a little rag doll,” she agreed.

  Taran struggled to keep the scowl on his face, but could not with her beaming up at him like she was.

  Sorcha laughed, enjoying watching these two interact and hating that she needed to cut in.

  “All right, A Sgitheanach, four millennia seems a long enough wait. I believe it’s time we make Brandubh’s worst nightmares come to life in ya.”

  With a wave of her hand, and flash of white light, they were suddenly standing among the others.

  Taran barely had time to look around in bewilderment at the sudden change in location before Ciaran had tackled him.

  “You’re alive!” He cried. “Oh ya big, ugly, miserable, goofy bastard! You’re really alive!”

  “Aye, alive and kicking,” Taran laughed. “Did ya miss me, then?” He teased.

  In response and without warning, Ciaran pulled away from him and drew back a furious fist, landing it squarely on his jaw.

  “Owww!” Taran growled in shock, clutching his face and glaring down at his brother. “What was tha –?” He began to demand, but did not get far.

  “If ya ever pull a stunt like tha on me again I swear I’ll follow ya all the way into the afterlife just to beat ya for it!” Ciaran screamed as he pointed up at him in warning.

  The shock faded from Taran’s expression when he focused on the agony in Ciaran’s blue eyes. He could scarcely imagine how devastated he would have been if the situation had been reversed. With a sympathetic sigh, he nodded and drew Ciaran to his chest.

  “Fair enough,” he agreed weakly.

  After a moment, Ciaran choked out against his shoulder, “I kept her safe for ya, brother... just like I promised... ”

  Taran smiled and kissed the top of his head roughly as he held him tight.

  “D’ya know the last thing I realized as I lay dying?” He asked.

  Ciaran shook his head, still hanging on with a vice grip.

  “Tha Skye was safe,” Taran said softly. “I knew – no matter what happened, no matter what it took – tha ya would reach her and protect her. There was nah a doubt in my mind. I knew ya were both gonna be all right and tha was what gave me peace in the end. Ya stayed true to your word as always, brother. I meant what I told ya earlier – I’d rather trust her to no other.”

  At those words, Ciaran’s shoulders began quaking with silent sobs. His grip tightened severely as he hid his face against his brother’s shoulder and wept. Taran reached out and pulled Skye into the embrace, wanting to feel them both in his arms. True, he had known they were safe – but it had done little to alleviate the pain and grief of losing them. Holding them now after knowing, just knowing that he was never going to see them again was indescribably comforting. He closed his eyes as relieved tears streamed down his cheeks.

  Sorcha smiled watching the reunion, allowing them a few moments before interrupting.

  “Come now, children,” she finally called and waited for them to turn toward her. “The time has come to witness the birth of legend,” she said as she held her hand out for Skye.

  With a deep breath, Skye hesitantly approached, standing in front of her and eyeing her nervously.

  “Do nah be frightened, my child. This is your destiny. Close your eyes and take my hands,” Sorcha instructed and smiled as she complied. “The rest of ya may want to stand back a bit,” she warned with a smirk.

  Silence settled over the group in the clearing as they formed a ring around the two women, every one of them holding their breath and leaning forward expectantly. Even the wind in the trees stilled in anticipation.

  The only thing Skye could hear was her own heart beating wildly in her chest. She had no idea what she was waiting for, whether it would be painful, whether she was volunteering to be transformed into some horrible beast like the ainmhidh. Moments ticked by and nothing came. No sound, no pain, no indication that anything was changing inside of her. She finally opened an impatient eye, looking at Sorcha in confusion.

  “Umm... is something supposed to be happening here, or –?” She began, but gasped and uttered a shocked, “holy shit!” when light erupted around them both.

  Her body rocked as it flowed through her, a pillar of radiance shooting skyward linking her to the moon’s energy. She vaguely felt Sorcha releasing her hands, the ground beneath her slipping away as she was lifted upward several feet.

  “Ya know, tha’s liable to confuse the living hell outta a lot of astronomers,” Ciaran breathed in astonishment, pointing up to the moon as it rapidly eclipsed.

  All of its light seemed to be rushing down into Skye. Her head was rolling back in ecstasy as it did. She could hear the voices of the stars as her power was released from its prison. The clarity that she had experienced before returned to her, the connection to the world and all its creatures – good and bad. She could feel the energy of the Earth, a living being beneath her that spoke in whispers. She could sense the spirit of the wind caressing her skin welcomingly. Time was fluid, lapping at her fingertips like waves upon a shore. Her breathing grew ragged as her mind was opened to the energy of existence beyond anything she could hope to explain.

  “Ya don’t s’pose she’ll be doing this in bed from now on when she... ?” Ciaran whispered, nodding and waggling his eyebrows to convey his point.

  Taran smacked him in the chest in response.

  Ciaran frowned and rubbed the point of impact as he insisted quietly, “What? Seems a legitimate concern if ya ask me. Just think of all the roofs we’ll need replace.”

  As the Return reached its end, Skye was gently set back on the ground. She swayed on her feet once she was standing once more.

  Sorcha stepped up in front of her and steadied her as the pillar of light dissipated.

  “Easy now, my child,” Sorcha whispered with a pleased smile. “Ya are now as ya were meant to be – as the world made ya. Open your eyes and see as I see.”

  Skye did as she was told and looked around herself in wonder.

  The glow that she had seen once before was now twice as bright. It coursed through the trees, the earth, and the air. She laughed and nodded in understanding when her eyes passed over Taran, Faolan, and the other faoil. She could see the magic in them, Sorcha’s magic – her own magic.

  And at the center of Ciaran’s chest, she could now see with her own eyes the intense light shining like a beacon – the mark that had drawn her wolf to him and the connection that she had felt all along.

  Ciaran arched a brow and looked down at his chest, trying to figure out what Skye was staring at so intently. When he looked up at her again, he found that she was smiling and inclining her head to him graciously. His brow arched higher, still.

  “There are trespassers on our lands,” Sorcha whispered behind Skye’s ear, jarring her from her thoughts.

  Skye’s features twisted in rage at the reminder.

  “They shall do nicely for practice. Come, let us show them the price of betrayal,” she urged as she took Skye’s arm and led her through the forest.

  They reached the tree-line, looking out at the battle that was still raging.

  Sorcha held up a hand as she addressed those within the forest.

  “All must remain but Skye. Do ya understand tha?” She asked as her eyes passed from Ciaran to Taran. “Stay within the safety of my forest, no matter what. Skye will be fine. Our magic is joined, for now, so I will assist her. I can nah guarantee your safety, however, should ya stray.”

  The men cast one another worried looks before grudgingly nodding their agreement.

  Sorcha closed her eyes, chanting softly under her breath for a moment. It was not immediately apparent what she was doing. The flashes of light and surprised voices of the faoil that were suddenly standing behind them in the forest cleared things up. With each word that fell from her lips, more of them were pulled from the battlefield. Her chant continued until all that remained beyond the forest were the fògaraich.

  “Oi! I was just aboot to snap one of those dirty wee bastards like a twig! Where’d he run off to?” Eògan snarled, turning around and studying his surroundings in confusion. The instant he spotted Sorcha and Skye standing together at the edge of the forest, he grinned ear to ear. “Ooohh...” he breathed, rubbing his hands together excitedly. “We’ve front row seats for the fireworks, is tha it then?”

  “Can it be?” A stunned whisper asked in Gaelic.

  Taran turned to find Ailean staring up at him in wonder.

  “Aye, it can,” Taran said with a smile.

  “Oh, Ailean?” Skye called.

  He turned to face her with tearful eyes.

  “You’re forgiven,” she said with a wink.

  Ailean laughed and launched himself at his brother, clapping him on the back and squeezing him tightly. “Ooh, I canae believe it!” He breathed in relief, not relaxing his hold even as Eògan joined in on the embrace.

  “Praise the spirits! I thought the world had lost its finest arse!” Eògan teased through tears.

  Once Taran was finally released from their crushing grips, Latharn casually rested an arm on his shoulder.

  “Glad to have ya back, lad,” he said quietly.

  “Why is it every time we’re gathered to watch a good show there’s nah a drop of ale in sight?” Drostan whispered as he stepped up beside his brothers. He gave Taran a bump with his shoulder and a tearful smile that clearly conveyed his joy at seeing him alive.

  “Shh... children, we are ready,” Sorcha breathed and smiled viciously at the fògaraich. Her power was in place now – none of them would be able to escape the borders of these lands alive. “Go to them, Skye. Show them tha our family is reunited... tha the truce no longer stands.”

  Skye nodded, her eyes swirled with the white light of their combined power as she turned and stepped out onto the grass. Amidst the confusion of the disappearance of their enemies, screeches filled the night air as the fògaraich noted her approach. They swarmed together, moving as one horrid mass as they raced toward her, scrambling over the earth like insects.


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