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Fulfilling Torment

Page 11

by B. L. Purser

  When I heard the click, I knew she was gone. I had never had anyone hang up on me before, and I certainly wasn’t expecting it. I quickly dialed her phone back, but it went straight to voicemail. She must have turned her phone off. Damn it! Why did shit with her get to me so bad? I pulled up the security cameras and noticed that she was back at her assigned location and busy at work. I knew that I could make her face me by demanding that she come to my office as I had before. At this point, that would only add fuel to the fire.

  I spent the remainder of the afternoon trying to figure out what I needed to do. Unfortunately, all of the brilliant ideas seemed to elude me. I knew that Cam had made a valid point. My behavior was making me crazy, so it made perfect sense that it would be creating the same chaos in her brain as well.

  – Cam

  My phone call with Aiden had not gone at all as planned. After finding out all of the gruesome details of his past, I just mainly wanted to hear his voice. I couldn’t seem to shake the image of a sweet little boy left in this tragic world all alone. I guess I needed reassurance that he was alright.

  I knew that my excuse for calling had been somewhat lame. In fact, it had probably come across like a badgering girlfriend. Just the thought of that made me nauseous. Well, there was nothing I could do about it now. Since I never got a clear answer from Aiden about this evening, I surmised that we were not going to meet.

  So, here I was flipping through the few channels that I had not blocked on my television and eating a bowl of unhealthy, buttery popcorn as my dinner. Finally seeing that nothing was going to keep my attention on television, I turned to the internet. I had recently discovered a fascinating board that hosted a plethora of information. I mainly focused on the health and beauty forums section. Just as I began scrolling through some of the information, I heard a ding at the elevator.

  I wasn’t expecting company, so I slowly eased to the elevator entrance of my apartment. The unknown always caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end. When I recognized the figure standing in the elevator, my nerves became even more flustered. I pressed the button and spoke.

  “I’m not really prepared for company Aiden.”

  I figured that this was not going to deter him, but I felt it was worth a try.

  “Well, good because I’m not company. Open the damn door Cam, or I will.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. Of course, he could gain entrance whether I allowed it or not. I pressed the button below the monitor, and the doors slid open. I watched as the handsome, demanding asshole stepped into my apartment. I didn’t bother with a greeting. Instead, I turned and walked back to my computer with my buttered popcorn in hand.

  Aiden followed me into the living room and sat at the other end of the couch that I occupied. I didn’t bother to make eye contact. I was completely ignoring him, and I didn’t even care. Normally, my manners would have never allowed it. However, I had already decided that if he was going to be a jerk, I was going to be one in return. I knew all the old sayings never supported sinking to the level of your opponent, but I couldn’t resist the anger that he created inside of me.

  “You indicated on the phone that we needed to discuss a few concerns you had. Here I am to discuss them.”

  I still didn’t look up from my computer. His tone informed me that he was still pissed off. I was not going to feed into it anymore.

  “Aiden, I said what I needed to on the phone. It didn’t seem to matter. You were the same mean asshole then that you are now. Frankly, I’m sick of it. Have a nice trip.”

  This was my way of trying to dismiss him. I figured there would be no way in hell he would leave that easily, but it was worth a try.

  To my surprise, he left without saying another word. I sat on my couch seething in anger. I was just as mad at myself as I was him. I had allowed him to get to me when I had been so determined not to. This arrangement was a joke! Although my heart still ached for all he had been through, I couldn’t continue to ride this roller coaster.

  The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. As soon as he returned from his trip, I was ending our agreement. I knew that I would not be able to continue living in the same apartment building as him, so I made plans to start apartment shopping the next day after work. By the time he returned, I would be out of his hair completely.

  Chapter 18

  – Aiden

  I spent the flight over finishing up e-mails and preparing for the issues that I would encounter upon arrival. The Cozumel plant was the newest B.I. Development. It manufactured all of the clothing from our newest kid’s line. Things had run smoothly since start-up until now. Employees were starting to complain, and I was sensing mismanagement in the air. My main reason for going was to clean house and make sure that remaining heads were all on the same page. I never tolerated a team that didn’t communicate like a team. That is the biggest mistake that companies make, and my companies sure as hell weren’t going to go down that path. I dealt with this shit personally!

  Even though Cozumel is an island located off the coast of Mexico, developing here had made perfect sense. The work force was strong and in desperate need of jobs, and B.I. had the ability to do more with less because of the financial gains. In addition, importing the material and supplies directly from Mexico took little time or overhead. We were able to partner with several local suppliers that jumped at the opportunity to earn our business. As soon as the management kinks are worked out, this division has the potential to go straight to the top.

  Upon opening the plant, I initiated new employee bonuses. This tended to be my standard practice. This money was used to create positive employee morale, and indirectly increase productivity. It was not rocket science to understand that happy employees create better quality items at a faster pace. My key advisor for the plant had informed me that some new employee bonuses were never distributed yet they are missing. I sure as hell wouldn’t accept employing thieves. Therefore, the next week of my life would consist of much firing and hiring.

  Even though I had a ton of shit to sort through, my mind kept returning to Cam. The amazing sex had blown my mind and screwed with my equilibrium. Was it possible to hate something so much that you felt you needed it more than anything? I guess that is somewhat how drug addicts feel.

  Personally, I never cared for drugs. Sure, I experimented with a few things in high school when I hit my rebellious stage, but Judson never tolerated that shit. He immediately arranged tours of every mental hospital and prison around. He showed me first-hand what messing with that stuff would get me. Of course, he was like that with everything. He never allowed something bad to happen to me; he always headed it off before it could. I hated that he wasn’t here to help me with this dilemma.

  Walter must have understood that he was leaving me in very capable hands. I couldn’t stand to think of Walter as my dad. He would forever be just a man with the same last name as mine. His weakness was as unforgivable as Denise’s infidelity. Anyway, I was better off because of their shortfalls. Now, I wouldn’t be tricked into giving that shit a second thought. Love and emotional connections were a ruse that people got sucked into. It was fake and should not be given a second thought. Interestingly enough, I had never found anyone who shared my sentiments on this matter. No one, until…Cam.

  I suppose this, combined with the amazing sex, was why Cam came to my mind so often. Still, it discombobulated me. Until now, I had been the epitome of attentiveness and focus. I was always methodical in my efforts to create goals and see them through. This allowed me to build my solid corporate reputation aside from my family name. Why was I allowing her to threaten what had taken me my entire lifetime to build?

  Then a thought that contradicted all of my current ones entered my mind. Maybe I was approaching this dilemma the wrong way entirely. It was obvious that I was trying to run from Cam and the things she did to me. This seemed ignorant considering that I had come up with the plan in the first place. If I really intended for our arrangement t
o work, instead of running, I had to channel the feelings in the proper direction. If I could manage this, I could have release whenever I wanted, and work to purge her from my system at the same time. All I had to do was release my emotions during our sexual escapades. Then, there would be no way that emotional baggage would continue to assault me constantly. This wouldn’t change our agreement because Cam was after the same thing I was. I knew she had to be feeling the intense emotions continually too. If I loathed them, I was sure she did as well. So, this plan would benefit both of us.

  I allowed a sleek smile to spread across my lips as I picked up my phone. Why haven’t I thought of this sooner? Now that I had a plan, I was intently set on getting the ball rolling.

  “McKinley, I need you to work out some details there for me. Since I am working on cleaning house at the Cozumel plant, I need a runner to join me. Please see to it that Camilla Anderson is on one of the company jets headed here first thing in the morning. She is a new hire, but her work ethic has caught my attention. I am certain that she is the one for the job. Her assignment is to remain here until all business is completed. Therefore, we will return at the same time. Check to see if she has a passport already. If not, pay to have one expedited immediately. Walk it through the process personally if you have to.”

  McKinley let me know that he would take care of everything, and we disconnected.

  I immediately picked up the phone again and pressed Dean’s picture.

  “Dean, Ms. Anderson will be joining me in Cozumel. She will be boarding a company jet first thing in the morning. I want you packed and ready to make the trip with her. You do not have to stay out of sight during the flight. However, once you arrive, your regular assignment will resume. You will be here throughout the duration of the trip. I anticipate a week, but it may be longer. The car will meet you at the airport upon arrival.”

  I hung up the phone and pressed my forehead into the palms of my hands. The massive headache and uneasiness I was feeling had nothing to do with Cozumel and everything to do with a certain female that would be joining me tomorrow.

  I exited the plane and spoke briefly with Bradford about his return to New York. There would be no need to keep two jets stationed in Cozumel. Then, I made the short ride to the apartment that had been pre-arranged for me. B.I. had purchased this apartment complex upon beginning development here in Cozumel. Like other apartment buildings B.I. owned, this complex was used for long-term and relocating employees. The difference was that they were oceanfront and set up more like bungalows. It definitely made for a more relaxing business setting than I was used to.

  I figured Cam would probably enjoy the setting. I realized that I should have called and arranged the trip directly with her. However, I assumed that she was still irate with me. I figured my change in attitude would only confuse and upset her more. I didn’t want to run the risk of her turning the trip down just to prove a point. It would be much better if I dealt with her in person. Besides, getting her seventeen hundred miles away from home could only work to my advantage.

  I didn’t blame her for being mad at me. After all, I had been treating her like shit. I knew I needed to fix things with her, but I wasn’t sure exactly what to say. Maybe by the time she got here, I would have it figured out.

  – Cam

  This is the second time in less than a month that I have found myself waiting to meet with one of the corporate deities of Bennett International. What have I done wrong now? I couldn’t help but start planning out my options in my mind. Getting called into a head honchos office was never a good thing. The waiting was definitely more stressful than the knowing would be. Just when I thought I couldn’t sit in that small waiting room another moment, the secretary looked up from her desk and told me I could enter the office.

  As I walked through the door, I immediately began sizing up my opponent. He was sitting behind a large desk, but he didn’t look half as threatening as Aiden did in the same position. He had thinning light hair, and the middle-aged spread was beginning to make itself at home on him. Even though he was not much in appearance, he still exuded the corporate confidence that I had learned to associate with all top level execs. He stood and adjusted his tie as I approached the desk then extended his hand in greeting.

  “Hello, Ms. Anderson, My name is Stewart McKinley. Most people just call me McKinley. There is no need to put the formal Mr. in front of it.”

  His warm smile and mild grip made his suggestion sincere. “I would like to discuss a temporary relocation for you.”

  Well, I’ll be damned. The pit in my stomach opened up and began devouring me. I should have seen this coming. The cold shoulders and angry undertones should have clued me into this occurring, but for some reason, I was still stunned. Aiden was getting rid of me. Instead of letting me go though, he was just going to stick me somewhere else. Seeing that I wasn’t going to respond, McKinley continued his explanation.

  “Your hard word around here has not gone unnoticed. In fact, Mr. Bennett himself commended your exceptional ability to fit in and get the job done efficiently.”

  Heat began to spread across my face. I wondered if Aiden had filled McKinley in on how thoroughly I had done “the job.” Then again, I knew the answer to that. Aiden discussed his personal life with no one. My mind tried to catch up to what McKinley was currently saying.

  “You have been requested to join the Cozumel team for the time being. The position will likely be a week or longer. You will leave by company jet first thing in the morning. I will have a driver pick you up from your apartment at five o’clock. I notice that you have a valid passport, so you need to be sure to locate that and take it with you. Transportation and lodging upon arrival has been taken care of, so all you need to do is take needed clothing, toiletries, etc. As I am sure you are aware, this opportunity is normally reserved for our more veteran runners. I imagine you are thrilled at this opportunity. Incidentally, traveling runners make substantially more money. Here is your travel bonus, and you can count on being paid double your current rate while in the traveling position. Do you have any questions?”

  He slid the check across his desk and waited for my response.

  Did I have any questions? Only a million of them were running through my mind at the moment. None of which would be appropriate to ask McKinley. Aiden was shipping me off to a third world country, an island none the less. I had certainly underestimated the anger that he must harbor towards me.

  I gave myself an internal pep talk before replying to McKinley. This saved me the awkwardness of having to end our arrangement myself. Besides, this may actually be good for me. A change of scenery always helped keep me on my toes. Plus, it definitely keeps my mind occupied. I knew the nightmares would not remain on U.S. soil, and that worried me slightly, but as always, I would cross that bridge when I needed to.

  “Thank you for this opportunity. My only question is about my assignment upon completion of my duties in Cozumel. Will I come back to this location, or will I be transferred to another Bennett International location?”

  He looked thoughtful before replying.

  “Ms. Anderson, that is a good question. Much of your job depends on you. We tend to match employees to where they are best suited. If you satisfactorily complete this assignment, you may have the opportunity to choose your path. As for now, I can’t answer a question about future assignments. Now if that is all, I suggest you head to your apartment and prepare for your trip. Water any plants you have, leave pets with a neighbor, pay any bills that are coming due, pack, and get a good night’s sleep. We expect you to be at the top of your game upon arrival in Cozumel.”

  After my dismissal from the meeting with McKinley, I walked on auto-pilot all the way back to my apartment. A pink elephant could have ridden a yellow unicycle right past me, and I would not have noticed. Aiden was getting rid of me. I had been more controlling than he could handle. He had finally decided that an easy piece of ass was not worth the trouble that accompanied me. I kn
ew his revelation was accurate. I also knew that his demons were more than I needed in my life. What I couldn’t figure out was why it hurt. He owed me nothing. He was my boss, and his company had provided me a new, great opportunity. Cozumel was a beautiful island. I visited there on my high school graduation trip, so I am familiar with the area and how to get around. I should be thankful that Aiden didn’t just fire me and cast me out on my ass. No, this opportunity would be great. Even as I thought of the warm sunny days to come, I couldn’t keep the frown from taking permanent residence on my disheartened face.

  Chapter 19

  – Aiden

  I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Cam. Dean had called and notified me when they landed, so I knew she would be arriving at the apartment complex any moment. I had arranged for the apartment next to mine to be set up for her. Since she would be here as a runner, I had prepared for her to be very busy. After all, I knew coming here just for sex probably wouldn’t sit well with her. Instead, I decided to use her wit and charm to my advantage. While I was dealing with management, Cam would be interviewing employees to make sure that we were aware of all the concerns present. Hopefully, they would be more willing to discuss things with a beautiful, sweet woman.

  A knock on my door alerted me of their arrival. I had advised Dean to bring Cam to me so that I could brief her on the job. Since I was hoping to finish business up prior to the week end, I wanted to get started as soon as she got here. I opened the door wide and gave my usual curt nod as way of greeting the two figures standing on my front patio. Without a word, Dean turned and retreated to his assigned duties.


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