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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

Page 7

by Harris, Susan

  After driving for a short time they came to a stop at the city’s gate. The massive wall reminded her of a castle - with a watch tower on either side and soldiers and iron gates that could only be opened by a passcode that very few people knew. As the solider came to the window, Luka stepped outside to address his men. “Bruno is in charge for as long as I'm gone - contact him should you need to. This shouldn't take too long.” His tone was neutral, as if he were trying to talk down the seriousness of their situation. Hell, it was utterly possible that one of them may not get out of Abandon City alive.

  “We will keep the city safe, Sire, until your return.” The solider bowed his head in respect, and Luka bowed back. The gates groaned loudly as the soldiers pulled them open. Luka eased the car out of the gates and as they drove into the black of night, with only the light of the moon and the car’s to guide them, Cassie heard the clank as the gates closed. She thought anxiously, there really is no turning back now, Cassie girl.

  “Cassandra, why don't you get some rest? It’s going to be a long few days, so you will need all your strength.”

  Cassie sighed as Luka spoke, but didn't argue with him. He would be inside all day but she and Archer would be doing recon and then hopefully getting what they came for and splitting. Nodding her head, she spread out across the back seat and shut her eyes. She knew she probably wouldn't sleep, but it was the perfect excuse to eaves drop if the two up front thought she was in la la land. She slowed her breathing and tried to shut her mind off because Luka would know if she was thinking or wasn't actually asleep.

  Ten minutes passed before either of them spoke as Archer shifted round in his seat to place a blanket over her.

  “You like her, don't you?” Luka's voice was emotionless as he asked the question.

  Archer shrugged. “It’s weird, my friend. I feel protective of her, but I have no idea why.”

  Luka’s hands gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening under the strain. He didn't look at the angel, but the air was thick with tension. Cassie kept her breathing regular, hoping she could trust her emotions to not betray her.

  “As do I, mein Engel... and she seems to be quite fond of you too.”

  “Princess just likes that I take the piss most of the time; she has someone to have fun with. She has this aura around her, Luka, and I feel as if I know her... as if I knew her of old. It’s hard to explain, old friend, but I do not wish to complicate matters.”

  “I do not trust myself with her,” Luka admitted sounding as if it pained him. “When she came to me, I felt I could nurture her talent and protect her from monsters of my kind, like Vicktor, but even though she thinks she wants to be with me, even though I want to be with her... I fear that it is not the right choice for either of us to make.”

  The angel took a swig from his bottle of water before he spoke again. “But you've got to make choices, and you're not going to be right all the time. Like you have always told me, your destiny is your own mistakes to make.”

  A hushed laugh later escaped Luka's lips as he replied, “Spoken like a true angel, my friend.”

  “Maybe it’s something I saw on Dr. Phil, but Luka, you cannot start something with her unless she is made fully aware of the truth. I assume she does not know of your 'sacrifices'.”

  Someone turned up the radio then, an old Foo Fighters track flowing through the speakers. Maybe Luka was fully aware that she was pretending to be asleep. She had learned more now in this car than he had ever given away before. She knew he was attracted to her, their make-out session told her that much, but he now actually admitted that he wanted to be with her too. But what was he so afraid of?

  Luka shook his head. “No Archer, Cassie is completely in the dark. And I don't think I want her to know for now.”

  “And what if she comes across your cool box in the boot? Would it not be better to explain that, so she might understand why you pull away all the time?”

  As Luka growled, Archer didn't allow him to speak. “Don’t get all grr with me, my friend. As I said, I want to only protect Princess, but you will lose her if you continue like one of those broody movie vampires you detest so much. You can’t prevent her happiness if you cannot be the one to give it, my friend. She may be better off falling for someone else.”

  “And would you want that to be you, Engel?” Luka spat out.

  Archer hesitated, thinking over his answer. He had to be certain he phrased it right as he did not want to fall out with Luka. “She would be miserable with me. I'm a typical chauvinistic male and a sarcastic fucker. I would not care who Princess ended up with once it was what she wanted. If it is you, Luka, I will protect her until my heart stops beating as I would you. If it’s not, then I would still lay down my life for her.... just don't tell her that, or I’ll never live it down.”

  Cassie smiled to herself and resolved that Archer would be the first friend since Siobhan that she would keep. She turned over, her back now facing them, so she could hide her face.

  Luka cleared his throat. “I don't think I can tell her, Archer.”

  “How long has it been since you have drunk from a human vein my friend?”

  “Not since that night.... when I broke my promise to her. I can't stomach it anymore. But she doesn't need to know that. It doesn't change what I am, or that I drink blood. Fine, it may come in a bag, but I am still a vampire...the one thing she hates most.”

  Cassie wanted to cry. He hadn't drunk from a human in over two years because of her. She shifted under the blanket and listened. “She will find out, Luka, sooner rather than later and you need to resolve your shit before it gets you both killed.”

  The conversation ended there, silence filling the air. Her lids became heavy, so she tucked her legs in and drifted off.

  The familiar nightmare seeped in threatening to smother her. She didn't realise she was talking in her sleep while she screamed and thrashed around. Hush now, Cassan... Cassie hush now... sleep and forget to dream. Listening to the voice eased her, and she slipped into a deep sleep. Cassie didn't know how long she had been out for. She felt rested. Archer's irritating sarcastic voice invaded her peace and quiet. “Rise and shine, Princess. We're here.”

  Stretching her limbs, she sat up meeting Archer’s gaze. Just by the look in his eyes, she knew he had known she was awake before, but he didn't say anything. Looking away and out the window, Cassie saw nothing but darkness. There was no sign of life in this sector, no plants or animals to be seen. As she breathed in, the scents of the city overwhelmed her and she fought not to puke. “Oh holy Goddess, that is rank.”

  “And that is just outside of the gates, Princess.”

  “Be still my beating heart, you guys know how to romance a girl. It’s like a slasher film in there.”

  Laughing as they climbed from the car, they stood still as bloodthirsty roars and screams came from within. The fun and games were over, it was do or die. “And here I was looking forward to finally going on holiday.”

  Going to the trunk, she took out her weapon’s belt and strapped it on. Taking out her sword, she put the strap around her shoulders. Nodding to the two men, she smiled her best sadistic smile. “Let’s go kill some shit.”

  As Luka looked her up and down, and smiled that buckle-your-knees, make-you-drool smile, she thought she heard Archer mutter, “Yippee ki yay, motherfucker.” She almost came undone with laughter. That angel really was one-of-a-kind.

  As they readied themselves, Cassie looked out over the city. The eeriness and the emptiness surprised her. She had a calming feeling that she knew she was meant to be here, right now. Archer's shrill whistle startled her from her thoughts, and she frowned. Heading back toward them, Cassie couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. And she was right. As soon as she turned, yellow eyes blinked in the darkness and disappeared before she looked round again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Having parked the car away from the city's wall, the unlikely trio stood facing the gigantic barrier
. “Um, guys, if there’s no gate, then how the hell are we going to get in?”

  “Archer is going to open a small tear in the magic surrounding the top so we can slip through. But first we need to get up on that ledge,” Luka said as he pointed almost twenty feet up.

  Cassie looked up, then back at Luka, then up again. Who do you think I am, spider-freakin'-man? Luka barked out a laugh, and Archer eyed them suspiciously, before realisation flickered across his face.

  “Hey! No fair! An angel could feel left out with your freaky mind messaging. And how long have you been mind chatting behind my back?”

  As Cassie scowled at him, Luka gave Archer a simpler explanation of what she had said. “Cassie was just wondering how she was going to get to the ledge.”

  Holding his arms open Archer grinned. “I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky!”

  “Oh, hell no... I hate heights, and I’m not going to let you drop me. Forget it, angel-boy. I'll get up there myself.”

  “And how do you propose to do that, Princess? You may be strong and all demony, but you can't fly.”

  Shuddering as she thought back, remembering the only time she had managed to levitate. “I can do it myself. I'll levitate.”

  Luka put his hands on her shoulders, his touch sending tingles through her. “Now is not the time to be stubborn, Cassand...Cassie, let one of us help you.”

  Shaking her head she motioned for him to walk away. But he hesitated, waiting for her to go first.

  Archer spread out his fantastic wings, and with a whoosh, he was airborne. Landing with accuracy, he looked down at Cassie, a smug expectant smile on his handsome face. He crooked a finger at her, teasing her. Concentrating as hard as she could, she closed her eyes, breathing in and out, just like Archer had told her to do. Focus on what you want to do, come on, Cassie, focus. She placed her hand down by her side and flexed out her palms. Feeling the power rush through her body, she opened her eyes to see that she had actually floated upwards. Woohoo!!! That'll teach you, angel-boy. But as soon as she had that lapse in concentration, the power faded and she ended up flat on her ass. “Fuck!” Cassie screamed out in frustration.

  Luka helped her up. “If you weren't trying to outdo the angel, then you would have made it. Do it right this time.” There was a strange tone in his voice that Cassie couldn't quite make out.

  Shaking herself out, she closed her eyes again and repeated the process. This time she kept her mind clear and her eyes firmly closed. She felt herself floating, feeling utterly free. She didn't realise how far she had travelled until a pair of hands grabbed her around the waist to stop her. She swirled round and stumbled up against the angel, whose brown eyes drank her in. The urge to kiss him was back; a snarl from below pulled her away. Luka's face contorted, he threw up their bags before crouching low and leaping. He pounced like a tiger on its prey and landed solidly on the ledge. Slowly, he turned, facing Cassie, his face still the picture of the perfect monster. Before she could stop herself, she had taken a step back, her hand tightly grasping the butt of her gun. Archer stepped in between them and Cassie turned away. A grunt and a muttered curse later, Luka was back to normal. Archer put his hands on the film of magic and spoke a few hushed words. A slight buzz emulated from where Archer had placed his hands. The film rippled and Archer stuck his fingers in, pulling it apart. Holding it open, he grunted, “Get in now... I can't hold it for much longer.”

  Grabbing her bag, Cassie stepped inside followed by Luka. Archer put his body through the gap, then took his hands back. The magic snapped back into place, hissing as the surge of power joined together again. The angel bent forward, his breathing ragged. “That witch had some kick in her shit.”

  Luka was grim as he patted the angel's back. “Yes, she had... Cassie's mother was an extraordinary witch.”

  Cassie’s head snapped forward. “My mom? My mom did this?”

  Luka just nodded. She was a strong witch, Cassie, and a tremendous person... she helped us put Abandon City together before she... changed... only a member of the Samhain coven can take down the wards.

  Cassie gawked at him. Then why couldn't I have done it instead of Archer since I’m the only member of that coven left?

  Because you have not used your magic for quite some time, and your new powers can be volatile.

  “Okay, enough with the mind chit chat, we gotta make tracks, kids.” Archer grabbed his own backpack and stepped off the ledge. Cassie gasped and looked over, but all she saw was a vast nothingness. Luka inclined for her to go next, but Cassie couldn't move. Luka leapt next, Cassie's heart now in her throat. Luka's voice rang out from the darkness, “Come on, Cassie, just jump, and I'll catch you.” Trust me.

  So you can slice a demon in half, but you can't step off a ledge. Get a grip girl. Trying not to think, she stepped off and refused to scream until she landed safely in Luka's arms. Kissing the top of her head, he released her. “We need to get to the safe house; I can feel the sun beginning to rise. All three began to move slowly and cautiously. The city was still, but Cassie could hear scratching and clawing along with shrieks and growls. Checking her watch, Cassie saw it was almost five. Stalking through the shadows, they crept along the streets. The air seemed colder and the darkness more sinister. While some of the buildings were demolished back home, these ones were decimated. The scent of blood still lingered, and the stains remained on walls. Carcasses of dead demons lay strewn in the streets, their flesh ripped apart. According to the stories, Dublin had been a vibrant city, full of character and zest, but Cassie saw none of that here.

  Out of the shadows crept a demon-dog. Its teeth were as sharp as her knife. It was about the same size as a St Bernard. From its jaws, a fresh piece of meat hung, as slobber dripped onto the ground. As Cassie raised her gun, Archer put a finger to his lips and held his other hand up. In a flash, a beautiful -deadly bow appeared. Pulling an arrow from underneath the back of his jacket, he aimed the bow at the dog, poised to shoot. The demon turned and opened his mouth to roar when Archer shot the dog straight between the eyes.

  The dog crumpled into a heap. As quick as it appeared, the bow disappeared again, and Archer motioned for them to continue. Huh, so that’s where the name Archer comes from. She stopped suddenly, the memory of Archer she had seen when she touched his wings, of a little angel practicing his skill. She jumped when Luka touched the small of her back but moved on.

  Goosebumps rose on her flesh. This place really was horror-film scary, but Cassie knew that demons smelt fear and it would be no use to her on any of her missions. The moon had begun to dip and Luka let out a hiss. Glancing back, he looked like he was seriously uncomfortable. “Your safe house nearby, Luka?”

  He didn't answer her, so she didn't press him. She went behind him to take up the rear. The sun was going to be up soon, and if Luka didn't get out of it, then he would be barbecued. Archer was silent up ahead, but then again, the whole city was suspiciously quiet. Barely allowing her mind to wander, the ground began to shake almost knocking her on her ass. She steadied herself and braced for attack. A troll thundered around the corner. All brute strength and lust for blood. It turned toward her and sniffed the air. Its bleeding eyes locked on hers and recognition crossed its face.

  “Assasssssin, the Gods have finally sssent me something delicious to eat. I will enjoy ssssucking the meat off your bones. You will pay for ssssending me to this forsssaken place.”

  Cassie took her usual sarcastic route. “Ahh, troll boy, you do say the nicest things to a girl; it makes me feel fluffy inside.”

  “I will eat you alive!” he roared, banging his gorilla knuckles on the ground. Cassie heard barking and yells from all corners of the city.

  “Um, guys, I think it’s time to go,” she said, looking over her shoulder. They took off down a side alley before darting out onto another street.

  “This way” Luka yelled, and they raced after him. Their feet pounded the pavement as the creatures chasing them gathered speed. Cassie's fight
er instinct tried to compel her to stand and fight, but she had a little more sense than that. Her lungs felt like they were going to explode as she pumped her arms to keep up with the boys. Despite her supernatural strength and speed, she couldn't keep up with them entirely.

  The overwhelming scents of so many demons, in such close proximity, forced bile into Cassie’s mouth. She had no choice but stop as she began to heave. She suddenly felt exhausted and could hear a voice calling her in her head. In complete opposition to the normal soothing voice that spoke, a raspy voice teased her; its voice scraping her brain like nails on a chalkboard. Cassandra, come to take me back to Mommy? Stupid half-breed, what makes you think you can take me in? Then an intense pain began to pound in her head; she buckled to her knees, screaming in agony. Her brain felt like mush, and she couldn't remember what is was that she was meant to be doing. She faintly heard her name being called; at least she thought it was her name. She looked up into black, hungry eyes and razor-sharp teeth, mesmerized. As the haunting creature opened its jaws, the wire voice laughed in her head. Night night, Cassandra. Say hello to daddy for me.

  As the demon pounced, Cassie was airborne in unfamiliar arms. Although she felt dizzy as fuck, she looked into the face of her savoir. He had long charcoal hair tied back in a braid, sharp cheek bones and brown eyes with flecks of green. She poked him with her finger to see if he was real and he snorted.“You’re pretty,”


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