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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: The Curse of the Gifted

Page 19

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  The alarm buzzed at five fifty-five. The aroma of coffee had already crept under her door and filled the room so she knew Dad was up and moving. After quickly changing into her running clothes, Aimee darted to the kitchen to get some water and head out. Dad was in his usual spot at the kitchen table, leisurely flipping through the morning headlines.

  “Good morning. Coffee’s ready,” he muttered with his head buried in his paper.

  “Thanks, but I’m gonna get in my run. Dylan’s coming by early to pick me up.”

  “Okay, just be careful, honey. It’s still kinda dark outside.”

  Aimee took out the pepper spray canister from the running pouch and waved it in front of the paper. “Don’t worry. I’ll blast anyone who tries to mess with me.”

  Dad chuckled and put down his paper. “I guess you are prepared. Just make sure you hold your breath if you have to use that thing. Hey, I may not be here when you get back. I’m having breakfast with Mel this morning, and I’m going over to Hannah’s tonight for dinner.”

  “Gosh, Dad, I can’t keep up with your social calendar these days.”

  Dad smirked, then said, “Yeah, well, I’m just trying to keep up with you.”

  After finishing a longer run than the previous morning, Aimee showered and got ready for school. Her cell phone rang as she stuffed the last book into her pack. She grabbed it from the bed and checked. It read James.

  She answered cheerfully, “Hey…”

  “Hey back. You sound like you’re in a good mood. You should be. Dad tells me you got your acceptance letter finally.”

  “Yep, and I can’t wait. I hope you and Sacha still want me to room with you.”

  “Of course. We’re counting on it. So how’s the old man taking, you know, the whole his little girl growing up and moving away thing?”

  “Oh, he’s cool with it. Now that he has Dr. Morr..uh, I mean Hannah, he’s rarely here, so I don’t think he’ll miss me a bit.” Aimee sounded a bit hurt.

  “I take it by your voice you aren’t too excited about him dating Hannah.”

  “I’m okay with it. I’m really glad Dad has found someone who makes him happy. It’s just a little weird that he’s dating my economics teacher, you know? I sit in class and instead of listening to her lecture, I wonder what the two of them see in each other. Kinda strange to think of Dad dating. He even invited Dylan and me on a double date to Reedsport. Totally freaky, isn’t it?”

  James laughed. “Yeah, I see what you mean. But Dad might be just as anxious for you to move out as you are. You know, he’s not dead, or old for that matter. I wouldn’t be surprised if the two of them don’t shack up as soon as you’re gone.”

  “James, you’re so disgusting. I’d rather not think about Dad and Dr. Morris that way.”

  “Me neither, but at least Dad’s happy. I could tell that when I talked to him the other night. Hey, so speaking of happy relationships, how are you and Dylan?”

  “Great. He asked me to the prom yesterday.”

  “That’s cool. So, you don’t sound too excited.”

  “I’m excited because Dylan wants to go, but you know me. I’m just not into that whole pomp and circumstance thing. You know, I’m more of a stay at home and watch a movie, eat popcorn, hang in my old jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.”

  “Yeah, you’re a real exciting date, Aimee.”

  “I’m not like you, James. Mr. Popular. Mr. East Medford. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.”

  “No, but you’re a heck of a lot better than you were a few years ago. Couldn’t get you out of your room.”

  There was silence for a few seconds before she continued, “I am better, and I have you, Dad, Chels, and of course, Dylan, to thank for that.”

  “Aimee, go to the prom and have fun. You only have to do it once in a lifetime. Besides, there will be some awesome parties afterwards. Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  She sniggered. “You know me, James, Miss Responsibility.”

  “I better let you go. Sacha and I won’t be home until your graduation. School and workload are kicking my butt. So call me, or Sacha, and keep us updated on the home front. Okay?”

  “Will do. Take care.” She turned the phone on vibrate and slid it into her jeans' pocket.

  Within seconds the phone vibrated. This time BFF popped up on the display when she eased the phone from her pocket. Aimee answered, “What’s up?”

  “Well, it’s about time you answered. Hey, I heard some juicy gossip. Word was you and Dylan were like practically screwing at the ball field yesterday.”

  Aimee's face suddenly burned. “Whaaat?! Who told you that?”

  “You know I have my sources,” Chels replied. “They saw you and Dylan making out before the game. Said it was pretty steamy, X-rated, and right out there in public for everyone to see.”

  “Chels, you can tell your sources to mind their own business and get a life.”

  Chelsea continued laughing. “Chill out, I’m just giving you a hard time. Really, though, seems like things are getting serious. So how is Dylan these days?”

  “He’s great, except he feels obligated to take me to the prom…”

  “Aimee, freakin’ fantastic!” interrupted Chels. “Like that’s sooo awesome! You know I’m gonna help you. We’ve got plenty of time to plan. We’ll go to Portland to shop for dresses and shoes…and hair…we’ve got to do some kind of updo, you know, like curls or something chic and slicked back on your head.”

  As usual, Aimee resigned herself to Chelsea’s control. “Chels, I get the point. You wanna play dress up with me. You know I’m an idiot with this type of thing so I’ll take whatever help you dish out. You’re going, aren’t you?”

  “Of course. Do you remember Matthew Johnson?”

  “No, not really.”

  “You know Brian’s friend, Matt the Brat? He used to live here in Medford until middle school, then his family moved to Coos Bay. He and Brian always hung out together in grade school.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember him.”

  “Well, Matt was a real pain in the ass back then. Remember he used to be a scrawny, freckled faced kid, butt ugly and mean. But, O…MI…GOD, now he is gorrrgeous! He’s a freshman at Jackson Community College. He was visiting Brian a couple weeks ago, and I used my charm on him. Really nice dude, and smart, too. He couldn’t resist the invitation to take me to the prom.” Chelsea giggled mischievously.

  “Chelsea, you have no scruples.”

  “Nope, no reason to start now.”

  “Hey, I hear Dylan pulling up in the driveway. I’ll see you at school.”

  “See ya in a few.”

  Classes whizzed by faster now since teachers crammed in the extra work they got behind on during the school year. Dad and Dr. Morris were going away for the weekend, and Chelsea decided they needed to drive up to Portland for their girls’ day out - shop to you drop and eat until you puke. Aimee didn’t have to work on Saturday, a rarity, so getting away for the day, even if it was for shopping, appealed to her. Dylan and a couple of his friends had plans to hang out since Aimee was going, so she didn’t feel like she was abandoning him. His only conditions were she had to stay safe in the big city of Portland and buy an incredibly sexy dress for the prom.

  When the final school bell rang, Aimee bolted from Mr. Bailey’s class and headed to meet Dylan. The halls were excessively packed with juniors campaigning for the upcoming senior class election. Students filed slowly past, some of them stopping while the juniors solicited their support. Aimee futilely tried pushing past a lingering group of sophomores, but she might as well have been invisible. Impatiently, she veered off the side hall to exit another way, and just as she escaped the crowds, Aimee stopped in her tracks.

  Brandi, Nicole, and their new groupie, Randi, were huddled together at Randi’s locker. All three looked up at Aimee at the same time and instantly stopped chatting. Randi methodically smacked her gum, stopping every few seconds to blow a pink bubble, while she gave Aimee a if looks could k
ill stare. Aimee didn’t know her, and she certainly didn’t know Aimee, but she felt she was already on Randi's hate list, too. Pretending to ignore them, Aimee continued walking. Once she got a few feet past the trio, Aimee heard Randi say, “…maybe something unexpected will happen to her, Brandi.” Aimee didn’t dare look back, but somehow she knew she was the topic of their conversation. She broke into a quick walk and busted through the exit. Her pace turned into a sprint as she doubled back around the building to student parking. Dylan was patiently waiting, leaning against his FJ with his arms and legs crossed loosely. Robert Moore and Logan Whitney huddled around him. They were kidding around with each other. As soon as Aimee sauntered up, Robert and Logan glanced at her and hastily left.

  “I guess they’ll never accept me,” she muttered flatly.

  Dylan took Aimee's hands into his and pulled her against him, then quickly kissed her. “Like it really matters to me? All that matters to me is you, babe.”

  She smiled. “I know, but it would be nice for you if your friends at least could stand being around both of us since we are sorta joined at the hips these days.”

  “Aimee, I don’t care what my friends think. In a couple months we’ll be off to Eugene, together, and most of these people who have treated you like shit, well, we’ll probably never see again. So see, it doesn’t matter to me whether they like you or not because it doesn’t change how I feel.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Dylan whispered, “I love you more.”

  Saturday morning, half past eight, Aimee knocked on Chelsea’s door, early on the weekend for Chelsea. But no time was too early to get up when shopping was on Chelsea's agenda. Earlier in the week Dad surprised Aimee with the graduation present he promised - a used Toyota Prius. Nothing terribly exciting or hip like her old VW Bug, but it met all the priorities; safe, roomy, and no car payments. So practical would have to do. Aimee wanted to take it on the road trip to Portland. Depending on the traffic, and how fast she drove, they would get there around noon time. The rest of the afternoon would be crammed with trying on a jillion dresses, parading in front of dressing room mirrors, searching for the perfect shoes, and of course, pigging out at some fabulous restaurant. Chelsea was her usual loquacious self the entire drive up. She had always been Aimee's sunshine, especially when her days were gray. Today was no different. She kept Aimee hopping from shop to shop unmercifully, even when Aimee begged her to stop because her feet killed her. Almost immediately Chels found her dress - a slinky, mauve colored floor length evening gown with shiny sequins covering the entire dress; expensive and exquisite. She looked so sophisticated. Aimee would pale in comparison no matter what dress she bought. At the end of the day, right before closing, Aimee found the dress for her at a little boutique. It was a tea length, midnight blue chiffon number. It had a plunging halter top, which Chels said could be filled out with some magical silicone cups. Aimee had to admit it looked great on her, and it met Dylan’s criteria - gorgeous and sexy. Chelsea had some high heels from her prom last year that she said would go just perfect with the dress. Aimee sighed relieved as they finally left the store and headed to get some yummy Mexican food.

  Chels started her interrogation. “So, are you going to keep me in suspense? I’ve waited all day for you to give me the scoop.”

  “Don’t know what you mean.”

  Chelsea persisted with her inquisition. “Oh come on, Aimee. I’m your best friend. Aren’t you gonna share with me how your first time was? Was Dylan everything you expected, you know, the big fireworks?”

  “Chelsea,” Aimee began and looked over at her friend, “that’s personal! And not that it’s anyone’s business, even my best friend, nothing has happened between us. I’m sad to say I’m still a virgin.”

  “Nothing’s happened?!” Chelsea shrieked, and then giggled. “That’s like so hard to believe. My God, Aimee, he can’t keep his hands off of you, and we’re talking about Dylan, you know, like the most popular dude at East Medford.” Aimee rolled her eyes as she looked at Chelsea, whose face was scrunched up with disbelief. After a few seconds she continued, “So what is going on with the two of you?”

  Aimee took a deep breath and thought about what details she would share. “Well, it’s not that we both don’t want it to happen, it’s just…well…we’re waiting for the right time.”

  Chelsea laughed. “The right time? How cliché, but sweet. I didn’t know he was such a gentleman. I mean, he and Brandi used to go after it like freakin’ bunnies. He must really love you to have waited this long without the two of you having sex.” She smiled sweetly, then added nonchalantly, “Or he’s getting some on the side to keep him satisfied until you finally give in.”

  Aimee's mouth dropped. She reached across the console and popped Chelsea on her arm, then hissed, “Ouch, Chels. So not nice!”

  Chelsea briefly rubbed her arm, then grinned. “You know I’m just teasing. The word is he is insanely in love with you. It’s really pissing off some of his friends because he doesn’t want to hang out and act like a heathen anymore. He’s always with you, and they can’t get used to it. Quite honestly, I think it’s totally awesome. He deserves a good person like you. After the bitch he just had, he would be crazy to do anything to screw this up. He won’t ever find someone more perfect.”

  Aimee smiled at Chelsea, then looked back at the road as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. “I think I’m the lucky one. I know he loves me, as much as he puts up with. And I feel things will change soon. I’m ready, and he knows how I feel. I think he wants it to be so perfect my first time, and our first time together.”

  The drive home was quiet except for Chelsea’s dozen phone calls to Jana, Ashley, Courtney, and even Matt, updating them on their prom finds. Dylan called a couple times checking in to see where they were, and Dad sent a text to let Aimee know he and Dr. Morris had made it safely to Reedsport. Aimee dropped Chelsea off at her house around ten thirty, then drove home. On the kitchen table she found a note and some money from Dad requesting she get a few groceries and his mail. Aimee decided to head back out to do the errands so she wouldn’t forget. She would swing by the post office after shopping, then call Dylan, as promised, when she got home.

  She didn’t think anything about the huge, white pickup with a black guardrail parked along the curb several houses down the street when she backed out of the driveway. And she didn’t notice when it stealthily followed her to the store and turned into the parking lot, then waited on the other side of the lot while Aimee shopped.

  The car’s clock read eleven ten when Aimee eased out of the store’s parking lot. She failed to notice the same white truck turn into the lane behind her until it was riding her tail. Its bright lights blinded her. Aimee flipped the rearview mirror up to divert the glare. “Jackass,” she growled and slowed down, hoping it would encourage the jerk to go around. But the truck slowed, too. For several blocks it hugged her every move, no more than a few yards away from her bumper. She finally realized this wasn’t just some jackass.

  This was a hunter and Aimee must be his prey!

  Sweat dewed on her face and her brain kicked out all rational thoughts. Instead of pulling into some place safe with people hanging around, Aimee stomped down on the accelerator and careened in and out of the lanes trying to lose him. He kept his truck right on her bumper.

  The streets were unusually empty for a Saturday night. She pressed the accelerator to the floorboard and flew up the interstate’s entrance ramp. Aimee tried to make out the identity of her pursuer, but his lights were blinding. At one point she felt a slight bump from behind, and her fear immediately turned to rage. “Damn idiot is gonna cause me to wreck!” screamed Aimee. Her foot pressed down again on the accelerator and the non-sporty Prius soared like a rocket along the dark highway. A short distance north of Medford Aimee abruptly exited the interstate hoping to lose her assailant. The idiot hung tight and soon was back on her tail while she raced down a dark road, completely des
olate of traffic except for the two of them. The adrenaline coursed through her body and she drove the Prius like a maniac. But after a fast minute of trying to outrun him, rational thoughts started to return. She had made a mistake, a very foolish mistake, but she couldn’t turn around. Aimee had led them away from town. So she soared down the lonely road hoping to stay ahead of the truck until she could get back to another town.

  Suddenly it felt like someone hit her head with a hammer. Aimee tasted acid in her throat, and she gagged. “God help me! Please not now!” she bawled. She scanned the road in front of her, then the rearview mirror, back and forth trying to keep the car on the black asphalt. The speedometer read eighty-five as the car lurched out of a curve and hit a straightaway.

  Seconds passed and she made the fatal error the idiot had been hoping for - Aimee swerved from the middle of the road back into her lane when they careened around an inside curve. The truck immediately shot around her into the outside lane, picked up speed, and jutted up alongside the driver’s door. The road was too dark, so Aimee didn’t dare tear her eyes from straight ahead.

  And then it happened!

  The truck veered into her lane. Without thinking, she reacted. Her hands reflexively jerked the wheel to the right instantly jumping her new car off the shoulder, then into the ditch. Out-of-control, the car ripped through the tall grasses. The truck continued soaring down the road.

  In slow motion Aimee watched the trees overtake the car. Branches razed the sides, the front hood and the top. In a second, faces of people she loved - Dylan, Dad, James, Sacha, Chelsea, Aunt Lauren, and even her mother - flashed through Aimee's mind, and then flickered away. The last thing she remembered seeing was the buck as he darted in front of her path. Its big, round, black eyes were blinded by her high beams. With no time to escape, the young deer met her hood, then jutted up and over into the windshield. A leg came through the glass on the passenger side, and crystal shards splattered the dash. Everything else immediately faded away. Darkness completely swallowed her, and all life vanished in less than a second...the deer’s…and maybe hers.


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