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Page 32

by Alex Irvine

  “I’ll say one thing about Megatron,” Axer said, “he’s not afraid of much.”

  “Then it needs repairs,” the captain said. “Good thing I had the foresight to snatch up all these Junkions. Tell me more about it.”

  “It’s a particle laser accelerated-neutron cannon,” Axer said. “A lost technology. There’s nothing else like it. If you had it, this ship would carry the most powerful arsenal in the galaxy. Maybe you should swing back toward Junkion and pick it up.”

  “You, Wreck-Gar,” the pirate captain said. “Axer telling the truth?”

  “Axer is junk,” Wreck-Gar growled. “Lies are all he tells, but sometimes lies are useful. All junk has a use.”

  “Wisdom from the trash collector,” the pirate captain mused. “This is turning into one strange voyage. Axer, out in the hall.” Axer didn’t have to be told twice. He headed for the door. “The rest of you Junkions, shut up. I’ll have work for you soon, and if I don’t, you can sit here until you die.”

  The rest of the pirates came out after the captain. None of them spoke a word as they walked the length of the immense ship, reaching its bridge. The pirates took up their stations and got to work. Their captain sat in the chair reserved for him at the center of the bridge. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.

  “If we’re going to be working together,” Axer said, “we should be formally introduced.”

  The captain snorted. “We’re not working together. I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw this ship. You live as long as you’re useful. That’s our deal.”

  “Fair enough,” Axer said.

  “But if you want my name, here it is,” the captain said. “I’m Thundertron, scourge of Cybertronians, the mightiest freebooter on the spaceways. Never defeated, never asked for quarter, never given it. You’re on board the Tidal Wave, finest ship ever built, and if you’re lucky you’ll die aboard it. Any bot would be proud to!”

  “Thundertron!” the crew roared, brandishing their weapons.

  “That’s right!” Thundertron called back. “Thundertron!” Axer couldn’t help but be a little impressed by the show. Optimus Prime and Megatron were in for some surprises, he thought.

  As the echoes of his name died away, Thundertron leaned forward, squinting and scowling into the viewports on the Tidal Wave’s bridge. “And it’s going to be the last name that Optimus Prime and Megatron ever hear. Get working, you Junkions! And you,” he said to his crew, “bring us around! We’re going to bring this Requiem Blaster aboard, and then we’ve got to make the ship ready for pursuit!”

  The pirates shouted their approbation and got to work. Axer waited for orders but received none. Thundertron looked him up and down with evident distaste. Then he looked Axer in the eye and broke into a cruel smile. “Aye, get her ready,” he said. “We’ve got Cybertronians to hunt.”

  By Alex Irvine


  Transformers: Exodus

  The Seal of Karga Kul

  Iron Man 2 (movie novelization)

  Iron Man: Virus

  The Ultimates: Against All Enemies

  Batman: Inferno


  The Narrows

  One King, One Soldier

  A Scattering of Jades


  The Vertigo Encyclopedia

  John Winchester’s Journal: A Supernatural Book

  The Supernatural Guide to Monsters, Demons, Spirits, and Ghouls


  Mare Ultima (novella)

  Mystery Hill (novella)

  Pictures from an Expedition (collection)

  The Life of Riley (novella)

  Unintended Consequences (collection)

  Rossetti Song: Four Stories (chapbook)


  Dark Sun: Ianto’s Tomb

  Iron Man: Rapture

  The Murder of King Tut

  Daredevil Noir

  Hellstorm, Son of Satan: Equinox




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