Book Read Free

Fat Fridays

Page 10

by Judith Keim

  Though she was no longer hungry, Sukie made herself eat a cup of soup before class. Taking computer courses was just one way she’d prepare herself for the uncertain future.


  Cam looked up from his paperwork and smiled at her when she hurried into computer class. Sukie’s spirits lifted. Throughout the class, she listened carefully to him as he went over some of the finer points of various programs.

  “Next week, we’ll go over some extra things you can do on the computer to make your life a whole lot simpler,” he announced at the end of the session.

  Sukie gathered her materials together, grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

  “Sukie? Wait!” Cam called. “I need to ask you something.”

  Puzzled, she stopped. The two other women remaining in class glanced his way and hurried out of the room.

  Cam grinned at her. “I have to entertain a businessman and his wife from out of town on Friday. I was wondering if you’d join us for dinner.”

  A date? Sukie wanted to say yes, she really did, but she knew it would be better for her, for him, for them, if she didn’t.

  His smile faded. “What’s the matter?”

  “Edythe Aynsley called Julie after the board meeting and asked her to warn me about unseemly behavior, as she called it. Ted is trying to back out of our spousal agreement, and I can’t do anything to jeopardize my job.” She hated the way tears stung her eyes.

  Cam’s look of sympathy soothed her. “A bad day, huh? That Aynsley woman needs to be shaken. I told you, Sukie, she’s jealous of you.”

  “Yes, but...”

  “You’re not serious about letting her dictate how you spend your time, are you?” His voice held a hint of disapproval.

  An inner debate began in her head. Even in those few moments they’d had together, he’d made her feel whole in a way she’d never known. The idea of their being together was crazy and yet so wonderful. Confused, she covered her cheeks with her hands.

  Cam tilted her chin and stared into her eyes, silently seeking permission. Then his lips covered hers with a sureness that made it seem undeniably right. Desire swept through Sukie.

  When they pulled apart, Cam’s lips spread. “Like I said last night, let’s see where this takes us. We’ll take it one step at a time, beginning now. What do you say? Will you go with me on Friday?”

  Sukie drew a deep breath. This wasn’t really a true date. She’d be with other people. It was just dinner. A business dinner. Right?



  Tiffany lay in bed, miserable. She’d thrown up until there was nothing left inside her. She pulled the silky gold covers of their king-sized bed up to her neck. No way could she consider going to work, even if it meant she’d miss the Fat Fridays lunch.

  She’d been reading that raging hormones could make you think crazy thoughts, but Tiffany swore every time she raced to the bathroom to barf, Beau looked proud and happy. It made her want to scream at him. She rubbed her belly in slow circles and asked herself how any teeny, tiny baby could make her feel so sick.

  Beau poked his head through the bedroom doorway. “You take care of our son while I’m at work.”

  Tiffany groaned. His parents had gone nuts when he’d told them about the baby. They’d immediately declared it had to be a boy to carry on the family name. It made her feel woozy to even think of it. If the baby was a girl, she’d have to face their disappointment.


  Beau went off to his job at the law firm of McDonough and Stiles—a job his Dad had landed for him. A job he hated.

  Tiffany rolled over and closed her eyes, relieved to be left alone in the bed her in-laws had given them. Her thoughts drifted as she lay there. She rubbed her belly from time to time, telling herself she felt fine, that things would work out.

  At the clicking sound of the front door being unlocked, Tiffany froze. Her heart pounding so hard she grew light-headed, she sat up. The cleaning lady wasn’t due until Monday. Was it Lynn’s ex? Would he attack her like he’d done to Lynn and their daughter?

  Tiffany rose on shaking legs, tiptoed to the top of the stairs and peered over the railing. Ready to call 911, she gripped her cell phone.

  Shit! Her mother-in-law was heading up the winding staircase, carrying two large plastic bags.

  “What are you doing here?” Tiffany asked, furious at the intrusion.

  Muffy jumped guiltily.

  Seeing the look of fright on the face of Beau’s mother, Tiffany couldn’t help the sense of satisfaction that filled her. It served Muffy right for coming in unannounced.

  “What am I doing here? I might ask the same of you,” said Muffy, all composed once more. She stared at the old tee shirt of Beau’s that Tiffany had worn to bed and sniffed. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work? Is everything all right with our baby?”

  Trying to control her irritation, Tiffany shrugged. She hated it when Muffy said our baby, as if she’d been the one throwing up. “I didn’t get much sleep last night so I decided to take the day off. I still feel sick.”

  “Oh, pooh, Tiffany, it’s just part of the process.” Muffy moved past her and set the bags down on the hall carpet. “When you hold that little boy in your arms, it will all seem worth it.”

  “It might be a girl...” Tiffany began.

  “Nonsense.” Muffy waved a hand in dismissal. “Not in this family. I don’t even want such a thought mentioned aloud. Regard needs to know there’ll be Wright men following in his footsteps. When you come from a prominent family like his, it’s very important to know the family name will go forward.”

  At Muffy’s words, Tiffany’s stomach churned. But she’d be damned if she’d throw up in front of her. “What’s in the bags?”

  Muffy gave her a sly smile. “I ordered a whole set of towels with the Wright monogram on them. Black lettering on white terry. I detest colored towels, don’t you?”

  “But...but I just bought towels to match the bedspread I picked out. Dark green won’t show dirt and besides...”

  Muffy picked up the bags and marched into the master bath.

  Tiffany watched helplessly from the bathroom doorway as Muffy took the green towels from their racks and threw them down on the floor. “Let’s see how these new ones look. Beau knows he can’t get away with wiping unclean hands on a white towel. That’s how I trained him to wash up correctly.”

  Tiffany turned on her heel and climbed back into bed, too tired to fight her mother-in-law. It was always like this.

  Muffy came into the room and stood over her. “This morning sickness of yours should be over soon. I suggest you get up and get going before long. Be ready for Beau when he comes home tonight. A man needs to come home to a clean house and an attractive wife or he’ll end up not coming home at all.”

  Tiffany blinked in surprise. Did Muffy really believe all that ‘50’s bullshit? In today’s world, it was so old-fashioned, it was laughable. And whose fault was it that she was in this wretched condition? Didn’t Muffy get that?

  Muffy waved. “Okay, dear. I’ve done my good deed for the day. I’m off to a luncheon with a friend and then Regard and I are going to meet our favorite senator for dinner in Atlanta. Give Beau all my love. And don’t dawdle in bed too long.”

  She left, and Tiffany curled up in a ball, wondering how her life had gotten so out of control. She didn’t even know who she was anymore.



  Sukie arrived at Anthony’s restaurant shortly after noon and wove her way through the noisy lunchtime crowd to the back booth where Betsy, Carol Ann and Lynn sat chatting.

  “Hi,” she said, sliding into the booth next to Betsy. “Where’s Tiffany?”

  “She called in sick.” Betsy gave her a worried look. “That poor girl has gone through hell with this baby.”

  Sukie clucked her tongue. She wished there was more they could do for Tiffany.

  “Here’s the waitress,” said L
ynn. “We’d better order. We’re running late.”

  As soon as they’d all ordered the special—chicken and goat cheese ravioli and side orders of garden salads - Carol Ann launched into the latest responses to her online dating post. She made everyone laugh when she told about the date with a guy who’d posted a picture of his handsome roommate instead of himself.

  Carol Ann turned to Sukie with shining eyes. “Guess what! There’s a new guy at work, a consultant named Cameron Taylor. He’s a total looker. I keep trying to come up with excuses to deliver mail to his office, anything to get his attention, but he mostly ignores me. All the women are crazy for him. There’s a rumor racing through the office that he’s got some hot date this weekend.”

  “Yeah. His date must be gorgeous, because like Carol Ann says, this guy is something else,” Betsy said.

  Sukie felt the blood leave her face. Hot date? Is that how Cam thought of it?

  The conversation turned to other matters, but Sukie’s thoughts remained stuck on Cam. Maybe he expected some kind of wild romp after dinner, something a hot date would supply. Her pulse pounded with dismay at the thought. She wasn’t that kind of woman. It just proved to her how out of sync they were and how foolish she was acting.


  Waiting for Cam to pick her up, Sukie paced her bedroom floor, moving from the full-length mirror beside her closet to the smaller mirror in the bathroom, needlessly primping. She felt like an innocent young teen going to her first big school dance, wondering whether her young date expected a French kiss goodnight. If she were smart, she’d call and tell him she was sick.

  The doorbell rang.

  Pulse racing, Sukie went downstairs and opened the door.

  Cam’s eyes rounded when he saw her. “Wow! You look great.” He leaned over to kiss her. “Mmmm, you’re so beautiful. You taste good, too. Like peppermint candy.”

  Sukie’s nervousness evaporated in a rush of pleasure. She grabbed her shawl and headed out the door with him.

  On the way to the nearby Village Inn Motel, Cam explained they were picking up Mary and Bob Anderson. Bob, he further explained, was a semi-retired computer consultant who sometimes worked with him on projects. “They’re folksy, down-home people from the Spartanburg area. I especially enjoy their company.”

  Mary and Bob were waiting outside when Cam and Sukie pulled up to the front of the motel. Cam introduced her to them. Bob was a jovial man who smiled easily. His wife Mary was equally pleasant.

  During the drive to Atlanta, Bob kept them entertained with stories of projects he’d worked on, making them laugh with all the missed deadlines and crazy programming he’d done in the past.

  “Which restaurant are we going to?” Sukie asked.

  “Jasper’s,” Bob said. “I picked it. It’s one of the hottest new restaurants in mid-town. They’re known for their new American cuisine.”

  Mary smiled at her. “Beneath that computer geek of mine is a very good chef.”

  Sukie laughed.

  Bob grinned. “One of the specialties of the house is sautéed sole with a light beurre blanc sauce topped with fried capers. How’s that sound?”

  “I can taste it now.” Sukie’s mouth watered at the thought of the fish with a tart buttery sauce. It had been a long time since she’d had a fancy meal like that. Looking back, she wondered just when she and Ted had stopped planning evenings out.

  Cam reached over and took hold of Sukie’s hand.

  Sukie smiled, pleased to be with him.

  Fighting the Atlanta traffic, they made their way to a tall building on Peachtree Street and pulled into a circle at the side of the building, where a valet met them. He helped them out of the car and whisked the Lexus away.

  Cam led them inside, and Sukie followed the maitre d’ to a table in the corner of the dining room. After being seated, she and Mary exchanged approving glances. Dark wainscoting met green-painted walls. The color of the walls was duplicated in the Oriental rugs that covered most of the wooden floor and brought out the burgundy hues of the brocade-covered chairs. Crisp white table linens and gold-rimmed china added to the classic elegance of the room. Crystal lighting fixtures hung from wooden beams like bright-colored stars.

  “How lovely,” commented Mary. “And the piano music is perfect—nice and soft.”

  Cam ordered a bottle of French champagne.

  Sukie sat back, truly content for the first time in many months. She sighed with pleasure and then sat up with a start.

  “What’s wrong?” Mary whispered, grabbing hold of her hand. “Are you okay?”

  Sukie shook her head.

  Katy Hartmann approached their table with a dangerous smile. “Sukie! Sukie Skidmore! What a surprise! I had no idea I’d see you here.” Her gaze swept over Cam and Bob and Mary and came to rest on Cam.

  “And you are?” Katy said to Cam before Sukie could find her voice.

  Cam rose to his feet and held out a hand. “Cameron Taylor.”

  The glint in Katy’s eyes as she looked from Cam to her made Sukie’s stomach feel like she’d swallowed a huge rock.

  “’Pleased to meet you Cameron. I’m Katy Hartmann.” She beamed at Cam as if he was a double-fudge brownie and she was the biggest chocoholic in the world.

  Cam introduced Mary and Bob Anderson.

  Sukie clutched her hands, wishing she could evaporate. She’d taken a chance that no one from town would see her on a date with Cam. Now she knew it wouldn’t be long before everyone in Williston would know they’d be out together.

  After Katy left their table, Sukie explained to Mary that Katy was head of the neighborhood women’s group and the biggest gossip she knew.

  “Well, let’s just enjoy the evening.” Mary gave Sukie’s hand a comforting squeeze.

  Sukie forced a smile and told herself to relax, though she had the sinking feeling that the waves Katy would cause would drown her carefully laid plans for financial and emotional independence. Neither Ted nor her children would be prepared for a surprise like this.

  Cam smiled at her. “It’ll be all right. You’ll see.”

  Sukie hoped he was right. Putting aside her worries, Sukie concentrated on enjoying the evening. The conversation was pleasant. Mary clearly adored her husband, and they treated Cam like one of their own. When Mary found out Sukie was about to become a grandmother, she couldn’t hide her surprise. “All grandmothers should look like you,” Mary joked. A grandmother herself, she launched into the joys of being able to spoil and play with her own grandchildren then walk away.

  They ended the meal by sharing crème brulée and chocolate mousse, teasing each other over the calorie count in each delicious bite.

  The ride home was quiet. Like the others, Sukie was sated with excellent food and wine. She leaned back against the front passenger seat of the car, floating in good humor as the radio played softly.

  Cam reached over and took hold of Sukie’s hand. “I’m glad Chloe is staying overnight at her teacher’s house,” he murmured. He gave her a sexy smile that turned Sukie’s body hot, then cold. The promise of intimacy was something she wanted, something she dreaded.

  After dropping Mary and Bob off at the motel, Cam turned to Sukie with an adorable crooked smile. “I’ve waited all evening to get you alone.”

  Sukie bit her lip. “You’re okay with Katy blabbing all over town that we were together? And everyone at MacTel is talking about a hot date you have this weekend...”

  “What?” Cam frowned. “Where’d you hear that?”

  “Friends of mine work in the executive area,” Sukie said. “Carol Ann Mobley is one of them.”

  “Carol Ann? Oh, yeah. She’s the one who keeps trying to deliver stuff to my office.”

  “Wait’ll she hears about tonight,” Sukie said, unable to let the subject drop. “She’s not going to believe I’m your so-called hot date.”

  Cam pulled into Sukie’s driveway and brought the car to a stop. Reaching over, he stroked Sukie’s cheek with his thumb. �
��You don’t have any idea how sexy or how beautiful you are, do you?”

  She let out a soft sigh as his lips found hers. His tongue entered her mouth. The taste of after-dinner mints lingered in his kiss. When it became apparent they both wanted more, he pulled away from her.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  Taking Cam’s hand, Sukie led him inside the house.

  Cam led her to the sectional couch in the dimly-lit living room. “Let’s just settle here.”

  Sukie tossed her shawl on a chair and sank back onto the couch’s plush cushions, and into his strong arms. It felt so right to snuggle up against him.

  Cam kissed her. Caressing Sukie’s body, his hands moved to her breasts.

  Her nipples tightened under his touch.

  “Mmmm, you’re so responsive,” Cam murmured. He gently tugged Sukie down so they were lying, facing each other.

  Sukie snuggled up to him. The feel of his hard arousal against her abdomen sent anticipation through her.

  They spent precious moments, kissing and discovering the shape of each other. After some time, Cam slid his hands under her dress and stroked the intimate parts of her. A sigh escaped her. She hoped he’d never stop.

  “I want to see you. All of you,” he murmured.

  Sukie rolled to one side, and he unzipped the back of her dress. She stood and let it fall to the floor. Then swallowing nervously, she stepped aside, clad only in her lacy black bra and matching panties.

  He tossed his shirt to one side, and struggled to get his zipper undone. The deliciously large bulge in his pants didn’t help. Sukie admired his sleek, muscular body, his trim waist, his firm erection. A stab of insecurity made her pause. She had stretch marks from her pregnancies and her body was not as young as his.

  Naked, Cam came up beside her, as virile as any Greek god. Smiling, he undid Sukie’s bra. His fingers trailed over her breasts and then he cupped them. “Beautiful, Sukie.”

  He bent and took one nipple in his mouth. Sukie leaned her head back and let the pleasing sensations roll over her.

  Cam helped Sukie onto the couch and slid her panties down. Lying next to her, Cam traced the scars on her belly with his fingertips. Sukie sucked in her breath, waiting for a response.


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