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Wild Beast_A Mountain Man Romance

Page 40

by Katie Ford

  But the old man had clearly set his sights on bedding her this evening and instead pulled her closer, forcing that nubile body into contact with his aging, wrinkled self. The girl gasped with disgust, unable to stifle her reaction, but the old man didn’t even notice, he was so used to his money doing the talking.

  “Scat,” he sneered. “Ana’s busy.”

  Ah ha, so her name was Ana. That was pretty, and I mentally filed it away. But in the meantime, “scat”? What was that, slang from the Stone Age? Whatever, I kept my calm, my massive form towering over him, twice his height and three times his weight.

  “Pardon me,” I said smoothly, “but I’d like to get a dance in with the prettiest girl at this party before it’s over.”

  The girl flushed shyly and shot me another grateful smile, innocent and beautiful. Damn, but appearances can be deceiving. If I hadn’t shot my sperm into her just hours ago, I would have thought she was an angel, someone with zero experience with hungry males. Clearly I was wrong, girls are a tricky lot.

  But back to the problem at hand. The old dude wasn’t giving up and instead, reached into his pocket to pull out a bulging money clip.

  “Here,” he sneered, flinging some bills at me, “go buy yourself a drink, sonny boy. That should be enough to knock you out for the rest of the night.”

  I looked down at what he’d pressed into my hand. Damn, but there were three Benjamins. My fingers curled as if accepting but then with a simple twist of the wrist, I dropped the crumpled bills to the floor, little balls of paper bouncing lightly to the ground.

  “No can do,” I said simply.

  The old man’s eyes narrowed, his eyebrows lowering, his chest puffing up, measly as it was.

  “You’re the best man, aren’t you?” he rasped, clutching Ana feverishly now, determined not to let go of the prize. “You were up there with your dad, the one who’s marrying Virginia.”

  “That’s right,” I said mildly, nodding. “I was best man … with my brother.”

  Because Peyton had silently appeared at my side, another dark, looming form towering over the couple. The old man’s eyes went wide for a moment, flashing with fear, but guys like him have egos and he couldn’t handle the thought of being shown up by two young guns.

  “Here,” he said nastily, finally letting go of our girl and reaching into his pocket again. He fished out his money roll and stripped off more bills, thrusting them at Peyton this time. “That should be enough to keep a couple donkeys like you busy for the night. Now scram!” he said, his voice rising a couple octaves.

  Damn, there had to be at least a thousand dollars for a total of thirteen hundred if you counted the crumpled money on the floor.

  But my brother wasn’t buying either.

  “Nah,” he drawled, shaking his head and stuffing the Benjamins into the breast pocket of the old man. He leaned closer.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” he said in a growl that only we could hear. “Can’t you tell she’s not into it?”

  And finally, a look of real fear appeared on the old man’s face. He cowered, drawing back, his body seeming to shrink in terror and subservience.

  “Kids these days,” he muttered, dropping Ana’s hand and turning away. “I got a girlfriend anyways,” he sniffed.

  And he limped off the dance floor, disappearing into the crowd.

  Meanwhile, Ana turned to us with a grateful smile, glowing with radiance.

  “Thank you,” she breathed, looking up at us through her lashes. “Thanks for saving me, Ronald isn’t so bad usually, he’s just had too much to drink tonight.”

  That took us by surprise.

  “Usually?” I mused, looking at her thoughtfully. Well, I guess it made sense. Ana was young, ripe and pretty, I could see a lot of old dudes hitting her up in Manhattan. Heck she was probably an easy target, eighteen, flaunting her figure in a schoolgirl uniform, the hem of that plaid skirt riding up her thighs.

  But my imagination had taken me too far. First things first.

  “So I take it you’re our new sister,” I said casually, as dancers spun around us.

  “Um, yeah,” she flushed. “I’m Ana. You’re Pax and Peyton, right?”

  It was so unreal to be exchanging names after what had already happened, the fact that we’d already seen her naked, she’d already sucked our dongs, tasted the pleasure of thirty hard inches. But hey, life doesn’t always happen in order.

  “Yeah, I’m Peyton, this is Pax,” rumbled my brother, “Why don’t we sit, it’s a little crowded here,” he said as a couple whirled by.

  And with delicate steps the girl followed us to a table at the edge of the dance floor, sitting demurely, crossing her shapely legs as we took seats, the two of us doing our best not to stare.

  Because again, the contrast was incredible. She looked so innocent, so sweet, that light yellow dress making her look like an beautiful buttercup when we knew, had experienced just hours before her wanton actions, sucking down the semen of strangers.

  “So Ana,” I rumbled lazily. “I hear you and your mom are moving into our house next week.”

  She flushed.

  “We are,” she said, giving us a weak smile. “It’s kind of unexpected.”

  My eyebrows flew up. It’d been unexpected for my brother and me, but I hadn’t thought of it from her point of view. I guess Virginia popped the wedding plans on her last minute as well.

  “No worries,” drawled Peyton. “There’s plenty of space, you’ll have your own room down the hall from us.”

  And the girl flushed, a beautiful rosy shade coloring her cheeks, moving down to her boobs. Damn, those jugs looked good, her top revealing the creamy tops, ready to be sucked and bitten if we had our way.

  But Ana recovered quickly.

  “Oh yeah, my mom mentioned we’d be down the hall from each other,” she murmured.

  “Did she tell you we’ll be sharing a bathroom?” I asked casually. “There’s a bathroom connecting our rooms, so we’ll be running into each other mornings.”

  And that made the girl blush again. Was she thinking what I was? Her beautiful body nude under the water, droplets hitting her from all sides, bent over as we pummeled her in our shared shower? I hoped so because that was definitely part of the plan, our semen streaming down her body and into the drain, ejaculating against the stall walls as she made us come again and again.

  And Ana definitely had a dirty mind because she gave a quick little inhalation through her nose, her eyes growing wide, looking at us with a flash of hunger before lowering those long lashes.

  “Pax, Peyton,” she said demurely. “It’ll be great getting to know you these last couple months before college. Living in close quarters will be … um, educational,” she said with a smile directed at us both.

  We were definitely on the same wavelength.

  “Absolutely,” growled Peyton, his body hardening, a gleam in his eye.

  “For sure,” I drawled, a surge of lust making my balls tighten, my dick stiffening under the table cloth. “Soon,” I promised.

  “Yes,” Ana answered simply, licking her lips, that pink, luscious pout beckoning to us again. “Soon.”

  And just like that, our lives changed forever.



  It’s been so weird since moving to White Plains. After the wedding, I’d been excited about the change for obvious reasons.

  “Well, this is quite the one eighty,” remarked my mom, eyeing me curiously. “I couldn’t get a smile about moving before and now you’re telling me that you’re already packed,” she said, nodding to my room through the doorway.

  Because it was true. Boxes were piled up to the ceiling, I’d already stowed all my personal belongings and broken down my furniture, ready to go.

  And it was to be expected. After all, since meeting Pax and Peyton my body had been continuously hungry, on fire almost, the need coursing through me each night as I fingered myself, hungry to taste those cocks again.r />
  “Oh that,” I said airily. “Yeah, I got a head start on packing, I didn’t want the movers to touch my personal stuff. Besides, I did some research and White Plains High has an amazing track team, it’ll be fine.”

  “Really?” asked my mom dryly, her eyebrow cocked. “Our last conversation you were telling me how no school could compare to Trinity.”

  “Oh no,” I said quickly. “It’s fine in White Plains. Besides, they have a good football program right? Pax and Peyton are stars there, I heard they’re aiming for State this year.”

  I wasn’t surprised that my twin stepbrothers were champion athletes, given their massive size and athletic builds, dominating the opposition on the field … and hopefully me off.

  But my mom didn’t have to know. For the moment, she was just happy that I was no longer upset about the move.

  “True,” Virginia mused, her expression thoughtful. “Pax and Peyton are MVPs, they’ve already been recruited by a number of schools. Which reminds me, have you started your college applications yet?”

  Man, this was more interest from Virginia in ages, she was usually so busy with work that she had no idea what I was up to. And I was counting on that, given my X-rated plans.

  “Sure, I’ve filled out a lot of apps,” I said, “better to get in somewhere than nowhere.”

  My mom nodded, her eyes still thoughtful.

  “Well, I’m hoping to be home more in the future, Ana,” she said slowly. “You’ve always been fine, I know you don’t need me looking over your shoulder, but now that I’m married to Gordon, maybe I’ll be sticking around more,” she said neutrally, shooting me an inscrutable glance.

  What was Virginia getting at? These were not the words I wanted to hear, not with my new steps mere feet from me each night. But I was impatient and just wanted to move in with the boys. Hopefully we’d be seeing a lot of each other … every night, god willing.

  So I just ignored my mom’s warning and started throwing books into boxes again, even offering to help her with her stuff. There was no need though, Virginia had a personal assistant who was taking care of everything, Ginny has been with my mom for years, doing all her errands, drycleaning, housesitting, not to mention handling admin duties at the bank.

  “You ready, Ginny?” I asked. She wasn’t that much older than me, maybe twenty-five, a ginger-colored redhead, which was too bad because some redheads are cute, but Ginny, well, she was just odd-looking, freckles everywhere, her nose a little too long, chin too sharp.

  “Yep,” she replied, hoisting a box up into the air. “Let’s get going.”

  And just like that, we were in White Plains by evening. The movers were fast and with Ginny and I directing, everything was in its new home by nightfall.

  But I was disappointed.

  “Where are Pax and Peyton?” I asked my mom, looking around. The house was silent, curiously still.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “Gordon mentioned they have practice before and after school, so your stepbrothers are probably on the field still. They’ll be home soon,” she said. “Help me lift this vase, baby, careful it’s heavy.”

  And I sat back, disappointed, but all the same, hopeful. Okay, so Pax and Peyton weren’t available at the moment, but they’d be home in a couple hours, football practice can’t go on forever.

  But I fell asleep on top of my blankets, dressed in a little pink nightie while waiting to hear their key in the door.

  Wandering into the bathroom the next morning, I breathed deeply, my senses immediately alert. The air was still steamy, towels wet, the woody scent of aftershave mixing in my nostrils. Hmm, I thought, sniffing appreciatively. Well, it was just one night, I was sure I’d see them at school.

  And I did, glimpses of the twins at least. They were kings of White Plains High, sauntering down the halls in their letter jackets, starkly handsome, their massive forms impossible to miss.

  “Hey Pax, hey Peyton,” cooed one girl I’d met briefly, Summer, if I remembered her name. She was gorgeous, the kind who could wear rags and still look like a model.

  “Hey,” drawled Peyton and I grew red just at the sound of his voice, my body heating.

  “We’ve missed you,” Summer cooed, putting a perfectly manicured hand onto his arm possessively, “Donna and I both. Why don’t you come by my house tonight for some studying? We can help you with biology,” she flirted, batting her lashes.

  I stood, stock still and silent. What was this, some kind of joke? Summer and Donna? Like Donna Summers the singer? Help with biology? That girl couldn’t add two plus two, she was an obvious airhead. But the joke was on me because Pax just nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah, we’ll be there after practice,” he rumbled. “Eight sharp,” he commanded.

  And Summer cooed and giggled again, almost trembling with excitement, her lithe form encased in the tiniest sundress, boobs practically bouncing out with anticipation.

  “See you tonight!” she called as they strode down the hall, her voice singsonging. “Donna and I will be ready.”

  Ready, schmeady. If you meant painting her nails and putting on her sexiest lingerie, than that was ready. Ready didn’t mean cracking a textbook or reviewing notes, no way. Those girls weren’t the studying type.

  Instead, I realized with growing dread, my steps were going to bang Donna and Summer until they were puddles, making them take those donkey dongs with everything they had, drench the females with cum. It’d be the best kind of biology tutorial, a real hands-on experiment.

  Stepping back, I swallowed, my heart in my stomach. What had happened? It was like Pax and Peyton had already forgotten about me and our encounter in the woods. Did it mean so little to them? Was the best day of my life nothing to them?

  But my steps weren’t getting rid of me so easily. With an angry shake, I turned back to my locker and began cramming books into my backpack, unseeing, blinded by anger. Maybe this was a one-time thing, maybe Pax and Peyton hadn’t seen me, there were too many kids walking around, rushing through the halls. But common sense told me it wasn’t true. My brothers were avoiding me for some reason and I stormed to class, steaming, determined to confront them asap.

  But it never happened. In fact, I barely even saw Pax and Peyton the entire semester, they were always at practice, at school, with their friends, at “study hall” with random girls.

  And I was so jealous I could have died. There were traces of them all throughout the house, the steamy bathrooms, the dirty dishes in the sink, the mountains of football equipment cluttering every corner. And I saw them Friday nights from afar, cheering from the stands as Pax and Peyton took White Plains High to the State Finals, finishing the year as Title Champions.

  But me? There was nothing to see. I was invisible, my brothers never there, my mom completely wrapped up with Gordon and her work, new at school with no friends. So I did the only thing I could … I accepted it, the fight slowly going out of me, the sting dissipating a little more each day. Instead, I threw myself into running, finishing my applications, and when year-end came I was ready to move on.

  I was leaving White Plains without tasting my brothers again, can you believe it? Without having their creamy semen on my tongue, in my snatch, shooting onto and into my body. Instead, my bags were packed for the second time in six months and I was moving on … without them.



  It’s not that we didn’t want our sister. Trust me, we wanted her in the worst possible way, it’s just that there were veiled threats from my dad warning us off. Gordon isn’t usually like this, he’s usually pretty hands-off, the kind of parent who doesn’t ask about personal lives ever.

  But something was different this time. Maybe he and Virginia were smarter than we thought, more observant. Because putting a nubile, beautiful teen girl into the path of two dominant, high-testosterone guys? Yeah, you can guess what was going to happen.

  So Gordon had a talk with us before Ana moved in.

t was altogether unexpected, my brother and I coming home one day to find dinner waiting. Gordon had whipped up his special Spaghetti Bolognese, a childhood treat. It must have been years since we’d tasted that special sauce and our mouths watered, starving from a grueling practice.

  “So how’s school?” asked my dad mildly.

  “Good,” I grunted, stuffing myself with garlic bread while reaching for another plate of pasta. Carbs were necessary when you worked out as hard as we did.

  “You passing your classes? You know the NCAA has rules about academic eligibility,” he began.

  “We’re fine,” snorted Peyton. “We met with Abigail last night, she helped us with chemistry and French.”

  Oh right, beautiful Abigail. She’d tutored us in a lot more than those two subjects, judging from her delighted squeals as we rubbed her cunny, her fluids running down our fingers. Thank god there had been no one else at the library late at night, we would have been cited for disturbing the peace.

  But my dad wasn’t letting up. He frowned as if reading our minds, and put down his fork.

  “Boys, NCAA rules are the real thing,” he ground out. “Jeopardize your eligibility and it’s on you.”

  Yeah yeah, this was old news. Gordon did well at his job, but he couldn’t foot the bill for two tuitions at State. So Peyton and I had to do our part by maintaining our scholarships, meet the baseline GPA, something about the college not being able to take below a 2.0. Lame but we’d be able to cross that bar, no problem.


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