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Christmas with the Best Man

Page 3

by Susan Carlisle

She glanced at him and whispered, “You’re awful.”

  He chuckled as he led her off to the side so the others in the wedding party could come down the aisle.

  “Well, I see you made it here on time with jokes in hand,” Helena remarked.

  “I did. I cleaned up pretty good, I thought.” Elijah opened his scarf and pulled at his red bow-tie as if it was choking him.

  “You do look mighty dashing, Dr. Davenport. Especially in your hat.” She smiled.

  “All I’m missing is the cane and Charlie Chaplin mustache.” He did a small dance in imitation of the silent-movie star.

  Helena laughed, not missing the sarcasm in his voice. “I, for one, love the romance of the old movies.”

  “That figures. Only a bride would expect someone to wear this type of get-up.”

  “You really aren’t enjoying this, are you?” She watched him closely.

  “Let’s just say it isn’t my ‘thing.’ I’ll be glad when it’s over.”

  “What, you got a hot date?”

  “I wish. It’ll take more than a shower and hot toddy to make my toes have feeling again.” He wiggled his brows. “You interested in helping me warm up?”

  She was glad that Grace called, “Come on, you two, we’ve got a few pictures to take and then we can go inside.”

  Helena and Elijah followed the rest of the wedding party back to the arch. She took her position beside Grace and smiled as the camera flashed. Helena shifted away when it was time for the family picture. Elijah stood a little off to one side until the photographer waved him in next to one of his sisters. Even then he looked uncomfortable. As soon as he was released to leave he moved away. What was all that about? Maybe she was just imagining things.

  Her family was close. Even after she had disappointed them by becoming pregnant, they had stood by her. She might live a long way away but she spoke to her parents regularly. Kept in touch with her siblings. She didn’t understand Elijah’s reaction to being around his family. The Davenports were important people in New York City. They were constantly working to support the hospital. To outward appearances they were a strong, loving family. So what was Elijah’s problem?

  With all the pictures taken but for those of the bride and groom alone, Elijah headed for the tent. She overheard him grumble, “I need a drink.”

  Helena followed along behind him, walking with his sisters. She entered the tent to blessed warmth. The heaters were working overtime but after the cold it felt wonderful. Twinkling white lights like those outside hung from the top of the tent, creating a fairy snow-globe feel. In the center hung a kissing ball. At the back of the large tent was an area with a burning rock fireplace with a wreath of red berries hung on it. On the mantel were pictures of Charles and Grace. Circling the hearth were comfortable-looking sofas with Christmas throw pillows. It was amazing.

  Round tables with white cloths over them were arranged in a circle, creating a dance floor. The chairs had large red bows tied around the backs of them. In the middle of each table was a flickering candle surrounded by holly. On one side of the tent was a towering bride’s cake and on the other the groom’s.

  Slowly strolling around, Helena took it all in. Most of the attendees had taken one of the hot drinks offered and moved toward the fireplace. She headed that way, planning to join them, but spotted Elijah standing off by himself near one of the heaters. He’d removed his overcoat and now wore only his tuxedo, looking every bit as gorgeous as he had before. Lifting his drink in a salute, he gave her a half-smile.

  What kept drawing her to him tonight? Even in a room full of people, he pulled at her the way a Christmas present under a tree did a child. She had been working beside him for years and now all of a sudden he captured her attention. It was disconcerting.

  Seeing the number of people crowded around the fireplace, with reluctance and a tingle of excitement she joined Elijah. “Do you mind if I share your heat?”

  A wicked twinkle came to his eyes. She immediately wished she’d chosen different words.

  “You’re welcome to all I have,” he said in a low, suggestive tone.

  Helena suspected she was accepting more than just the space around the heater. This sexual tension being generated between them was starting to wear on her nerves. Could it be from the festivities or had there been something there she’d been missing all along?

  Elijah’s lifestyle and hers were light years apart. He was all about the minutes and she about the years. Playing around and having a fling wasn’t her style. She was commitment and he was wham-bam, thank you, ma’am. His womanizing was legendary in the hospital. It always astonished her that he wasn’t despised by most of the females. Apparently, he always made it clear where he stood, going into a relationship, and only picked out women who accepted his guidelines. So why, every time she looked at him, did she catch him looking at her?

  The two of them couldn’t be more different. Yet there was some element of Elijah’s personality that was vulnerable, as if he were searching. Anyone who went from woman to woman must be looking for or running from something. Either way, she wasn’t the answer.

  She needed to move the conversation back to a more neutral subject. “I appreciate you sharing the heater. The fireplace is too crowded to do much good.”

  “I thought there was a better chance of thawing out here.” He shifted so that he was warming a different spot.

  “I’m glad my mother sent me some long underwear. It came in handy today.”

  “That’s an interesting contrast to that dress.” He studied her, his gaze moving up and down as if he was imagining what she looked like without the dress.

  Heat filled Helena that had nothing to do with being inside the tent. Why hadn’t she thought before she’d spoken? “We southerners aren’t used to this kind of weather.”

  “I don’t imagine you are. You’re from Alabama, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. Brantley, Alabama. Where the most snow we see is a few flurries every ten years.”

  “I’ve not heard of it.”

  She giggled. “No reason you should. It’s a small town south of Montgomery.”

  “So what brings a small-town southern girl to the big city?” He appeared truly interested.

  “A job. I wanted to live in a big city after growing up in a tiny town.”

  “I guess after the last few days a small southern town sounds good. It’s been crazy.” He glanced over her shoulder as if he was checking on where everyone was.

  “It is always invigorating during a storm.”

  He chuckled dryly. “That’s a nice way to put it.”

  “I’d think you’d be used to that kind of action with your family’s deep involvement in the hospital. You must have seen your parents working when you were growing up.”

  His lips tightened for a moment before he said, “I went to work with my father a couple of times.”

  “My father owns a large cattle farm that has been in the family for generations. I saw him at work a lot. Even helped him out.” Helena looked around, finding Grace. She was glowing as she spoke to a couple.

  Grace only knew a few people attending so she had a reason to act like a wallflower. But Elijah? It seemed as if he was making a point to not join in. “Why aren’t you mingling? Don’t you know most of these people?”

  He smiled. “I’d rather keep you company.” Somehow Elijah made it sound as if he found it a great honor.

  Grace and Charles were now finding their designated table for two near the dance floor. The other guests started taking their seats at tables as well.

  “I guess it’s time for us to join the party.” Relieved, Helena started toward the table reserved for the wedding party. She felt more than saw Elijah follow her. Since when had she become so in tune with him? Surely by tomorrow her emotions would settle back to norm
al. It must be the happiness in the wedding air that had her so out of sorts.

  She found her place card. With regret and a perverse thrill, she saw that Elijah was seated next to her. He held her chair for her before he sat. Seconds later one of his knees brushed her thigh as he worked to get his long legs under the table. Even that innocent action sent a bolt of self-consciousness through her.

  He leaned over and said close to her ear, “Looks like we’re partners for the evening.”

  Helena glanced his direction. He wore a teasing grin. At least his sullenness was gone. Despite her better judgement, she liked the idea of being his partner. “It seems so.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  Did her answer really matter to him? The way his eyes considered her made Helena think it might. But maybe he was just toying with her. “No, I don’t.”

  Elijah’s eyes held that same stunned look he’d worn when they had met in the hospital hallway. The one that made her feel like he had just now really seen her. “Good.”

  As Elijah and Charles’s siblings joined them, their conversation ended. Elijah acknowledged each one as they sat at the table but he seemed to hold back, as if he feared they might not be glad to have him around. Yet that didn’t seem the case.

  “Hey, Zac, isn’t that Ella over there?” Penny, Manhattan Mercy’s air ambulance paramedic, asked their brother innocently as she looked toward the other side of the tent at the blonde ER doctor.

  “Yeah, that looks like her,” he responded in an offhand manner.

  “Didn’t I hear she was moony-eyed over you when you were in med school together?” Elijah teased. “But she seems to be dodging you now. Not even looking your way.”

  Zac turned back to the table as if to dismiss the idea. “I don’t know why she would.”

  The ringing clink of a glass being tapped drew everyone’s attention. Grace’s father, who had been sitting at a table across the dance floor, was on his feet. He gave a short speech of welcome before waiters and waitresses began to serve the meal. Elijah’s thigh came to rest against hers while they waited for their first course. A glow flowed through her that had nothing to do with the warm soup she was soon served. Elijah participated little in the table conversation, seeming more interested in the food. Soon a plate of filet mignon, scalloped potatoes and julienne mixed vegetables were replacing their empty bowls.

  “I like a woman who’s not afraid to enjoy her food,” Elijah remarked.

  Her hand stopped in midair. “I’m sorry if I appear to be a pig. I’ve missed far too many meals in the last few days.”

  “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just nice to see a female who doesn’t eat like a bird.” He grinned. “I missed a few of those meals too.”

  “You’ve been dating too many women who were hoping to impress you,” Helena quipped.

  He raised a brow. “Which you aren’t trying to do. I had no idea you were paying any attention to my social life.”

  Helena lowered her chin, giving him an indignant look. “I don’t. I’ve heard talk of your exploits.”

  He chuckled. “Exploits.”

  “Sounds like it didn’t take Helena long to peg you as a commitment-phobe.” Penny grinned across the table at him.

  Elijah shrugged, appearing unashamed.

  Penny’s statement and Elijah’s reaction just confirmed what Helena already knew. Even if they had been thrown together tonight, and how handsome and charming Elijah was, he wasn’t a good choice for her. She’d experienced bone-deep hurt before, was determined she wouldn’t go through it again, and she wasn’t going to let Elijah slip under that fence. Tomorrow her reaction to him would be back to normal—that being none.

  The tapping on glass once more brought the crowd to silence. This time Elijah’s father stood next to the table he shared with Grace’s father. A low groan came from Elijah. Was he feeling ill? She looked over her shoulder at him. The dessert fork he fiddled with held his attention.

  “I would like to say how happy Vanessa and I are to welcome Grace into our family,” Hugo Davenport said in a booming voice.

  Helena had never met the patriarch of the family but she was aware of his larger-than-life presence around the hospital. He was even more impressive in person.

  “Family is everything,” the older man continued.

  This time she distinctly heard a low expletive from Elijah as he shifted in his chair. His leg tugged her dress and she reached down to move it. At the same time Elijah settled and his hand covered hers for a second. Electricity zipped through her. Her look jerked to his. When their eyes locked his anger quickly faded and was replaced by something she couldn’t identify. A second later he removed his hand but his thigh remained pressed against hers as he settled deeper into his chair.

  She looked at his father but her attention remained on Elijah. For some reason she had the idea she was a lifeline for him at the moment. That he needed this sexual tension between them to focus on instead of his father. When Hugo Davenport finished speaking the stiffness in his son’s body eased. Elijah no longer touched her.

  Soon the bride’s cake was rolled out into the center of the dance floor. Grace and Charles went out to cut it. With the flash of the photographer’s camera they cut and shared a bite, smiling at each other. The wait staff brought champagne in silver buckets for each of the tables. At the same moment they released the caps. A pop, pop, pop filled the air.

  The silverware and glasses rattling jolted Helena’s look away from the bride and groom to her tablemates. Zac’s head was down almost completely under the table. A few seconds later he straightened. His jaw was tight and his mouth drawn into a straight line. There was a dark, glazed expression in his eyes.

  “Uh, sorry. I dropped my napkin. Hit my head underneath the table,” Zac muttered. He looked more anxious than he did embarrassed.

  A light tap on her shoulder made Helena glance around to see the wedding director holding a microphone. Heavens, she had forgotten she would have to make a toast.

  Swallowing hard, she stood and lifted her glass. “To Grace and Charles. I wish for you a happily ever after.” With that she lifted her glass to her lips and took a sip. The other wedding guests joined her.

  She turned and offered the microphone to Elijah. Smiling, she said softly, “Now it’s your turn.”

  “Why am I not surprised with your choice of toast?” he hissed, before he raised the microphone to his mouth. He paused as if giving what he was going to say deep thought. “Charles, I’m glad you found Grace. Grace, take care of him. He is the better half of me. Love him, he deserves it. I wish you both the best.” Lifting his glass, Elijah drained the liquid. Done, he gave the wedding director the microphone and took his seat.

  The crowd erupted in applause.

  Helena leaned toward Elijah. “Very nice.”

  He grinned, the first genuine one he’d had in a while. “I bet you didn’t think I had it in me.”

  There was no chance for her to comment before a waiter placed a plate with cake on it in front of her. While taking a bite, she glanced at Zac. He still looked on edge. Before she finished her dessert, he excused himself from the table. Did all the Davenports have some issue?

  With the toasts completed and the cake served, a small ensemble in one corner of the tent struck up the first tune of the evening. Charles led Grace onto the dance floor and into a waltz. Grace looked radiant, having only eyes for her new husband. Helena sighed. That was what she wanted. A real relationship. To be so in love that nothing they faced together would be impossible.

  “You’re drinking all this in, aren’t you?” Elijah said as he leaned in close behind her.

  “They look so in love.” Even she heard the dreamy note in her voice.

  “So it appears,” Elijah said dryly.

  She twisted toward him. “You don’t
believe in love?”

  Elijah said flatly, “I’m not sure I know what it is.”

  Helena considered him for a moment. “How sad.” She noticed a flicker of insecurity in his eyes before she turned back to watch Grace and Charles.

  The song ended and another began. The wedding director came up beside them and spoke softly to Elijah.

  “It’s time for us to join the bride and groom.” Elijah stood and offered his hand to Helena.

  She looked at it. What would it be like, being held by him? The thought sent a flash of sensual current through her she wasn’t comfortable with but couldn’t ignore. Her gaze met his. There was a spark of a dare in his eyes. Something about his expression had her fearing she might be accepting more than a dance.

  Elijah grinned. “It looks like the work of a bridesmaid and best man is never done.”

  Her hand touched his. It was large, smooth, and solid. His long, tapered fingers surrounded hers. With a gentle tug, he helped her to her feet. His hand rested lightly at her waist as she moved ahead of him toward the dance floor. She shivered.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be warm enough in a minute,” he whispered from close beside her.

  That’s what she was afraid of. Her over-the-top reaction to him. Did it show? Did he see it? Did the others?

  Her feet had hardly touched the dance floor before she was swept into Elijah’s sturdy arms and whisked away. One of her hands he held securely in his while the other she placed on his broad shoulder. His free hand fanned out on her waist to firmly hold her close. Her breasts skimmed his chest, tingling in reaction.

  He smelled of citrus and smoke. It reminded her of the pleasure of a cool fall night, sitting around a fire watching the flames. In a weak moment she moved to rest her cheek against his. It was smooth. He’d shaved before dressing for the wedding. She inhaled. That scent she would forever associate with Elijah.

  As his skillful feet moved she followed, her dress swirling around her legs and his as well. She’d never before been swept around a dance floor like this. He was a magnificent dancer. All she had to do was to hang on and enjoy.


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