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With No Reservations

Page 4

by Joan Bramsch

"Less than a month,” she answered. She told him how she'd decided to leave Chicago and come south while still remaining in the Midwest. “I'm from a little town called Weir, on the Kansas-Missouri border. My parents still live there. Mom's a bank teller, and Dad's a trucker.” She grinned. “And before you ask, yes, every high school game we ever played was filled with cheers about the Weir-d students from Weir, Kansas."

  "A man would have to be blind to think it's true,” Jeffrey said. “You're breathtakingly beautiful, Ann."

  She felt his arms steal around her waist, drawing her against his body. “Tell me about your home,” she said, hoping to keep the conversation alive.

  "Mountainview is a lovely village built in the clouds."

  "It sounds wonderful."

  "It's spectacular,” he murmured against her ear. His warm breath made goose bumps rise on her sensitized skin. “But you'd outshine the snow-capped vista."

  He nestled his cheek against her hair. His caressing words, his gentle touch, melted Ann's reserve. She tilted her head to the side, providing him easy access to the velvety skin of her neck. His lips explored leisurely, dwelling finally over the rapid pulse at the base of her neck.

  "Are you free tomorrow?” he asked as his lips strayed to her bare shoulder.

  "Mmmm,” she answered, breathless from his touch. “I'm off for the weekend."

  "I want to go far, far away from this place. In the country. Out of doors. Where we can be alone. Do you know of such a place, my lovely?"

  "Yes,” she answered on a sigh. “But it may be too primitive for your taste."

  He chuckled. “Ann, that's about as funny as your offer to book me at the Lasta Motel.” He pulled her tight against his body. “Feel my response to you, woman. I'd say your choice is perfect. I'm feeling decidedly primitive right now."

  She strained against his hold. “Right now we have to make plans, Jeffrey. I can't afford to be discovered by anyone on the staff."

  He relaxed his grip so she was more comfortable but didn't release her. They carefully planned their escape for the next day, where they could secretly rendezvous. When every detail was settled to Ann's satisfaction, she smiled, her eyes dancing with excitement. “We'll have a wonderful day together. I think it'll be warm enough to swim in the creek."

  "Is that a pointed suggestion that I bring along my bathing suit?” he asked. He lifted her left hand to his lips and kissed her palm, sweeping his tongue across the heart line.

  "You'd better,” she said, laughing even as she shivered from his erotic caress. “My little hideaway may be primitive, but it's not that primitive."

  "I'll be discreet,” he promised.

  "I hope so.” She hesitated, and her gaze shifted away from him. “Can you get into trouble over this too?” she asked softly, suddenly afraid he had a fiancee. Or a wife!

  He sensed her withdrawal instantly. “I'm not involved with another woman, Ann. I'm not attached in any way."

  Her sigh was quiet, but still audible.

  "You know what the best part of this is going to be?” he asked. “When we win, we get to share the payoff equally."

  She trembled, knowing exactly what he hoped that payoff would be. Easing away from his embrace, she looked into his shadowed eyes and smiled bemusedly. “I'm not sure I'm ready for such high stakes,” she confessed. “And now I'm going to get some sleep."

  "I'll walk you to your door."

  She shook her head, and the light sparkled in her dark hair. “I don't think that would be wise, Jeffrey."

  "Then I'll kiss you good night here."

  Without another word he drew her back into his embrace. Shyly she allowed her slender arms to curve around his shoulders, and he pulled her close, molding her firm breasts to his chest. His lips brushed softly across hers. He explored the fullness of her lower lip, placed small, tender kisses at the corners of her mouth, outlined the shape of both her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Fascinated by the feel of his mouth on hers, Ann parted her lips on a sigh. At once Jeffrey deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into her dark warmth. With firm strokes he tasted her, rubbing against the smooth sides of her tongue, then lingering for a long moment until she joined in the dance.

  Time stood still. A gentle breeze caressed her flushed skin as his callused hands played along her back, drawing her closer, letting her know how their kiss had aroused him. She was intoxicated by the feel, the taste of him, and her hands crept to the back of his head, pressing his mouth hard against hers. His own hands threaded through her long hair, slowly wrapping themselves in it until her head fell back, exposing the vulnerable ivory skin of her throat. He trailed kisses across her cheek, slipped below her jawline to tantalize the pulse point there before his lips burned along her shoulder, then returned to her mouth.

  Ann was overcome by pleasure. Jeffrey's kiss-if one rated such things-deserved four stars. And if his look of surprised delight when they ended the kiss and simply gazed at each other was any indication, he, too, was taken aback by the potency of their attraction.

  "I had no idea,” he said hoarsely.

  She had to smile at his words. One would think he'd never kissed a woman before. She sighed, realizing that she had never been kissed like that before.

  "I honestly had no idea,” he repeated, still looking somewhat dazed.

  "I did,” she said saucily. “Why do you think I tried to stay away? I never lay odds on a sure thing."

  "You're a brave little angel, Annie."

  "No, Jeffrey. You've got that all wrong. It's ‘Fools rush in where ... ‘Well, you know how it goes."

  "Do you really think we're being foolish?” he asked, tightening his hold on her.

  "How do I know?” She brushed a golden curl off his forehead and sighed. “I'm still feeling the aftershocks."

  "Me too.” His smoky eyes narrowed and his mouth curved into a comical leer. “Wanna try for a seven on the Richter scale?"

  "I'm not that brave,” she said, shaking her head and gently extricating herself from his embrace. “I'll see you tomorrow morning. I hope you can find our meeting place."

  "I'll find it,” he said firmly. “Kiss me once more, love."

  "Uh-uh!” She backed away. “If I do, I'll never find my room."

  "I won't sleep tonight anyway.” His gaze traced every curve of her body. “You can bet on it."

  The obvious passion in his voice and words urged her to return to his arms, but fortunately she had regained some control over herself. She murmured, “Good night,” and started walking toward the door. Then she paused and turned back to him. “Jeffrey?"


  "Be sure to bring along old sneakers tomorrow. The creek bed has some sharp rocks and we don't want you to cut your foot ... again!"

  "What the ... ?How do you..."

  Laughing softly, she disappeared into the hotel.

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  Chapter Three

  Ann thought she'd never seen a more glorious Saturday morning. Dressed in a peach terry romper with a matching scarf pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she was filled with anticipation as she entered the hotel kitchen to pick up the picnic basket she'd ordered late the night before.

  "Ach, you look bee-u-ti-ful, mein Kind,” exclaimed Karl, giving her a paternal pat on her shoulder. “If I were only twenty years younger.” He sighed, his eyes twinkling merrily.

  "You'd fall in love with your wife all over again,” Ann said, giving him a quick peck on one rosy cheek. “Remember, you adore blondes."

  "But a brunette such as you might tempt me, Anna."

  "Better not let Helga hear you say that,” she said playfully. Glancing around, she spotted a wicker basket on one of the side tables. “Is that my picnic, Karl?"

  "Ja. I packed it myself, and added a few surprises too."

  "I love surprises. Thank you.” She slipped her arm through the handle and walked out of the kitchen, heading for her car.

  She placed the heavy basket and h
er canvas tote bag in the trunk of her vintage Corvette convertible, then pulled out of the hotel parking garage. About three miles down the road was the Muddy River Shopping Mall, and she parked in front of the post office. Jeffrey was leaning against the flagpole. She waved to him, then watched as he strolled toward her car.

  He looked relaxed, assured, and darned sexy! she thought as her heart did a little double beat. The hair on his tanned muscular legs reflected gold in the sunlight. His hands were thrust into the pockets of faded cutoffs, drawing her attention to his narrow hips, and his knit shirt emphasized his broad chest and wide shoulders. On top of everything else the color of his shirt perfectly matched his sky-blue eyes.

  Oh, yes, Ann thought as he winked at her. The man was a menace to her emotional stability. But to be honest, she liked what his nearness did to her. It made her blood bubble in her veins as if she'd been drinking champagne. Then, once again, with no warning, her conscience burst her effervescent mood. She was supposed to be spying on Jeffrey, not enjoying his company. Damn!

  "Hi, Annie,” he said when he reached the car. He tossed his worn knapsack into the back seat, then placed his hands on her door and leaned down so that his face was level with hers. “It's good to see you this morning.” His casual caress of her cheek didn't prepare her for the jolt she felt the next moment when he brushed a tender kiss across her parted lips. “You look like orange sherbet in that outfit. Cool, refreshing. Gorgeous."

  My, my, my! purred Ann's heart. Even in broad daylight Jeffrey Madison had a wonderful voice. He would have made a fabulous late night disc jockey. “Hi, Jeff,” she said, feeling breathless. “I'm glad you didn't get lost."

  "Fat chance! Didn't you know this was the only mall in town? The taxi driver thought I was a little nuts when I gave him such detailed instructions for getting here."

  Ann's cheeks colored and she lowered thick lashes over dancing blue eyes. “I knew. I just didn't want to take any chances."

  He bent to kiss her again, this time lingeringly. “You say the nicest things, Ms. Waverly.” He planted a kiss on the tip of her nose, then strode around the front of the car to the passenger side.

  "Love your car, Annie,” he said as he slid into the passenger seat. He smoothed his hand over the supple leather upholstery. “I might have known you'd drive something like this. A. red Classic convertible with a white interior. All in mint condition.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingertips as he gazed at her. “A gambler's car."

  "Why do you say that?” she asked softly. His kisses had distracted her, and she could barely pull her thoughts together to follow the conversation. “Red's my favorite color."

  "Cops get a kick out of chasing beautiful women driving fast little red cars."

  "They go after blondes, not brunettes.” As he continued to caress her hand and smiled at her, she shrugged and added, “I hedge my bets with a fuzz buster."

  "Smart girl."

  The sun beat down on their uncovered heads as Ann drove along Old River Road toward her most recently discovered favorite spot in the world. Jeffrey amused himself by untying her scarf, then slipping off the elastic band that held her hair and threading his fingers through the wind-whipped mane.

  "Your hair is like silk, Ann. I love to watch it dance in the breeze."

  She laughed. “You won't think it's so silky when I make you brush out all the snarls."

  "Yes, I will,” he said softly. “And you won't have to make me do a thing. I'm looking forward to it."

  She shook her head, wondering what had happened to make him such an obliging fellow today. She guessed his dancing eyes would grow cold if he knew the secret reason that they were together. And once again she wondered why she'd made such an insane promise to her boss. Well, she thought, she was going to have to make the best of it. A promise was a promise.

  "You'll have an opportunity to do just that as soon as we get to where we're going,” she said.

  "Is it much farther?"

  "Another five minutes or so before we leave the highway."

  Jeffrey was singing along in a strong bass voice to a song on the car stereo when she turned onto a gravel road. She drove cautiously for about a mile before she slowed the car to a stop.

  Straightening, Jeffrey pushed his aviator sunglasses down his nose and stared at the thick, tangled underbrush on both sides of the road. He groaned. “Annie, please don't tell me this is your primitive place."

  Her laughter startled a flock of blackbirds roosting in a stand of tall cottonwood trees. Their raucous cawing echoed through the woods.

  "No,” she said. “This is where the entrance to my primitive place is hidden.” She hopped out of the car and jogged to a vine-covered gate at the edge of the thicket. She pushed it open and drove through. Jeffrey closed it again. “You're sworn to secrecy,” she said as they continued down a dirt road. “I signed a one-year lease on a few acres down by the river when I got my new job here. I think the owner might be a hermit. He lives alone and generally doesn't seem to like outsiders. Anyway, no one knows about it but him and me ... and now, you."

  "I know how to keep a secret,” Jeffrey assured her, then his mouth curved in a boyish grin. “You say you've never brought anyone else here?"

  "Not another soul."

  "Now I really feel special.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “You trust me."

  "Sure, I do,” she said, giving him a sidelong glance.

  He squinted at her. “Have I missed something? We are going to be alone, aren't we?"

  "Of course we are. Just you and me and my CB."

  "Hedging your bet again, huh?"

  She didn't answer. Instead, she pressed down on the accelerator and they shot along the dirt road around mud holes and over rough areas that resembled washboards. Just when Jeffrey thought either the car's bottom or his was going to shake loose, Ann drove into a tiny meadow secluded from the world and nestled near the bank of a stream.

  She stopped the car and they both climbed out. In the distance they heard the solo cadenza of the tumbling water, the harmonious songs of a meadowlark and a cardinal. Nearby was the rhythmic drone of industrious honeybees. Jeffrey caught Ann's hand in his and blinked, hardly believing his eyes.

  Long tender grasses wafted gently in the moist breeze. Black-eyed Susans and bluebells and buttercups nodded a mute hello. Purple thistle and lavender crown vetch vied for attention with exquisite Queen Anne's lace. In the far corner a small patch of sunflowers stood like stately sentinels, guarding the path that wound through the basswood trees to the noisy brook.

  Finally Jeffrey drew in a long breath. “Am I dreaming?"

  "Want me to pinch you?” Ann offered, stroking the golden hair on his forearm.

  "Uh-uh. You're too eager.” He chuckled, and captured her from behind, slipping his arms around her waist. “But it's breathtaking, Ann. It's like stepping into another world."

  She smoothed her hands along his arms, delighted that he liked her special place. “Are you glad you came today?"

  "I wouldn't want to be anyplace else ... except perhaps my mountain retreat. But then, you wouldn't be there with me. Tell me, how can a trainee afford to lease even a few acres of paradise?"

  "This is undeveloped land. Who'd want it? In these parts it's dirt cheap."

  "And no one knows it's here?"

  She shook her head, absentmindedly tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear. “Oh, I suppose the Indians knew about it once.” Her voice became dreamy. “I like to imagine that they used this spot for a resting place before they traveled farther down river to the fur-trading post. It would have been safe here, with water to drink, fish and game and wild berries to eat, and plenty of wood for their fires."

  She sighed contentedly. “Sometimes, after I've swum in the creek, I fall asleep in the sunshine. Then I dream about how it might have been a hundred years ago."

  "And do you dream of a handsome brave?” Jeffrey asked, drawing her closer, nuzzling his cheek agains
t her hair.

  Relaxing against his strong body, she sighed and closed her eyes, saying nothing.

  "Do you?” he prodded, kissing the sensitive cord along her neck.


  "And does he also swim with you?"

  Jeffrey's sensuous voice, his hot breath washing across her skin, started a primal message pulsating within her body. She could feel heat rise inside her loins, and she trembled. In another moment Jeffrey was going to kiss her. Though she wanted him to, she knew it wouldn't be wise. She felt out of control already. And then what would she do?

  "Does he swim with you?” Jeffrey asked again, trying to ignore the stiffening of Ann's body. She was getting ready to change the subject, he guessed, bracing himself for her next move. He wasn't disappointed.

  "He swims with me only after he's brushed the snarls from my hair so I can braid it,” she said, gently pulling out of Jeffrey's arms. “Shall we get the blanket and my tote bag from the trunk of the car so we can sit while you work?"

  "By all means."

  They spread out the blanket and sat down, then Ann handed Jeffrey her brush and comb. He began to comb through the tangled hair, taking care not to pull too hard and hurt her scalp. When the hair was all smooth and shining, he brushed it through, singing softly. “I dream of Annie with her long dark hair..."

  Ann was almost asleep, thanks to his gentle ministering and the, warm sun. She smiled dreamily when her head lolled to the side and was steadied by his large, capable hands. “You have a beautiful voice, Jeff. And you have gentle hands."

  He eased her into his arms, continuing his massage of her scalp and nape. “Thank you, love."

  "Mmmm,” she mumbled sleepily.

  "I'm going to kiss you now. Tenderly."


  "Yes.” He covered her mouth with his, inhaling the fragrance of spice and wildflowers in her hair. He felt as if he'd stumbled into a mystical glen and found the lovely Sleeping Beauty. Ann moaned softly when he traced her pliant lips with the tip of his tongue, coaxing her to open to him. She complied and he slipped within, savoring her essence, exploring her warmth, her satiny smoothness. He tightened his embrace, and her voluptuous breasts pressed against his chest. One of her arms circled his waist while the other slid along his shoulder so she could play with the thick hair curling over the back of his collar.


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