Book Read Free

With No Reservations

Page 9

by Joan Bramsch

  Ann could stand only so much tranquillity before she had to break loose and find a little action. It was like an itch. Sometimes she could handle it, but when she couldn't stand it anymore, she simply had to scratch.

  She wouldn't change, even if she could, she thought, folding her arms across her chest. There wasn't a thing wrong with the way she liked to live. It was just different from Jeffrey's way. He was the nature boy and she was the city chick. And she didn't see where either of them would ever be able to compromise.

  But she wasn't going to worry about it, she decided, shrugging. There were fifty-fifty odds on every question she faced concerning Jeffrey. Either he was an executive raider, or he wasn't. Either they'd make love, or they wouldn't. If they both wanted a lasting relationship, they'd compromise. Or they'd part.

  Ann drew in a tremulous breath at that last alternative. At the moment she couldn't think of one avenue leading toward a possible compromise. Would she and Jeffrey have to part and go their separate ways?

  In her room that evening Ann changed her clothes five times before she was satisfied with her outfit. Her first choice, a ruffled white sundress, was too frivolous. After going through the color spectrum-a peach skirt and blouse, a sleeveless red jumpsuit, a tailored cotton dress in royal blue-she arrived at the other extreme.

  The black silk dress had long sleeves, and was slinky and sophisticated. Although it covered her from the neck to below her knees, it clung lovingly to her, revealing every tantalizing curve of her firm high breasts, her softly rounded hips, her shapely thighs.

  She slipped on black stockings and stepped into spike-heeled ankle-strap shoes. Her hair was swept up in a smooth chignon. She applied her makeup so that her eyes appeared wide and smoky, even a little wild. Her red lipstick and fingernail polish accentuated that image. Next she put on a black velvet choker with a large white silk camellia fastened at the side.

  The final touch was a generous anointing of all her pulse points with the most expensive, exotic perfume she owned. Just knowing she was wearing the sultry fragrance made her feel sinfully decadent.

  She gazed into her mirror. Terrific! She looked again and frowned. Not terrific. Something wasn't quite right. She studied her image, then smiled. With her comb she eased short tendrils of hair from her perfect hairdo. She smiled. The little wisps of dark curls softened her features, accented. her femininity.

  She picked up her black envelope purse and headed for the door, but the phone delayed her departure.

  "Ann?” Vanessa Cummings said when Ann answered the phone. “I just thought I'd call to see if anything's developing in our spy case. Are you keeping tabs on our mystery man?"

  "Yes, I am.” But not for long, boss, she added silently.

  "Any progress?"

  Ann almost laughed at the loaded question. If she didn't know better, she'd think she was being set up. Now, that was a thought! Here she was, questioning her own boss's motives. The poor woman had come from a sick bed to face a possible attempt to dismantle her managerial staff. Ann decided she was becoming paranoid over the issue of Jeffrey Madison's culpability, and felt very ashamed of herself. She knew her boss was above suspicion.

  "I'm not sure what he did today,” she said, “but I'm going to have dinner with him this evening. I hope I'll have more to tell you in the morning."

  'Now don't overtax yourself, Ann. I won't have you working day and night just so we can catch this man in the act."

  This conversation was going to overtax her brain, Ann thought, if she didn't stop finding double entendres in every one of her boss's innocuous statements.

  "Don't worry about me,” she said, trying to sound light and cheerful. “I can handle Jeffrey Madison."

  "I never doubted it, dear. I hope you enjoy your evening. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

  Ann hung up and hurried downstairs to her car. As she sped out of the parking lot she checked her watch. She was going to be very late.

  Several miles down the road Jeffrey stood inside the phone booth to the post office, talking to his mother.

  "I'm checking in, Mom,” he said. “How was your day? I hope you're not working too hard."

  "Consider yourself checked, love,” she said, laughing. “My day has gone better than I could have hoped. And I'm not working any harder than I have for the last thirty-five years."

  "I don't suppose it'll do a bit of good for me to ask you to take it easier."

  "If I give you my programmed answer, I'll begin to sound like a broken record, darling. Of course, if you want to hear it again..."

  "Naw, that's okay."

  "Are you sure?” she teased. “1'll rest when you give me my-"

  "Mom, please. Spare me."

  "Would you like to have dinner with me, son? I'll have the cook make your favorites."

  "Gee, Mom, I'd like nothing better, but ... ah ... ah-

  "Jeffrey, you're going to be thirty-five years old in a few months,” she interrupted. “How old do you suppose you'll be before you can tell me straight out that you've got a heavy date?"

  "What makes you think it's heavy?” he asked, chuckling.

  "You're your father's son. Could you have any other kind?"

  "Touche, Legs.” If every man had a mother like his, Jeffrey thought, the world would be a better place.

  "Anyone I know?” she asked.

  "I doubt if you've ever met this woman, Mom,” he answered, careful not to lie. His mother had already told him she was far too busy to interview lower level personnel.

  "Is she nice?"

  "Yes, she is."

  "How nice, Jeffrey?"

  "Very nice, Mom."

  "Nice enough to bring home to meet your mother?"

  "I don't know yet,” he hedged, easily reading between the lines. “We're just getting acquainted. I'm taking her to dinner tonight."

  "Now, son, I hope you'll be careful. Your father would never forgive me if I let you fall into the arms of some wily, unscrupulous female. You're such a handsome, intelligent, darling boy. Not to mention your wealth and considerable real estate holdings and your-"

  Jeffrey's laughter finally stopped his mother's litany of his finer qualities. He thought it was hilarious how she always glossed over or completely ignored his faults. It also never failed to delight him, and to make him feel ten feet tall. Although he had never discussed it with his father, he suspected his mother had made him feel the same way. She never stopped telling her husband how wonderful she thought he was:

  Did every wife and mother do that for her husband and children? Jeffrey wondered. It wasn't such a bad idea. If no one else in the world appreciated a woman's family, she'd do it herself, unselfishly, unendingly.

  "Now, Legs,” he said, “I don't want you to worry about me. I can handle a-any woman. Except you."

  "I never doubted it, darling."

  Her instant about-face took him by surprise. “Mom?"

  "I hope you enjoy your evening with ... whoever she is,” she said, laughing mysteriously. “I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night, Jeffrey."

  "'Night, Mom."

  He shook his head as he hung up the phone. He didn't think he'd ever fully understand his mother. Or any woman, for that matter. But he'd always follow his father's advice: Just love them. Don't try too hard to understand them.

  Ten minutes later a police car roared into the parking lot, red lights flashing, siren blaring, and screeched to a halt in front of the post office. Directly behind it was a red Classic Corvette. It whipped around the police car and stopped in the parking space next to Jeffrey's rented black Lincoln.

  Before he could say a word or make a move, Ann emerged from her car-a bewitching vision-and dazzled him with a brilliant smile.

  "Hi,” she said breathlessly. “I'm sorry I'm late."

  "Are you all right?” he asked, not yet believing his eyes. He was blinded by her beauty as well as being distracted by the lights still blinking on the roof of the police car. At least they'd turned off the siren.
r />   "I'm just fine,” she said. She locked her car and dropped the keys into her’ purse, then turned to the two officers standing by their car. “Thanks, fellas. That was a wild ride."

  "Anytime, Ann,” one called, giving her a laid-back salute.

  "Did we make it in time?” asked the other policeman.

  "As you can see, gentlemen, he's still here,” she said, slipping her arm through Jeffrey's. “But I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks again."

  "Our pleasure, ma'am,” the first one said. “See to it that your friend gets you home before midnight or we'll run him in on ... ah, heck, we'll think of something!"

  She threw them a kiss as they drove away, and they blinked their lights and growled the siren before roaring back out onto the highway.

  "Interesting entrance,” Jeffrey said stiffly.

  "I'm glad you approve,” she replied.

  She looked up at him and smiled beguilingly. Oh, boy, she thought. The man was about to have a fit! She figured there were several reasons for it. He'd been worried about her being so late. He thought she might have wanted to run him over when she'd pulled into the spot next to his car. He was angry with her.

  When her smile didn't melt the polar ice in his eyes, she decided there was one more possible reason that he was upset with her: He was jealous because two police officers were so friendly with her. Whichever reason it was, she wasn't going to let it ruin the evening.

  "Been waiting long?” she asked, smoothing her finger along the sleeve of his black evening suit.

  "About half an hour,” he said impatiently.

  Ann was so beautiful, she took his breath away, he thought. But he wouldn't allow himself to be distracted by her beauty. Not yet.

  "Care to share the humor of that little chase scene?” he asked.

  "It was rather funny, wasn't it, how 1 was the one who appeared to be chasing a cop for a change?"

  "It was a scream,” he said icily. Then his reserve broke. “Dammit, Ann,” he yelled, making her jump. “Are you going to tell me what the hell's been going on or not?"

  "Of course I am, Jeffrey,” she murmured, lowering her lashes to conceal the humor in her eyes.

  He apologized for yelling at her, then helped her into his car. “Just tell me, Ann,” he said as he slipped behind the wheel. “When I saw you coming, I didn't know what to think."

  "I'll tell you in as few words as possible.” She slid across the front seat until her thigh was touching his. “Two miles down the road the cops stopped me for speeding. After they checked my registration and realized I was the owner of my car, we started talking about the Corvette Rallies that are held every three months outside town. They jointly own a Classic, too, you see."

  She smiled and shrugged philosophically. “Well, before I realized it, several minutes had passed. I'd already been running late when I left River Regency, which is why I was speeding. I didn't get the ticket, by the way. Anyhow, when I explained where I was going and why, they offered to lead the way. End of story.” She smiled brightly. “See, that didn't take long, did it?"

  "Hell, no, it didn't take long. It sounds like you left out half the story."

  Feigning nervousness, Ann fussed with the silk petals at her throat. “Oh, does it?” she asked softly.

  "Annie, you'd better start explaining, unless you want me to get arrested for mayhem,” he threatened, sliding an arm around her silk-clad shoulders.

  "I told them that I had to get here before seven thirty, or you'd leave me..."

  "Let me see your tongue again."

  "I didn't lie. I make it a point never to wait more than half an hour for anyone, and I figured a busy man like you might possibly have the same rule."

  "I can't believe a couple of cops let themselves be conned into leading a two-car chase,” Jeffrey said. But when he gazed into Ann's smoky blue eyes, and stared at her tulip-red lips and mysterious smile, he had to change his opinion. What man in his right mind could refuse her ... anything?

  Ann watched him moisten his lips as he gazed at her. She'd bet he wasn't thinking about cop cars anymore. She wanted him to kiss her. Right now. But she didn't want to dismiss the present discussion before everything was fully explained.


  "Mmmm?” He blew gently at a wispy curl at her temple. It begged for his touch, and he complied. “What is it, love?"

  "There's a tiny bit more to this story. I'd like to get it out of the way so we can forget it and enjoy our evening together."

  "Sure, Annie. I'm all ears,” he said, watching the curl wind around his finger.

  "I'll be driving in the next Classic Rally,” she said. “It's four weeks from Sunday."

  "And the cops couldn't arrest a Classic driver, right?"

  "Right! Can we go now? I'm hungry."

  "In a minute, love.” He trailed his fingers over her cheek to her ear, then along her jawline to her bright red mouth. He leaned closer as he tenderly traced her parted lips. “I have to kiss you first."

  She sighed with happiness, and he pressed his mouth against hers. Her heart leaped. She slid her hands up over his chest, taking note of his thundering heartbeat, then encircled his neck to draw his head closer. When his embrace tightened and he lifted her against his body, all her senses rejoiced. After a long, long separation, she felt as if she'd come home.

  The Jade Room, one of the area's finest restaurants, was all Ann had expected and more.

  "I've never eaten here before,” she said after the hostess, dressed in a gold and green kimono, escorted them to their table. “How did you know about it?"

  "The man who drove for me last week suggested it,” Jeffrey said. “I think he knew what he was talking about."

  The intimate room was completely dark except for the individual lights that shone down from the ceiling directly onto each white-cloth table. A single flame-red hibiscus in a slender ebony vase graced each table. The effect was dramatic, yet romantic too.

  "This is very lovely,” Ann said. “I'm glad I'm here with you."

  "I'm glad you're here too,” he said. “I've never dined with a more exquisitely beautiful woman.” Gazing directly into her eyes, he lifted her hand to his lips. He kissed her palm, branding it with molten heat. “I'm falling under your spell, lovely lady. I may never be able to escape."

  Ann closed her eyes, savoring the moment while his fervent kiss sang through her veins. When she opened her eyes again, she smiled. She brought his hand to her cheek and rubbed against it in feline pleasure. She brushed her lips across his knuckles, the tip of her tongue burning a moist trail. Jeffrey sucked in his breath, and she felt his long fingers twitch in an involuntary spasm.

  His eyes seemed to burn into hers. “I may never want to escape,” he corrected himself.

  She released his hand and rested hers in her lap. “Stay with me only if you want to stay."

  "Annie love. I definitely want to stay with you. Can we be together tonight?"

  She hesitated for only an instant. “Yes, darling, I want that too."

  The instant Ann said the words, she felt lightheaded, as if she'd drunk too much champagne. Tonight she would become Jeffrey's lover. Regardless of who he was, what he was doing here at the River Regency, she would give herself to him Joyously, with no reservations. She gazed across the table at him, adoring the strong planes of his face, the hair brushing across his forehead, his beautiful blue eyes, his sensual lips-which were moving.

  Ann pulled herself from her dreamy reverie. “I'm sorry. What did you say?"

  He laughed. “I like it that I can have that kind of effect on you, Annie. I asked if you knew what you wanted to eat."

  Embarrassed at being caught staring, she opened her menu and muttered, “No.” Later, after they had been served their food, she drew in a deep breath for courage. Come on, she told herself. Let's get it over

  with so you can put this spying aside forever. “How was your day?” she asked.

  "Long,” Jeffrey said, winking roguishly
. “I played golf all afternoon. Can you see how my nose got sunburned?"

  She leaned forward. His nose was as gorgeously tanned as the rest of him. “Sorry you got burned,” she said, patting his cheek.

  He coughed over his chuckle. She had no idea how much he'd gotten “burned” today.

  "Was this a business meeting?” she asked.

  "No. Today was just a friendly game."

  He had to smile at his less than accurate explanation. He'd played with Charles today, the man who'd taught him the rudiments of the game. When one played golf with Charles, it was strictly business. You played ... and then you paid!

  "Gosh, it must be nice,” Ann said teasingly, not really interested in finding out the name of his partner. “Sleep all morning. Golf all afternoon. When do you work?"

  "I had to wait for some people today,” he said. “Sometimes decisions take longer than I'd like, but there's not a thing I can do about it."

  He smiled and shrugged, but she didn't return his smile. Was she concerned about his career? he wondered.

  "I assure you, Ann, I have a very successful business. Seven people work for me. They do a lot of the legwork."

  "Are you a good boss?” she asked.

  "The best.” When she didn't respond, he raised an inquiring brow. “Don't you believe me?"

  "I'd want to hear what your employees had to say first,” she said, sidestepping the issue. Then she drew in a long, steadying breath and smiled at Jeffrey. “I want to leave now,” she said, placing her napkin beside her plate. “That is, if you're ready."

  Jeffrey sighed with ^relief. Somehow he'd had the distinct impression she was going to change her mind. But no, everything was all right. He'd been mistaken. Tonight would be theirs to hold forever in their hearts. It would be their beginning.

  "I think I've been waiting for you all my life. Just for you, love,” he whispered, placing a lingering kiss on the inside of her wrist. “I'm more than ready, Annie. Let's go."

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  Chapter Six

  Jeffrey thought they'd never get back to the hotel, what with driving to the mall to get Ann's car, then following her back to the parking garage. Sneaking around was not his style. He disliked not being able to be completely honest with Ann, particularly when that insistent inner voice kept telling him this relationship could last a lifetime. If he was lucky.


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