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With No Reservations

Page 14

by Joan Bramsch

  She let him hold her hands in his strong clasp. Not because she was nervous, she assured herself. It just felt very nice. Furthermore, she thought Jeffrey was really making too much of this ... whatever it was.

  "Jeffrey, I think you're just sensationalizing a very small piece of information."

  "Well, you're half right, I suppose,” he admitted. “These things would start out very small."

  She could feel life coming back into her limbs, her body, her heart, her brain. It was time to finish this debate.

  "Jeffrey, I'll lay you ten to one odds that your information will not shock me,” she said. “Now, tell me. What's this plan all about?"


  If Ann had been chewing gum, she would have swallowed it. “Wha-?” she gasped, unable to cover her surprise ... and shock! Then she laughed. Now she knew where Jeffrey got his chutzpah. “You win, Jeffrey Madison."


  "Oh, yes,” she agreed. “That too."

  He brought her hands to his lips and kissed each palm as he continued to gaze deeply into her smoky blue eyes.

  "Marry me, darling."

  The smile slipped from her lips. “Oh, Jeffrey, I want to marry you. I want to be your wife. But it wouldn't work. You love Utah and my place is here at the Regency. Or somewhere in the hotel business.” She blinked as crystal tears again began to flow. “It's my profession, Jeffrey. You've got to understand."

  "I do understand, love,” he murmured, kissing her tears away. “We can work it out. Don't cry. We'll find a compromise,” he promised. “We'll find it together."

  "But what?” she asked.

  "I've been toying with an idea,” he said. “The Mountainview Inn is for sale. I happen to know the owners.” He chuckled. “Heck, I know the original owners."

  "You do?"

  "My folks built it almost forty years ago. I was raised there and know every neat hiding place, from the attic to the wine cellar."

  "But ... then you know the hotel business."

  "And I hate it."


  "But then, I don't have to run it.” He stroked her cheek, then kissed her tenderly. “That would be your job."

  "I'd be mistress of the inn?” She was fascinated by the idea.

  "If that's what you want. Shall we bid on it, Annie love?"

  "How much money would it take?” she asked, suddenly afraid.

  "Sweetheart, don't worry about the money. I'll take care of the finances if you'll take care of the operations.” He smiled, then winked. “Well, what do you say?"

  "I say yes!” She leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with happiness, and gave him a kiss to seal their bargain. “Can we leave now?” she asked.

  "For Mountainview? Don't you want to get married first? Shouldn't I meet your parents?"

  Gently, she covered Jeffrey's mouth with her hand. “No, darling,” she said throatily. “I was thinking of someplace nearby with some privacy."

  "My room?"

  "An excellent suggestion, Mr. Madi-cops, I mean, Mr. Cummings,” she said, laughing happily.

  He rose and brought Ann to his side, then crooked his arm for her hand. “Shall we, my future wife?"

  "By all means, my future husband."

  It was a good thing Jeffrey's suite was on the eleventh floor. They might have been half undressed in the elevator if it had taken any longer.

  Seated on his large bed, Ann freed the top button of his shirt. “I think I'm going to love having my former boss for a mother-in-law.” She released another button, then a third. “We think alike,” she continued, smoothing the soft blue cotton shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. “I'm glad she didn't give up on you when you were a hotshot kid."

  Sucking in his breath when Ann trailed her fingers over and around his nipples, Jeffrey tried to smile and retaliate in kind. “My mother can't have all the credit. Remember, my dad had quite a lot to do with my upbringing too.” He tugged on the little pull tab on her uniform collar, and his eyes widened with pleasure when his handiwork revealed a lacy black camisole beneath her royal blue coveralls.

  Ann's provocative sigh washed over him as he smoothed his hands inside, caressing her breasts, his fingers teasing and tantalizing the hardening buds. Soon her coveralls were stripped from her shoulders and lay in a puddle of blue around her hips.

  Meanwhile Ann's hands continued their loving exploration as they wandered across his ribs and down toward his hips ... and the zipper on his trousers.

  "I'll bet,” she murmured, “you've known Charles for a long time, too, haven't you?” She opened the snap with a vigorous yank.

  "All my life,” he whispered as she slid down the zipper. “Easy, baby. Be careful."

  "He must have been in on this scheme too,” she said, recalling her conversation with the man. “He didn't mention a word about knowing you when we spoke about you."

  "He's a very loyal employee.” Jeffrey slipped his hands underneath her black satin top and lifted it over her head. It fell to the floor, unheeded, and he reached for her long braid. He removed the fastener and methodically separated the three locks of black silk. Then he arranged the hair around her shoulders, smoothing it over her firm breasts with a decidedly sensuous intent. He smiled tenderly when he was able to elicit a frustrated little sigh from Ann.

  "What do you want, love?” he murmured, rubbing his hands over her hair and breasts again and again. “Tell me what you need, darling."

  "I want you to kiss me,” she said in a soft voice.

  "My pleasure, sweetheart."

  He continued to caress her, exciting her unbearably. His lips feathered across her cheek, her temple, her fluttering eyelids, the tip of her nose, and finally settled on her mouth. He plucked at her nipples as his tongue plundered her mouth, slipping in and out of the sweet heat of her kiss.

  "I love to kiss you, Annie."

  She moaned again and drew back. “Kiss me here,” she said.

  With trembling hands she swept away the veil of silk. Then she cradled each creamy globe in a palm, offering herself to Jeffrey.

  ” I want you to kiss me ... here."

  Was ever a woman more beautiful, more trusting? he thought wonderingly. “I love you, Ann,” he said, circling her waist with his arms and lowering his mouth to her breasts.

  When he drew a sensitized tip deep into his mouth, using his tongue in marvelously innovative ways, she shuddered against him, leaning into his touch. His hands stroked up and down her spine as her fingers trailed through his thick sun-streaked hair.

  "I love you, Jeff,” she whispered.

  His blazing gaze scorched over her body. “Lie down, my love. I want to pleasure you."

  Gently he eased her back against the pillows. As she kicked off her deck shoes, he slid the coveralls and her black silk bikini panties off her legs.

  "Oh, Annie,” he murmured, his gaze softened by his love. “IT treasure you forever."

  He tried to kiss every inch of her body. He was well on his way to success when he felt her tug insistently on his trousers, pulling them lower and lower off his hips. Sighing, he rose from the bed and shed the rest of his clothes.

  Although he had never considered himself an exhibitionist, Jeffrey had to admit that he got a real thrill out of watching Ann look at his body. Her smoky gaze was intense, and he could feel its effect upon his manhood. Her eyes were like mirrors, reflecting what she was thinking, what she was feeling, what she wanted next. The fire of her scorching gaze burned him, excited him beyond his wildest expectations. At this moment he thought it would be a sure bet that Ann's gaze could arouse a saint. Heck, she could fan the flame in a statue of a saint!

  Jeffrey was neither saint nor statue, and could resist her no longer. He knelt beside her and gathered her into his arms. As he pressed a hot kiss on her parted lips, he eased his body next to her. Their legs entwined, their lips explored and tasted and savored. Tongues tasted silky skin; teeth nipped firm flesh.

  Ann's slender fingers
explored his broad back as his hands scorched across her middle, searing along the shadowed valleys to the secret depths of her being. His burning fingers ignited passion's core, and she cried out for him. Emotions sparked, then flamed, until the fervor of their shared love raged between them, making them one.

  No tender lovemaking this. Locked in passionate desire, both sought release from the wild, consuming heat. On and on they traveled, he surging into her, she capturing and holding him. Then, in a crystal-clear instant, they reached that lover's paradise where there is no past, no future, only now.

  Wrapped in a warm embrace, Ann and Jeffrey rested. Never had any two traveled so far in so short a time. They sighed, spent and satiated, then smiled happily at each other. Jeffrey leaned over the woman he loved and kissed her tenderly. “Now will you be my wife?"

  Assured of their future together, Ann could not resist prolonging her answer. “Equal partners?"

  "You can bet your bottom dollar on that, sweetheart.” He kissed her again. “You can be boss of Mountainview Inn. I'll be boss of Mountainview Services. And never the twain shall meet."

  "I'd be very disappointed if they didn't,” she teased, nipping at his neck.

  "I don't think we're talking about the same thing, honey.” He felt the rise in his loins and pressed against Ann to share the information.

  "Perhaps not,” she agreed, laughing softly.


  She fixed him with a measured gaze and pursed her lips. “You're sure now? Equal?"

  "Forever,” he promised, nudging insistently and twisting until she parted her legs and welcomed him. “Now then.” He groaned softly when she moved under him in perfect cadence to his passionate song. “Answer me."


  Just before they left earth again for another trip around the moon, they sealed their agreement with a four-star kiss.

  About the Author

  Joan Bramsch is a successful creative writing instructor, author, editor and publisher in both traditional print and electronic books—Ebooks. Her feature stories, interviews and articles appear in major international magazines and newspapers, both print and on the Internet.

  Six of her best-selling adult novels—numbering near one million copies that placed fifth to first on the Waldenbook National Best-Sellers List—have been published in ten languages for worldwide distribution. She continues to write exciting adult fiction, as well as stories for children, and how-to and parenting books.

  A veteran parent and teacher, Bramsch also serves families in 88 countries from her web site and via her Empowered Parenting Journal.

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