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Illuminated Embers

Page 18

by Jasmine Flowerday

  Hades announced to everyone that at midnight, they were going to name the court and, as a prelude, the winner of The Unique Hair Contest. Personally, Savannah thought that Harry was going to win the hair contest for the guys. Mal, Tory, Al, and Chert had hung out with them while they got ready. Upon finding out the theme, they had decided to give him Minotaur horns by separating his long mohawk and wrapping it in iron. Savannah was glad that it was Opal and Amethy who had come to help her get ready, though a pair of horns might have been less painful than the corset that she was forced into.

  Samuel offered to get her punch, but she didn't want to ruin the lovely dress that had been picked out for her. Dragging her to the dance floor, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and for a minute, the world quieted. Laying her head on his chest, she was able to enjoy the moment and not worry about anyone else.

  "Hopefully, it calms down soon," Samuel whispered in her ear.

  Savannah nodded and looked around. Chrystal and Harry were talking to other Seniors by the Gyro cart and seemed to be having a good time. She continued to scan the crowd, until a pair of seething eyes, filled with hatred, met hers. Behind the eyes were a perfect complexion, beautiful flowing head of brown hair topped with a sapphire tiara, and a mermaid style dress made of raw silk. It was Jen. She was surrounded by tuxedos but didn't seem to notice any of them. The air thickened again as Savannah felt the heat of her glare.

  Feeling her ribs strain against the corset that Amethy had insisted she wear, she excused herself from the dance and made her way to the girl's bathroom. Several students complimented her on the dress as she passed them, but she barely took notice. With her lungs struggling to get enough oxygen, she had one objective in mind. By the time she got to the hall, she was flat out running to get to the restroom. Slamming open the door, she ran to the largest stall and pulled off her dress. Flinging it over the door of the stall, she went to work on the corset. Who invented this thing? Obviously, someone who felt that eons of torture on women would be fun. She wasn't even very thick or had much to hold up. Reaching behind her, it felt like there were about a hundred clasps and a drawstring holding it together. This was going to take forever! She now wished that she had grabbed Chrystal to help her. Little by little, she made progress. She was about three-quarters of the way done when she heard cackling in the bathroom. The voice sounded familiar, but not familiar enough to place it.

  "Have a grand ball!" The voice said. "This will teach you to steal boyfriends! Now we're even!"


  Opening the door of the stall a smidge, Savannah was able to see the door of the bathroom closing in the mirror. She couldn't figure out what the Nix had done, and she was sure that she didn't want to find out. Shaking her head, she tried to brush it off and get back to work. After loosening the last clasp, she took a deep breath and was feeling much better. Throwing the corset over the stall door, her breath caught in her throat and a whimper escaped her. Her dress was missing!

  Gazing down at her nude body, she wondered why Jen would do something like this. But Jen had answered that question. She was getting Savannah back for stealing her boyfriend and her clothes. Not that she actually had stolen Samuel, but she hated the irony of the clothes; though, in her defense, Jen was wearing other clothes at the time! Ugh! Deserved or not, she hated feeling vulnerable, and nothing gave her that feeling more than being naked. Staring up at the corset that she had just discarded, a shudder passed through her. There was no way she was putting that thing back on. Maybe if she turned into a cat or something, she could go talk to Samuel or get Chrystal's attention, though she was sure that animals weren't allowed at prom. She stood there, trying desperately to come up with a useful plan, when she heard the door squeak open again. Oh, great! Jen was probably back for more.

  "Sav- Joleen?" Chrystal called into the bathroom. She had seen Jen walk back onto the dance floor from the direction of the bathrooms. The smug look on her face told Chrystal that she was up to no good. She had gone to Samuel to find out where Savannah was. When he told her the ladies room, a knot formed in the pit of her stomach.

  "Chrystal! I'm in here!" Savannah said, putting her hand over the stall door and waving. She couldn't believe her luck! Chrystal would know what to do!

  Walking to the large stall, Chrystal said, "Now I know why Harry calls you Savjo. It's really hard to remember the right one. So are you okay?"

  "No! Jen stole my dress while I was trying to get this torture rack off," Savannah said.

  A roar ripped through the bathroom, "I'm gonna kill her!"

  "No, Chrystal! Turnabout is fair play. I stole an outfit from her awhile back," said Savannah.

  "Is that why she hates you so much?" asked Chrystal, trying to calm herself down.

  "Um, I'm pretty sure that has to do with Samuel," Savannah said.

  "Probably. All right, let's have a look," said Chrystal.

  Covering her chest with her arm, Savannah opened the door, and Chrystal stepped inside. The large space became increasingly cramped.

  "Well, how about you do that skin changing thing that you Morphlings do," Chrystal suggested.

  Thunking her head with her hand, Savannah said, "Geez! Why didn't I think of that? I've been doing that a lot lately. All right, well, here goes nothing." She decided to go simple, but elegant. Taking a leaf out of the Dwarves book, she grew peacock feathers all over. It turned into what looked like a sleeveless dress, with a heart-shaped bodice. She had the feathers tight against her skin until it reached her hips. Then it flared out into the same shape as her other dress, short in front and long in back. She made sure that the back feathers didn't go past her calves, so no one would accidentally step on them. She was sure that would be painful since, technically, the feathers were a part of her. To make sure that no one could see past the feathers, she made her legs appear as though she were wearing stockings that looked like fish scales.

  "So? What do you think?" she asked.

  "I think you look amazing! And a heck of a lot more comfortable. Next time, I'm not going to waste my Friday going dress shopping for you," said Chrystal. She gave her young friend a hug and helped her tear up the corset that had caused so many problems.

  By the time they made it back to the boys, they were laughing, joking, and had barely remembered the incident.

  "Whoa! What's with the wardrobe change?" asked Harry.

  "Long story. I'll tell you later, babe," Chrystal said, grabbing his arm and moving towards the dance floor. Taylor Swift was booming out of the speakers, while Hades bobbed his head to the rhythm.

  "Seriously, what happened?" Samuel asked. "Not that you don't look great!"

  "Jen got her revenge on the outfit I took," she explained.

  Samuel's eyes grew dark, and he pulled away from Savannah. Using as much strength as she could muster, she pulled him back in. "It's not worth it! If that's the worst thing that happens tonight, it will have been a great night. Let's go get some food; I'm starving!" She no longer had to fear ruining her dress and the gyros smelled delicious!

  Eying Savannah, Samuel followed her to the food carts. "Why aren't you more upset about this?"

  Shrugging her shoulders, she replied, "I was a thief," and she left it at that.

  He chuckled and ordered two gyros and some Cyclops Punch. He couldn't argue that she seemed like she was more relaxed and having a better time. They talked on the stone bench under Medusa's head for about an hour before heading in to dance.

  Catching Jen's eye, she walked over. With every step she took, Jen's face turned redder. She could feel her own smile widening.

  "Hey, Jen!" she waved. "I'm so glad we're even now, as you said. It will be great to put all of this in the past." Then Savannah turned on her heel and walked back to Samuel. Hearing a roaring scream rip through the gymnasium, she knew that Jen no longer had any power over her. This was a great night!

  She and Samuel danced with Harry and Chrystal for another couple of hours before Hades announced the winners of The
Unique Hair Contest. Turned out to be the same couple that was crowned the King and Queen of the ball. Savannah didn't notice anything particularly special about their hair, but it didn't seem to bother Harry that he didn't win. Later, in the car, she was told that the girl, Alana, was Jen's cousin and also a Nix. The boy, Colton, was an approved match by the parents. He was another Supernatural with ocean origins. A Merman!

  Colton had transferred to Greenhaven High three years ago. Savannah wasn't sure how he could stay away from water for so long but then remembered that most of the lore that she had heard about the different races wasn't true. What she had heard about Merpeople was probably incorrect.

  "I can't believe we are gonna be graduating in a few days, and then that's it!" Chrystal said. Yawning, she curled up in Harry's lap, ending her night in the same place she had started it.

  "Really?" Savannah asked, leaning back against the soft plush leather seat. "What are your plans for after that?"

  "Our own ceremony with the pack, then we will assume our roles," Chrystal said, nonchalantly. "College was of course offered, but we decided that we can go later. The pack needs us now."

  "Maybe for you," Harry laughed pulling his girlfriend in close. "My time in school will not be missed. No college for me."

  Comforted by the thought of her friends staying close, Savannah closed her eyes and let the soft bumps of the car ride lull her to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  "Try it again," Johnna growled in her panther form. She and Savannah had been trying all week to perfect the combination of her Kite and Morphling powers. Johnna felt that it would give Savannah an edge if she could stay in animal form while fighting the Siphons. When they had sparred last Friday, Savannah had manipulated fire while she was a mountain lion. Johnna was trying to get her to do it again.

  "Johnna, I don't know how I did it before. Sometimes, my emotions take over," Savannah replied. They had been at this for hours, and her mountain lion muscles were exhausted. They had been working in the mountain range today. "We've been at this for days! Maybe it was a fluke, but I can't manufacture emotions!"

  "All right, take a break. I'm going to confer with Thalia and Eamon a little more about this. We can try again after the graduation ceremony," said Johnna, transforming into her Human form.

  "But that's when the pack comes to practice," Savannah said after changing back. She knew that she was coming off as whiny, but she was tired. It always got loud when the pack came. She didn't mind that Eamon had extended the invitation. After all, they were in as much need for a good place to train as the rest of them.

  "Yes. Lucky for us, they are taking the night off," said Johnna, putting her hands on her hips for emphasis. "Until then, you and the others can work with your mother. They should be showing up soon."

  Savannah felt her shoulders slump, as she flew down to the indoor lake. It had a waterfall coming out of the wall that constantly pumped fresh and filtered water. She sat on the Dwarf-made beach and reached her hands into the cool blue water. After taking a few sips, she dove in. Manipulating fire energy, she was able to heat the water to a nice bathing temperature to soothe her muscles. She couldn't remember a time when she had constantly pushed her body to the limits as she was doing now. Even in her thieving days, there was always a period of rest and waiting. She had trained her body to fight like a Twitchie, but even that didn't take this much effort. Johnna had been riding her hard. It's not that Savannah didn't understand the need. After all, her abilities as a Morphling were worse than a toddler. Two days ago, she was finally able to keep her changes consistently under thirty seconds, but even that wasn't fast enough.

  "I take it you're not ready to wrestle," Samuel said, walking up to the edge of the lake.

  Tiredly, she gazed up at him. "Maybe if I wrestle Michael," she replied.

  "Are you kidding?" Harry guffawed. "He would eat you alive!"

  "Michael?" Savannah asked.

  "Don't let his sweet temperament fool you. He's kicked all of our kaboodles!" said Harry.

  Chrystal walked up behind him with Michael on her back. She was nodding vigorously, and Michael was looking as innocent as ever.

  "He usually gets his workout with Mom these days," said Samuel.

  "So none of you will wrestle him?" Savannah asked, confused.

  "Oh, we'll wrestle him. And when he's done with us, he goes to Johnna for the real workout," Chrystal said, bouncing Michael on her back.

  "Oh," Savannah said. She knew she was behind, but she thought that she could at least put up a decent effort against a ten-year-old. Apparently, she was wrong. "Just give me ten minutes." She used air particles to create jet streams in the water to work on her knots. The others jumped in and enjoyed the warm bath. Even though she was still stubborn enough to change her skin, she no longer balked at the nudity she was surrounded by. After the first night the pack had been invited, she didn't think it would ever bother her again. She was trying to get some extra changing practice in, and the whole pack showed up and stripped right in front of her. They were also working on their changing speed, so it was a constant of wolf-nude-wolf-nude. And there were so many of them!

  "So, are you graduates ready for tonight? I'm surprised you aren't getting ready for the big event." Savannah leaned her head against a smooth rock and let her body float up.

  "Crazy! Right? I mean no one thought that I would graduate," Harry laughed.

  "I'm thinking they are just tired of you and want you out of the school," Samuel said, splashing his friend.

  "What? Everyone loves me!" Harry splashed back.

  Shielding herself from the splash, Chrystal said, "We have enough time for our favorite part of the day! Besides, you have to get ready to watch us graduate!"

  "That probably means we should get started then." Savannah dragged herself out of the now tepid water and tried to prepare herself to wrestle Samuel. She had a feeling that he was pulling punches. It used to irritate her, but at the moment, she was grateful. On other occasions, she had started out with a mouse to challenge herself, but tonight she was going bear. The musky wet hair smell that came off her was potent. She had forgotten to dry herself off before changing into her bear form. Shaking her body, she sprayed water everywhere. Luckily, her friends were already out and wrestling their way across the terrain.

  Her array of animal choices had vastly widened over the last week. Lanie had been getting them all up an hour earlier to sneak them into the zoo. She said that Savannah's father, Kane, had worked at a zoo, and it was a great place for Morphlings to pick up new abilities. Eamon would come to pick the locks on all the cages.

  "Are you sure you're up for this?" Samuel hissed. He had chosen boa constrictor.

  "No, but practice makes perfect, right?" Savannah growled.

  She swung at him and missed. He wrapped his body around her legs in a figure-eight fashion and pulled hard. Savannah fell back onto the sand with a heavy thud. It was still taking her too long to change. Samuel was patient and waited for her next choice.

  They were using the same rules they would give to a five-year-old. If your opponent got a point, you had to change your form. It also could not be the same form that your opponent had. You have to use strategy, coupled with skill, to win. She chose a mongoose next and wriggled her way out of his grasp, before climbing to the back of his head, and clamping down with her ferret-like teeth.

  "Ow!" Samuel yelled.

  "Sa-- wy," she said, with his neck still in her mouth. She let go almost as soon as she had said it, but only because he had changed into a lion, and the mane tasted terrible. She scrambled to the top of his head, dodging to avoid his big paw that kept coming at her. She heard a pained growl coming from her left. Distracted, she looked for the source of the noise and saw a monkey-- no, a bird-- wait, it was Michael. He was now in his little boy form, hovering over Chrystal in her Werewolf form. Dang! He was good!


  Savannah got caught with a paw and was sent sprawling. "Oof!" Trying t
o come up with something good, she just lay there. What on earth was going to beat the 'King of Beasts'?

  "Savannah? Are you okay?" Samuel asked.

  "Eh," she muttered. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just losing motivation. Is Chrystal okay?"

  "Yeah, they're already back at it, but we can take a break if you want," said Samuel.

  Letting her mongoose head loll to the side, she caught sight of her mother. Thank goodness! Wrestling practice was over!

  "Morphlings, it's time to take your Kite forms," Lanie said, as she landed from her flight. It felt good to be able to fly so freely again. She almost wished that she could live here. "We are going to be growing vegetables for dinner out of the ground. And, Savannah?"

  "Eh," Savannah uttered, barely lifting her head to look at her mother.

  "I want you to create roasted veggies for a snack, with lemonade. Try to use as many elements at the same time as you can, and don't forget to create the glasses, pitcher, and plates this time. Tory will be here soon to help you with glass blowing."

  "Ugh." She let her head fall back to the ground with a thunk.

  Chrystal and Harry excused themselves to eat an early dinner with the pack, just as Henry showed up to take lessons with his kids from Lanie. Eventually, Savannah rolled over and changed back into her Kite form. After Tory showed up, they spent the next hour building containers. Glass blowing alone took a lot of focus. Luckily, she knew that it would take almost none for the roasted veggies and lemonade. She was certain that the glass blowing was the exercise that her mother really wanted her to focus on. It took a combination of manipulating four different energies at the same time. The results were rarely pretty, but she was improving. At this point, she was just glad to be doing something familiar.


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