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Once Bitten: A Steamy Sexy Chance Romance (A O'Reilly Clan Novel Book 1)

Page 12

by Daisy Allen

  “My Heather...” I smiled at her through wet eyes.

  “And I’m Finn, in case anyone cares,” Finn spoke up, still standing there, leaning against the reception desk watching us.

  “We don’t,” Heather dismissed him, tucking her arm in mine and leading me to the couch in the waiting area. “WHAT are you doing here...and why with HIM?” She cocked her head in Finn’s direction.

  “It’s um, it’s the weirdest thing, we just kinda ran into each other, I work at his, well, I guess he’s yours as well, I work for your stepfather’s company.”

  “Which one?”

  “Oh,” I couldn’t help laughing, I forgot what the uber rich were like sometimes. “I work for Cabot Industries, I’m a PA for one of the VPs. And he had a family issue so I guess Finn volunteered for the trip.” I reached for her hand, squeezing them tight, unable to believe I was sitting here with her. She hadn’t aged a smidgeon, only grown into her stunning looks. Her hair was like woven gold and her eyes, blue as the ocean, she was like a Scandinavian princess. “What about YOU? What are you doing here? Is Finn holding you hostage?”

  “No, ergh, he’s my boss.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Heather runs my Lyon property,” Finn pointed out.

  “I can speak for myself, jerk,” Heather retorted and I felt the last 15 years melt away; the three of us sitting by the pool, me secretly stealing looks at Finn while the twins bickered about everything and nothing.

  “Heather,” I tugged on her hand to get her attention, “I...Finn told me about your Dad. I am so, so sorry.”

  The light in her eyes dimmed for a moment, and she swallowed.

  “Yeah, it was hard. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to go through. I mean, you knew what he was like.” I nodded, and she smiled sadly, “when he was gone, it was like...the light had gone out of my life.”

  “I wish I’d been there for you, Heather. I’ll never forgive myself for not being there,” I felt the guilt bubble up to the surface again.

  “It’s ok, Kara. I...I know why you weren’t, I get it.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, um, Finn told me. I’m sorry for what he did.”

  “No, I’m sorry. You were my friend and I should’ve given you some sort of explanation. It know, one day became two and then a week went by, and once I was settled in NYC, it just became easier to disappear completely.” I shook my head, disgusted with my immaturity, even though at the time I knew I couldn’t have done any differently.

  “No, I’m sorry, for, well, I don’t know if he’s said it but, I’m sorry for what Finn did that night. I’m not sure I know everything, but from what he did tell me, I don’t blame you a damn bit for wanting to be as far away from him, and us, as possible. He was such an asshole, I still can’t believe it to this day.”

  “Ahem,” Finn cleared his throat and we both turned slowly to look at him. “I’m standing right here.”

  “Then go somewhere else,” Heather snapped at him and he ignored her, not moving.

  “Forget about him,” I waved my hand, pretending I didn’t care where he was, and saw him out of the corner of my eye feigning offense. “What have YOU been up to? Other than working here? Are you married? Do you have any children?”

  Heather beamed, “I’m not married but I have a son, Blake. He’s 14. He’s amazing, just like his grandfather.”

  Finn snickered.

  “What? You don’t think he’s just like Dad?” Heather challenged her twin.

  “If Dad only grunted and watched TV, maybe.”

  “Don’t listen to Finn, he’s just jealous because Blake is now the prodigal son and Mom adores him.” Heather smirked.

  I blinked as I did the quick sum in my head. She had him when she was 18. “He’s 14?”

  Heather nodded, “yup. 14.”

  “Wow.” I had to admit, I was surprised. I’d never pegged Heather to have a child so early, she’d been so ambitious as a teenager, ready to take on the world, the thought of having a child would’ve been a burden to her. But she was obviously so proud of him, I was happy for her that she had experienced something I wasn’t lucky enough to yet.

  “And you? Is there a lucky Mr. Kara Sinclair?”

  My eyes flicked to Finn, who seemed engrossed on some paperwork on the counter. “Er, no. Not now, and probably not ever. I work A LOT. And I love it. I’m rarely ever home, and I don’t think any man’s going to want a wife who’s constantly travelling with her boss. But, I’m good.” I nodded, thinking how a few days ago, all those words would’ve been the truth.

  I looked over at Heather again, and couldn’t believe she was there, right in front of me. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed her. I pulled her in for another hug, thinking, on top of the most amazing week, somehow Finn had managed to top it with something that was so selfless.

  The hotel phone rang and we pulled apart, still grinning at each other.

  “Um, excuse me, that might be someone wanting to book up the hotel for 6 months for their 10 billionaire cousins and families.” Finn said pointedly.

  “Let ‘em go to the Holiday Inn!” Heather quipped as she ran to the desk to answer the phone.

  I followed and nudged Finn with my foot playfully; he winked back, smiling. Grabbing two keys off the board he gestured to Heather with his head and she smiled and waved us away while she worked.

  “Let’s get settled and Heather can join us for dinner later.” Finn said as he led me to the stairs.

  “Ok...” I sighed, a little sad to leave my friend already, after just reuniting.

  We climbed two sets of stairs and Finn stopped and handed me the key. “There weren’t any adjoining rooms, so you take this one, it had an amazing view, and I’m just one room over, ok? Just get settled, I have a few phone calls to make and I’ll come find you, and feed that cute little mouth of yours.” He brushed my cheek with his hand and kissed me softly.

  “Thank you, Finn.” He knew what for.

  “Least I could do...” He answered as he turned and walked to his room.

  The room was, as with everything I’d realized that Finn turned his attention to, perfect. He had found a designer to pick out what the regional features were and incorporated them into his hotels.

  I unpacked the evening dress I had brought, in case Finn had something more formal planned and hung it up in the large closet. Checking my reflection in the mirror, I bit back a scream as I saw my hair tangled and tousled from the open roof car drive and I sat down by the bay windows, brushing my mane.

  I wondered exactly what Finn had told Heather about that night. Had he told her the things he’d told me, about how he’d felt. Or had he kept it to me rejecting his advances and him driving off, leaving me in the dirt? I wondered how much she knew about his life now.

  “No, Kara. Out of bounds,” I reminded myself. I had three days left with Finn, I wasn’t going to waste it trying to pry information out of the best friend I hadn’t seen for the last decade and a half.

  Changing into a strappy white summer dress, I pulled my hair into a high pony tail, touched up my lipstick and grabbed my purse to go downstairs and continue my chat with Heather.

  Chapter Twenty

  Finn had built a restaurant outside on the back gardens of the chateau. The classical building loomed overhead, casting a formidable shadow over the expanse of thick, soft grass, each dinner table was set up with individual umbrellas and large, comfortable chairs.

  We’d spent the afternoon wandering some of the local markets and specialty food stores and I’d stocked up on foie gras and mustards and delicious jams. I even brought a tiny magnet for Mai with her name printed on it. If she didn’t appreciate that, I didn’t know what else to do.

  Back at the hotel, Heather had set up a table for four, Finn, me, Heather and her son, Blake. One glance at him and I didn’t have to ask who the father was, he was the spitting image of Eric, Heather’s high school boyfriend. I wondered what had happened
to him.

  Heather had gathered I’d never been to France over our short conversation in the morning and had organized for the hotel’s chef to cook up a 5 course Lyonnais feast that had me salivating from the word go.

  We sat back and reminisced, somehow managing to skirt the memory of the prom, we talked about their Dad, and I watched Finn coax a few words out of Blake in his infuriatingly charming way.

  I felt like I was with family. A family who loved me and accepted me for everything I was. A family consisting of the people I loved most in the world.

  The courtyard emptied and the moon was high in the sky by the time we noticed Blake had nodded off in his chair. Heather smoothed the hair over his brow, affectionately, and confirmed all my beliefs that she was one of the most caring people I’d ever meet.

  “He’s too big for me to carry now,” Finn grinned, “I used to carry him up to his room when he’d pass out in front of the TV,” he explained to me. “Now he’s almost taller than I am.”

  “Bed time for everyone, I think, I have early deliveries tomorrow morning,” Heather groaned as she pushed herself out of her chair, nudging Blake awake.

  “Take the morning off, Sis. I’ve got it.” Finn offered.

  “Wha? No, it’s ok. I’m used to it.”

  “Then all the more reason to get un-used to it. Stay in bed ‘til 9, I’ll take care of everything until then.”

  “Um...” She looked at me nervously, I just smiled, happy to see them being outwardly nice to each other.

  “I promise I won’t run my own hotel into the ground.”

  “Fine, I have to run some erran-..”

  “No. No errands. Rest!”

  “Ok ok,” she went over and gave Finn a hug, “thanks Twinny, but give me a call if ...”

  “Yes, Boss. In the case of fire, you’ll be the first person I rescue.”

  Heather grabbed Blake’s arm and they walked back up to the hotel. I could hear her chatting happily to him about what a good night she’d had, their bond was undeniable.

  Finn pulled his chair closer to mine, waiting for the door to close behind them.

  “Geez, I thought she’d never leave! I don’t think she’d have appreciated me having sex with you right in front of her teenage son!” He grinned and nuzzled his face against my neck.

  I giggled, as much as I’d enjoyed the evening, there were moments I’d wanted to reach under the table and reacquaint myself with Finn’s body, and I was glad to hear he’d had the same problem.

  I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his face to mine. “We have all night. First one naked is on top!” I pushed myself out of my chair and ran towards to the hotel, Finn hot on my heels.

  Catching up to me halfway to the back entrance, he grabbed me and pulled me around the corner to the hidden side of the building, leaning against the sandstone wall and pulling me to him.

  “You’re not getting away so easily.” He growled as he grazed his teeth along my collarbone.

  “I wasn’t trying to, trust me.” I moaned, already drowning with lust for him.

  “Good. Right here, with me, is the only place you need to be right now.” He fumbled with the hem of my skirt and I pushed his hand away.

  He bit his tongue watching me as I fumbled with his belt, then kissing down his body as I dropped slowly to my knees. Sliding his zipper open, I pulled the waist of his jeans and boxers down over his hips, exposing his cock.

  His breath slowed and deepened as I wrapped my fist around his shaft and dropped my lips on the tip of his hardness.

  “Fuck, Kara.” He groaned.

  I looked up at him, his eyes glazing over as he sucked the breath through his teeth and my lips slid over the head of his thick manhood. His fingers tangled in my hair as he gently pushed down on the back of my head, urging me on.

  “Kara, baby, drive me crazy.” He grunted as I squeezed his shaft and sucked on him my other hand coming up to cup his balls. He hissed, and the blood pounded in my ears as I reveled in my power over him.

  He arched, pushing himself deeper into my mouth, groaning again as my lips wrapped themselves tight around his thickness. I could tell he was already close and it was making me drunk with want for him.

  I’d never felt so alive as I did with Finn, he turned me on so much I didn’t even think twice about him fucking me in a park in Paris, or sucking him off against the wall outside his own hotel as the moon shone above us. All I knew is that I loved feeling so free, giving into my body’s desires.

  “Sweet Kara, your mouth feels so good, baby, so fucking sexy. I want you so bad.” He moaned, his hand fisting my hair as he started to thrust faster against my mouth with his hips. I held my mouth still, keeping my fist tight around him, feeling him harden as he got closer to his climax.

  I wanted to make him come, I wanted him to climax from my touch, my mouth. I started to stroke him faster, my lips catching on the rim of his cockhead as his thrusts shortened and went faster and faster. Finally, he grunted and stiffened, emptying himself in my mouth, as I squeezed his shaft, and sucked on the tip, extending his climax as much as possible.

  He collapsed against the wall, his hands still tangled in my hair.

  I sat back on my heels and looked up at him, his eyes closed, head resting on the wall behind him. He looked so sexy, I wanted him more in that moment than I thought it possible to want anything.

  I felt his hands move, untangling from my hair and I reached for them. He pulled me to my feet and slid his arms around my waist, pulling me in against him, burying his face in my hair. I melted against him, my head falling onto his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

  “I forgive you, Finn.” I whispered.

  I don’t know why I picked that moment, I didn’t even know I‘d felt that way, until then.

  But I couldn’t let this week go by without him knowing, what had happened, was now behind us, and in my mind, the Finn that left me broken that night, was not the Finn I knew now. I didn’t know if it wouldn’t mean anything to him, but it meant everything to me. I wasn’t broken any more. He had healed me.

  His arms squeezed tighter around me and I heard him exhale, the weight lifted off him.

  I don’t remember how long we stood there that night, but when we finally left to go up to our rooms, we were different people.

  Chapter Twenty One

  “If you don’t call me when you’re next home, I will hunt you down and kidnap your first born,” I warned Heather as we stood by the car, finding it hard to leave.

  “I’ll save you some time, you can take him right now. He’s pretty easy, just feed him 8-9 times a day.” Heather replied.

  Finn opened his mouth to say something, but closed it pretty quickly when I threw him a withering glare. “Come on, we should go, beat the traffic.”

  I pouted and Heather pulled me in for a last hug, whispering to me, “I’ll see you real soon, don’t worry about it. Nothing can keep us apart now.”

  I climbed into the car as Finn blew a kiss to his sister and started the ignition.

  “Bon voyage,” Heather waved to us, as we drove out of the car park.

  “I miss her already,” I said, staring sadly at my hands.

  “Yeah, me too,” Finn agreed, laughing when my head snapped up to look at him surprised.”What? She’s an annoying sister, but she’s my twin, my other half. Couldn’t live without her. So I hired her so I could boss her around and get my frustrations out on her that way.”

  “She looks like she’s done a great job running the place.”

  Finn nodded, “she really has. She has less of a hands-on role than Patrick and Doris do, French hospitality is more structured, but she manages this place and the staff better than any of the others are managed. They respect her and listen to her, which can be hard in France and her being American. But she’s been here for 4 years, and business is growing every day.”

  “You two are amazing. Sheesh, talk about greedy, leave some stuff for other people.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s enough you’re cat walk worthy, you’re also super intelligent, great business persons, and just generally wonderful people. Her more than you, but you get my gist.” I taunted him.

  “Well, obviously that’s all true, even if you have left out that I’m a great dancer and folder of napkins,” he pretend to pose in the rear view mirror, before sobering, “but we make mistakes too. Big ones. Change our lives and the lives of people we love type mistakes. Mistakes we’ll regret for the rest of our lives.”

  “Sure. But everyone does, Finn. The point is to move on and learn from them. And sometimes, even repent.”

  “Have I?”

  “I can never thank you enough for reuniting Heather and me, Finn.”

  “But it was my fau-“

  “Shush, maybe talking too much is one of your faults!” I screwed up my face as he chuckled. “Didn’t you hear me? It’s not repenting if you didn’t do anything wrong. But you did, and you’ve fixed your mistake. Seeing Heather again...and seeing her forgive ME, I needed that, Finn. As much as everything you and I have been through, losing her broke my heart too. And you fixed that. So yes, I think you’ve repented.”

  We both sat in silence, Finn focused on driving, and I mulled over the last day.

  “Finn, you know about my story, but I don’t know yours. Why haven’t you married?”

  He didn’t answer for awhile, and then just shrugged. “The answer isn’t relevant to anything to do with us. Let’s just focus on us for the rest of the week, like we agreed, ok?” He reached for my hand and pressed the palm to his lips, before laying it on his thigh.

  I didn’t know what to make of that, and I guess I didn’t want to. I reached over and turned the radio on, letting the sun warm my shoulders and the music take me to a place far away.


  “Sweetheart, Kara, wake up. We’re here.” Finn nudged me and I opened my eyes. I’d fallen asleep on the ride back and we were back outside the Four Seasons. The doorman open my door and I smiled sleepily at him. Finn took my hand and walked me to the elevator.


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