Book Read Free

Hadrian's Lover

Page 10

by Patricia-Marie Budd

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  All but Extinct

  HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting

  Looking for a way to spend your Sunday afternoon? Why not take in Hadrian’s Zoo? Hadrian boasts the last remaining zoo planet-wide. Pre 6-13, it was a hot spot for tourists around the world. With fewer visitors due to closed borders, Hadrian’s Zoo is suffering from financial distress. Rest assured, Hadrian’s National Government will not allow this worldwide treasure to lapse into disrepair, or risk the deaths of any of its animal occupants, many of which are the only living relics of their species. Lucy the elephant, for example, is the last of her kind. Thanks to the preservation of sperm and eggs dating back to the mid-twenty-first century, our zoologists have been able to impregnate Lucy, as they had her mother and her grandmother before. The zoo has always been one of Hadrian’s most affordable locations, costing a mere three credits for adults, two credits for students and senior citizens, while children under twelve get in for free. If numbers do not improve, though, zoo officials say they may have to increase admission credits to as much as fifteen credits for adult admission, ten credits for students and seniors, and they are even considering a charge of five credits for children between the ages of two and twelve. These high prices, zoo officials claim, may be necessary for them to maintain the various hothouses they have for growing exotic foods as feed. Then there is the difficult and very expensive chore of regulating the temperatures of their animals’ living quarters. Pearl, for example, being from the now extinct species of polar bear, requires a much colder environment than Lucy, the elephant. Remember, Hadrian is preserving our planet’s vast array of animal species in the world’s last remaining zoo. Your patronage will help ensure the future of our planet’s wildlife. One day, after the hordes of heterosexual barbarians finally die off, the future citizens

  of Hadrian will reclaim the planet. We will be the earth’s surrogate parents to its future wildlife population. So, don’t delay; spend your Sunday afternoon at Hadrian’s zoo!


  Hadrian’s Zoo

  Time spent at the zoo is such an incredible experience that Todd begins to think he might actually come to like Devon that way, maybe. Their walk through the various animal exhibits is both awe inspiring and a sobering one; both boys remain silent, staring at what is said to be the last of its species. Such signs are posted everywhere. “Have we seen an exhibit without one?” Todd asks solemnly.

  “I don’t remember one,” Devon replies. Not wanting their date to be so gloomy, Devon decides to liven things up. “I’m hungry,” he chimes.

  “You’re always hungry,” Todd reminds him.

  “I’m a growing boy, with a hollow leg, as my moms like to say.” They laugh as Devon leads them to the closest junk munch stand.

  Devon insists Todd let him buy them soya dogs, causing Todd to protest. “You’re spending too much on me, Devon. I mean—you know I don’t have credits or a thumbprint.” It never seems to matter to Todd that he’s told Devon this fifty times already. Something inside keeps urging him to repeat himself. Perhaps Todd is hoping Devon will finally understand why he feels so uncomfortable. “All our credits go to paying off Papa Mike’s debts.” Actually they mostly go to buying whiskey, hallucinogens, contraband cigarettes, and taking out various young men, but Todd doesn’t wish to share this information with Devon. “He can’t spare a single chit, let alone get me a thumbprint.”

  “Come on, Todd,” Devon says reassuringly. “None of that matters to me. I don’t care if you don’t have any credits. But,” trying not to sound judgmental, “why don’t you get a job? Your employer would have to arrange for the thumbprint, and then it would be free. Once you got that, you could set up your account with your first download.”

  “Papa Mike wants me to concentrate on school and b-ball. They’re my only hope for uni.” Sighing, he adds, “And I want to go to uni. I want to be a bioengineer like my father.” Sensing he is not getting through to Devon (why can’t rich people understand?), Todd gets straight to the point. “The fact is, Devon, it makes me feel awkward watching you throw away all those credits.”

  Devon laughs. “I’m having fun. Besides, I like spending credits on you.”

  Todd sighs. “It just doesn’t feel right. It’s like…” He pauses to consider his words carefully. “It feels like I’m using you.”

  I wish you would, Devon thinks in response, but he merely says, “Well, you’re not. I want to spend credits on you. I want to do things for you.” Devon is sincere. “I want to do stuff with you. I don’t care if it costs a few credits. Why not? I’ve got it.”

  Frustrated, Todd sighs deeper. “It’s just, well, maybe we could do something less expensive. I mean, something that doesn’t require credits.”

  Devon shakes his head, flabbergasted, unable to conceive of anything that wouldn’t cost a fortune in credits to have a good time. “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. Go for a walk in the park or—I like working out. Maybe we could get together and train for b-ball.”

  “The school year’s almost over,” Devon replies, a little bemused. “That makes no sense.”

  “You know you’re pretty good,” Todd encourages him.

  “Right,” Devon mutters. “That’s why they kept me on juniors this year.”

  “No, really,” Todd says. “With a little training, I bet you could make first string on seniors next fall. I mean, why not? We got all summer.”

  Devon smiles, All summer—he’s thinking long-term dating now! “Are you serious?” Devon is beaming. Hooking up with Todd Middleton is proving to be the highlight of his year! “I would absolutely love that!” He hugs his new boyfriend, smothering him in kisses. Embarrassed, Todd pushes Devon off. “Hey, come on,” Devon says, dismayed. “What’s wrong?”

  “We’re…” Todd’s eyes shift side-to-side. “There’s people…” His head tilts to the right, indicating two women walking arm-in-arm toward the aviary.

  “I keep forgetting how private you are.” Although slightly annoyed, Devon is still thrilled at Todd’s offer to help him train for b-ball. “No more kissing in public, I promise.”

  “Thanks,” Todd replies shyly.

  “Time for dessert,” Devon announces merrily.

  Todd shakes his head. “We just agreed not to use up any more credit.”

  “No,” Devon counters. “We just agreed that some of our dates could be credit free, like training.” Willing to compromise, he suggests, “How about this? When you pick the date, we’ll do it your way. When I pick the date, I get to spend as many credits as I please. Come on,” he says encouragingly. “Let’s shake.” He offers his hand. “I’d say, kiss on it, but…” he pauses, looking upward and tilting his head, “we’re in public.” Todd nods in agreement and they shake. For the rest of the afternoon, Devon fills Todd up with every form of sweet treat and junk munch he can convince his new boyfriend to eat, including a red candy apple and a caramel one!

  * * * * *


  Hot Summer Nights

  HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting

  It’s another hot Hadrian summer day! Can you believe this used to be one of the colder regions in the old country of Canada? Believe it or not, Hudson Bay once had an ice-free period of only four months, dating back, of course, to the late seventeenth century! One would have expected, though, with the radical decrease in salinity in Hudson Bay’s waters, that there would have been a decrease in the ice-free time on the ocean-sized inland lake. Fresh water freezes much faster than salt water. Unfortunately for much of old Canada’s northern wildlife, such is not the case with Hudson Bay. The constant rise in global temperatures has made our summers hot and our winters warm, far too mild for the bay to freeze over for any substantial length of time. During the mid-twentieth century, the mean temperature for Hadrian this time was year was 10° C. Today we enjoy a mid-June mean of 30° C. Also, winter often used to arrive in late August, early September. Now, old man wi
nter (who has aged to the brink of death) seldom worries us until mid-to late December. Yes, global warming has changed our planet’s ecosystem considerably. Hadrian, which was once mostly boreal forest, is now one of the most fertile of grasslands regions around the globe. It is our mild winters and hot sultry summer nights that made Hadrian one of the world’s top tourist spots prior to 6-13! The loss of the foreign tourism industry has been a blow financially, but I am sure I speak for everyone in Hadrian that it is no loss, but rather a relief, no longer to have to cater to those hypocritical heterosexual barbarians.


  Summer Craze

  It is a crazy and frustrating summer for Devon. The closer he feels he is getting to Todd, the further Todd seems to be pulling away from him. One night, their last weekend before school starts up, as they are sitting on the bed in Devon’s room, watching one of Devon’s voc vids through the wall screen, Devon begins to come on to Todd. This time, he is pushing for more than just a few kisses. He wants them to undress so they can see each other’s bodies. “We don’t have to do anything serious,” he reasons, “just touch each other.” Todd’s heart starts to pound inside his chest. He can barely breathe, let alone try to answer. Devon takes his silence for consent and he begins to reach his hand inside Todd’s pants.

  Todd leaps off the bed like someone had just lit him on fire. “Stop! Stop it!” he shrieks.

  “What’s going on in there?” Alisha Rankin calls from the living room.

  “Nothing! We’re okay, Mom,” Devon responds. Standing up, he turns on Todd. “What’s wrong with you?” he whispers. “Do you want my moms coming in here?” Annoyed, he gestures for Todd to sit back down on the bed.

  Todd refuses, squeezing his eyes tight. “Just, please, don’t touch me there. I’m not ready yet.”

  “Why not?” Devon is perplexed. “It will feel good if you let me.” Shaking his head in wonder, he adds, “I could make you cum.” When he gets no response but a further lowering of Todd’s head, Devon demands, “Look at me, Todd.”

  “I…” Todd can’t seem to open his eyes.

  “Okay,” Devon sighs. “I won’t touch you. But baby…” He kisses Todd lightly. “I’m aching here. I want to feel you touch me.” Devon takes Todd’s hand in his and, though Todd shakes he allows Devon to manipulate him, as if he were a puppet. Soon Todd’s hand, held in place by Devon’s, is gripping Devon’s penis through the rough folds of his jeans. Devon groans and kisses Todd. Squeezing Todd’s hand, Devon gasps, “Oh, baby, put your hand inside my pants.” Although Todd struggles some, Devon, having unzipped his jeans, moves Todd’s hand up through to his cotton briefs. Slipping Todd’s hand through the front opening, he helps Todd grasp his penis. Devon groans in ecstasy.

  Unable to cope, Todd pulls his hand free. “I can’t do this,” he pleads.

  “For Hadrian’s sake, Todd.” Devon is angry. “I have been waiting all summer for this.” Exasperated, he has to slow down his breathing to avoid yelling. “I can’t take this anymore. I want you and I know you want me.”

  “No!” Todd shrieks. “No, I don’t.” Todd is terrified. Feeling Devon like that has repulsed him. He notices the hurt look in Devon’s eyes. “I…I… I’m just not ready. I don’t want sex right now. I just want to date…to hang out—not sex—not yet.”

  “When?” Devon is becoming quite demanding.

  Todd is in tears. “I don’t know.”

  “No.” Devon shakes his head angrily while zipping up his pants. “No, you don’t, do you?”

  “I’m sorry, Devon,” Todd pleads. “I just. I can’t.”

  “There is no can’t about it!” Devon spits. “You won’t!”

  “It’s not like that,” Todd tries explaining.

  Devon turns his back. “Get out.” Todd is stunned. He didn’t expect this. Even with his back turned, Todd can feel the anger glaring out Devon’s eyes. “I said get out!” Turning and pointing toward the door, Devon yells, “I’m through with you.” Stunned, Todd turns, makes his way out of Devon’s room. Blindly he makes his way to the back door and heads home. He has to walk the five miles since Devon is so angry he doesn’t offer Todd a ride.

  * * * * *


  Back to School

  HNN—Melissa Eagleton Reporting

  Well, it’s that time of year again, children, teenagers, and parents! School has started! As of the wee hours, with the sun still rising early in the sky, Hadrian’s youth were seen walking back toward school. It is always an exciting time of the year when friends who lost touch over the summer months are able to reunite inside the halls of academia! There is no doubt in my mind that Hadrian’s education system is by far the finest in the world. Our children come first in Hadrian, and preparing them to meet the challenges they will face upon commencement in the adult world is our teachers’ top priority. At Antinous’ own Pride High, for example, students study courses in our planet’s ecological history, the impact of climate change, and the ways we in Hadrian are working toward a positive reversal, or at the very least, a partial resurrection, such as we have obtained in Hadrian, of the earth’s natural resources. Some students look forward to classes in population control while others will approach life from a much lighter perspective. Pride High is renowned for its glorious fashion and cosmetics programs. Whatever your son or daughter chooses to take in preparation for his or her future career, you can be certain that schools like Pride High will be working toward the betterment of your child’s education! As Principal Gavin is often heard to say, “Pride High! Where all our children walk with heads held high!”


  Back to School

  Todd is not looking forward to going back to school. Breaking up with Devon was so sudden and unexpected that Todd is left profoundly confused and isolated. Devon refuses to answer any of his wave messages, and Papa Mike never seems to be around these days, leaving Todd with no one to talk to. Compounding the matter is that Frank and Crystal are miffed at him. He never called either of them over summer vacation, being too busy dating, and now when he calls Frank, all he gets is “Can’t talk, Todd; I’m busy.” Whenever he tries calling Crystal, all he gets is a generic recording telling him “Crystal Albright is currently unavailable.” She must have turned off her phone, Todd reasons. Now it’s Sunday night, and tomorrow is the first day of school. Todd knows his classes. His first class is math with Ms. Sterne (which causes him to grimace), followed by Hadrian history with Mr. Reiner (which brings on a smile). Frank and Crystal are taking those classes, too. Last spring during fall registration (and pre-Devon), the three friends had tried to get into as many of the same classes as possible, but they weren’t so successful with the afternoon. After lunch, Todd has physical education while Crystal is studying world religion and Frank is taking fashion studies. For their last class of the day, Todd is enrolled in agricultural sciences, Frank in cosmetology, and Crystal has a spare. At least I’ll be with my friends in the morning, or will I? Todd wonders. Worried, Todd realizes he should have made an effort to spend time with his friends over the summer, but Devon had sucked up all of his time.

  His break-up with Devon hits Todd hard. He really thought they were forming a strong friendship, granted a friendship in which Todd felt obliged to kiss, but they were sharing some really deep thoughts. They talked about the concept of a god or gods, and why some of Hadrian’s citizens still believed in these deities regardless of the obvious hate literature toward homosexuals in many of their holy texts. They also argued over whether Hadrian citizens had subconsciously made gods of Hadrian and Antinous, and both expressed confusion over why some citizens slipped outside the wall, simply to vanish. Why anyone would want to live in the outside world was unfathomable. And they always shared a good laugh over the boys’ and girls’ washrooms remaining segregated. “That is so strai,” Devon would always say. “I know; how stupid,” Todd would respond, and then they both would utter, “Like, that makes any sense!” That this expression was simultaneous ever
y time the boys had this conversation always made them laugh. But, most of all, they had shared a love of b-ball. Todd had really brought Devon a long way with the game. Without doubt, Devon is now first string material. B-ball’s going to be toughest of all, Todd realizes. But I’ll make it work, somehow. It’s good for the team, he reckons, and I will recommend Devon to Coach Miller. As always, when it comes to b-ball, Todd lines up the team and its various positions in his mind. Frank is center, he decides. He’s tall, fast, and is almost unbeatable with his jump ball. Crystal is point guard, I’m shooting guard, Millicent will take small forward, and Devon will be perfect as power forward. The thought Devon will be perfect cloaks Todd like a dark cloud shadowing over the moon. Todd is so confused about his feelings for Devon; at times, he simply can’t contain his emotions.

  Everything with Devon happened so fast and ended just as quickly. Todd still hasn’t gotten over the staggering blow. What Todd fails to understand is that Devon, too, is smarting. While Todd was building a friendship, Devon was falling in love. When Devon had asked Todd out, he wasn’t looking for a friend, he was looking for a lover; and although he tried hard to understand that Todd needed to go slow, when he saw in Todd’s eyes that they would never make love, he lashed out, angrily tossing Todd aside. Devon is now a walking wound, and thoughts of Todd, the very sight of him, are like salt water for him.

  Day one of school is brutal. Todd and Devon are in the first three classes together. Devon inevitably arrives early and is already sitting in Ms. Sterne’s math class when Todd walks in. As soon as he sees Todd, Devon starts singing an old tune dating back to the late twentieth century: “Day Tripper” by some group called the Bugs or the Beetles. But Devon knows the group, he knows the song; his mothers are music historians. Actually, both women are librarians. Music history is their passion, and though they call themselves music historians, no one in Hadrian gets paid for acquiring such knowledge. At any rate, Devon is able to take full advantage of their quirk and taunt Todd with it. At first, Todd has no idea what Devon is saying with that song, but eventually, the words take on meaning. Devon is calling Todd a tease through these antiquated lyrics. Someone who leads a man on, only to refuse to follow through on promises made. But I never made any promises, Todd insists. Or did I? Every kiss, he realizes now, was a subtle intonation. With that sudden self-awareness, Todd begins the process of self-recrimination. Once the seed of self-recrimination has been planted, all it needs is a good dose of self-loathing to keep it well watered.


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