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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

Page 6

by Jamie Salisbury

  Before I knew it, ninety minutes had flown by. I had been mesmerized along with the sold-out crowd. After he had two encores, I watched as he left the stage, his fans standing on their feet wanting more. Someone handed him a towel as he reached the wings. He walked over to me, passing me his violin and bow while wiping the sweat off his face and hands. Taking a bottle of water someone handed him, he took one long drink off it before retrieving his instrument from me. Carefully, he placed them both in their protective case. He grinned like a satisfied little boy who knew he'd done well.

  Finally, we were alone in his Liverpool hotel suite. A couple bottles of white wine were on a table along with crystal glasses and a cork screw. Another was chilling in ice. I walked toward the table as Daniel settled in. Quietly, I removed the one bottle from the ice, uncorked it and poured two glasses. I walked over to where he was sitting and relaxing. He'd stopped reading a text to watch me. There was that look in his eyes, again—the one that always drew me in.

  I handed him one of the glasses. "Here, you look like you could use this to help you unwind."

  "Thank you," he murmured, taking the glass from me. I watched as he took a long swallow of the pale liquid, not really stopping to savor the taste, merely attempting to relax.

  Then, without a word, it happened. He took my partially empty glass from my hand and placed both glasses on a table. He lowered his head and our lips met. It wasn't meant as anything but a kiss of passion. His tongue found no resistance as he urgently plunged it in to greedily find mine. By the time we parted, I had to cling to him to maintain my balance. He pushed my dress up over my hips. While one free hand held my body upright, the other had found its way down and into the folds between my thighs. His fingers explored me as finely as he played his violin. Unable to resist his touch, wanting it more of it, my legs instinctively parted, allowing him to tease me. He plunged two fingers into my heat while his thumb stroked my clit. I came undone, craving more.

  He led me to the edge of the bed where we both feverishly removed our clothes, letting them fall to the floor. Daniel lowered my body, our mouths entwined in a scalding kiss. Before I made contact with the mattress, he flipped me onto to my stomach and spread my legs to accommodate him. I heard the sound of foil being torn and then felt the head of his cock as he readied himself. Then he plunged inside me until he could go no further. I met him thrust for thrust as we made love in a frenzy. No, it wasn't really making love; it was more of a fuck. Two lovers each claiming the other.

  As soon as he placed his finger on my clit, I lost all sense of reality. He didn't have to do anything but let me feel his warmth. I vaguely remember him yelling something as he thrust one last time, coming deep inside me. Exhausted, he collapsed on my back, using his arms to hold some of his weight until our panting subsided. I felt his warm kisses on my neck and earlobe.

  "Mmmmmm, that was incredible, angel mine, just as I knew it would be." He chuckled as he softly kissed me once more.

  "Hmmm," was all I could reply, his cock still hard within me. I shivered as he lifted his body off me and withdrew. Then I felt him playfully nip my buttocks before he walked into the bathroom to remove the condom.

  I crawled up in the bed, tearing the covers back as I snuggled in between the sheets, pulling them back up as I did. Whatever just happened I wanted more of it. A moment later, Daniel joined me, nestling me in his arms. His touch scalded my skin. Now that he knew me more intimately, I wanted him to touch every inch of me and I wanted to do the same with him.

  "What are you thinking, sweet?" He asked lazily.

  "Which version do you want to hear?"

  He chuckled as he leaned over to kiss my forehead. "Hmmm, this could prove to be most interesting. How about both?"

  I hesitated for a second, taking in a deep breath. "Well, part of me is dying to know if you planned all this to happen tonight or was it purely spontaneous. And, the other part wants you inside me, never stopping."

  He repositioned his magnificent body so he was lying on his side, facing me. His long brown hair was loose and flowing against his cheeks. I took it and slowly moved it behind one ear as I awaited his answer.

  "This was all spontaneous, nothing was planned; and it never has to stop, Mary. Never."

  "So, what now?" I whispered. I wasn't afraid to hear the answer because I sensed what it was going to be.

  "This time we make love--slowly and sensually, for as long as we want. I'm not going anywhere, angel mine. Understand that. I don't know how we're going to make this work, but we will. I promise you that."

  Chapter Six

  Over the course of the next three months, I was caught up in Daniel and his tour. Flying to be with him and watching his sold out performances whenever I could. He encouraged and got me started playing again, or so he thought. It was always out of the blue. I never knew when he would simply ask me to play for him or with him. But always, it was in front of no one but him. I found myself easily shamed. Even with all my years of training, I was no match for him. But then again, no one was.

  Daniel encouraged my new celebrity as his photographer of choice. Though I was sought after now, I realized quickly that being particular about whom or what I photographed was to my advantage. But, Daniel was now the center of my world, and my world was a smaller one.

  My one constant friend of many years, Eloise, while thrilled for me and my new celebrity boyfriend, was taking another path, one I never saw coming. Elle had been dating Mark for about six months when, out of the blue, the pair decided to up and move to Spain. They had purchased a small hostel, courtesy of a small inheritance Mark received from his grandmother. Though Elle was only a phone call or text away, I missed her advice terribly. Her one last texts to me while she was preparing to leave was…

  "Don't forget M & me will be back to see those Tudor boys perform."

  Oh, how could I forget them?

  As Daniel was preparing for his tour of the United States, he began to inquire more about my family. He had always been respectful of what I kept private; never forcing an issue if he got the idea I didn't want to talk about it. We had courtesy and trust in our relationship, and that meant a lot to me.

  I knew I needed to see Aunt Lucy before I embarked on this American adventure with Daniel. I needed her wise advice. One thing about her, she never criticized and always encouraged me. So, after calling her one evening a few days prior to leaving for New York, I paid my aunt a visit.

  Showing up on her doorstep, she must have been watching for me because she answered the door as soon as I began to ascend the stairs to her home outside Oxford. Lucy had lived in this house for as long as I could remember.

  "You made excellent time, my dear. Now come on inside and let's see if we can plot a course for you while you're across the pond."

  I bent over and kissed her on the cheek. I cherished Lucy. She was the closest thing I had left of my father. I missed him, but knew somehow he'd understand the decisions I had made in my life and why.

  We sat in the drawing room where she already had the teapot waiting, along with homemade scones. My aunt must have been a pastry chef in a previous life because I'd never tasted a bad sweet from her kitchen - ever.

  "So, tell me about this young man. The one you're going to accompany to New York and beyond." She poured two cups of tea as I snitched a scone off the table and put it on a small plate. "The one you wanted to slow down, but who charmed you anyway." A sly smile crossed her face as she handed me the cup.

  "He's the one I told you about. The one I went to Julliard with. I sort of remember him, but it was a long time ago. He's now world famous…"

  "Like your brothers?"

  "Daniel's nothing like them."

  "What makes him different? What draws you to him, dear?"

  "He's not arrogant or cocky like the three of them, for one. He respects my playing when I do play for him or with him, even though he's in a class above any other I've ever known. He doesn't put me down. Instead, he offers sugges
tions. He…"

  "Well, the two of you do share a similar musical background and education. Tell me, does he know about Archangel?"


  "And why not? She's a part of you. The musical part you invented to compete with your brothers."

  "Because all of that seems so unimportant when I'm around Daniel. He sees me for who I am."

  "And yet, he doesn't know who you really are, does he? Now don't you think that's an interesting state of affairs, my dear?"

  "How do I tell him, Lucy? I'm afraid if he finds out I'll lose him. He'll be angry, thinking that I lied about her and then didn’t tell him about my famous brothers, either, and that maybe the lies will never end."

  "But you've told me he made remarks that made you wonder if perhaps he didn't already know."

  "And I could be wrong."

  "Well, my dear, things happen for a reason. And I believe you and this Daniel are supposed to be together. Fate has put you back together for a reason. You'll figure it out. Trust me."

  "And what about the boys? Daniel's European label handles Amadeus and probably the others. Sooner or later our paths will cross."

  "You will deal with the situation if, and when, it happens—with the grace and class your mother raised you to have. Which, I might add, is part of the reason I believe this young man of yours is so attracted to you. You aren't some banshee like your alter ego, Archangel."

  "Lucy." I laughed. "Archangel isn't a banshee. But I get your point."

  "Do you love him?"

  I nodded my head. "Yes. I'm afraid I've fallen for him hard. I love him something fierce, Aunt Lucy."

  "And he loves you?"

  "Yes I think so. He's always so focused on his music and career, he's never had time for a serious relationship; but, he seems to want to figure out how we can make it work. And we are."

  "Then, you see, the two of you will work through all of this. Trust me. I wish I could be there, my dear, to see your brothers’ faces when you do meet."

  "Thanks bunches. Mother, of course, will accept everything without blinking an eye."

  "Perhaps. You are her daughter. It's been hard on her, whether she'd admit it or not."


  Arriving early in New York, we went immediately to the hotel and settled into our suite. The remainder of the day was spent relaxing. Daniel wanted to use a couple of days to acclimate to the city. He loved it there and suggested the two of us venture out early one morning and shoot some photos.

  Thinking nothing of it, I agreed. Even going as far as suggesting he bring his violin. We planned to go quite early, so it would be pretty quiet. It was the perfect combination—Daniel, his violin and Central Park.

  Upon completing a few sets at separate venues, Daniel suggested going to Strawberry Fields. It was genius photographing him there. We were both excited; and being excited, we let our guard down.

  We arrived excitedly back at the suite, Daniel and I both wanting to see what I'd shot and what could be used. After we finished going through all the images, we settled in for a mid-morning nap. The afternoon was packed. He planned to rehearse while I scanned his email for any scheduling changes. Once his rehearsing was complete he wanted to check in with his label people and respond to any email.

  It was while I was seated at a small table listening to Daniel play that I noted a text marked urgent come across his phone. I did not read Daniel's texts or answer his cell phone—not unless he told me it was okay. I may be his exclusive, one and only, but we both still had some boundaries. I also never interrupted his rehearsal time, but when urgent flashed the second time, I did.

  He stopped and gathered his phone off the table.

  "I thought since it came through as urgent twice…"

  "No, no sweet. It's fine." He seemed to study the screen forever. Then he looked up at me. I couldn't describe the look. Perhaps one of puzzlement, I couldn't be sure. Then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He leaned over and handed me the phone as he stood just inches to one side of me. "Care to comment on this?"

  I stared down. It was a shot of the two of us in Central Park earlier in the morning. Daniel had his one hand cupping my face, while leaning down to kiss me in quite an intimate kiss. My hand closest to the photographer was around Daniel's waist. The shot was obviously taken with a telephoto.

  The paparazzi were not something we thought much about. In Europe they pretty much left Daniel alone. But then again, with his grueling schedule, I doubt they could have caught him. When he was home or we were together, we were pretty low key. We stayed in most of the time, away from the crowds and clubs. And, of course, Daniel was constantly rehearsing.

  Staring, I began to say something, but Daniel interrupted. "Scroll down and read the text."

  I did. I read it once, then twice, both times in disbelief. Busted!

  The text said simply, "Received this from a source. Seems your girlfriend is the long missing Elizabeth Tudor, sister to Amadeus and the other two. This is going viral, Daniel. Just a heads up. Call me when you have a sec."

  "Is this true? Are you Elizabeth Tudor?"

  Slowly I nodded my head, staring back at the shot that could ruin my life and my relationship with Daniel. "Yes," I whispered, cringing at the thought of what he would say next. Instead, he surprised me.

  "It's okay, sweet. I've suspected something like this for some time. It won't change a thing between us, but I need to hear it from you." His free hand came under my chin and lifted my face to him. Pools of tears were forming behind my eyes. He saw them. "Come, let's sit down and discuss this."

  I shook as he led me by the hand to a sofa. I sat down and watched as he placed his violin back in its case. Next, he typed in a reply and then put his phone back on the table before sitting beside me.

  "Daniel, I don't know where to start."

  "Would it make it easier for you if I told you I sort of suspected months ago? A couple of times you were talking in your sleep in the middle of the night. I heard the name Amadeus once or twice. At first I thought you were referring to a former lover. I won’t lie, I was a bit jealous at first, and then I did my research."

  I groaned. "I can only guess what else you might have heard."

  He grinned, thinking about it. "Actually it was pretty jumbled. I couldn't make out what you were fighting with yourself about. But when I heard the name Amadeus, I became curious."

  "So why don't you tell me what you know or think you know and I'll fill you in."

  "I was curious, did some searching one day and found an old story dated about the time you and I were at Julliard. It mentioned Amadeus had a twin sister named Elizabeth, but that she favored classical over the rock genre her brother took. Am I close?"


  "I figured you would tell me when the time was right. At first, I figured it would be when they arrived in London. Then I got word that Amadeus wanted to meet while I was touring, here. It has to be the classical connection he and I have, don't you think?"

  "Go ahead, make fun if you want. I…"

  He put one of his fingers on my lips to silence me. "I am not making fun of you, sweet. I would never do that. I was hoping to lighten the mood a little. I would never make fun of you or anything you've done now, or in the past."

  "Thank you."

  "Except perhaps that cute little noise you make. You know which one I'm talking about…"


  "See? I got you to at least smile. Okay, now I know, the question is what do you want to do?"

  "I'm not sure; though I'm sure you have some ideas."

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. But right now, that's not important."

  "Oh, and by the way, my mother is now married to Peter MacNicol?"

  "Interesting. Then perhaps you could use his last name, if you decided to change." He laughed. "I rather like your name as it is, but how did you choose Mary Stuart…oh never mind, I just answered my own question."

  I grinned. "Clever, huh? Sort of kept
it all in the family."

  "Look, I don't pretend to know about your past with your family, sweet. Nor can I imagine what was so bad that you've cut yourself off from them. But, the one thing I do know is, one day your parents won't be here and you'll live to regret not having made time for them. Siblings? They can come later."

  "You have siblings, so you know how competitive life can be. Especially when you're the one being ignored."

  "I was never ignored, sweet. I was hot headed and demanded attention." He chuckled, remembering some long ago memory.

  "Hmmmm. I can't imagine you being hot headed. Demanding? Yes, but never hot headed."

  "Oh, but I was."

  "Well you weren't in my shoes, trying to get attention from my parents, while my brothers hogged every bit they could."

  His eyebrow cocked, his interest definitely piqued. "You mentioned something like that years ago, at school. Nothing more. So, these brothers of yours, they're classically trained, as well? Why not forgive and forget, sweet? You have a successful career, even if it's not in music."

  More with the water works. Enough already! I snorted at his comment.

  "Because it's been years, Daniel. I'm way grown up and quite frankly, I don't have the good looks my brother has. I'm sort of dowdy, to put it nicely. Which, I'm sure, is what the buzz will be. I'm not the stereotypical model or actress that one would typically put you with."

  "Don't you dare put yourself down. You are not dowdy to me. Always remember that, angel mine."

  I slowly nodded my head. He leaned over and kissed me greedily on the lips. "Shall I call Neil back or text him and tell him it's all true?" Neil was Daniel’s contact at the label, the one who oversaw a lot of the details of his career.

  "Yes," I murmured. "Be prepared for all hell to break loose, though. My brother's aren't exactly ones to sit back and be quiet about things."

  "Well, things have changed since you left and one of those things is we're together; and I won't allow them to bully you or talk unkind about you."


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