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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

Page 14

by Jamie Salisbury

  "Why don't we pack what we can now and leave first thing in the morning?"

  He agreed, picking up his glass of wine and taking a sip. The entire time, his eyes never left me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We left early and arrived at Peter's Scottish farm about mid-day—the weather cooperating the entire drive north. Having met with groundskeeper, Sean, to get the key, we continued down the gravel road until we reached the two story white-washed structure. It was hardly a cottage. Daniel and I went inside and explored the entire place before bringing our things inside.

  "Good thing we got here first," I giggled directing Daniel to put our luggage in the largest of the bedrooms. It was good sized, with a huge bed on one wall. I assumed it to be the master bedroom.

  "Why is that, sweet?"

  "Because we get first choice of everything before the boys get here."

  "Ah, yes, I hadn't thought about that. I was thinking more of us having a few days to ourselves before your brothers invade."

  I padded across the room to where he was standing near the door and put my arms around his waist. "Yes, because that's exactly what it'll be like when they arrive. An invasion."

  "So, what would you like to do first, take a walk?"

  I knew he was itching to practice.

  "Why don't you go check out where that piano is and settle in. Practice some if you want. I'll get us unpacked and then see what there is in the way of groceries."

  "You sure?"

  "Yes, I'm sure, Daniel. I know you well enough to know you're dying to practice. We can take a walk later this afternoon."

  "Thanks, sweet. We'll have to find the small lake that's somewhere on the grounds. Amadeus said we must check it out. Something about there being a very private cove…" He grinned and kissed me before turning to head downstairs.

  "Pervert!" I called out after him. Turning around I began opening our bags and putting things up where they needed to go. I heard my cell phone and found my purse. Fumbling through it I found it and stared at the screen.

  A text from Zara letting me know the boys’ schedule. I responded with a thanks. Danny and I had two more days, alone, before the troops arrived. I texted her asking how many to expect. I wanted to be sure so I could break it to Daniel easy. He had family and siblings, but nothing to the magnitude I did-- especially when these boys came off the road, still riding high with an adrenaline rush.

  Zara responded that she and the three children would arrive the evening before the others. That's nice, no one informed me she'd had the baby; but then again, I haven't been around for ten years. No mention of when my mother or Peter would be joining us. I decided not to ask.

  Thanking her for the info, I looked around the bedroom. Zara and Amadeus would need this room with their kids. Daniel and I could make do with one of the smaller bedrooms. Angus and Damien would just have to wing it with the one extra bedroom. I went to check out the other two bedrooms. Boy I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt.

  I went downstairs to find the kitchen fully stocked. Someone must have known a mob was arriving. At least it would keep me, or Daniel and me, from having to go into the village to shop.

  I pulled a couple of bottles of water out of the refrigerator and went in search of Daniel. I could hear him playing in the library and walked toward the sound.

  As I entered, I noticed Daniel seated on a stool facing a window, playing. I quietly placed the bottle on the table next to his violin case. I turned and walked over to the sofa and sat down to listen. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was waking up to a quiet room and Daniel standing next to the piano watching me.

  "Was my playing boring you?" He joked, taking a swallow from the bottle I had left for him.

  "No, not at all. If anything, the pieces you were playing were soothing, thus my falling asleep. Speaking of which, what time is it?"

  "Time for us to go for that walk. I can continue when we return."

  "You sure? This is supposed to be rehearsal time for you, Daniel."

  "Yes, I'm sure. This is also time for us, remember? Before the mayhem begins?"

  "Which one?" I kidded. "The Tudor mayhem or the tour?"



  We left the house, walking hand in hand. The afternoon was perfect--too beautiful to stay inside. Summer is fleeting in the U.K., especially up north in Scotland. Eventually, after walking through a meadow, we spotted the lake. It wasn't terribly big, but it most definitely was not a pond.

  Daniel led me down to a cove, evidently the one Amadeus had told him about. It was hidden from above by trees and shrubs.

  “It’s perfect.” I blurted out.

  I sat down on the edge of a felled tree and began removing my shoes and socks. I followed by unzipping my jeans and letting them fall over my hips to the ground. I tugged the tee shirt I had on over my head. The next thing I knew Daniel was in front of me. I felt his hands on my body as he unfastened the hook at the front of my bra and tossed it aside, caressing my breasts as they swelled into his palms. He had already stripped. I stared at him, the wide shoulders, his long legs and lean hips. His sex was already hard.

  He planted a soft kiss on my lips, his mouth gentle on mine, tasting, exploring, then deepening, turning hot and wet.

  “God, I want you.” I moaned as he kissed me again, his tongue singing into my mouth, my tongue tangling with his.

  The kiss went on and on, deep and hot and arousing. He nipped an earlobe, kissed the side of my neck, trailed kisses over my shoulder, and took the fullness of my breast into his mouth. He sucked and teased, and I trembled at his touch. My legs felt weak, my body was wet with the need to join with him.

  His hands slid lower, one curving over my bottom while the other slipped inside my panties, sifting through the tight, dark curls between my legs. Then he began to stroke me. I arched my back to give him better access. He slid my panties down my legs as I slipped out of them, tossing them onto the sand, next to my bra.

  He kissed me deeply one last time, before turning toward a rock at the edge of the lake. I bent over, flattening my palms on the warm rock as he moved in behind me.

  His fingers found my softness, sank in, and slid out before sinking in again. Ripples of heat washed over me. It was sex, raw and hot, and yet, the way he touched me, the way he made me feel, there was more to it than just the sex.

  I felt his erection at my entrance as he positioned himself and drove deeply inside. Daniel gripped my hips and I moaned at the feel of his hard length inside me, the heavy thrust and drag as he moved in and out, driving deeper, faster, making my stomach quiver. My head fell back as need, sweet and fierce, tore through me.

  “Mary…” he whispered, thrusting into me again, taking his pleasure, giving me pleasure, as well.

  I whimpered his name as I reached my peak and began to cum, tightening around him like a hot wet glove. The pleasure went on and on, bright lights and sweetness expanding until I could hardly breathe.

  I was beginning to spiral down when I felt him cum hard, spilling his seed deep within me. He pulled me back against his chest, holding me gently, softly kissing the nape of my neck.

  “I love you, Mary. God, I love you.”

  “I love you too, Danny.”

  “You ready to head back? I’d like to get back to the house and practice some more. Unless, of course, you’d like another go of it, angel mine?”

  "Perv!" I teased, reaching to pick up my clothes. "However, we need to take advantage of our situation."

  "Oh, I intend to, babe. You won't be able to walk without knowing I've been inside you by the time your brothers get here."

  I leaned into him and kissed him. "I think I'll love every minute of it, too."

  We dressed and slowly began walking toward the cottage. I linked my arm in his as we did, resting my head against his shoulder as we walked.

  "Happy, sweet? Because I know I am."

  "Hmmm, very. Oh, I almost forg
ot to mention something. Zara texted she's coming the night before the guys, with the children. So, I moved us into one of the other bedrooms—the one at the end of the hall?"

  "We'll have some privacy then."

  "Yes, and be sure not to leave anything out where little hands can get to it. They have a toddler, so I imagine she's into everything."

  He laughed. "Yes, I bet. They’re curious at that age."

  "Oh yes, very."

  Then out of nowhere, he asked a question about a subject that we'd never really discussed. "Mary, do you want to have children?"

  I slowed down, trying to decide if I heard him right. "Yes. Doesn’t every woman? Why do you ask?"

  "Just curious, I suppose. We've talked about a lot of things as far as a future together; but I don't recall us ever seriously discussing having children."

  I stopped and gently pulled him around to face me. "Danny, what's this all about?"

  "Nothing, my sweet. Hearing Amadeus' children were coming made me think."

  "Think of what?"

  "About how you and I would make some beautiful babies." He grinned, leaning over to kiss me. His hand slid to my stomach. "I think you'd look damn sexy pregnant, too."

  "I think we would have beautiful children together. Are you saying you want to try?"

  "What I'm saying, Mary, is that I would be fine with it, should it happen. As I recall, our options for birth control have been limited for some time, and we certainly aren't going out of our way to prevent it."

  "No, we aren't are we? Let's just leave it at that. We have a lot going on right now—getting you ready to tour, again." I put my hand over his which was still on my stomach. "I love you and I would love to have a baby with you. And if it's meant to be…"

  "I know. Focus, right? I just wanted to let you know. I've been thinking of so many things the last few days. Things I’ve never actually thought about before."

  We held on to each other tight as we continued back down the path to the cottage. There was a new sense of being a couple, a ‘real’ couple. Not that we hadn’t been all these months, it's just been something that was secondary to Daniel's career. Something he was perhaps reconsidering.


  While he absorbed himself over the next hours in his practice, I walked outside in the gardens nearest the house and then ventured a little further.

  My stomach began to rumble, reminding me I needed to think about fixing dinner. I walked back to the cottage and found myself in the middle of the kitchen preparing something for us to eat.

  Noticing a couple bottles of wine in the refrigerator I pulled one out, uncorked it and poured us both a glass. Dinner was going to be odd. It seemed that my stepfather had rules concerning meat being prepared in his properties. He didn't mind it being brought in, as long as it was cooked. It was the preparation and cooking it in his kitchen where he drew the line. To get around that, I made breakfast for us– omelets with toast and wine.

  I looked up to see Daniel standing in the doorway. "There you are. I was looking for you. Instead, here you are. Reading my mind, once again."

  "What? That you're hungry?"

  "Yes, famished actually. Besides, I think I’ve done enough for today. You wouldn’t mind if we spent the evening together, alone, would you?"

  "Not at all. I'm glad you're showing restraint with your hand. I kissed him on the cheek, as he headed to the table. "And I would love to spend the evening alone with you, Mr. Kennedy."

  I walked to the table carrying two plates and put one in front of him. I sat across from him and began to pick up a piece of toast. Daniel was already diving into his eggs.

  "This is great. Simple."

  "I'm glad you like it," I replied. "I enjoyed our conversation this afternoon."

  He stopped, fork in midair. Grinning, he put the fork back on his plate. "So did I. I think it's time we think ahead."

  "Me, too. May I be bold and ask something else, Danny?"

  "Of course you can. You're the only woman I've ever discussed having babies with, so I think you've more than earned the right to ask anything you want."

  "So, does that mean you're also thinking about us having a long term commitment?"

  "I thought we were in this… Oh, marriage. That's what you're referring to, isn't it?"

  "Well, it crossed my mind since we're discussing babies and all. And you did propose to me in French on the way to the operating room."

  "I did, didn't I? I'm not objectionable to the idea, you know that."

  "So, if we're discussing children…"

  "Are you trying to force me into something?" He laughed. "I have thought quite seriously about us getting married. You know that."

  "That's good to know. I'm afraid, however, it's something we need to put off until your tour is over."

  "True; but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it."

  "True. But you haven't actually asked me yet, Danny."

  "Haven't asked what?"

  "Asked me to marry you. Except, of course, when you were under the influence of drugs."

  He picked up his glass of wine and took a sip, a lop-sided grin on his face. "Touché. You would, of course, require me to actually ask—I would expect nothing less. Do I need to ask one of your brothers or perhaps Peter for your hand, as well?" He chuckled, taking another mouthful of wine.

  "Smart ass. We're in agreement, then, it's something we can discuss, perhaps more seriously, once this tour is over with?"

  "Yes. Mary, when the time is right, I promise you'll know."

  "I know. Focus, tour, then us. Now eat up before everything gets cold."

  I had put it out there, just as he had put the baby issue out there. Yes, there was a definite change going on between us.


  "What? What I meant was that now is not the time. We've got too much on our plates with your tour. I'm perfectly fine with everything as it is." For now.

  "That's what I wanted to hear, sweet." He grinned, looking at me with a more serious look on his face.


  "There's something I've been giving serious thought to.”

  "Yeah, and what's that?" I glanced over at him. His face had changed from the playful man into something more serious.

  "It's not a subject we have really discussed ,however, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps some good could come from it---and benefit us both."

  I sat there for a second before realizing what he was talking about. Archangel!

  "The only thing you and I have ever been at odds about is Archangel; so I assume she's what you want to discuss."

  A mischievous grin crossed his face. "You know me far better than I thought, sweet. And you would be correct. I believe I have come up with an idea for Archangel."

  "Go ahead, I'm listening."

  He lay his fork down on his plate and sat back to look at me. "I thought perhaps Archangel might join me on stage. I'm not sure when, yet. We need to sit down and look at my schedule once we return to London."

  "You want Archangel to join you on stage, at one of your concerts? To sing and play violin?"

  "Yes. I thought it would be safer than you doing the clubs in London, like you were."

  "Hmmmm. That's an interesting concept; and I completely understand your reasoning behind it."

  "Then you'll think about it?"

  "Yes, of course. I'd be foolish not to. You're right, it could be a great PR gig for both of us."

  "I also thought perhaps Archangel might join me on a track or two of my next CD? What do you think?"

  "How would we do that, Daniel, and still keep her identity secret?"

  "We'd record it somewhere private, like my studio in London. Record you separately and then combine the two of us. There are several ways we can accomplish it."

  This time I sat back and looked at him squarely in the face. He was good, and he was smart. He'd figured out how to bring her out and still keep her identity a secret. "Well, I'm game. Why don't we continue to
discuss it and once we get back to London, we can decide when, where and how." I reached across the table and took his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, Danny."

  "No need to thank me. It took me a while, but I finally realized that Archangel is a part of you-- an extension of you. It would be selfish of me to expect you to give her up."

  We finished our meal in relative silence, Daniel helping himself to a portion of mine. I’d overestimated what I thought I wanted. I watched him over my glass of wine as he devoured the remainder of what had been on my plate. I stood and began to collect the dishes and silverware. He grabbed my arm as I did.

  "Would you like to watch a movie?"

  "Yes, that would be nice," I replied. "Why don't you pour us another glass of wine and pick one out for us. Your choice this time."

  "Put the dishes in the sink and come join me. They can wait, but I can't."

  "Okay. I won't be but a few minutes." I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. Damn but he smelled nice. His scent, as always, intoxicated me. I smiled to myself at his latest revelation. I had to give him credit for trying to work through it and make this one dark area of our relationship not that way anymore.

  I worked quickly, putting the dishes in a pan of hot sudsy water. They'd be fine until later. It had been ages since we had actually sat down and watched anything, much less a movie, together That’s what this time was for. No phones, no outside world, at least for a little while.

  Daniel had picked out a comedy and we lay on the sofa together. I was laying in front of him while he was spread out the length of the sofa. From time to time he would rub my arm or kiss my ear or neck. I was content, just the two of us.

  About halfway through the movie one of his hands roamed up to my cheek as he softly began caressing my skin. He coaxed me into turning my head where he could kiss my lips. And kiss he did!

  He kissed me fiercely. A thorough, taking kiss, parting my lips with his tongue as he ravaged my mouth. I smelled the soap and muskiness of his body and tasted the white wine on his tongue. He ran his hands over my blouse and filled his palms with my breasts. I caught myself making some sort of whimpering sound as a hot need surged through both of us. The blouse came off as fast as his fingers could unfasten the buttons and my lace bra followed.


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