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Wicked Surrender (Hollis Brothers Book 3)

Page 10

by Linda Verji

  She didn’t know if he was doing it deliberately, or if it was just the alcohol that had loosened her inhibitions - but she was turned on. And by the hard lump pressing into her stomach it was obvious that she wasn’t the only one. She snuck a look up at him and found him watching her with an intense yet unreadable expression. His lips - those damn kissable lips - were drawn in a straight unsmiling line while his eyes roved her face as if he was imprinting her features into his memory.

  She ducked her head back onto his chest discomfited, yet strangely aroused, by his unapologetic stare. As soon as she did, he threaded his fingers into her short hair and smoothed his hand even lower down her back right to the top of her ass, and she had to wonder if he’d do the same if they were kissing. The thought was enough to make her cling tightly to his tee while she pressed her body even harder into his.

  She expected him to pull away from her. After all she wasn’t his type. But he didn’t. Instead he continued to dance with her even as his hands lowered to her hips and squeezed. That squeeze sent strong desire pulsing through her. She looked up at him again and found him still looking down at her with breath-taking intensity. As if he too was held in thrall by the heat zipping between them, he started to lower his head. She licked her lips in anticipation of what was to come, started to close her eyes, sucked in a deep breath…

  “Yo!” a loud, whinny voice cut through enchantment binding them. “That’s the dude who jumped me.”

  Both London and Zeke turned to find Carlos standing there, along with three other similarly muscled men.

  And that’s when things got chaotic.

  She didn’t even know how it happened. One second she was getting ready to be kissed, the next Zeke was pushing her behind him just as Carlos’s friends jumped him – or at least attempted to. Apparently Mr. Landa-Hollis had some boxing skills. Zeke managed to dispatch two of Carlos’ friends to the dirty floor before some other overenthusiastic dancers jumped into the fight to help him.

  In minutes punches, kicks and hair-gel were flying around. London could’ve sworn that she even saw a wife-beater or two soar over her head. And Zeke – cool, calm collected Zeke - was smack in the middle of it all. Punching, picking up and tossing people out of his way like they were rag dolls as he created a path for he and London to get out the club with. He’d never looked sexier.

  By the time the bouncers leaped in to stop the fight, Zeke already had her on the edge of the dance-floor. And with a firm hand on her waist, he led her out of the club.

  The moment they stepped outside into the cold, London started laughing. The chuckles racked through her body, making her shoulders shudder with their force.

  “Oh. My. God,” she wheezed as Zeke led her by the wrist to the car. “Oh. My. God.”

  “It’s not funny,” Zeke ground out between his teeth as they reached the Wild Cat. “You could’ve gotten hurt in there.”

  “Forget that!” London leaned back against the car as she grinned. “You, Zeke Landa-Hollis, were a fight!”

  “Well, they started it.” He tried to maintain his stern expression but she could see the glimmer of a smile in his eyes.

  “Dude, you were so bad ass.” Then she did the one thing she’d been aching to do since she’d seen him tonight. She turned, rose on tiptoes and kissed him.


  The kiss caught Zeke by surprise. One moment he and London were laughing, the next she was kissing him. It was the sort of kiss that was designed to break a man down. Her mouth was slow and searching while her tongue engaged his with teasing strokes that swept past any barriers he had in place with the ease of a battering ram. When she pushed him back against the car and pressed her sweet curves to his… well, he was lost.

  Groaning, he gathered her more tightly against him and took control of the kiss. He twisted his lips harder over hers and turned the kiss into a frantic search for something deeper, darker, more satisfying. But instead of finding it, he became increasingly desperate for more of her.

  No, no. This is wrong. He couldn’t have her. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to rip his mouth away from hers. His gaze raking over her desire-ridden face and his voice rough with desire, he grated, “London, we can’t do this.”

  “We can.” She lifted back upwards into him and set her lips - those plump seductive lips - back on his, dragging him once more into the vortex of desire she wielded with such ease.

  Ah. She could kiss. His hold on her waist tightened as he slanted his lips deeper over hers and drank like he was dying of thirst and she was water. Feeling her soft, warm, delightful curves pressed so deliciously against him and having her delicate, vanilla scent play on his senses only ignited him further until it felt like every cell inside him was on fire.

  No. No. He needed to stop this. Once more he tore his lips from hers. “London, London. We shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?” Her eyes were shadowed with desire and her lips were swollen and moist with the evidence of their passion. It was enough to make him forget why he was resisting the kiss.

  “I - we can’t,” he muttered, even as his eyes stayed glued to her lips. “The way you’re kissing me right now-”

  She captured the rest of his sentence with another kiss that had him leaning back into the car so he could pull her into the v of his legs. The action forced her lower body even harder against his cock. Blood rushed from his brain so fast that any protests he might’ve had were snuffed out like a feeble candle-flame in the face of a tornado.

  Suddenly kissing her, consuming her was the only thing on his mind. He was so engrossed in the kiss that he didn’t hear the snapping of the car’s locks or realize that the doors were now open. Well at least not until London dragged him away from the car so she could open the back door. Once the door was open she separated completely from him and scrambled into the car’s backseat.

  Their being separated was the perfect opportunity for him to walk away. He should’ve walked away. Yet, he couldn’t. He was already in too deep. He followed her into the back seat.

  The streetlights beamed just enough light into the car that Zeke could see London lying flat on her back on the seat with her legs splashed awkwardly on the seat and to the floor. Closing the door, he eased himself on top of her and settled in between those enticing legs.

  God, that felt good. Even though his body was contorted in a somewhat awkward position so he could fit into the backseat with her, just being so close to her and pressed so deeply against her was like getting a taste of heaven. When she curled the bent leg over his ass to press him even closer, his cock reared strongly against her pussy.

  Seeing as they were alone now and there was little risk of his being seen, he ripped off the fake beard before easing his hand under London’s head. He slanted his lips over hers in a deep, intoxicating kiss.

  At the back of his mind Zeke realized that this was a strange position for him to be in. This was not him. He didn’t go to clubs or fight in them, and he certainly wasn’t the kind of man to grope and make out with women in the backseat of a car. Yet he couldn’t pull back even if he wanted to. Every inch of his being was wrapped so tightly around London that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to breathe if he untangled himself. Every kiss he dragged from her was an aphrodisiac, trapping him even deeper into her web.

  Obviously London was as affected by their kiss as he was because her breathing was just as wild and ragged as his. Clinging to him tightly and her hands roving over his body, she met him kiss for kiss, nibble for nibble, suckle for suckle. She started to rock her hips back and forth, rubbing her crotch against the hardness straining in his pants. If he wasn’t already as hard as a hammer, her sexy motions would’ve done it. His kisses turned even more desperate as his senses clamored for more than just a kiss.

  Zeke tried to move his hand to her breasts, but his elbow bumped against the back of the front passenger seat. He tried to hike himself higher but there was too little space in the backseat for him to move more. It was
just too physically awkward to touch her the way he wanted to. And it was driving him nuts. Disengaging from her mouth, he lifted up.

  “Umph!” he grunted when he bumped his head against the roof of the car in the process. But he was too interested in having London back in his arms to dwell too much on the pain. With some skillful maneuvering he ended up seated with London straddling his lap.

  “Much better,” he murmured as he planted his lips back on hers. Yes, this new position was definitely much better. It gave him better access to her body. Now, he could run his hands over her back and to her breasts the way he wanted to, while she ground into his lap. What made the position even sweeter was the fact that the skirt of her ridiculously short dress had lifted to her waist so that the only thing keeping their naked flesh from meeting was her thong and his pants.

  “Aaah!” She released a deep throaty moan when he cupped one of her breast. “Zeke.”

  “Yes?” he murmured against her lips as he massaged the swollen flesh over her dress. Just from touch, he could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her pouty nipple swelled under his ministration and dug into his palm, obviously begging for personalized attention. So that’s what he gave it.

  “Oh… Jesus,” she whimpered when he pinched the stiff tip. “Ah… ah. That feels… oh - so good.” The cry that tore from her throat when he gave the same attention to her other breast almost undid him.

  He fumbled with the back of her dress, pulling and tearing at the zipper. It came away with a jagged sound rivaled in loudness only by London’s moans. He dragged the sleeves of her dress down her arms and the neckline fell away from her flesh to reveal her breasts. In the shadowy darkness he couldn’t see much except for their pert, engorged shape. But he could taste. So he did. He bent her slightly backwards then lowered his head and surrounded the tip of her flesh with the wet heat of his mouth.

  “Zeke.” Her cry echoed around them as she curled both her arms around his head. The sound of his name on her tongue inspired him to push her into even more passion and he suckled harder. She writhed on his lap and against his shaft until he was so rigid he was surprised that his cock didn’t force its way out of his pants.

  He eased away from her breasts, coming back up to crush his mouth to hers. Her tongue clashed with his, telling him even better than words of how desperate she was. But it was the sudden swoop of her hand down between them to his dick that almost had him bolting off the seat. He inhaled sharply when she measured him with her small palm then squeezed. When she started to stroke him, he almost swallowed his tongue.

  Her touch was like fire – igniting him, burning him, melting him, testing the limits of his self-control. The sound of his zipper lowering was almost as erotic as their hushed breaths in the car. Then he was out and jutting upwards proudly - steel had nothing on him. The cold air blew against him for just a second before he was hot again as London surrounded him with her palm. Her soft hand caressed the sensitive head of his cock then ran up and down his shaft, gently and softly. Up. Down. Up. Down.

  It was torture. And he loved it.

  “Ah, shit!” He closed his eyes, pressed his forehead to hers and squeezed her ass. The softness of her palm had him half-out of his mind. Lost in a fog of desire, he shivered, groaned and focused on the delicious feelings sweeping through him.

  “You’re so big!” London cooed, stroking his ego as expertly as she was stroking his cock.

  Though everything about her touch felt amazing, Zeke didn’t want to be the only one being driven crazy in this car. It took everything in him to drag his attention from her delectable strokes and back to her. His hands moved from her perfect ass to her thighs. Though it was dark, he could feel the perfect smoothness of her legs. His hands roamed over that silky skin until his fingers glanced at that creased space between her thighs and pussy. For a while he teased her there, hinting at but not quite touching her. Then she shifted forward, and he was touching her.

  “Aah!” Her breath caught in her throat and her hand stopped moving on him as he traced the symmetry of her pussy lips over the gusset of her panties. When he pushed the fabric aside so he could touch her properly, she began to whimper in earnest.

  “Zeke. Zeke. Zeke.” Each stroke of his fingers against her moist cavern increased the volume of her whimpers until he couldn’t tell where one cry ended and the other began. Reveling in the sounds of her desire, he searched through the warm wetness and found her hardened clit. Her body went completely tense and her head fell to his shoulder as she began to pant. He rubbed that nub furiously, shoving her into need as eagerly as she’d pushed him into it.

  “Oh God, right there, right there. That’s it,” she panted as he worked her expertly. Her juices coated his fingers and were undoubtedly dripping down and marking her presence on his pants. But he didn’t care. He just wanted to break her.

  Not to be outdone, London resumed her stroking, her hands practically flying up and down his hard rod. Then she was scooting forward and redirecting him. He moved his fingers at her urging. Electric current zipped through him when she brushed the tip of his cock against the top of her wet folds. Her fingers kept stroking him with long upward movements as she pressed his shaft down until he was snuggled between her swollen labia. Then she began to rub it along the slick notch and against her clit.

  “Ooh fuck,” she uttered between fast breaths. “That feels good.”

  Yeah, it did. He could feel everything, the slowly juicy sliding caresses of her butterfly wings against his flesh, the hooded stiffness of her clit, her heated creaminess, the heat… God, he needed to be inside her.

  He groaned - actually groaned - when she stopped the delicious movement. But a moment later he realized that she’d only released him so she could reach beside them for her purse. She rifled quickly inside the purse to come up with a small packet. Why wasn’t he surprised that she’d thought ahead?

  With only one thought rippling through him - that if he didn’t have her now he’d explode – he snatched the packet from her. Zeke had never strapped up so fast. He didn’t know who did what or how he ended up at her entrance, but suddenly he was pushing in.

  “Aah.” They both moaned as her pussy spread open around him like a flower. He hissed and his arms tightened around her as she swallowed more of his rigid length.

  This was heaven! This was hell. London was hot, velvet and oh, so tight. And the way she was grinding down, down trying to take him all in… it took all his strength not to ram himself completely inside her.

  “Fuck…” The words tore out of his dry lips as he gripped her ass and helped her lower herself on his shaft. “You’re amazing.”

  AMAZING WAS ONE word to describe the feelings circling inside her. Other words included fantastic, wonderful and incredible. Having sex with Zeke had not been on London’s menu when she’d brought him to Dirty Hypnotiq, but now that it was happening she couldn’t bring herself to stop. She didn’t want to. He felt too damn good!

  “Aah,” she whimpered as she sunk down further on him and took him in deeper. Yet no matter how much she took, he still had more to give. He was too thick, too long, too much…

  “You don’t have to take it all,” he muttered hotly against her ear as if he could read her thoughts, even as his grip on her ass tightened.

  “I want to.” And she tried, relaxing her walls and bearing down until she was so full with him, she was sure that she’d burst. She lowered her hands between them to find that a substantial length of him was still outside her. “Aah!” she whimpered in frustration. Why was she so petite, and why was he such a giant?

  “It’s okay.” His breath warmed her lips as he lifted her slowly until she was sitting at his tip. “We’ll work with what we’ve got.”

  Then he slanted his lips over hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth just as he lowered her slowly back down his shaft until he was halfway inside her. He lifted her up again leaving sweet pleasure vibrating along the path he trod, then let her down again. Up. Down.
Up. Down. He started them off on an easy, slow pleasurable ride but soon she was the one in control. But having him inside felt too good for her to maintain any kind of control, and soon she was lifting and dropping down on him in a fast, wild pace.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Her cries melded with his grunts as their bodied met over and over again.

  Despite the darkness, she could see his face etched into a harsh mask of restrained lust. She moved her hands to his face, smoothing his fierce expression before leaning forward to kiss him even as she continued to ride him.

  He cupped her neck as they kissed while his other hand massaged her ass and smoothed over her back, encouraging her, guiding her. Slowly the temperature within her began to build until she was sure that she would explode if something - anything - didn’t happen soon. The heat inside her body rose to unbearable levels as her breathing pace increased in rhythm to his. Her riding became more jagged, more unruly as she tried to take more of him – all of him - to no avail. He was too much.

  “Ah. Ah. Ah,” she whimpered against his lips as the shudders began, making her whole body tremble. Her breathing turned shallow as the heat began to consume her and take over her body. Zeke slanted his mouth harder over hers, his grip on her ass tightening as he shoved her closer and closer to the edge. With a muffled scream of pleasure she finally succumbed to the orgasm.

  But he was not done yet. Tightening his arms around her so that she was plastered hard against his chest, he lifted and dropped her over his cock. Faster, faster, faster….


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