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The Greek's Long-Lost Son

Page 7

by Rebecca Winters

“Our love didn’t die, Stella,” he declared in his deep male voice. “We were ambushed by a force neither of us had the power to stop at the time.”

  “You keep saying that!” she cried.

  “Because it’s true. If I thought you would take me at my word that I was torn from you, I’d never tell you another thing because I don’t want you and Ari to go through any more hurt.”

  “What hurt? After what happened, how could there possibly be any more? Look, Theo—for Ari’s sake I want to believe you because he wants to be with you, but I’m afraid my ability to trust died years ago.”

  “So, what are you saying?” His voice sounded bleak.

  “Th-that I’m going to go on sheer faith and give you free access to him.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’ve got Ari’s heart in your hands. If you do anything to disappoint him…” She couldn’t talk for a minute.

  “I’m here to stay, Stella. My life is totally tied up in him.”

  This was hard. So hard when those were the things she’d wanted him to say to her years ago.

  “I pray you’re telling the truth, because tonight he asked if we could cut our vacation short and go back to Athens in the morning. He wants to be available to you.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That we’d talk about it in the morning.”

  “I’m sure that’s the last thing you want to do when you love being with your family. They still don’t know I’ve been seeing Ari?”

  “No. It’s my business. I’ve preferred keeping things private. They’ll find out soon enough. I’ll be driving back home in the morning with the boys.”

  “In that case I’d like to come to see him tomorrow afternoon. The three of us can talk over plans then.”

  “He’ll be thrilled,” she murmured.

  “Even with all our history, it’ll be the first time for me to make it inside your home, Stella.”

  She realized that. Years ago they’d had to be careful when he brought her back from an outing on his brother’s motor scooter. He’d leave her a block away, then wait for her call when he got back home to make sure she was all right. Theo had never failed her. That’s why his unprecedented behavior on that horrific night had been too much for her psyche to handle.

  “Ari will be overjoyed.” But nothing else has been resolved.

  “No more than I. Thank you. This means more than you will ever know.” His voice sounded thick-toned.

  Get off the phone, Stella. “Good night.”

  “Good night. Drive home safely.” She heard the concern in his tone before hanging up. The rest of the night she tossed and turned, hoping she’d made the right decision.

  The second Ari came in the next morning, she told him they were leaving. He whooped it up before running to tell Dax to get his stuff together.

  Stella packed quickly before going down to Stasio’s study. He usually checked in with his secretary in the early mornings, even when he was on vacation. Like Theo, he was tall with arresting male features. There wasn’t a mean bone in his body.

  “Knock, knock.”

  “Stella? We missed you last night. Come on in.”

  “I’m just peeking in to say goodbye for now. Let’s hope Rachel’s morning sickness improves.”

  He frowned. “Bad as it is, I’m more concerned about you at the moment. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing specific.” She hated lying to him, but she wasn’t ready to talk about Theo yet. “Ari and Dax are restless. At home they have more friends their own age to do things with.”

  He studied her through veiled eyes. “You’re not telling the truth, but that’s your privilege. I’ve seen a marked difference in both of you since you arrived. Just remember, I’m here if you need me.”

  Her brother had radar. “I’ve always known that and I love you for it. Tell Rachel I’ll call her later today after I’m back at the house. Say goodbye to Nikos and Renate for me, too.”

  Stasio came around his desk and gave her a big hug. “I’ll walk you to the car.”

  The boys were already strapped in. It was so unusual for Ari not to seek his uncle out first, Stasio had to know something of great significance was going on.

  “See you later, Uncle Stasi. Thanks for a great time.”

  “I had fun, too. Thanks a lot,” Dax said.

  “You come again, anytime you like.” He gave Ari a hug.

  Stella started the car and they took off for the port of Gavrion to catch the ferry.

  No sooner had they driven onboard and walked to the promenade deck than a steward approached Stella.

  “You are Despinis Athas?”


  “Your room is ready for you.”

  She blinked. “I didn’t reserve one.” Depending on weather and wind conditions to Rafina, the cruise only took two to three hours.

  He gave her a knowing smile. “Someone else did. This way please.”

  “Come on, boys. Someone has planned a surprise for us.” The blood hammered in her ears. She could only think of one person.

  They followed the steward down to the next deck. He led them around a passageway to a row of cabins and opened the third one for her. Stella gasped when she walked in and saw two dozen long-stemmed red roses in a vase on the nightstand between two double beds.

  To one side was a table and chairs. She spied a bowl of fruit, another filled with candy and cookies, and half a dozen cans of various juices.

  “Are these for us?” Ari cried in delight.

  “Who else would they be for?” sounded a deep, familiar male voice.

  Stella spun around. “Theo—”

  “Papa!” Ari ran to hug him. “We didn’t know you were coming with us!”

  Theo’s black eyes found Stella’s. They were so alive she could feel his energy. “Work can wait. I decided I wanted to join in the fun.”

  “Goody!” their son cried while Dax beamed and began loading up on candy.

  Stella was happier to see him than she’d thought possible. “The flowers are gorgeous.”

  He came all the way inside and shut the door before leaning against it with his arms folded. In a tan sport shirt and white shorts, he looked incredible. “Remember the time we took a ferry to Poros? It was so crowded we had to stand the whole way against the railing at the back? I only had one red rose to offer you. In those days I was so poor, I could only afford to give you token presents.”

  Stella cherished any little thing he ever did for her. “I still have it,” she half whispered. “It’s pressed in the big dictionary I keep on my bookshelf at home.”

  “I’ve seen that,” Ari commented. “I didn’t know Daddy gave it to you.”

  Theo’s white smile turned her heart over. “Your mother and I liked to give each other little gifts. I still have the bracelet she once bought me.”

  Ari munched on a cookie. “Where is it now?”

  “Right here.” Theo lifted his leg. They all stared at the tiny gold chain around his ankle.

  “You still wear it?” Stella was in shock.

  “I told you that night I would never take it off.”

  Her face went hot. Before they’d gone swimming, she’d given it to him and he’d made her put it on him. She remembered him crushing her in his arms, telling her they were now joined forever.

  “I want to get one.”

  “Me, too!” Dax chimed in.

  Stella laughed. “Maybe when you two are older.”

  “Speaking of you two…” Theo walked over to the closet and pulled out a couple of junior life preservers. “I want you to put these on and wear them the whole time.” He helped them get them on.

  “How come?”

  He finished tying them. “Because you never know when something could happen and I want you to be safe.”

  She could see Ari wasn’t too happy about it, but she loved Theo for insisting.

  “I bet nobody else is wearing one.”

  “Maybe not, but I want you to do this for m
e because I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Papa. Now you have to put yours on.”

  Both Stella and Theo burst into laughter. He pulled two adult jackets from the closet. “What’s good for the goose, eh?” He started toward her with a wicked glint in those fabulous black eyes.

  Stella would have put it on herself, but Theo insisted on doing the honors. His touch sent curls of delicious warmth through her body. With his back toward the boys, his eyes ignited as he took his time tying the ends near her throat. She wanted him to kiss her so badly she felt pain to the palms of her hands.

  Needing something to do before she acted on her desire, she took the other life jacket and helped him put it on. Had he always been so broad-shouldered and powerful? When her hand touched his chest, she heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “Can we go play shuffleboard?”

  “Yes,” Theo answered while she was still fastening his tie. “We’ll come up and join you in a minute.”

  “Okay. Let’s go, Dax!” They grabbed some candy and left the cabin.

  When the door closed, Theo pulled her closer to him. “Our son just did us a favor. Without this body armor, you wouldn’t be safe from me right now. Let’s try it out, in case I’m wrong.”

  Before she knew what had happened, she was engulfed in his arms, unable to move. “I’m going to kiss you whether you want me to or not.”

  She thought he would start with her mouth, but he began an exploration of her face, slowly inching his way around until she thought she would die if he didn’t satisfy the craving building inside her.

  A moan escaped her throat, her body’s way of begging him to stop torturing her and really kiss her. When it came, she almost fainted from ecstasy.

  Somehow, she didn’t really know how, they ended up on the bed in a kiss that seemed to have no beginning or end. She lost complete track of time. It was just the two of them communicating in a wine-dark rapture of need escalating out of control.

  Suddenly the door opened. “Hey, Mom? Papa? Aren’t you going to play with us?”

  Theo recovered first. He bit her earlobe gently, then rolled off the bed. “I’m coming up now. Your mom will join us in a few minutes. You guys want some drinks?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  After they left, Stella sat up, but her head was so woozy from being kissed senseless she had to maneuver carefully so she wouldn’t fall over when she stood up. The life preserver made it difficult.

  One look in the mirror over the dresser spoke a thousand words and needed no translation. It took her back to her teenage years. After being with Theo, her lips were always swollen, her face flushed and the hair he loved to play with was in disarray.

  She buried her face in one of the roses. Their scent filled the room. Whenever she smelled roses in the future, she would remember this day and treasure it. Once again Theo had worked his magic.

  After brushing her hair and putting on fresh lipstick, she phoned Elani and told her they were coming home but were still going to keep Dax if it was okay. With that accomplished, she went up on deck to find the guys.

  They all played shuffleboard, then walked around to watch the water traffic. Theo entertained the boys. She mostly listened. Eventually they went back to their cabin for more treats. While the boys stretched out on one of the beds, Theo lay on his side behind Stella who sat on the edge of the bed to talk to them.

  He did it on purpose, knowing it would be pure torture for her not to be able to lie down next to him. Ten minutes to port her cell phone rang. She checked the caller ID. It was Rachel. She had to answer and said hello.

  “Stella—I had no idea you were going to leave today. Stasi let me sleep in. I just woke up and found out you’d gone. Cassie’s so upset.”

  She got up and went outside the cabin so she could talk in private. “I’m sorry, Rachel. It’s just that with school out, Ari and Dax want to do some things with their friends.”

  “I understand, but I have to admit I’m disappointed.”

  “Forgive us.”

  “Of course.”

  “We’ll be back again after Dax goes home in a few days.”

  “I’m counting on it. Take care.”

  “You, too. I want you to get over your morning sickness.”

  “It’ll pass. Talk to you later.”

  Stella hung up feeling horrible, but she couldn’t change plans now. It was very evident Theo and Ari loved each other and wanted to be together. This was a vital time for them. She couldn’t allow anything else to interfere.

  Theo seemed to know instinctively how to handle Ari. Suddenly their son was acting more confident and excited about life. Stella had to admit it was wonderful to think Ari had his own real father in his life like his other friends had theirs. She would never have imagined it, but when she saw them together, it was like they’d never been apart.

  At one point she would have to let Stasio and Rachel know. The best time to tell them would be when their vacation was over. He already knew something was going on. When he learned the truth, he’d be thrilled for Ari, even with all the bad history.

  A boy needed his father. If Theo wanted to fill that role now, Stella had no desire to prevent it. As long as he made Ari happy, then she’d be happy. She was a fool, of course. It was her middle name, otherwise she wouldn’t be living for later this afternoon when Theo said he’d be coming to the villa.

  After she clicked off, she went back in the cabin.

  Theo flicked her a penetrating glance. “Everything all right?”

  “Yes. It was Rachel. She was still asleep when we left, so she called to say goodbye.”

  “We’re docking now,” Theo murmured. “It’s time to walk to the car. Everybody off with their life jackets.” Soon they were all put away in the closet.

  Ari looked at his father. “Are you going to come with us?”

  “I’d like to, but I have a little work to do at the office. The helicopter will fly me into Athens from here and I’ll come to the villa later.”

  “What time?”

  “Around four.”

  Stella walked over to the flowers. “I want to take these with us.”

  Theo reached for the vase. “I’ll empty the water and carry them to the car. Is everybody ready?”

  The boys nodded and trooped out first. Stella reached for her purse while Theo brought up the rear. They walked down the passage to the stairs and went below to the next deck. When they reached the car, Theo put the roses in the trunk.

  “Looks like you’re all set.” He came around to Stella’s side and squeezed her shoulder. The contact spread fire through every atom of her body. “Drive carefully.”

  “See you later, Papa.”

  “See you, Mr. Pantheras.”

  Stella started the motor and put the car in gear. It was a wrench having to drive away from him. From the sideview mirror she watched him until they’d driven off the ferry.

  “Can Dax play at our house when we get home?”

  “I’ve already checked with his mother and it’s okay.”


  Forty-five minutes later they reached the house. “Aiyee,” Iola cried when she saw them enter the kitchen.

  Stella was carrying the roses which she took over to the sink. They needed to be put in water again. “We decided to cut our vacation short. Don’t worry. Tell the staff I plan to do the cooking and the cleaning around here. You go on doing exactly what you intended to do. We’ll try to stay out of your way.”

  Iola crossed herself. “What’s going on?”

  Ari gave her a hug. “My papa’s coming over this afternoon.”

  If the housekeeper’s eyes grew any bigger, they’d pop. “Your papa?”

  “Yup. He’s awesome! Come on, Dax. Let’s take our stuff upstairs. Do you want me to take up your suitcase, Mom?”

  Since when. “Yes. I’d love you to.” Wanting to copy his father was a good thing.


  Once they
disappeared, Stella turned to Iola. “I know what you’re thinking. How could I let this happen after that man nearly ruined my life. But this isn’t about me.”

  They walked through the villa to the salon where she set the roses on the coffee table. “Ari has spent quite a bit of time with him and wants to be with him all the time. That’s why we’re back in Athens so soon.”

  Iola’s hands went to her own cheeks. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “So do I, but you saw Ari just now. There’s a new light in his eyes.”

  “We’ll see how long it lasts.”

  The housekeeper had been through it all with her. Of course she was fearful. In time she would see what Stella could see right now.

  “It’s still a secret,” she warned her. “No one knows but you and Dax.”

  “Not Stasio?” She sounded scandalized.

  “Not yet. Rachel’s nausea has him preoccupied.” Though it was true, she knew her brother hadn’t been deceived.

  Iola shook her head. “He worries over her the way Ari’s father should have worried over you!”

  “That’s in the past, Iola. Ari’s happy. I want him to stay that way.”

  Iola crossed herself again.


  IT WAS a novel experience for Theo to be allowed onto Athas property. The guard at the gate let his limo pass through to the front of the square, three-story villa. Built along neoclassic lines, it gave the impression of a temple. In ways it was like a sanctuary, one he’d been forbidden to enter.

  But not today. It meant her brothers still didn’t know what was going on. He would enjoy his entrée into her world until everything hit the fan. Then he would sit back and watch the spectacle.

  At quarter after four he alighted from the limo and bounded up the steps, almost breathless to see Stella. After kissing her on the ferry, he was on fire, and nothing would ever put it out because that was the effect she had on him.

  He’d barely rung the doorbell when he heard voices and it opened to reveal his son. They smiled at each other. Dax stood behind him. “Hi, Papa…come on in.”

  Papa…The most wonderful word he’d ever heard.

  “Thanks. Who’s your friend?”

  The boys laughed.


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