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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 13

by Madison Faye

  He was fucking scolding me like I was a kid. Fuck that.

  I pulled my hand out of my purse, aimed, and sprayed him right in the goddamn face. At first, he was surprised, but then I could tell when it started to burn.

  I didn’t waste a moment. I ran for my life. Down the alley behind the strip club and then I twisted and turned between buildings. My feet pounded the pavement and I put as much distance between us as I possibly could before I turned to see if they were following me. It was late at night and my coat was dark, so I pulled up the hood, hiding my face from the lights. I turned down one street and then another, trying to make my escape as unpredictable as possible.

  I hoped I never saw those three ever again.

  Chapter Four


  Fucking pepper spray. I hated the stuff. It wasn’t the first time I’d had it sprayed in my face, but just like the last time, I loathed the vile substance. Sure, I understood the point of it, how it made women more comfortable walking the streets at night, but there was no fucking reason for Dani to do that to me. I wasn’t attacking her or anything. I was saving her from a terrible asshole boyfriend and making her life better.

  Little brat needed to be punished for that.

  “Well, didn’t expect that one, huh, boss,” Alex chuckled.

  I couldn’t see a damn thing. She’d gotten me right in the eyes because I hadn’t been expecting it. I knew a direct hit like that could cause temporary blindness for a good fifteen minutes to a half hour and it would burn like a fucking fire for up to an hour.

  “Damn little hellion,” I growled.

  “I’ve never seen anyone get one up on you like that, Jayce,” Seth said smugly, and I coughed in response.

  “Shut up, you assholes,” I replied, but that only made the two of them laugh.

  “What do you want to do, boss?” Alex asked, still clearly amused at my struggle.

  “I want to spank her bare little ass until she apologizes for this,” I replied angrily and they both laughed even harder.

  “Seriously?” Seth chuckled.

  Fuck, my eyes burned. I blinked quicker than usual, hoping to flush the chemical out of my system and despite the need to rub my eyes, I didn’t because I knew that would only spread it to other areas of my skin. Our training in the Marines had prepared us for this and all three of us had been required to experience it. Seth and Alex knew what I was going through. They knew it sucked. Majorly.

  A short while later, my eyesight returned, and the remaining sting simmered down from an all-out blaze to a burning annoyance, but I’d waited long enough. Dani didn’t know what was coming for her.

  “Now, we find her. Seth, you take your car and canvass the area. If you see anything, call us immediately. Alex and I will take the ground. If we find her first, we’ll call you,” I ordered.

  “Aye aye, Captain,” Seth winked.

  They were used to following my lead. I had risen to the ranks of sergeant in my time in the Marines while they had risen to corporal. Rank was engrained into us, as was our respect for others in the military.

  Seth booked it. In no time at all, he was tearing off in the direction she ran, his wheels squealing against the pavement.

  Despite my burning eyes, Alex and I took off down the alley. It was filthy, and we could see the marks of her sneakers disturbing the dirt on the ground. She wove a pretty random path through the streets, but we were prepared for it. We’d tracked the enemy in similar situations like this before, except in the Middle East. But this little girl only had pepper spray, not machine guns.

  She wasn’t prepared for men like us.

  We worked quickly and calmly, moving through the dimly lit streets. I was on a mission. I was going to find that little brat and teach her how to behave. She wasn’t going to like it, but she had a punishment coming like she couldn’t even imagine.

  Moving swiftly, we covered a lot of ground much faster than she could run from us, and in no time at all, I saw her small form, hurrying along the streets with some sort of crazy destination in mind probably. Alex and I crept closer, making sure to keep silent as we followed her. I took note of the neighborhood, realizing this wasn’t a place she should be living either. I’d have to do something about that too. But first, we had to capture her.

  She was covered in a long, hooded jacket that blocked the majority of her from view, but I knew the sashay of those little hips.

  That was Dani. And she was about to learn a lesson she would never forget.

  Chapter Five


  Finally, I reached the neighborhood where my and Diego’s apartment was located. I dug into my pocket but found nothing but gum wrappers. I stopped and dug into my purse, rummaging around for the telltale feeling of my keys.

  I really had to clean out my purse soon.

  The scuff of a shoe behind me made me jump and I lifted my head to look around, but I saw nothing. It couldn’t be the Marines. Not a chance. I’d walked nearly four damn miles in order to get away from them, taking the most haphazard route in order to get home.

  I saw Diego’s car parked far off in the distance, next to the entrance of our ground floor apartment. I took a shaky breath and started walking again, my flesh crawling with nerves.

  Another scuff of a foot. I whirled around. Again, nothing.

  I was really getting paranoid. All this nonsense was really going to my head. I really just needed to get home and get to bed. I reached back in my kitchen sink of a purse and dug out a bottle of water, chugging it down.

  Walking down the narrow back alley, I sighed.

  “Where do you think you’re going, little girl?” Jayce’s voice rang out. I froze.

  He was standing right in front of me, about fifteen feet ahead. I turned to run, and Alex was waiting at the other end. I was trapped. I turned back, facing Jayce, the one who was probably the angriest with me right now.


  “What do you want?” I asked shakily. I gripped my bottle of pepper spray once more. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

  “Because, Dani, you’re in need of some serious guidance. You shouldn’t pepper spray someone who’s trying to save you from a bad situation. It’ll only result in you getting punished, little girl. Understand?” Jayce said firmly, and instantly, my stomach dropped to my toes.

  “What do you mean?” I asked nervously, my legs feeling like jelly.

  He moved even closer toward me. Alex was closing in behind me.


  I took a step backwards, my nerves getting the best of me. These two men had me surrounded and I couldn’t see any way out. I took a deep breath, my eyes dancing around the alley, looking for any manner of escape that I could. I bit my lip, nervously watching as Jayce stalked toward me. He looked to be a man on a mission.

  What the hell did he mean by punished anyway? My thighs pressed together as he moved closer, surrounding me with his presence. I took a step back and then another, until he had me pressed up against the dirty brick wall.

  He reached for me, taking my chin into his fingertips, forcing me to look up at him.

  “Have you been disciplined before, little one?” he asked softly, his jawline tensing firmly.

  “Fuck you,” I replied, doing my best to say it as scornfully as possible when my tummy was doing little flips of nervous excitement.

  “Bad little girls like you need a daddy to teach them to behave. Lucky for you, now you’re going to have three, and for the very first time, you’re going to experience Daddy’s discipline,” he said firmly, and I tensed.

  “Go fuck yourself,” I spat back.

  “No. The correct response would be ‘Yes, Daddy,’” he scolded.

  Suddenly, he sat down on a huge wooden crate. He grabbed the edges of my coat and whipped it off of my shoulders, leaving me in the little blue halter top and silver booty shorts I had been wearing at the club. In a flash of a second, he gripped the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down, baring me to him

  I screamed, trying to use my hands to smack him away, but at once he tossed me over his lap like I was as light as a feather. I tried to push myself up, but his arm wound around my waist, holding me down.

  There I was, face down, ass up over a stranger’s knee. I froze, finally realizing what was happening. My ass was completely bare, my shorts down around my thighs. Jayce could see everything. I felt suddenly extremely vulnerable and very small, especially when I compared my small frame to his.

  “I’m an adult, you can’t do this,” I shrieked. “Help!”

  I knew no one would come. No one even blinked an eye around here. I’d heard gunshots, screams, and all manner of awful things living here, and no one ever came. The police avoided our neighborhood like the plague. This was Bloods territory and they didn’t want to be involved. We all knew they wouldn’t come. That’s why no one ever called the cops.

  If you did, your life would suddenly become that much more dangerous. It wouldn’t be safe. Somehow, the Bloods would find out and then you’d regret it.

  His palm settled over my right bottom cheek. He didn’t move, just held it there as a warning to me. I stopped struggling. Maybe now was the time to negotiate. Maybe he’d let me up if I just listened to what he had to say.

  “Now that you’ve calmed down, we’re going to talk,” he began. “Pretty little thing like you doesn’t belong hanging out with that kind of crowd. It’s dangerous, you could get hurt.”

  “Diego keeps me safe,” I countered angrily, trying to sound braver than I felt.

  “That man is trying to pimp you out. I know you’re smarter than that, Dani. A life as a whore is no life,” Jayce scolded.

  “He’s my boyfriend. He loves me. He’ll protect me. We’re going to be happy together once he’s made his name with the Bloods,” I countered.

  Jayce sighed, his palm moving now, drifting back and forth across my ass.

  “He doesn’t love you, little one. He’s just using you,” Jayce said, and I tried not to listen, but there was a little part inside me that his words brought to life. A little nagging thought I’d been trying to ignore since Diego first suggested the pimping idea. His hand sliding across my ass was hypnotizing in a way and I ignored that irksome little thought once more.

  “But then, we rescue you from him and what do you do, little one? You pepper spray me for no reason at all, except for revenge. I can’t let that go unpunished, Dani,” Jayce added.

  I heard a rustling in the alley and realized Seth had joined us. It was now all four of us, alone in the alley, with me bare-assed over Jayce’s knee.

  “Don’t,” I begged.

  “Naughty girl. When you’re getting spanked, you’re going to call me Daddy, is that clear?” he replied.

  A spanking? Was he serious?

  “You wouldn’t dare,” I growled.

  He slapped my ass, hard. I wasn’t prepared for it, the sting blanketing over me like a sudden rainstorm. Dammit, his hand was huge.

  “I’m not a child,” I countered, my voice straining. “I’ll have you arrested for this! This is assault!”

  He spanked me again, not responding to my threats.


  He didn’t. He continued, punishing my bare ass with his palm, over and over until my entire backside was on fire. I struggled, I tried to kick, to get away, but his arm held me still like a vise. I was no match for his strength. That much was clear.

  Then something happened. My skin began to tingle and my core throbbed. My heartbeat pounded in my skull and my nerves electrified.

  “Please, Daddy, don’t punish me,” I said.

  What the hell? Why did I just say that? Why did my clit pulse when I called him Daddy? It was so wrong to call him that, but something deep inside me told me it was right. I lifted my ass a little bit, his palm connecting with my vulnerable naked skin, and the pain exploded over my system. Again and again it hit me, but then it quickly morphed into something more pleasurable, every spank like a lightning bolt straight to my pussy. What the hell was happening to me?

  “Naughty little girls need to be taught to behave by their daddies,” Jayce scolded.

  “Save some of that tight little ass for us later, Jayce,” Alex chuckled, and Seth laughed.

  “Damn right. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a naughty little girl over my knee,” Seth added.

  I was getting my ass spanked out in the open, while two men watched. I was sure that all around me, people could hear my punishment, knew that someone was getting their ass smacked. Some were probably even watching my lily-white ass turn red from their windows.

  My body heated. This was fucking turning me on and I didn’t know why.

  My punishment continued. My ass was on fire.

  I felt so vulnerable, so ashamed. I didn’t know about anything anymore. I was so confused.

  “Diego doesn’t love you, Dani-girl. He’s just using you, and I’m going to teach you to think twice before you see him again, is that clear?” Jayce said firmly, punctuating each and every word with a hard spank.

  Something in his voice triggered something deep inside me, picking at that annoying incessant insecurity within me that questioned Diego.

  “It disappoints me that you’d let someone sell your body like that,” he scolded. “Turn you into a whore for hire so he could get street cred for your work.”

  Tears prickled at the edges of my eyes.

  Maybe he was right. Maybe I shouldn’t be whoring myself out for Diego.

  “Please, Daddy,” I begged. “I won’t see him again.”

  “Good girl. Now we can deal with the fact that you pepper sprayed me without a cause. Never again will you raise a finger toward your daddy, understand?”

  His arm twisted beneath my hips, playing across my lower belly and lifting my ass higher in the air. I did feel guilty for spraying him, but I had needed to get away. Now I was paying the price. He began to punish the tops of my thighs and the lower curves of my ass.

  The pain was instant, more intense than before. I struggled, but he held me firm. My body burned, my ass was on fire, but I knew I’d earned it.

  “I’m going to protect you, Dani-girl. From now on, I’m going to be your daddy. I’m going to make sure you do your best and you aren’t distracted by bad influences like Diego. I’m going to hold you accountable and punish this naughty little ass of yours every time you mess up, so I can teach you to do better. Alex and Seth will punish you too if you need it. You’re a smart girl who deserves the best, and I’m going to see that through,” he said, and something inside me broke in two.

  I began to cry.

  I’d never had someone say something like that before. The tone of his voice left no question in my mind. He cared, and he cared a lot. We hardly knew each other, but it just felt right. Now I had a daddy to make sure I paid the price. A daddy to make sure I learned my lesson. A daddy who actually cared. And I had not just one, but three.

  Jayce slowed my punishment, smacking my ass more slowly now, but as the tears rolled down my face and as my body shook with sobs, he stopped. Grasping me in his arms, he lifted me up so that I was in a seated position on his lap. He wrapped me up in his sturdy arms and I curled into his chest, feeling completely safe and protected for the first time in my life.

  He rubbed up and down my back, soothing me, rocking me back and forth, telling me everything was going to be alright. My ass stung, pressing against his thighs, but I ignored it. Instead, I was insanely focused on the wetness between my thighs. I was soaked.

  “Don’t worry, Dani-girl. Everything is going to change now. Now that we’ve found you, we’re not going to let you go. Got it?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I whispered.

  The words felt right.

  My body throbbed with desire. Boldly, I looked up at him, lifting my chin. Staring at his lips, I leaned forward, the gravitational pull between us unable to be ignored. I licked my lips and his hands gripped the back of my head.

bsp; He kissed me first, devouring me like a decadent chocolate-covered strawberry. His teeth grazed my lower lips, forcing my mouth to open wider so that his tongue could explore me, and I let him. I was on fire with pleasure. I wanted more. Needed more. I wanted to thank him for what he had done.

  I slipped down to the ground, my knees padded by my jacket, and placed my hands on his thighs. Sliding my palms upward, I grew more daring. I grasped his waistband and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding the zipper down to release his length. I had felt how hard he’d been when he was spanking my ass, an iron bar that had pressed up against my belly, and now I wanted it for myself.

  He grinned.

  “Fuck, yes, Dani-girl. Do you want Daddy’s cock?” he said, his tone a seductive growl that made my heart flutter with excitement.

  “Yes, Daddy. Please? Can I put it in my mouth?” I asked, looking up at him with arousal.

  “You can have it wherever you like, little girl,” he replied darkly, and I shivered with anticipation.

  Chapter Six


  Fuck. The moment she’d fallen to her knees and looked up at me with those innocent little doe eyes, I knew I was a goner. I’d never taken it upon myself to just up and choose a little girl for myself before, but something about her called to me. She needed me. I needed her. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I was going to show her just how good being Daddy’s little girl could be.

  But, fuck, when she licked her lips like that, she could make a man’s mind go wild.

  Slowly, I helped her free my cock from my jeans, pushing down my boxers for her. She looked down at my dick liked she’d just found the perfect prize. She wasn’t even taken aback by my size; in fact, she looked even more excited.

  The moment her lips wrapped around my cock, I groaned. A lesser man would have come in her mouth right then, but not me. I wanted to enjoy this. Her tongue twirled, skimming the edge of the head of my shaft with fervor, and I shook with pleasure. My balls tightened and I breathed in a deep lungful of air.


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