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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 37

by Madison Faye

  “But I…” I looked at Knox and felt panic as I stood there trying to process what was going to happen. I really had no idea what an enema felt like, what it would do, or if I would truly even hate it.

  “Now, now, Esme,” Knox said and placed the enema tools on the floor. He stood up and smiled, offering a look of kindness, which did help… a little. Very lightly, he placed his palm on my tightly closed fist that clasped my towel securely around me.

  “Let go of the towel,” he commanded softly, which I didn’t hesitate in doing.

  He spread the towel on the tiled floor and looked at Gage, who nodded that he was ready to continue with the video.

  He squatted and patted the fluffy pink fabric. “Kneel down on the towel and get on all fours.”

  I glanced at the camera and could see that the red light was on. For a split second, I thought about running. All I had to do was grab my clothes and be out the door and into freedom. I could leave. I could flee this house and never look back. Maybe I could reach the cops before Oz and his goons got a hold of me again.

  Make wise choices, the words of my mother rang in my ears.

  Yes, running wasn’t wise.

  But I knew they would catch me, and the punishment… would be severe.

  Not wanting Knox to have to repeat himself, I did as he asked and got on all fours, my ass facing the camera. Knox patted my behind, reminding me of the spanking I had just received. I wondered if it was red or bruised. I was sure Oz, who was watching this video, enjoyed seeing the signs that I had just been spanked. He probably wished I was bleeding while lash after lash scarred my creamy flesh.

  “You are such a good girl,” Knox praised. “Daddy is going to take all the bad away from your body. Every single toxin left inside. You just have to endure for a short time, and I will give you two credits for good behavior.”

  I could see him pull the enema bag and nozzle his way as he positioned himself behind me. I heard the snap of a bottle, some shuffling around, and the feel of a wet nozzle touching my anus.

  “Okay, I’m going to put this tube in this tiny little hole of yours. It will sting as it stretches you, but I want you to be a good girl and not give me any tears. Take it up the ass without a fight, and just know it won’t be the last thing spreading your hole wide.”

  As the tube entered inside of me, I gasped at the foreign sensation. It didn’t hurt, but it felt odd having something inserted in a place so… private. As it entered all the way inside, Knox spread my legs wider and then pressed down on my back, forcing the front half of me to lie flat on the floor. My breasts pressed firmly against the terrycloth, and my butt high on display caused my face to burn in humiliation. I could feel the cool air of the room on my stretched anus and along my bare pussy. I knew that there wasn’t a part of my privates not on full display for the camera.

  “I’m going to start filling your ass with the water. I’m feeling merciful so I will go nice and slow, but you are going to have to take deep breaths and just allow the pressure to build.”

  I could actually feel the minute the water started entering me. There was a moment of panic as I worried I would have to go to the bathroom right then. It almost felt as if I had to go, but not quite. But then the pressure he spoke of set in. My belly began to expand and cramping attacked my lower region.

  “I need to go to the bathroom now!” I would be mortified if I had a bowel movement by accident—especially on camera—but that was what my body was threatening to do if I didn’t run to the toilet that sat off in the corner in its small little compartment of a room.

  “No. You have to take it all before you are allowed up.” Knox held the nozzle firmly in my hole, and placed his palm over the small of my back to remind me to stay in position.

  “I can’t,” I moaned. “Please. You don’t understand.” I didn’t want to tell them that I had to go bad, but I couldn’t hold it any longer.

  “Esme,” Knox warned. “Listen to me.”

  The cramping intensified, and I felt as if I would explode at any second. Sweat began to coat my skin. “Daddy! I…” I clenched my anus as tight as I could to hold it back. The action only reminded me that something foreign was inside of me. “I can’t,” I whined.

  “Do you want Daddy to distract you?” he asked.

  I nodded and just whimpered in response.

  Knox reached around and gently massaged my extended belly, which did seem to relieve some of the pressure. When my whimpers stopped, he sat back and ran his fingers down the seam of my ass, circling the nozzle, massaging the stretched flesh of my invaded anus. His fingers then left the taboo spot and dipped down to my sex. When he touched me, I realized I was dripping wet.

  “Ahhh, my shattered sparrow is all nice and wet. Dirty, dirty girl.” He ran his fingertip around my clit and then dipped down to the folds of my pussy, collecting my juices, and then back to my clit for more delicious ministrations.

  The one thing I had to admit as I moaned in both agony and pleasure was Knox had successfully managed to help me relax enough to take all the water. I wasn’t comfortable, but at least I wasn’t in a panic that I would expel waste all over the place while Gage filmed it.

  “Now that’s a good girl,” Knox praised as he stopped playing with my clit and patted my butt cheek. “You took all the water. Do you have to go to the bathroom?”

  “Yes…” I moaned. A sharp slap to my ass had me quickly saying, “Yes, Daddy.”

  Would they make me use the toilet on camera as well? I didn’t want to, but at this stage, I didn’t care what it would take to be able to relieve the immense pressure. The control it took to hold it all in made my legs quiver.

  “All right, sparrow. I’m going to pull out this tube. When I do, you are going to have to work extra hard to hold it all in. It’s going to feel like you have no choice but to release. But if you do, a severe consequence will follow. So, you need to be a good girl, and get up and run to the toilet.”

  I nodded and moaned loudly as waves of cramps attacked, one after another.

  “You can close the door for privacy since you have been such a good girl. I will be waiting in your bedroom. Meet me in there when you are finished. Welcome to the manor. You have a long way to go but you just earned yourself three more credits.”

  He patted my behind softly before he very slowly eased the nozzle from my puckered hole. He was correct when he said it felt like I would go right then and there. I cried out in fear of having an accident in front of them. Clenching tightly, which only made the pulling of the tube out more uncomfortable, I somehow managed to run to the small room that only held a toilet and closed the door behind me.

  Was this all worth the amount of credits actually earned?

  How much more of this could I endure?

  How long would this take? How many days to earn these credits?

  Penance was owed, and I clearly would be paying in the most wicked ways imaginable. My sinful sentence had begun. I was now a resident of the manor, and I had my own Monster of Mercy to assist me in paying my debt.

  Chapter Five

  When I entered my assigned room, Knox was standing by the window with his back toward me. He seemed lost in thought, and I wondered if he had even heard me enter. I took a few more steps inside, unsure what I should do next.

  “You did good in there,” he said, still not turning around. “Oz should be satisfied with what happened, and not feel like you will need to be broken.”

  I held my hands in front of my bare mound and had never felt so exposed before in my life. I noticed that there were cameras in the corners of my room, but they were not nearly as invasive as having Gage standing only a few feet away zooming in and out with a camera in order to get every close-up angle he could. The thought of what must have been captured and sent to Oz made me ill. I knew the man was fucked up, but I had no idea just how much until now.

  Knox turned around and stared at me, examining my nudity as if he was making sure I was ‘dressed’ properl
y for this twisted party of which I was a forced guest. The cool air of the room mixing with the cold stare of Knox had my nipples hardening and shivers running up my spine.

  “So answer me this,” he said as his eyes finally made their way to mine. “How is it that you arrived already broken? Most women in your position put up much more of a fight. They scream. They demand. They beg and plead for mercy. Some would even rather die than endure what you just did.”

  “Would you have preferred that?” I asked, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. I felt faint from the ordeal and wanted to sit down, but I remembered his words that I was to do nothing without his command to do it. “To break me?”

  “No. I find your already shattered pieces all the more interesting.”

  Knox approached me, took hold of my hair once again, and led me to the edge of the bed. I wondered if that was the only way I would ever walk again—guided by Knox’s fist holding my hair at the scalp.

  He lowered me to the bed and released my hair. He took a few steps back and crossed his arms against his chest. “What did you do to Oz?”


  I looked up at him and saw his eyebrow rise. He was reading me, or at least trying to.

  I licked my dry lips and added, “I was his bookkeeper and got sloppy. The Feds caught on, I got scared, and I tried to make a deal with them for my freedom.” I took a deep breath. “And now I’m here.”

  Knox nodded. “Yes, now you are here and will be for a while. So, let’s get a couple of rules out of the way. You will remain in this room unless you are escorted out by me. There is a bathroom in here, and all food will be delivered here unless I choose to bring you to the dining room. You will remain naked from this point on. Get used to having your body belong to me. I will come here when I feel like it. It could be several times a day, or not at all. You will not question what I ask. You will not resist me in any way.” He looked toward the window. “You can try to escape, but won’t get far. Cameras are everywhere and we will catch you. You have the opportunity to walk out of here with your life if you understand and follow these rules. Do you understand?”

  I nodded.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  For the first time since arriving and meeting Knox, he seemed to soften some. His eyes were less severe and his jaw was no longer firm. I believed he truly was giving me the opportunity to ask whatever I wanted without penalty.

  Drumming up some courage, I asked, “How many women are here?”

  “Depends. There are several Monsters of Mercy who reside here. Oz tends to keep us very busy,” he answered.

  I paused and wondered how far I could go with the questions. I didn’t want to push too far in fear of what the consequences would be. My hesitation must have been obvious on my face because Knox added, “Ask your questions now if you have them.”

  “What will you do to me? To earn these credits.”

  “Whatever I want.”

  “Will you fuck me?”

  Knox smiled, closed the distance between us, and sat down on the edge of the bed next to me. He took hold of my nipple and pinched. It hurt but not unbearably so. I gasped at the uninvited touch, but didn’t try to pull away.

  “Would you like that, sparrow? For me to fuck you?”

  “No,” I said in not much more than a whisper.

  “You lie, Esme. I can smell your desire. I can hear the way you breathe around me. Unlike the others forced to earn their credits, you seemed to enjoy what happened in the bathroom. It was far from a punishment. It was as if everything was so natural for you. It fit you. It fit you like a fucking glove.”

  He pinched my nipple harder as I shook my head to try to deny the fact that, yes, my body had responded in a shocking way.

  No. He was wrong.

  Fuck. Was he wrong?

  His smile grew as his dark eyes narrowed. “Which I’m going to enjoy. I’m going to have a good time finding an actual punishment for you. I may have to get creative.”

  I pressed my thighs together to try to hide the fact that his words and biting hold of my nipple made me wet.

  “Why do you do this?” I asked, though my words came out on a gasp, so I wondered if they were even clear enough to be heard.

  “Earning my own credits, I guess you could say,” he said in a deep and solemn voice.

  His answer surprised me, and my eyes widened in surprise. “You betrayed Oz?”

  “I betray all in my life.” There was no expression on his face. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling in the way he quickly responded.

  His hand left my nipple, which oddly my body seemed to miss. But my longing for his touch didn’t last long because he lowered his hand between my legs and pressed past the silky folds.

  I couldn’t hold back the whimper and closed my eyes in shame.

  “Why are you wet, Esme? Is it my words, the thought of what’s still to come, or simply the pain from my hand?”

  He ran his fingertip along the wetness, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t control my breathing or the little noises of betrayal that escaped my dry lips. Just as quickly as Knox had touched my pussy, he removed his hand and took hold of my hair at the scalp again.

  He yanked hard on my hair.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  “Not yet, my sparrow. Not yet.” He tugged harder, forcing my head back, exposing my neck as a vampire would do before feasting on his prey’s blood.

  I whimpered not really out of pain but out of anticipation. My body sizzled in need, and my very core screamed for more. Every word, every touch, every single thing about Knox set my body aflame. He was right. I should be screaming. I should be fighting. I should be resisting this nightmare the best I could. Instead, I welcomed it. No… I fucking craved it. Knox was right. I was broken. I was shattered. I was shattered into a million pieces and needed Knox to fix me. I needed the fix. I needed Knox.

  “Stand up,” he commanded. “Stand right in front of me between my legs.”

  I did as he asked, though how I stood on such weakened legs, I had no idea. My head felt light and my breathing felt tight.

  “Part your pussy for me. I want to see my soiled sparrow.”

  Never imagining myself engaged in such an act like this, I did as he asked. As if I were hypnotized by the silkiness of his directions—because that was the only thing that could explain such complete madness that was raging through me—I brought my shaky fingers to my smooth pussy lips and spread them wide for his viewing.

  Knox reached up and pushed his thumb into my mouth. “Suck my thumb, dirty girl. Suck on it good so I can rub it around that tiny clit of yours until you scream for me to fuck you.”

  I ran my tongue against the rough and callused skin and never released the hold of my pussy. I was still spreading myself wide as I sucked on his thumb just as he wanted me to do. My eyes connected with his for a split moment, and I wondered if it was hunger I saw hidden in their depths.

  “Beg for my cock. I told you that you would eventually beg for it. So beg.” He pulled his thumb out of my mouth and pressed it against my clit. I cried out in pleasure, but held my position. I didn’t want to let go of my spread lips in fear he would stop the most wicked of his touches so far. “Beg,” he commanded again.

  “Please, Daddy. My little hole wants to be spread open by your cock.” The words were so natural. They seemed to flow from my lips without the slightest hesitation or thought.

  His ministrations froze and he chuckled. “Oh, my dirty, dirty girl. Having you call me Daddy was for Oz’s benefit and viewing pleasure… but I like it. I think we’ll keep it that way. And I think I finally have found your first real punishment. That building orgasm inside of you will remain right where it is.” He spanked my pussy hard, forcing me to release the spread of my skin. “For now.”

  Knox stood up and pushed my upper half over the bed. “Stay bent over,” he said.

  I tried to regain my breath and steady my raging emotions. Tears we
lled up in my eyes, and I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t process. All I could do was stare at my spread fingers against the bedspread as I heard the sound of a belt being removed from the loops of Knox’s pants.

  “Every single night and every single morning you will receive a lashing from my belt. The severity will all depend on how good of a girl you have been leading up to it.”

  Before I could process his words, the stinging crash of leather against skin had me howling out. The pain radiated all the way to my needy pussy, only intensifying my out-of-control hunger.

  “Please,” I pleaded as he whipped me once again.

  “Yes, sparrow. Keep begging.”


  “Are you begging for me to stop belting you, or to fuck you?”

  He brought the belt down against my sensitive ass again but rather than crying, I moaned.

  The belt fell upon me again, and I moaned some more.

  “Little pain slut. You like when Daddy spanks your ass as you pray he will eventually fuck you.”

  Tears of shame and humiliation fell as my orgasm built inside of me. My body became more alive with every searing swat. Yes. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be fucked hard. But not before he finished the discipline. The most twisted and sexual punishment one could imagine. My mind screamed no. My ass screamed for mercy. But my core, my inner being, my soul begged for more.

  Just as the most intense explosion was about to release, Knox ceased the spanking.

  I cried out even louder than I ever did during the spanking.

  “Yes, my shattered sparrow. I am going to enjoy this very much.”

  I heard the sound of his footsteps approach the door, and I turned my head to see him holding the door handle. My heart fell to my stomach as I still remained in position for more.

  “No,” I whispered so low that I was sure Knox couldn’t hear me. I didn’t want him to leave. No.

  “Tomorrow I’ll be back. You just earned yourself two credits.”


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