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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 63

by Madison Faye

  He took over the bar and became a prospect in The Iron Code himself because he missed the brotherhood of military life. He didn’t have to wait long to be patched in. Luke Booker, or Loki as they called him in The Iron Code, had been one of his closest friends in college. He loved belonging to the club. What he didn’t love was that Layla had been hanging around the MC since he’d gone to boot camp.

  “Layla, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “This is the only place in this hick town where anything interesting ever happens.”

  “I don’t want you here. This is no place for you.”

  “Yeah, well, you left me and you don’t get to tell me what to do anymore.” He longed for the sweet girl she’d been when he met her, but that girl was gone.

  “I didn’t leave you. I’m right here. I was temporarily away.”

  “Yeah, well, away is gone.” He’d pulled her in for a hug and promised he’d be there for her and he meant it.

  “I want your property patch. I want to be your old lady,” she’d said as soon as he’d released her.

  “Layla, we’re not ready for that.” He looked away. It was like marriage in the club. When you patched someone, that shit was real. But now he was all fucked up with PTSD and she was… he didn’t know, just not her.

  They both had to find their way back.

  But she’d ignored him, fought him every chance she got, and told him she was done. She even tried to become one of the club whores, but he’d gone to Loki about it and had her removed from the club. The thought of her being used in any way his brothers wanted made him sick.

  She’d only changed tactics and started hanging around the Last Resort, which was strange since she refused to go near it after that first night when she stopped there to call him to pick her up after the accident. She tormented him by going home with a different man every night though. Finally one of them got her pregnant and he’d decided to forget her.

  But he never had.

  * * *

  Present time…

  The Skull Grinders’ clubhouse was filthy and in disrepair but that was to their advantage as no one could see clearly through the dirt-smudged windows and spot them. He glanced at Fitz, and nodded when he waved to him to go around back. They had discussed it briefly when they stopped a few blocks from the clubhouse to strategize.

  Trevor would go around the back through the alley and take them by surprise, while Fitz went through the front like he had balls the size of tires. The two of them against an MC might seem crazy, but Fitz was both tough and smart and Trevor had military training. Besides that, Trevor had a feeling The Iron Code would show up. Loki would likely decide there was no time for church when one of their own was heading straight into a fight.

  Trevor cut the engine on his bike and rolled it the rest of the way through the alley until he was close enough to the house that he could get on in a hurry. It was hot and cicadas buzzed in the trees. The stench of garbage in need of pickup and children playing in a yard nearby made his gut roll. Making his way into the yard, staying near the trees and high weeds, he looked for a good vantage point. He needed somewhere he could see but not be seen.

  He found his spot in a bush near the sliding doors. He could hear voices inside and could see Fitz walk in the room near the back. He could see a bit of Layla. She was tied to a chair. The guy that was sitting next to her on a couch was playing Candy Crush on his fucking phone. She turned her head and he saw she had purple bruises on her face. It made his blood boil.

  He was listening and watching carefully, waiting for the right opportunity, when he heard someone call Layla a whore. He clenched his jaw but remained calm. He hated to admit it, but it was true, and rushing in there to defend her honor would be a big mistake.

  Movement inside made Trevor scoot forward to see better. Some guy, a guy he’d seen at the bar, walked in holding Fitz’s girl, Addi. He hoped Fitz was smart and didn’t make any stupid moves. Then Addi made her own move after one of the guys ran his hands down her body. She leaned back on the guy holding her, pulled up her legs, and kicked the guy in the gut.

  Trevor smirked; even though it wasn’t smart of her, he liked her lady balls. Then the ass backhanded her, and Trevor’s hands fisted. He took a deep breath, knowing he couldn’t do anything yet, but first chance he got, that fucker was getting coldcocked.

  Trevor saw his opportunity when one of the guys came out the back door. Trevor waited until the guy had unzipped and started pissing before he came up behind him and put him in a choke hold. The guy went down easily, piss running down his pant leg.

  “Dumb shit,” he murmured, wanting to drop him but quietly lowering him to the ground so he didn’t draw attention.

  Trevor spun, ready, at the sound of people coming through the door, but it was just Addi leading Layla and his son to safety. His heart kicked up speed as he saw Brent with new eyes for the first time.

  “You guys okay?” His whisper was urgent.

  In his distraction, his guy, who’d obviously been faking being passed out, managed to turn and get a good punch in, but Trevor got him with an elbow to the nose. The guy squawked and covered his face, his nasally complaints making Trevor roll his eyes. Grabbing him, he looked at Layla.

  “You okay, baby bunny?”

  Her eyes welled with tears the moment he spoke and his heart felt as if it was being squeezed by a vise.

  “How about you, Brent. You okay, buddy?”

  The little guy nodded, looking pale and shaken, but determined. Trevor opened his mouth to talk but then girls both yelled. Before he could figure out what they were yelling about, his head exploded with pain.

  When he came to, it took him a few minutes to figure out where he was. Loki stood on his right and Layla was crying on his left.

  “Itz okay, bae…” He rubbed his head and bolted up, suddenly remembering what was happening.

  “You got this, Layla?” Loki asked and when his baby bunny nodded, the president of The Iron Code left. Brent was as close as possible to Layla’s leg and her arm was wrapped tightly around him. Trevor rose and pulled Layla against him, grabbing Brent too. He assessed the room, his head pounding and his stomach rolling, noticing not only his MC brothers, but some official people with badges.

  Loki was back, explaining that Fitz’s father, the president of the Skull Grinders had been shot by his vice president, some guy named Mauler. And that the others were in custody. “You slept through the whole thing, Gunner.” He shook his head and chuckled. “Seen enough action for lifetime already though, yeah?” He looked at Layla, compassion in his eyes. “Can you take him to the ambulance out front?” Before Trevor could protest, Loki clapped him on the arm. “Just a quick check. You don’t want to be riding with your lady on the back of your bike and have something happen, right?”

  “You’re right but we’ve got Brent too, and I don’t want either of them on a bike in their condition so we’re going to have to rent a truck and drive back.” Trevor took his jacket off and wrapped it around Brent’s trembling shoulders.

  Chapter Four

  It was only two o’clock in the afternoon, but Brent was asleep in the backseat of the truck and she was barely holding her eyes open. They had been up most of the night. They’d let Brent lie on the couch but she’d been tied to the chair. The only thing that kept her from falling asleep along with Brent now that they were both safe was the horror she saw in her head every time she closed her eyes.

  Mauler’s face was in hers telling her one of them would die. His breath, stale cigarettes and beer, felt as if it was still hot on hers. His fist slamming across her face as she begged for them to let Brent go, to kill her instead. Pleading for them to believe her that her relationship with Fitz, or the man they called Reaper, wasn’t real, that she’d lied because she was trying to make the bartender jealous, because that’s who she really loved. And then, her stomach would roll and she’d see the big men in leather Skull Grinder patched cuts walking up and smashing Trevor o
n the head. The blood and limpness of his body made her start trembling. Thinking he was dead and that she would never be able to tell him why she’d done what she had—to make things right—to be his baby bunny again.

  The reel of memories would continue and she’d hear the gunshot that had made her throw herself on top of Brent and despite his squirming beneath her, stay there for a full five minutes. And finally when The Iron Code arrived, and she was finally able to crawl over to check on Trevor, in her mind he’d be dead.

  Trevor wasn’t dead though. He was right there with her. And he’d saved them, and thanks to his MC brothers, as well as Fitz and Addi’s kickass moves, none of them were hurt badly and her son, her sweet, sweet boy, didn’t have a scratch.

  The paramedics had told them Trevor likely had a concussion and should go to the hospital but he’d refused and once she’d been checked out and Trevor had grilled the paramedics and was finally satisfied her injuries were superficial, he’d gone about finding them a way back home.

  Loki knew some people in town, two brothers who owned a junkyard. Loki had a standing order for any Harley parts that came through. The brothers had been to the clubhouse a few times to deliver parts and stayed to party. They gladly offered to hold the bikes there and let them borrow a vehicle.

  Loki was driving the black Suburban SUV and Trevor was in the back with Brent snuggled up to him. She was in the front next to Loki. He was an attractive man, very attractive, but she’d felt uncomfortable around him since he’d made her leave the clubhouse and asked her not to return a few years ago. Layla looked out the window. She blamed them partly for what had happened to her when Trevor was gone and she wanted their protection, but it was clear the only way she’d get that was to get a property patch or become a club whore. She had neither and the only reason she was being helped that day was strictly because of Trevor.

  She watched him stare at his son as if he were studying everything about him. Her son had his father’s chin, ears, and nose. In fact, Brent looked more like Trevor than he did her, except the blond hair. She was surprised he hadn’t seen it long ago. Then again people see what they want to see. Having a son with her would mean an attachment.

  Trevor looked up, locking eyes with her and she swallowed and then mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry.’ He gathered a breath and pressed his lips. Layla’s heart sank. Maybe he would never forgive her. But she’d tried. She really had. If he’d only given her his property patch, everything would have been fine. She’d have gotten over what had happened when he’d left her, but he’d refused to make her his old lady. Told her they weren’t ready. Well, dammit, if he wasn’t ready for that, how could he be ready for a child with her? That was a hell of a lot more of a commitment. But when he looked at him, guilt flooded her. He didn’t have to be with her to be a dad to Brent. She looked to her lap.

  She’d fucked up so much. She should have just told him while he was away what had happened. What had changed her. Maybe then he would have understood why she wanted so badly to be part of The Iron Code, under his and their protection. But she couldn’t. If she had, he would have been distracted and could have been killed. And more likely he’d hate her. Blood was thicker than water. Trevor’s brother was nothing but a sadistic evil bastard, but he was still his brother.

  Suddenly she started shivering. Everything hit all at once. The memory of her rape and trauma years ago and the last few days all seemed to crash onto her. Her teeth chattered and Trevor set Brent gently onto the seat beside him and leaned forward.

  “Turn up the heat, Loki.”

  Loki glanced sideways at Layla and frowned in concern as his eyes scanned her.

  “Adrenaline’s worn off. She’s in shock.” He pulled the SUV over to the side of the road and cranked up the heat. “I’ll check the back for a blanket.”

  “There’s a liquor store right there.” Trevor pointed across the street. “Maybe a good shot will do her good.” Trevor reached forward and ran his hand up and down her arm. “What do you think, baby bunny? A good drink to warm you up?”

  His calling her that hurt so bad. She wanted to be his baby bunny again more than anything else.

  Layla reached for her purse and shook her head. “I’ve got valium,” she said, searching through her bag with shaking hands. He took the purse from her and started searching himself.

  “Why do you have that?”

  “I need it sometimes,” she answered vaguely. Just like the prescription for marijuana, she thought. Though her chattering teeth made it hard to read his expression clearly, she could tell this was just another thing they would be discussing soon. He handed her the prescription bottle just as Loki opened the passenger side door, blanket in hand.

  Trevor hopped out. “I’m going to the store to get her some water. How about something sweet? That helps too, I think.”

  As both men fussed over her she looked in the backseat. Regret clogged her throat. This is what her baby had been missing. She had failed him. His father could have been fussing over him all these years. The Iron Code could have been a part of his life too. Instead he lived in a dirty trailer with a fucked-up mother who needed to cover up her pain and memories with booze and drugs.

  Trevor put an icepack on her cheek. “Here, I got this too. If it gets too cold take it off, but your cheek is swelling pretty good so if you can keep it iced…” His words trailed off as he noticed the tears in her eyes.

  “Daddy, just hold me, please.” His face changed instantly, love softening his eyes, and he unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her out of the vehicle. She hadn’t called him that in so long, but it still felt so right. She needed him to take care of her. She needed her daddy, Gunner.

  “Baby bunny, Daddy’s got you,” he said and the fact that he didn’t miss a beat made her sink against his chest and close her eyes. He was there. He had her. She was safe. She would be safe. He pulled her into the backseat with him and Brent and let her snuggle on his lap.

  When they got to her place, he carried her inside her trailer to her bed and while he set up Brent’s bed, Loki came in with her son in his arms. Layla watched them the whole time, still trembling. Swallowing hard, she watched them looking at her junky trailer. The beer cans, crusty dishes all over the counter, and the roach clip made them exchange looks and press their lips. What if Trevor decided to take custody of Brent?

  Tears welled in her eyes. As much as the thought scared her, Brent deserved better than her.

  “You want to drive back and get your bike tonight?” Loki asked, grabbing her bag of weed and opening the highest cupboard to toss it in. Both men looked enormous in her little dirty trailer. Trevor looked down the little hall at her. Her lip trembled. The thought of being alone terrified her. But they weren’t together. She wasn’t his responsibility and she certainly couldn’t ask him to do it for Brent. No, she had fucked that up too.

  “You think Screech can do it?” He leaned in but she heard him anyway. “I don’t think they should be alone tonight.” Loki glanced over at Layla then too.

  “Yeah, I agree. We’ll take care of it. We’ll drop your bike off here. You need anything else?” Loki crossed his thick arms. He was covered in tattoos, unlike Trevor who only had a few. “Donnie’s current girlfriend’s a therapist.” Trevor clapped Loki on the shoulder. Layla rolled over, suddenly annoyed.

  “I’ll let you know. Thanks for everything, Prez.”

  “We’ve got your back, Gunner. Don’t worry about a thing.” That’s what she’d needed to hear years ago. When she peeked over her shoulder, Loki’s back was going through the door and Trevor was putting a blanket over Brent.

  She closed her eyes before he looked back.

  “Listen, Layla, I know what’s been going on with you and Trevor and I have to tell you, it excites me.”

  She winced as he grabbed her hair and yanked it so her face was tilted upward.

  “I heard everything and Layla, brothers share. I’m gonna take care of you while my brother’s gone. And you’re
going to take care of me.” He shoved her to her knees, roughly.

  Layla swallowed hard, knowing when she fell asleep it would be a night full of terrors. She wanted to call to Trevor, but couldn’t. She’d lost that right when she had been tainted by Greg.

  He cleaned her little trailer and she listened, fighting the urge to let sleep take her. Finally, he came to her and touched her shoulder.

  “Baby? Let’s get those clothes off and get you under the covers.”

  She blinked at him and nodded.

  “I can do it,” she said. His face blanked and he nodded, turning to leave. She swallowed, her heart pounding. “But I’d love your help.” He looked back and gave her a small smile. Her belly fluttered with nerves. He hadn’t seen her body since she’d had Brent.

  “That’s my girl. You don’t have to be tough with me.”

  “Daddy?” It sat on her tongue like a spicy peppercorn. She wanted to spit the truth out, but swallowed instead. “Will you lie with me?”

  He looked her up and down, his expression pained. “Just until you fall asleep. I’ll take the couch after that.” He grabbed a nightshirt out of her drawer. “Lift your arms.” She did and he pulled off her shirt and put the nighty over her head. She reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and pulled it through the sleeve. Unbuttoning her pants efficiently, he shimmied them down her legs.

  “Step out.” She obeyed, feeling numb at his lack of response to her. Once simply the look of her legs had made him rock hard.

  She climbed back into bed, remembering the times he’d instructed her like that when he spanked her. Her heart thudded. Was it possible to ever get back to a place like that? Or were they both too bitter? She shivered and he climbed in and spooned her tightly. Tonight she’d pray. Pray to be a better mother, person, and friend. And maybe, just maybe, ask the good lord to help Trevor forgive her and her him.


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