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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 77

by Madison Faye

  “Now that you have our undivided attention, start talking.”

  Jamie could almost feel the weight of their stares. “There’s nothing left. I had no idea Dad was gambling all the money away. He started drinking heavily after Mom left us. It took a while but he finally came around and went back to work regularly.” She wrung her hands together in her lap. “I thought the worst was over. When I went through all his important papers, I was shocked to learn that he was six months behind in payments toward the money you both loaned him to buy his office. After all was said and done there wasn’t enough money left over to bury him. Auntie offered to pay the costs.”

  “Damn!” Reed muttered.

  Reed emitted a low growl. “Christ almighty, Jamie, you should have called us.”

  “I know, but I thought I could handle things on my own. I’d make all of the funeral arrangements myself and then call you. I’m the one who found Dad slumped over his desk. If only I would’ve arrived sooner I may have been able to save him.” The tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

  “Now, don’t go blaming yourself,” Reed stated firmly.

  “Why didn’t you foreclose on the loan since he wasn’t making regular payments?”

  “Because he was a friend and we weren’t about to kick him while he was down,” Ethan explained. “What about the house?”

  “I had to sell it to pay off the bills. Property taxes were way past due along with other household bills. He had taken out loans with outrageous interest.” She stared down at her hands.

  Reed squatted in front of her and took hold of her hands. “Jamie, please don’t cry. We’re here for you now and we won’t leave until everything is straightened out. You mentioned about having to sell the house. Where are you staying?”

  Her bottom lip trembled. “I rent a small apartment not too far from here.”

  Reed pulled out a hankie from his back pocket and pushed it into her hands. “Dry your eyes like a good girl.”

  “But what about the money Dad borrowed?”

  “Money is the last thing we have on our minds. It’s you we’re worried about,” Ethan replied and squeezed her shoulder tenderly. “Let’s get this office in order and the pending cases taken care of first then we’ll talk about money.”

  Reed nodded in agreement.

  Jamie sniffed. “I honestly don’t know what to say only that I love you both so much.”

  Ethan cuffed her gently on her chin. “We love you too, doll.”

  Reed shoved her purse into her hands and walked with her to the door. “You go on home and get some rest. We’ll see you around nine o’clock tomorrow morning, okay?”

  On impulse, Jamie rose on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning Jamie dressed in a short black skirt and white blouse with a row of tiny pearl buttons adorning the front. She brushed her hair until it shone and applied a light covering of makeup and eye shadow.

  She hardly got any sleep last night. She kept thinking about Reed’s strong arms circled around her and the way Ethan had looked at her.

  She thought the tenderness she felt toward her adopted uncles when she was younger would’ve faded, but that was not the case. If anything her attraction had become stronger. Not only did she look up to them for guidance, she was also sexually attracted to them both.

  Numerous times she caught them both staring at her ass whenever they thought she wasn’t paying attention and whenever she hugged one of them, there was no mistaking the hard bulge pressing into her belly.

  Most of the stories Auntie told her about them were quite racy. It had been rumored that the Decker brothers would often share a woman between them. Jamie suspected that her aunt had been attracted to the two of them, but they never returned those feelings.

  What would it be like to be shared between two men old enough to be her father? It sounded so dirty and wrong yet it shouldn’t be. After all, it wasn’t as if they were blood relatives. They may be older than her but so what?

  And after that fiasco with Dan, she was ready to throw in the towel and forget about a long-lasting relationship with a guy her age. She always had a weakness when it came to older men. She loved the look of silver gray at the temples and the laugh lines around the eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, Jamie headed out the door.

  * * *

  The morning flew by for Jamie, but Ethan and Reed weren’t so lucky. Both had difficulty keeping their eyes off Jamie’s pert behind and long legs as she walked back and forth from her office to theirs.

  Ethan had gone to her with some more notes and when she asked him to check what she had done, his eyes keep straying from the computer screen to the slight gap in her blouse. The tantalizing curve of her breast went straight to his groin. Countless times he had to walk away and adjust his cock. At one point Reed paused in the open doorway and caught him fiddling with his trousers. He grinned and Ethan gave him the finger.

  “You can relax now,” Reed said as he walked into the room and sat behind his desk. “Jamie left for the day.”

  Ethan glowered. “Don’t sit there with that shit-eating smirk on your face and tell me to relax. You’re just as fucked as I am.”

  Reed took off his reading glasses and tossed them on his desk. “I’m not denying a thing. All I know is that the three of us together day after day isn’t going to work. I can’t remember when I had a hard-on for so fuckin’ long. I can’t get her off my mind. Christ, she’s young enough to be my daughter. I gotta tell you these thoughts I have about what I’d love to do to her scare the hell out of me. Dammit, Ethan, I’m not a perv. I don’t get turned on by young girls.”

  “Yeah, well, if you’re a perv then so am I. Did she try to flirt with you at all?”

  Reed’s eyes narrowed knowingly. “You mean like standing so close you can practically smell her sweet pussy?” Ethan let out a groan and Reed continued. “I think the imp is doing it on purpose. When I was looking through some files she pressed so hard against my arm I felt her nipples poking right through my shirt. I don’t know what kind of game she’s playing, but if she keeps it up she’s gonna get more than she bargained for.”

  “I don’t know how long I can hold myself back before I ruck up that tiny skirt and stick my face right between those sleek legs. I bet she tastes like the sweetest honey.”

  “My, my, I wasn’t sure if I was in the right place but after hearing that comment I’m sure now.” Jamie’s aunt stood in the open doorway wearing a dour expression on her face.

  “Don’t you know how to knock?” Reed asked.

  Aggie shrugged her shoulder. “It was open.”

  “Forget about the damn door. I’m more interested in what she heard.” Ethan’s calm tone rivaled with the panic growing inside his belly. The last thing he wanted to do was be the one who sent Aggie on a tirade and she ended up taking it out on Jamie.

  Her penciled brows nearly shot off her face. She walked further into the room. “You both had a reputation for eating pussy. Don’t tell me you forgot all about the gossip that floated around during high school?”

  “And that’s exactly what it was—gossip. For fuck’s sake, Aggie,” Ethan spat angrily. “You make it sound as if we had orgies under the moonlight every night. What happened when we were teenagers is in the past. Nobody got hurt. Why can’t you just let it go?”

  Her mouth flattened into a stubborn line.

  Ethan smiled and shook his head. “You can’t let it go because you’re still pissed.”

  “Pissed about what?”

  “You’re pissed because Janey was a hell of a lot more popular than you.”

  Aggie reared back as if Ethan had slapped her in the face, but she quickly collected herself. “So, tell me, what poor girl captured your fancy this time and don’t you dare tell me it’s my niece.”

  Before Ethan had a chance to reply, Reed went over to the coffeepot and filled two cups. “Look, Aggie, we both know you don’t like us.” He offered her a
cup, but his attempt at chivalry was openly ignored.

  Aggie barked out a laugh. “Like you? I hate you. You both are to blame for my brother turning to drink and gambling.”

  “That’s a load of bull and you know it. Stephen was old enough to realize his limits. He kept on drinking long after we quit.”

  “I don’t give a damn when you stopped drinking. I’m here to tell you to stay away from my niece. Keep your dirty hands off of her.”

  Reed took a menacing step toward her then caught himself.

  “Hold on a minute, Reed.” Ethan studied Aggie through narrowed eyes. “Let’s play devil’s advocate,” he suggested. “What if we happened to have serious feelings for Jamie and, by chance, she returned them? There’s not a damn thing you can do about it. She’s legal and isn’t blood related. I can guarantee she’d be pampered and loved and a hell of a lot better off than this shit your brother’s got her mired in.”

  Aggie’s face mottled with rage. “You both are sick and mark my words, I’m going to warn Jamie to stay far away from the both of you. I told her all about your sexcapades, but I left a certain one out. After I tell her what you both did to her mother, she’ll hate you both as much as I do.”

  “You do that, but make sure you tell her the entire story and not just the bits and pieces that suit you. Jamie has a mind of her own.” Reed crossed the room and went into the hallway. He yanked open the door. “You can see yourself out.”

  Aggie left with a gargled huff.

  Ethan stood in the open doorway with a hard look on his face. “That went well,” he remarked sarcastically. “Let’s hope Jamie sees through Aggie’s spitefulness and shows up for work tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Jamie had just stepped out of the tub when she heard a knock at the door. She quickly pulled on her terrycloth robe and tied the sash loosely around her waist.

  “Who is it?”

  “Open the door this instant.”

  She rolled her eyes. The only thing that would have her aunt pounding on her door like a maniac was finding out about her agreeing to assist Reed and Ethan with her father’s open cases.

  Jamie gathered her wits. She was not in the mood for a fight at this late hour. When she opened the door, Aggie nearly ran her over as she sailed into the kitchen. “Make me a cup of coffee to settle my nerves.”

  “Auntie, I’m ready for bed.”

  “You are not going to work with those heathens. I forbid you to go anywhere near that office while they’re here.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes. “Stop overreacting. Those heathens are helping me straighten out Dad’s mess.”

  “Oh ho, is that what they told you? Girl, you’re just as naïve as your mother.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jamie demanded curtly.

  Eyes wild with fury, Aggie smirked. “They both fucked her at the same time. Did they tell you that? Can you imagine such debauchery? And I don’t believe they stopped even after she married your father.”

  Jamie’s thoughts reeled from this startling news. Massaging her temples, she flopped down on the loveseat and tried to think back when Reed and Ethan would come over to the house for a visit. She never noticed anything untoward going on, but she was rather young. Of course, she had no clue what happened when her mom put her to bed and went back downstairs.

  “I need their help, Auntie. Besides, what does Mom’s past relationship with them, if there was any, have to do with me?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Aggie spat. “Jamie, they want to get into your pants. They had the mother and now they want the daughter. Those two are depraved and I insist that you have nothing more to do with them.”

  First her aunt told her not to call them when her dad died. Now she was demanding that she stay away from them. Jamie had enough of being bossed around.

  She jumped to her feet and headed straight for the door.

  “I can’t do that. For your information I’m glad they’re here. I’ve been under constant stress since the day Mom left. I’m tired both physically and mentally. I had to take care of my drunken father day in and day out and watch him fade a little each day. When he died, he left me with a big mess. I realize he was hurting but I was hurting too.” She blinked back the sting of tears. “He was supposed to be the adult, not me.”

  “I was here for you, Jamie, not those two or your mother. Don’t forget that.”

  “There you go again. You can’t even say Mom’s name without pulling a face. What the hell did she do to make you hate her so much?” Jamie waved a hand in disgust. “Never mind, I don’t want to know. I’ll always be grateful to you for what all you did and paying for Dad’s funeral expenses.”

  “Then perhaps it’s time you showed me just how grateful you are.”

  Puzzled by her choice of words, Jamie cocked a brow. “What do you mean?”

  “You can pay me back by doing what you’re told and stay away from those two men.”

  Jamie stiffened. Her aunt’s tone had turned downright toxic. They stared at each other for a few seconds then Jamie commented sadly, “And here I thought you helped me out because you love me.”

  “Jamie, be reasonable,” her aunt pleaded. “We’re blood. Blood is supposed to be thicker than water. Those two are nothing to you and will only lead you down a path of sin and regret.”

  Angry and disgusted, Jamie stamped her foot. “Stop all this mumbo jumbo about sin and regret. I’ll make up my own mind without any help from you or anyone else. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get some sleep.”

  Chapter Five

  When Jamie arrived at work the next day she went straight to Reed and Ethan’s office and closed the door behind her. She set her purse down on one of the chairs and cleared her throat.

  “Good morning.”

  Both men returned her greeting with much wider smiles than usual and Jamie got the feeling they were relieved to see her. After spending a long restless night tossing and turning, she had no other choice. She had to know their side of the story about her mother.

  Before she lost her courage, she said, “We need to have a serious talk.”

  They exchanged glances, concern etched in their faces. Reed was the first to speak. “Sure, Jamie, what do you want to talk about?”

  “I want to know if you both fucked my mother at the same time.” Jamie clasped her hands behind her back and nibbled the inside of her cheek.

  Reed shot to his feet and jabbed a finger at her. “Jamie Hall, you will never speak like that about your mother ever again. Do you hear me?”

  Full of bravado and spunk, she spat, “Or what, you’ll spank me?”

  For a big man, Reed rounded the desk in a flash and grabbed her by the upper arms. Their eyes locked and held. She desperately wanted him to turn her over his knee and spank her, but all he did was give her a shake before dropping his arms to his sides.

  Ethan was also on his feet, his usual smile long gone. This was the first time she had ever seen them look and act with formidable authority and it made her horny as hell.

  Jamie bowed her head in subjugation. “I apologize for speaking out of turn. I have an awful temper at times.”

  Reed pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Look at me, Jamie.”

  Jamie refused to obey the softly spoken order. The pressure of his touch increased.

  “I said look at me.”

  Her tummy fluttered at his stern tone and she raised her head. He smiled at her and she was immediately drawn to the tiny laugh lines bracketing his sensuous mouth. She shuddered with longing, but he must’ve taken the reaction as fright and stepped back.

  “I will not apologize for reprimanding you. That mouth of yours is much too pretty to spout such crude words about your mother. We’ll answer any questions you may have, but…” he tapped her on the nose, “only if you use a civil tone.” He took her by the arm and led her over to a leather-bound recliner.

  Relieved to sit down before her legs gave out and she sank to the floo
r in a pile of goo, Jamie sat and waited while they resumed their seats. The combined testosterone was making her light in the head and playing havoc with her senses.

  “What do you want to know?” Reed asked softly.

  Her brows knitted in confusion. “What? I, um… oh, yes. Aunt Aggie stopped by last night. I’ve never seen her so riled up. She told me that you both fu—” Reed’s sharp intake of breath warned her to choose a different word. “She accused the both of you of having sex with my mom.”

  “We did have sex with your mom, Jamie,” Ethan replied without displaying a bit of shame. “It was a long time ago before you were born.” He spoke straight forward, making no attempt to cover up the past transgression. Jamie was positive he was speaking the truth.

  “Was it consensual?” As soon as the words passed her lips, Jamie wished she could swallow them back. Their pained expressions pierced her heart like a knife.

  “Sweet Jesus,” Reed said in a hoarse whisper. “I’ve never in my life forced myself on a woman, let alone your mother and neither has Ethan. We were at a party one night and it just happened.”

  “Did you get Mom drunk?”

  Ethan shook his head vigorously. “Absolutely not. Like Reed said, it just happened. Then she met your dad. From then on they were inseparable.”

  Jamie slowly digested the information. “Was Dad there too when you… you know.”

  They exchanged those dratted covert glances again.

  “Don’t do that. Don’t look at each other in silent code to decide whether or not you’re going to answer. Just tell me the truth.”

  “Your dad was there with someone else. Every so often we could hear them arguing.”

  Ethan inclined his head toward Reed and Reed continued. “His date stormed off and Stephen came over to where we were sitting around a small fire.” He sighed. “Like I said before, what went on wasn’t planned, it just happened. Later on, Janey and Stephen went off by themselves.”

  Jamie got up and began to walk back and forth. Her thoughts were all a jumbled mess. She stopped pacing and stood between the two desks so she could address them both. “Nothing sleazy ever went on while Mom was married to Dad.”


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