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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 81

by Madison Faye

  When he finally latched onto her stiff bud and suckled the morsel of flesh, Jamie’s eyes rolled back in her head. She dug her fingernails into the back of Ethan’s neck for leverage and shamelessly ground her hips into Reed’s face. She was so close to reaching her peak and when he grabbed her hips and sealed his mouth over her entrance, she shattered into a million pieces.

  Her orgasm had been positively mind-blowing, leaving her limp and gasping for air. Reed kept licking at her while her body trembled deliciously.

  Ethan ran his hands over her arms and belly while Reed rubbed her legs. Slowly she came around and opened her eyes.

  Still kneeling between her thighs, Reed gave her a wink. “Feel good?”

  “Oh, yes,” Jamie sighed. But she wanted so much more.

  Reed got to his feet and stroked his cock. “We’re not finished with you yet, darlin’. I want to fuck you from behind while Ethan rams your pussy. Do you think you can handle two cocks inside you at the same time or are we being too demanding?”

  “I’ll sure as hell give it a try. I love my demanding daddies.”

  “Then let’s get to it.” Ethan slapped her sharply on the ass. “Get up so I can move back.”

  Jamie sprang from his lap and rubbed her behind. “That hurt, you know.”

  “Good, now shut up and straddle Daddy Ethan.”

  Jamie pouted but did as Ethan directed. She gripped his shoulders for support while she slowly eased down on his erection. Her pussy snatched greedily onto the head but when she tried to sink further, she met with resistance.

  Ethan gritted his teeth. “Fuck, you’re so tight and hot.”

  “This isn’t going to work. You’re too big.” Tears stung her eyes.

  Reed positioned himself behind her and gripped her hips. “Do you trust your daddies to guide you through this?”

  “Of course I do,” Jamie hissed between her teeth as she tried to take more of Ethan’s cock.

  The words no sooner left her mouth when Ethan thrust upward at the same time Reed pushed down on her hips.

  Jamie cried out at the sudden invasion. It didn’t take long for her body to adjust to his girth and a smile spread across her face.

  “Oh, I feel so full.” She ground her hips seductively and Ethan groaned.

  “You’re playing with fire, doll, and you’re about to get burned.” Ethan pulled her down so that her ass stuck up high in the air.

  Reed’s big hands were on her cheeks, spreading the rounded globes of flesh apart. “I’m going to fuck your ass, naughty girl.” The head of his cock poked her back hole.

  Jamie shuddered and rested her forehead on Ethan’s chest. Her asshole already stung like the devil and he wasn’t even fully seated inside her.

  “It burns, Daddy Reed.”

  “Relax and push back.”

  Reed caught her hips and she felt her body stretching to accommodate his cock. “Holy shit, she’s clamping down on my cock and sucking me in.” With one thrust he slipped past the tight ring of muscle and slid home.

  “You okay?” Reed asked, breathing heavily against her neck.

  Jamie panted. “I think so.”

  Reed pinched her clit and she felt a fresh spurt of cream coat Ethan’s cock.

  Ethan groaned. “Fuck, yeah, she’s ready, brother.”

  Like two well-oiled machines, Ethan and Reed began to move. Back and forth they fucked her. Her breasts bounced from the force of the ramming and Ethan cupped them in his hands. Reed brushed his fingers over her clit and she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Waves and waves of pleasure overtook her and she collapsed on top of Ethan. Reed continued to pound at her until he emptied his balls deep inside her asshole. Ethan gave one last thrust and shot his load in her pussy.

  With her daddies’ cocks still pulsing inside her, Jamie fought back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. She’d never forget this moment for the rest of her life because once they left, the memory of their lovemaking would be all she had left.

  * * *

  Soon the day came when her dad’s business was completed. Reed and Ethan hugged her and praised her for a job well done. They invited her to dinner, but Jamie pleaded a headache. She bade them goodbye and hurried out the door before she burst into tears.

  As soon as she got home she locked the door and turned off her phone. She tore off her clothes and took a quick shower. Hot tears mixed with the spray of water that hit her face. She quickly soaped herself, lingering on certain parts of her body that were still tender from her daddies’ hands.

  With a heavy heart, Jamie wrapped herself in a large towel and crawled under the bedcovers. The sun was still shining brightly through the only window in the room, but she didn’t care. She stared at the ceiling. Oh, how she was going to miss those two men. She’d missed them before but this time it felt different. It felt as if her heart was shattering into a million jagged pieces.

  Jamie woke the next morning to a loud pounding on the door. She looked at her alarm clock. What the hell. It was only nine-thirty. There was no place she needed to be. Grumbling, she pulled the covers over her head and closed her eyes. The banging started again.

  “Who the fuck is it?” she screamed at the top of her lungs, secretly hoping it was her aunt and the old bat would leave.

  “What did I tell you about using that word?”

  Jamie’s mouth fell open. It was Reed. No doubt Ethan was with him. They probably stopped to tell her goodbye. Well, they could pound the door down for all she cared. She couldn’t see them again. She wanted to keep the pleasant memories.

  “Go away.”

  Seconds later the door crashed open. Jamie shot up, holding the covers to her neck. They entered her bedroom as if they owned it.

  “It’s half past nine. You’re late,” Reed admonished, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Jamie frowned. “What the devil are you talking about? There is no more work, remember, or is senility creeping up on the both of you?”

  Ethan arched a brow and turned to his older brother. “Did you hear that, Reed? I do believe our dirty girl just called us senile.”

  Reed sat on the edge of the bed and folded his hands between his knees. “I did hear that. I think our little Jamie deserves a good spanking.”

  Totally bewildered, Jamie looked from one to the other. “Don’t do this to me.”

  “Do what, doll?”

  “Tease me by pretending you’re still my daddies when you both know the gig is over.”

  Reed grabbed her by the arm and yanked her over his lap. Her towel had unraveled sometime during the night and she was as naked as a newborn. “We ain’t teasing, baby. You’re stuck with not one but two stern daddies.”


  “Truly,” they replied in unison.

  Ethan knelt in front of her and grabbed a fistful of hair. He yanked her head up. “We love you, doll. We always have, but the age difference was a concern, not for us but for you.”

  “I don’t care about any age difference,” Jamie sniffled. “I can’t believe you both really love me and want to be my forever daddies.’”

  “Then maybe this will convince you.” Reed’s hand landed on her bare bottom with a resounding crack.

  After three more hard whacks, Jamie howled, “Okay, okay, I’m convinced, but I thought you two were leaving for Arizona today.” Hope flared in her chest as she waited anxiously for their reply.

  Ethan sat down next to Reed. “Nope, we decided to move back to Pennsylvania and,” he lifted her easily from Reed’s lap and tossed her face down over his own, “you would have known that last night if you weren’t so darn stubborn. Now it’s my turn to deliver a proper spanking.”

  Jamie groaned. “Is this the way it’s going to be from now on?”

  “Damn straight,” Reed said sternly. “Any arguments?”

  Jamie’s entire body melted and she smiled. “Not a one.”

  The End

  About Mary Wehr

nbsp; Mary’s favorite romance stories always feature a dominant sexy alpha male and a hot-tempered lady who’s a bit rebellious in nature and requires a firm hand. Old western movies with John Wayne and television shows like Gunsmoke and Cheyenne are a part of her DVD collection. Now she pens the very same books she loves to read so much.

  Besides writing and reading, Mary has a soft heart when it comes to animals. Her yard is full of squirrels, chipmunks and birds and even a groundhog that’s always looking for a handout. Deer stop by at least several times a day and bring along the new fawns. It’s always exciting to see the babies with their white spots and big ears.

  You can connect with Mary on Facebook, Twitter, and her website.

  Disappointing Her Daddies by Maddie Taylor

  Chapter One

  With a deadline looming, Erica Long tuned out everything around her as her fingers flew across the keyboard. She’d barely acknowledged the others as they called their goodbyes at quitting time over an hour ago. Since then, the sun had set, and her office had grown dark. She should have gotten up and switched on the overhead lights, but she didn’t dare risk the distraction. So, she sat with the computer monitor her sole focus, everything beyond its illuminating circle faded to blackness.

  It wasn’t her fault she was behind schedule, not entirely. Something kept coming up. Now, she was feeling the pressure of getting everything uploaded into the bidding portal tonight. If not, she’d find herself before her two very exacting bosses trying to come up with an acceptable excuse for why she was late when she’d known about the deadline three months in advance.

  Biting her lip, she carefully keyed the sixteen-digit client code into the registration form and hit enter. The submission button at the bottom of the screen turned from gray to green.

  Her hands fell to her lap as she leaned back in her chair for the first time in hours. But she didn’t relax, not yet. One step remained, pressing the button that would send the one-hundred-fifty-two-page multi-site construction bid to the client.

  Reaching for her mouse, she moved the cursor over the green rectangle. Resting her finger lightly on the right-click button, she hesitated, her eyes scanning the company identification page, reviewing every detail one more time. To be safe, she opened the uploaded offer and made sure she’d attached the copy with the owners’ signatures.

  Everything appeared to be in order.

  Still, she nervously chewed her bottom lip, a habit she’d been trying to break but hadn’t exactly gotten control of yet, especially when it came to something this important—her first major proposal. It might have been better to fly solo on a small office building, or a strip mall. But no, she’d had to tell bosses, Daniel Stone and Grayson Wright, the co-owners of Gray-Stone Construction, Inc., she was up for the challenge of a multi-million-dollar project. That alone was huge. Making it more challenging, it was a multi-site expansion project, and the client insisted that all twelve locations be ready for a simultaneous opening across a tristate region. It was like bidding on a dozen major projects at once.

  Daniel and Gray had worked on the survey, design, and blueprints for months and then turned things over to her for cost analysis and to prepare the documents. They were relying on her to get it right.

  If accepted, it meant millions in revenue for their company. If rejected due to a screw-up on her part, Erica could only imagine how furious they’d be and disappointed. Knowing she’d let them down would be a more effective punishment than getting her ears singed from a lecture or worse.

  Sighing heavily, she closed the contract and returned to the submission page. Despite the distractions of the past few days, she felt confident she’d dotted all her i’s and crossed every t. There was nothing left to do except bite off what remained of her fingernails, which she’d just done while out with her mother on Wednesday. Staring at the columns of numbers wouldn’t change the bottom line; she needed to turn the darn thing in.

  As Daniel had frequently told her while she’d been stressing over everything, “Relax, Erica, and breathe. Obsessing over something you’ve already obsessed over for weeks will only make you crazier than you already are.”

  That he said it with a teasing grin took the sting out of his words and the flash of his dimples made her heart flip-flop, as usual. Besides, more often than not, he was right. In this case, she was sure he was. Therefore, she took his advice, stopped obsessing, not to mention worrying herself into gray hair before her time, and clicked the green rectangle.

  After a split-second pause, a progress bar popped up.

  With her eyes glued to the screen, she watched as slowly one box filled in after another in the row of eight. Each second that slowly ticked by seemed like an eternity. She didn’t dare blink for fear the computer would blue screen, and she’d have to start over. It seemed to get stuck on box number seven. Just as she was about to blow a gasket because it was taking so long, a green check appeared in the middle of her monitor, along with a message:

  Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your bid.

  Revisions, additions, and deletions must take place by 11:59 pm EDT Monday, July 30 or they become final.

  She immediately glanced at the calendar and counted the days even though she knew exactly how many remained. Close of business today had been the early deadline set by the owners, and she’d made it by—she checked the clock in the lower right corner of her screen—6:45 p.m.

  Okay, so she was nearly two hours late. No one need know she was slightly tardy except her.

  Flopping back in her chair, she took her first worry-free breath in days. The next second, a wave of exhilaration swept through her. She sat bolt upright, raised her arms over her head, and while doing a rapid tap dance with her feet, hollered, “Booyah! Can I rock the shit out of this office manager gig, or what?”

  Light flooded the room, and a deep voice rumbled behind her. “Since you’re cursing in the office, I’d have to go with or what.”

  Startled, she spun in her swivel chair. When it almost flipped her over backward, she leaned forward and grabbed hold of the armrests for balance. Damn thing. She’d needed a new one months ago. When they won the new contract, she could get one gold-plated and covered in freaking cashmere.

  Erica quickly forgot about chairs and proposals upon seeing the big man propped in the doorway. Tall, with shoulders so broad they almost spanned the gap between the door jambs, he had dark brown hair with just a touch of silver at the temples. The amber flecks in his warm brown eyes glimmered when he was amused, like now.

  Sweet Jesus, he was beautiful.

  Grayson Wright was one of the two most handsome men she’d ever laid eyes one. Daniel Stone was the other. Having so much eye candy coming in and out of her office throughout the day made it hard for her to concentrate. She’d find herself distracted by their muscles, which both men had in abundance, or catch herself gawking at Daniel’s ass in the snug jeans he always wore or getting dreamy eyed over how sexy Gray looked in a tailored suit, like the navy one he had on now, having just returned from a presentation to a client.

  “The proposal is submitted, I take it?” he inquired.

  That was another thing. Both men had wonderful, deep sultry voices with a hint of a southern drawl. The combination made her pulse race and her panties damp. It really was a miracle she got any work done at all.

  In answer to his question, she jumped to her feet, paused a second to kick off her shoes, then ran full speed at him and leaped into his arms. He caught her, his hands curving under her butt to support her like he’d done a hundred times before.

  “It’s done,” she cried joyfully. “All signed, sealed, and submitted!”

  “Ah, Erica, I’m proud of you,” he crooned, shifting her bottom into one big hand while the other slid up the length of her spine. His fingers threaded into the thickness of her hair and he murmured the words that never failed to set her heart to pounding, “I love you, baby girl. Now give Daddy a kiss.”

  Without a nanosecond
of hesitation, she tipped her head and opened as his mouth covered hers, trembling with eager excitement when his tongue swooped in to tangle with her own.

  Anyone walking in on this scene would be shocked. First, that the office manager was making out with one of the owners, and second, that an adult woman of twenty-seven referred to the man she loved as Daddy. They’d also be surprised to learn this gorgeous man, who’d turned forty only two weeks before, loved her in return, fucked her until she screamed for more, and spanked her ass to a rosy red when she needed it.

  “What’s the commotion in here?”

  Well, she amended, as she turned to see Daniel standing in the hall watching them. Okay, maybe, she’d have it one other itty-bitty little way.

  “Erica just submitted the Proctor proposal,” Grayson told him. “We need to celebrate.”

  Letting out a whoop loud enough to rattle the light fixtures, Daniel held out his arms for her. She turned and whispered, “May I?”

  “Absolutely, darlin’, give him the same loving you gave me while I make reservations.” Gray bounced her once, his cue for her to release him.

  Once on her feet, she ran to her other man, the second daddy in her life.

  She’d gone and fallen in love with her bosses, the men who signed her paycheck, and she was fucking them both. Sometimes they did it separately, but most often it was in a jumble of arms and legs, with all of them in either Gray’s or Daniel’s big bed.

  And, if an office ménage relationship with two experienced dominants in the lifestyle for almost two decades wasn’t enough, they were daddy doms, who liked having a grown-up baby girl to love, cherish, nurture, and punish.

  Yes, sirree, when Erica Renee Long did something, she didn’t do it by half measure.


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