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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 91

by Madison Faye

  “I knew you could do it, babe. Great job!”

  “Thanks! And on top of that, I politely told Jasmine off. John overheard and praised me for how I handled it. I hope this means he understands my poor performance two days ago was more about her distracting me than being a bad employee.”

  “I’m sure he does. What did you say to her?” he asked, popping another bite of food into his mouth.

  “She came up to me bragging about her sex life and then when I wouldn’t tell her about ours, she accused us of being into freaky sex. I told her I didn’t want to hear it and what we did wasn’t any of her business, and if she had to know about other people’s sex lives she should go talk to someone else,” I answered, taking a sip of my drink. I intentionally kept the part where I accused her of having loose lips and legs to myself. Something told me Michael wouldn’t approve of me saying that.

  “I’m proud of you, sweetie. You shut her down without caving into her peer pressure, that isn’t always an easy thing to do.”

  “Thanks.” It always felt nice to hear praise from my husband. Like I told Jasmine, he was the only person whose opinion truly mattered to me.

  We spent the rest of dinner chit-chatting about a possible vacation we’d be taking at the end of October to his sister’s. She was pregnant with her first baby and she was due around then. It’d be cool getting to meet our first niece.

  I hated shopping, except baby shopping. When I went into their department, holy cow, I could spend some serious cash. Everything was so adorable and who was I to not get something for a baby when they might possibly need it. Part of me couldn’t wait for my husband and me to have a baby, except I knew he’d put me on a tight budget. Boy, was my ass going to be red for real then.

  Once we both finished eating, Michael insisted I go upstairs to take a shower. I tried to bring up his point that whoever cooked the food shouldn’t be the one to clean up, but all he said was the crockpot did the majority of the cooking and if I continued to argue with him, he would spank my bottom.

  Easily convinced with a sore butt on the line, I dashed upstairs. Normally, I would have continued to fight him and taken the spanking, but I didn’t think I’d be able to handle another one after my punishment from earlier.

  I laid out my PJs on the counter and then got into the shower. I had to chuckle when I was washing myself. I found some chocolate on my left elbow from my experimenting earlier today. And here I thought I had gotten everything cleaned off.

  I finished washing, turned the water off, and stepped out. Once I was towel dried I went to the counter to get my clothes and they weren’t there. Huh?

  Wrapping my towel around myself and one in my hair, I went out in the bedroom to find my husband sitting on our bed, smiling at me as he held my PJs.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Let me brush your hair and then Daddy is going to make you feel good.”

  Instantly, my body hummed to life with the power of that one special word. “Okay.”

  I let the towel drop to the floor, exposing my taut nipples and freshly shaved skin. My husband took a nice leisurely look at my body while I took in the impressive bulge in his pants, which I considered a compliment and made me feel even more aroused.

  I plopped down on the mattress between his legs and he started to work on getting all of the tangles out of my hair. For a guy, he was pretty decent at this. When he did it the first time, he was a bit clumsy since he had never brushed a girl’s long hair before. Now, he was a pro at it, taking a little at a time and being extra gentle while he worked the brush through. I loved when he did this because for some reason this was one of my least favorite jobs. It had been the same even when I was a child; I guessed some things never changed.

  I shut my eyes for a moment because I was beat after work today. I knew as soon as my head hit the pillow, I’d be out like a light.

  “Don’t go falling asleep on me yet, babe,” Michael said. I jumped when his hand slithered round my body and started to rub little circles on my clit.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I said, rubbing my eyes to try to wake up a bit more.

  It didn’t take him much longer to finish. Once he did, he tossed my comb onto the nightstand and then pulled me straight against his chest. He hooked both of his feet over mine and pulled my legs apart.

  “You are beautiful, honey,” he murmured in my ear as he kissed the side of my neck. He traced the outline of my pussy ever so lightly with his index finger. The barely there touch had me hypersensitive and needing more.

  I tried to arch my hips to get his fingers on the right spot, but he wouldn’t let me budge.

  “Be still, Kate. You aren’t going anywhere until I say, so you might as well enjoy what Daddy is doing.” He gently slid his fingertips the length of my slit. Every time he grazed my sensitive nub, I would jump slightly.

  He continued this torture for quite some time. Enough that my inner thighs were coated with my juices and I was positive when we got up, there would be a wet spot on the bed.

  My muscles were super tense and all the blood in my body was coursing through my throbbing clit; I didn’t think I could take it much longer.

  “Please, Daddy,” I begged, trying to thrust my hips and get some sort of relief, but none came.

  “What do you want, sweetheart?” he asked, as he softly grazed his teeth over my right earlobe, before gently biting it. The quick pinch followed by the soothing glide of his tongue didn’t help me think any clearer.

  “Please, will you make me feel good, Daddy?”

  “Since you asked so nicely, your wish is my command.”

  He moved his thumb to my clit and started to rub it. Because of all his teasing, I was already so close to my release, it took less than a minute for his attention to push me over the edge. My legs shook and I tried to clamp them shut, but he held them open with his own while he continued to play. I tried to buck my hips, but he was too strong. I was forced to stay in this position and take every stroke, flick, and glide he gave me.

  “It’s too much,” I cried as he continued giving me what I had asked for. I kept trying to wiggle around in his arms, but he had a steel grasp on me.

  “Just relax and enjoy yourself, Kate.”

  He kept rubbing until finally I sagged against him, feeling like all the energy in my body had been sapped.

  “That’s my good girl.” He kissed my head before unhooking his legs and maneuvering my head so I lay against a pillow.

  Leaning over me, he grinned. “Daddy wants to make you feel good again. Okay, sweetie?”

  “I don’t think I can handle another round, Daddy. My arms and legs are tired,” I admitted.

  “No worries. You lie back and let me do all the work.”

  I answered with a nod while gazing up at him, a huge grin on my face. With his body pressed to mine, his erection nudging my thigh, I could feel myself getting aroused again.

  This was something I loved about our marriage. It didn’t matter if I had just climaxed or not, my husband could get me turned on again, and quickly.

  To my surprise, he spread my legs and went down on me. His warm tongue lapped up all of my excess juices from earlier and then he started to thrust it in and out of my channel.

  “Oh, God,” I muttered, grabbing the sides of the comforter.

  He chuckled as he moved up and sucked my clit. It didn’t take me long before I was on the edge of another orgasm. Just as I was about to go over, he stopped what he was doing and kissed a trail up to my mouth.

  “I love you, Kate,” he said as he tucked some hair that was in my face behind my ear.

  “I love you too, Daddy.”

  I ran my hands over his muscular back. It always amazed me how he was so strong, yet could be so gentle with me.

  He ground the bulging front of his jeans firmly against my clit, making me moan out in pleasure.

  It didn’t take him more than a moment to unbuckle his pants and remove them and his boxers.

  “Do you want Daddy to fill you with his big cock?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He leaned in and as our lips met, he thrust inside of me. I grunted at the fullness, but it only took me a moment to adjust.

  “You’re such a good girl, Kate. Let me make both of us feel good now.”

  He started to move in and out and in no time, I was ready to orgasm again.

  “Daddy. Everything feels tight.”

  “Come for me, babe.”

  With his permission, I was pushed over the edge. My entire body spasmed as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through me.

  Daddy continued to thrust until his whole body abruptly went rigid and he growled, filling me with his warm seed. I smiled because he’d found his happy ending too.

  Once his tension eased, he pulled out and rolled to the side. Each of us were covered in sweat and trying to catch our breaths. So much for the shower I took earlier.

  After a few minutes of silence, I panted, “That was fantastic.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks, babe.”

  A few more minutes passed before he said, “Why don’t you go finish getting ready for bed and then we can cuddle and fall asleep together?”

  That sounded like the perfect plan to me, except for one thing.

  “Umm, I don’t think I can move. You took all my energy.”

  He grinned at my admission. “I think I can help you with that.” A second later, he was tickling me all over. I giggled and screamed and raced to get away from him. When I finally leapt out of bed, he laughed low and deep. “It looks like you have a little bit of energy left after all.”

  “More like I wanted to get away from the tickle monster.”

  “You better hurry and get done what you have to or the tickle monster is going to find you and get you again.”

  Wanting to avoid that torture, I rushed into the bathroom. Once I finished my nightly routine, I dove under the covers to protect myself from my husband’s antics.

  He went into the bathroom and came back a short time later, curling up next to me.

  “You’re the perfect husband, did you know that?” I truly felt that way. He supported me in everything I did, helped me when I was struggling with an issue, cuddled me when I needed some extra loving, punished me when I was trying to get away with something harmful or wrong, and shared all my kinks. He was one hell of a man.

  “Thanks, babe. You’re the perfect wife, did you know that?”

  I giggled. “I don’t know if I’d call myself perfect, but thank you.”

  “You’re perfect for me. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.”

  His sweet comment brought tears to my eyes. I leaned up and kissed him.

  “Now, enough talk, it’s way past your bedtime. You need your sleep or else you won’t function well tomorrow.”

  Yeah, he knew me so well.

  I didn’t argue, mostly because I was ready to pass out. I settled my head on his chest and listened to the steady thump of his heartbeat. It was one of the most relaxing sounds in the world and was the best way to drift off to a blissful slumber.

  The End

  About Meredith O’Reilly

  Meredith O’Reilly is a bestselling contemporary and sci-fi erotic romance author. She loves writing about HOT, DOMINANT heroes and FEISTY heroines who sometimes need a firm hand to keep them in line. If you enjoy romantic stories filled with a lot of heart, plenty of kink, and a few plot twists thrown in, look no further.




  Bruised Not Broken by Morganna Williams

  Chapter One

  Daisy: Goodnight, Daddy, hugggs and loves.

  Richard: Goodnight, hugggs and loves.

  Richard: I love you.

  Daisy: I love you!

  Daisy smiled happily as she put her phone down and snuggled into her pillows. They’d been through a lot but they loved each other. He’d just gotten a diagnosis of MS and he’d been really upset and distant for about a week but he was talking again. She knew this new diagnosis had hit him hard, especially after the last year.

  Last January, he’d suddenly disappeared from her Facebook account and stopped answering phone calls. Daisy had been frantic and heartbroken but about a month later he’d finally messaged her that he’d been in the hospital. He’d had a stroke and his ex-wife and his daughter Kim had blocked his Facebook accounts.

  He’d struggled to message and waited until his speech cleared before he’d felt confident to talk on the phone again but Daisy had been as supportive as she could from a distance and waited patiently.

  The same thing had happened in June; he’d disappeared and stopped answering the phone. This time it was his daughter that text messaged.

  Another, stronger stroke had hit leaving him more impaired than the first. Kim had messaged every few days to tell Daisy how her dad was doing and stressing how often her father said Daisy’s name.

  She prayed for him and waited again, hoping against hope he would make a full recovery. Daisy loved him; he was her best friend, her daddy, her love, and her dom. Though they hadn’t met, both times the strokes had occurred he’d been making plans to visit her. He’d told her she was the love of his life… the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and wake up next to every morning.

  He’d fought his way back from the impairment of the stroke, telling her the biggest force driving him was being able to talk to her and his daughter Kim again.

  He told her she was the most patient, faithful, and loving sub a man could hope to have and he loved her deeply. Daisy loved him just as deeply and knew she could continue to be patient.

  So Daisy had done her best to tamp down her aching need for his dominance. The part of her that both craved and needed the direction he could provide… the structure and discipline even when she was so anxious the need grew to a physical ache.

  Daisy did her best to put on her big girl panties and push through. Her daddy was sick and he needed her to be strong. She could do it… she’d been strong for everyone all her life… strong for her parents when her mom got sick… for her dad when her mother died… for the rest of her family when her father was killed in a car accident… she could certainly do it for her daddy.

  His daughter Kim was still in school and she understood that children had to be a priority. She’d told Richard that as long as he truly believed in their future together she would wait for him.

  He lived in Montana and she in Texas so the logistics weren’t the best in the world but they could make it work. Of course he told her he absolutely did believe in they had a future together… he told her she was his future.

  Daisy sighed again as she closed her eyes, thinking about when they’d first started talking and he’d told her he wouldn’t make love to her until she was one hundred percent in love with him. Richard said he’d been hurt badly before and he wanted to be sure… he wanted her to be sure. She’d thought it was the most beautiful thing he could have said, especially when he followed it up with wanting to be her last lover.

  When faced with a lifetime together it didn’t matter that he’d only followed through on three punishments in their year and a half together or that they’d only been able to share intimacy over the phone a handful of times. Granted, having someone else control your orgasms and seem to forget a sub couldn’t ask for permission to come when you aren’t available was really hard. Sometimes the need to come was enough to make her cry all on its own, especially when he’d deliberately gotten her worked up but he gave her permission on occasion and for now that was enough.

  They shared the same values and he told her he was pleased she was a Christian because they could pray together. He spoke fluent Italian and called her mi bella and his beautiful baby girl. He often said things in Italian that she Googled the translation for, feeling like they were little secret love notes.

  They loved each other and everything else was just noise. Daisy believed that if you g
ave your heart, you had to give it with everything in you and commit completely. Those three words were the most important in the world to her and she meant them with every fiber of her being.

  As she drifted off to sleep, her last thought was how lucky they were to have found each other in such a big world.

  * * *

  The next morning she texted him after she got to work. Good morning! I hope you’re feeling better today!

  He responded about an hour later. Hi, love.

  She texted back Hi!

  Daisy didn’t hear back but she got busy at work and then headed home looking forward to their normal chat before bed. Hopefully tonight was a night he’d be able to call and they could actually talk; she loved her daddy’s voice.

  Finally in bed a few hours later, Daisy opened Facebook and went straight to messenger. When she pulled up their chat window there was a message that read, You cannot reply to this conversation.

  Daisy frowned and went to pull up his account. He was gone! What happened? Had he had another stroke?

  Daisy pulled up her BDSM baby girl profile. She only used it to talk to other life-stylers and Richard had made a daddy dom page that was connected to hers on Facebook. Her account declared their relationship status proudly: ln a relationship with Dom Dominic since October 31, 2016. Richard himself had entered the date.

  When she pulled up his vanilla account, her heart nearly stopped. Richard had changed his profile picture to one of him and another woman; he’d also changed his name to Dick, which considering the circumstances was pretty appropriate. She tried desperately to make sense of what she was seeing. This was her daddy… her Richard.

  It was obviously a romantic interest because there was a couple kissing in the border of the picture with little hearts bubbling up from the couple and across the bottom the name read LisDick.


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