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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 98

by Madison Faye

  “Are you ready for your spanking, little girl?” He prayed she hadn’t changed her mind.

  “Hell, yeah, I’m ready.” She practically bolted up from the couch to stand in front of him, her skirt falling back into place around her knees.

  He traded places with her, chuckling at the desire and anticipation in her molten brown eyes. “Such naughty language. I may have to spank you extra for that.”

  Her breathing quickened, and she licked her lips.

  He pulled her close, so she stood between his spread legs, and ran his fingers down one soft cheek, then her lips, then back up the other cheek. “I love how flushed you get when you say Daddy and when we talk about me spanking you. It’s that perfect combination of embarrassment and excitement.” He reached out and waited for her to accept his hand, then gently pulled her over his lap. “Legs okay?”

  She shifted a bit, her lower belly rubbing over his already stiff cock. “Yeah. One’s barely grazing the floor with my toes, the other is…um, it’s not in the way. We’re cool.”

  “Good.” He rolled her skirt up to the small of her back and admired the way her perfectly round globes peeked up at him from beneath her panties. “I’m not going to treat you any differently than any other naughty girl who uses bad language. Got me?”

  He brought his hand down crisply onto the center of her panties and she gasped.

  “Yes, yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  “Let’s get started.”

  * * *

  That first smack hadn’t really hurt. It just surprised her. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. Lying over a sexy man’s lap while getting her bottom spanked. She was in her undies and he was spanking her! She wasn’t a prude by any means, but there had been nothing more intimate in any of her life experiences than what she was doing right now. And she’d gotten naked in front of other runners on race day. They’d all squatted in bushes before the race. That was intimate. But this… Jake’s firm hand rubbed her bottom and she felt cool air as he lifted it back up. Then red, stinging heat when his hand came back down. Yikes! It was amazing, kind of scary, and hot as hell all at the same time. She lifted her bottom in the air for him to spank her again, and he chuckled.

  “I think my baby girl is liking her punishment too much.”

  “What can I say,” she grunted when he slapped her again, harder on the other cheek. “I’m a long-distance runner. Loving punishment is my middle name. Ooh!” She groaned when he gave her a flurry of hard swats on both sides of her bottom. “Thank you, Daddy, may I have some more?” She was practically purring. Jake’s cock was so hard it was digging into her side. She gave a little wiggle and rubbed against it.

  She was suddenly tilted forward so her right foot didn’t touch the floor anymore. Jake ripped her panties off her bottom, pulled them down to her knees, and started spanking her. Hard, fast. She was on fire as he methodically scorched her entire bare bottom. She squealed when he started his attack on the spot between her bottom cheeks and upper thighs. “Oh, my God, ow, ow, owwww.” She placed her hand back to protect her poor ass, but he just took it into his grasp and held it against her lower back.

  “Little girls who tease get spanked hard,” he whispered into her ear, giving her a quick nip on her earlobe. He held her tightly for a moment while she caught her breath. “And you’re getting spanked some more. You want to know why?”

  “Ungh. Uh uh.”

  A sharp slap to her left cheek. “For being mean to my employees. You’re still griping at Louisa, though you do apologize an hour later.” Another smack to her right cheek. “You roll your eyes at me when you think I’m not looking.” A hard slap to her upper left thigh had her moaning at the pain. “You push yourself physically, but won’t let anyone help you emotionally, and you push people away.” He gave her an even harder slap to her left thigh. “You keep agreeing that we’re training for the games, but you never sent in the paperwork.”

  “I don’t know if you should be spanking me so hard, um, Daddy.” She wasn’t sure if she meant the words or not. She was right on the cusp of it being too much. Too much stimulation. Too much pain. Too much pleasure. And if she really accepted it all, she might explode. She’d been holding everything so tightly in for the last three years. So deep, so careful to make sure no one saw the real pain eating away her soul. Making sure her snark and brusque attitude was seen as bitchiness and not a cry for help. But this man was seeing through it all. He was taking her farther than her emotions had ever gone, and he wasn’t holding back on her because of her disability. He was truly punishing her. “I don’t know what… ow… you want me to say.”

  “Tell me the truth. Tell me what’s really going on in your head. Why you won’t let your new friends in, why you won’t return old friends’ and family’s phone calls. Why you are allowing the time period for signups to come down to the last week, after telling me every day you’re going to sign up.” He rubbed her bottom and she pressed up toward his warm hand, loving the feel of him against her. “Tell me the truth. What do you really want?”

  “I don’t know, dammit! I don’t know what I really want!” She struggled to get up, but he wouldn’t let her up. “Let me up!”

  “Not until you say Olympics, little spitfire. You really want this to end, you know what to say.” He slapped the lowest part of her bottom cheek and she hissed at the pain.

  “I can’t.”

  “Can’t what?” He tapped her bottom and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Say your safeword or tell me the truth?”

  “Gah. You’re such an asshole! Only an asshole would take a woman who’s been severely injured and continue to spank her even after she told him to let her up! You suck. You’re a bully. You’re mean. You’re—”

  “Treating you like any other woman,” he interrupted and placed his hand on her bottom, rubbing away the sting. “I’m not going to let up on you, because you deserve more, baby. You have been through so much. And you deserve someone who’s going to not put up with your meltdowns and grumpiness. Someone who will hold you accountable to yourself. Someone who will tell you you’re special and amazing, and you deserve so much more in life. Someone who isn’t going to force you into doing a race you’re not ready for, but at the same time is going to at least remind you to be truthful. At least with yourself. So, can you do that for me, baby girl? Can you tell me the truth?”

  “Can I please get up?” It was building in her. The emotions that were sure to spill right over her and wash through his entire living room. She couldn’t hold on much longer, but if she could get off his lap and into the bathroom, she could get her game face back on. Fix that smile that told the world she didn’t give a shit, and everything was going to be okay. A lie. A total freaking lie. But it had become ingrained in her over the last three years.

  “I’ll let you up after you talk to me. Or say Olympics.” The compassion in his voice was what finally sent her over the edge.

  “I’m afraid!” she screamed into the silent room. “I’m afraid of this prosthetic breaking and falling on my face! Afraid of my old fans laughing. Afraid of trying my hardest for a stupid sport I’ve never competed in and losing. I’m afraid of failing again and losing what little bit of sanity I have because my soul will finally wither up and disappear just like my damn leg. It’s gone. My leg is gone,” she sobbed. “And with it, my dreams, my life. Me. If this doesn’t work, then I truly have disappeared.” The anguish that she’d held at bay for so long erupted from her and she sobbed. Harder than when she’d tripped in the last lap of the 10K National Championships in college. Harder than the morning she’d felt for and never found her missing leg. Harder than the day her whole life changed. She sobbed. And she didn’t even notice that she was sitting curled up in the strong arms, on the lap of the man who’d started all of this. She cried until every tear was released, and with it the fears, the pain, the loss, all of it. It washed from her, and when she was done, she sagged against his chest. Exhausted. But clean. Finally, clean. “Thank you, Dad

  “I’ve got you, baby girl. Daddy’s got you.”

  * * *

  He shouldn’t have pushed so hard. Dammit, her tears had taken forever to subside. For her little body to stop shaking. For the hiccups to finally settle down. He’d pushed too hard. Crossed a line. He’d read her signals and given her what he thought she needed, and yeah, every bit of it was true, but maybe it was too much. Too soon.

  “Thank you,” she whispered from that warm spot on his chest and looked up at him. Her eyes were still a bit puffy, and her nose red, but her clear gaze showed him something amazing.

  The haunted, angry look that always filled them was gone. It was an oxymoron to say she looked spent but refreshed at the same time, but that’s how she appeared leaning against his chest. Like after a killer workout, when your body’s fatigued, but your mind has never felt better. That’s what Marnie had going on. But he still hoped he hadn’t hurt her or damaged their relationship.

  “Was I too hard on you, baby?”

  “No. It almost felt like it at the time, but deep down inside, I knew I needed something like that. Otherwise I would have put a stop to it. I needed to let all that crap out. Needed to be honest with myself for once.” She sat up and smiled at him. “I’ve felt so alone for so long now. Like no one else could possibly get what I’m going through. I know my Cheetah looks like a real foot when I’m training, but it’s not real. It’s not me. It’s just an attachment I can put on or take off.” She glanced down at the everyday, cheaper metal prosthetic and grimaced. “This one is even less real. Someday, I’ll buy a better-looking one. But it still won’t be real. I’ll still be missing that part of me that will always be gone. I feel like I’ve been robbed, like I was violated. Instead of stealing my money or my TV, though, they stole the bottom half of my leg. And I would give a thousand TVs and a million dollars just to have it back.”

  He pulled her in closer and hugged her. “I wish I could say the right words to make you feel better.”

  “But you already did.” She stared up at him, her gaze full of warmth and love. “You treated me normally, like everyone else. You held me to a standard and said stuff I didn’t want to hear. But I needed to. Thank you.”

  “I just wish there was more I could do.”

  “Well, you could let me thank you properly.”

  “What do you have in mind, sweet girl?”

  “Pull that ottoman over and have a seat in front of me so I can try something I haven’t done yet.” She licked her lips, and her gaze dipped to the front of his jeans. “Please, may I suck your cock, Daddy?”

  Just like that, he was hard. Ready to explore all the pleasures he could with this amazing woman. All thoughts of pushing too hard or saying the wrong thing fled his mind as his jeans tightened against his throbbing cock. He grabbed the leather piece, slid it over, and sat down in front of her. “Yes, you may. Do a good job and I’ll give you a spanking that will make you come so hard, you’ll see stars.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  * * *

  Okay, she had to maneuver herself a bit to make it work, but this was doable. She spread her legs, so they were wider than Jake’s and leaned forward from her position on the ottoman. Knees locked in place, she felt stable, like she wouldn’t crash forward into his chest.

  But he seemed to read her mind and took her hips in his large hands. “I’ll hold onto you just in case.”

  “Thanks.” That made it easier for her to focus on the bulge in his jeans. She pulled the zipper down and gasped when he sprang free. So large, so thick, so long. Holy cow, she’d probably choke on that thing. A small drop of pre-cum was at the tip of his head and she leaned over and licked it. Salty male essence sent her taste buds dancing. She had to have more. She opened her mouth, leaning over, and took all of him into her. She had to open wide, so she could get all of him inside, but she managed it.

  He gave her a firm squeeze on her hips. “I need you to start moving, baby girl.”

  She pulled her mouth off from him and gave him a fake glare. “I’m in charge of this session. You’ll get what I give you when I decide to give it to you.”

  His low chuckle and squeezing of her hips and buttocks sent a thrill through her. “Baby, you’re just begging to not sit for a week, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe.” She grinned. “Hold still and stop distracting me.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  She leaned back down, engulfing his cock with her lips. He was so long, he triggered her gag reflex, but she focused on her breathing and went to work pleasuring the man between her legs. Slow, long drags and pulls from her mouth; she sucked, she licked, she blew little puffs of air to the tip when she released. Then she started all over again. Sometimes fast, sucking hard, sometimes slow and leisurely, running her tongue up and down his pulsating shaft. She’d never felt more empowered than now. This man was at her mercy, and only she could bring him the pleasure he deserved. She licked a circle around the head again, loving the way his whole body tightened and his low groans became more rapid. His breathing was fast. His fingers dug into her hips and bottom. His pelvis started moving up and down.

  “Are you stable right now?” His husky voice had dropped even lower, more gravelly. “I want to let go for a minute.”

  “Let go, I’m fine, Daddy.”

  “Good.” He released her hips and took hold of her head. Oh, my goodness. He pulled her down so far that she gagged on his cock, then pushed her back, then again, and again. So deep, so fast. It should have scared her, him taking control like he was, but she knew what was coming.

  Her mewls mingled with his heavy grunts as he finally released her and gripped her hips again. “I’m going to come, baby. Back off if you need to.”

  Hell, no. She was finishing this challenge. She took him in as deep as she could and sucked hard, then grabbed his balls with her right hand and squeezed.

  Hot, salty cum shot down her throat as he bellowed with his release. She held on, unable to breathe for a few seconds, but loving the moment. She swallowed every drop, then watched with a huge grin on her face as he practically sagged backwards.

  She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him onto the couch next to her. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” She had done this to him. Made him explode. Her. Marnie Lancaster. She wasn’t lost after all.

  “Thanks, baby girl. That was amazing.” He pulled her lips to his and kissed her deeply. “If you’re still up for it, I’d like to take you to bed now, and give you the best orgasms of your life.”

  She still wanted sex, right? Yeah, but she was still a bit nervous. Today had been the most amazing day, and she’d done more than she’d ever thought possible after her accident. But she’d be lying if she didn’t think she was still a little apprehensive. Sex was going to be different now.

  “What are you thinking?” His palm stroked her cheek, and she leaned into the warmth.

  “I want to have sex with you, but I’m afraid of overthinking it. Can you be careful, slow, just to let me see how my emotions do with it?”

  “Anything you want, baby. I’ll go slow and easy. You set the pace. No Daddy stuff for this moment.”

  “Just Jake and Marnie?”

  “Yeah, if that’s what you want.”

  “This first time, yes. Thanks.”

  He stood and lifted her into his arms, kissing her on the lips. “Come on, sweet Marnie. I’m going to make love to you now.”

  Chapter Four

  Two months later…

  It was just an empty road, dammit. No reason to freak out. Her new road bike was fast and stable, it even had a bit of extra weight on the other side to compensate for her loss of balance due to the fake leg. It should be fine. It was a closed course, no traffic of any kind. And Jake had taken it a step further, asking for a solo training time for her to get used to the road. After explaining her fears—which she hadn’t said out loud, dammit—to the race directors for the trials, they had agreed to let her have thirty minutes on the co
urse by herself. So why wouldn’t her heartbeat calm down? Why’d she feel like she was going to puke?

  The memory of the screeching tires caused her body to shiver. She remembered it all now. Well, most of it. The screeching tires, screaming brakes on asphalt; her silent shriek as she hurtled through the air. Rolling onto the ground, over and over again. Her head’s hard impact on the ground. The sickening crunch as a tire ran over her leg. Agony. Dizziness. Weeping snot and tears. Throwing up, strapped to a board, while paramedics rushed around her. The wails of the sirens.

  A freezing shudder racked Marnie’s body and she gulped down the sob as the memory clouded over the bike in front of her. Oh, my God, she couldn’t do this.

  “You okay?” Jake’s deep voice was laced with concern.

  “I just need a minute.” She shrugged away from his contact, trying to catch her bearings. Her breaths weren’t slowing. Why weren’t they slowing? She felt so overheated, so dizzy. Oh, my God, she might puke right there.

  “That’s enough.” His firm grip on her shoulders turned her slowly to him. He knew never to turn her fast. “Look at me, little girl.”

  “Don’t want… to… do… this,” she hiccupped through the stuttered breaths. She wasn’t talking about the training ride. She was talking about his stupid Daddy stuff. If he took this from her, took charge like he always did when she shut down, she would never be able to do it on her own. She needed to do this herself. But she couldn’t. The bike—on a real road—terrified her.

  “We’re cancelling the training session,” he growled and took her by the elbow, and her bike with his other hand.

  “No… I need… I don’t need you…” To take this from me. To take over. To take this Daddy thing too far.

  “Course is open for training,” he said brusquely to the small group of other athletes warming up and waiting for her to finish.

  She crumpled into body-racking tears as soon as she got into the truck. The loud bang came from the back of the truck as he closed the hatch after putting her bike in.


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