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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 100

by Madison Faye

  “Thanks.” She pressed her ass up, and he took the hint and started giving her soft spanks to the creamy flesh. “Another eight hundred meters and I would have had second. Next time.”

  “You’re trying again?”

  “Hell, yeah. I loved it. The people were so nice. Competitive, strong, kind, the kind of people I want to be around more often. There’s a few other para competitions throughout the year, so I’m going to start practicing right away. I want to get better at the cycling portion.”

  He continued to stroke her bottom and her back as he listened to his beautiful woman tell him all the plans she had for competing next year.

  “There’s one other thing I want to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to go to some of the groups in our surrounding towns. The para groups. I never realized how many people there out there who are just like me.”

  “Beautiful, strong, tenacious, loving, honest, amazing?” Jake kissed her forehead with each word.

  “All of those. And in need of support. I’m going to donate my cash from my commercial four years ago to help get the facilities improved. So, athletes with disabilities can train and find friends and support.”

  “My club will match whatever you give, my sweet, giving girl,” he said with so much pride in her that his eyes stung with unshed tears.

  “I’m also to going to give talks about overcoming adversity. I met a few other new friends on this trip who are willing to do the same. We just have to let them know the time and the place.”

  “Have I ever let you know how proud of you I am?” He stroked her cheek.

  She laughed and pressed into his palm. “A few times, but it’s because of you. You’re my support. I could do it without you, but with you standing next to me, it’s so much easier and so much more fun. I love you. Thank you for being there with me.”

  “Every step of the way, baby.”

  “So, are you going to spank me and make love to me again, Daddy? I’m sure we can think of some naughty things I’ve done.” She grinned and shimmied her hips so her pussy ground against his thick cock.

  “Oh, yeah, I can think of a few things.” He gently rolled her off him and sat up. “Are you able to get on all fours without hurting anything?”

  She maneuvered herself into position, furrowing her brow as she placed her knees and hands on the bed. “Yeah, it’s a little weird and lopsided, but I think I’m good. You might have to hold me, though if I start to fall over.”

  Kneeling behind the most perfect ass, he smiled and placed his left hand under her tummy to support her. “I’ve got you, baby. I won’t let you fall.”

  * * *

  Marnie smiled when he came to rest right behind her. His arm wrapped around her to make sure she didn’t tumble down—not that it would have hurt, it was just pillows and a fluffy comforter beneath her—the feeling of security wrapping around her just as tight as his arm. She’d taken off the prosthetic leg as soon as she got back into the hotel, and Jake had lovingly carried her from room to room. Unnecessary, but sweet. Besides, her legs were still kind of tight after that grueling race.

  His right hand left her hip. She heard the echo of the smack before the heat registered on her right cheek. Another smack to her left had her gasping. Jake always made sure both sides were given equal attention. She raised her bottom toward him, loving the heat building in her soon to be red bare bottom and her core, desperate for his touch again.

  “You seem to like this as much as I do.” She could hear the grin in his voice.

  A flurry of hard, fast slaps left her breathless and she almost sagged to the bed. But he caught her.

  He leaned over, backing away a bit, and his supple lips were kissing the sting out of her bottom. His mouth was glorious, creating an ache in her, a need so great, she might lose it right there. “Careful now, baby. Put your face on the bed.” He helped press her slowly down so her face and chest were on the bed and her bottom up in the air.

  Cool air wafted between her legs, caressing her pussy, and she shivered. He could probably see all of her, including the wetness between her legs. It was erotic and humbling, that such an intimate act could be so… he kissed a long trail from her lower bottom cheek over to her pussy… so amazing.

  He still held her hips with his left forearm, but now his left hand was holding her in place just barely above her throbbing core. His fingers grazed her pussy. She loved that. The small tugs of her hairs being rubbed, pulled. That brilliant little combination of almost pain, but definitely more pleasure. Then his tongue went to work again, and oh, my goodness, she almost keeled over. But he held her. Always held her.

  His tongue felt like heaven. Slow, lazy licks over her pussy lips, fast darting licks over her engorged clit. He was making her head spin, but oh, in such a good way. He pressed into her vagina and she groaned in pleasure, rocking back and forth against his mouth. So close. So perfect. “I need you in me. Please.” Her voice was as shaky as her body felt.

  “What’s the magic word, baby?” he crooned and gave her another slow lick.

  “P-please, Daddy,” she wailed.

  “Good girl. Can you hold yourself up for a few seconds?” He pulled her upright, so she was on all fours.

  “Anything you want. Just please hurry, dammit.”

  A sharp smack left her breathless.

  “Naughty girl. Now hold on, I’m about to let go.”

  Cool, empty air took over the spot where his hand had been as he tore a wrapper open and donned a condom behind her. Then his hand was back in place; both hands holding onto her hips in a gentle but firm grip.

  “You let me know if this gets to be too much for you, baby, and we can adjust positions.”

  They’d had official sex three times so far in their relationship—and yes, it had all been amazing and the best orgasms of her life—all missionary, because he was afraid to hurt her. What had changed? She wasn’t going to worry about that now. This gorgeous man, who was strong enough to hold her up, but only if she needed it, was pulling out all the stops. He respected her strength and knew she could handle anything life handed her. This was just the beginning, and she loved him even more as he held her hips tightly and entered her from behind.

  His thick cock filled her, his hands held her, his hot breath heated her shoulders. This was what she’d always been missing. The love of a man strong enough to hold her up, and stronger to let her go when she needed to do things on her own. She pressed her hips against him, signaling she was ready for more.

  Slow, sure pumps of his wonderful cock. So deep, so amazing. Then he’d withdraw so only his head remained within her. He slammed into her, so hard his balls slapped against her bottom. Grunting with pleasure, she kept up with his punishing pace, giving him back every bit that he so lovingly gave her.

  His right hand firmly in place on her hip, his left came between her legs. His fingers tickled her swollen clit as he continued the fast pace of his cock. So close. So damn close. She could feel the pressure building within her.

  He pinched her clit and she screamed. Her whole body shattered into a million pieces. Everything was a blur of senses, a kaleidoscope of colors, the pleasure tearing through every part of her body. She wept as it all came slowly back into focus, and her sweet daddy gently turned her, so she could lie against him on the bed.

  “You okay?” He held her so tightly in his arms, she could barely breathe, yet she snuggled closer into his embrace.

  “I’m better than I’ve ever been. Thanks to you.”

  “No, baby. You did all that yourself. All I had to do was read your signals and give you what you asked for. I know these weren’t your original dreams, but—”

  “They’re even better,” she interrupted. “I couldn’t have asked for more. Thank you for staying with me, even when I wasn’t the nicest person in the world.”

  He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I know how to deal with naughty girls.”

  “And I think I love
that part of it almost as much as I love you.”

  “Then let’s keep going. Move in with me. Keep training with me. There’s a couple of big U.S. races coming up in the fall, that you’d do great at. Well, as soon as we work on your cycling and transitions.”

  “Hey, now. Olympic bronze medalist, here.”

  “Just keeping it real, baby.”

  She grinned and kissed his firm lips. “And that’s what I love most about you. Will you keep doing what you’re doing now?”

  He laid back onto his back and pulled her, so she was on top of him. “Let’s see… Spank you when you give me your oh so subtle hints that you need some attention? Check. Help you get back up when you fall? And yes, sometimes you are going to bite it. Of course. Give you the space to do things on your own, without becoming too overbearing? I’ll keep working on it.”

  She giggled.

  “Love you forever and give you anything you ask for? Hell, yeah.”

  “Then you officially have yourself a girlfriend living in your place and a sometimes grumpy athlete to train. Now.” She pulled herself up, so she was kneeling above him. “Can you guess what I’m asking for?” Trailing her fingers down the hairs above his groin down to the large cock, she gave it a firm squeeze.

  “I think you’re asking for a harder spanking followed by a new position I’ve been dying to try with you. You up for it?” The love and passion showed in his whole face as he pulled up to kiss her.

  “I’m all yours, Daddy.”

  The End

  About Katherine Deane

  USA Today bestselling author Katherine Deane is a multi-published, top 100 romantic and BDSM author and romantic at heart.

  She loves cheese, red wine, chocolate, and snuggling up with her daughters’ kittens while reading a good book.

  When not reading, or writing, you can find her knitting, sewing, crafting, or doing pretty much anything to keep her hands busy. She has taken over the dining room AKA craft room, much to her husband’s dismay. In one of her books, an energetic “craftaholic” would find herself over her husband’s knee for losing an important document in a pile of bi-cone crystals and mod podge. Her real life, and the people in them, give her plenty of ideas to work with.

  Katherine has dubbed herself the queen of cheese. Not only is she a former Midwestern Cheese Head; she also loves to incorporate it into her books.

  In her opinion, all romance deserves at least one cheesy scene that makes you cry.

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  Blue Collar Daddy by Alexis Alvarez

  Chapter One

  “Dammit, no!” I bang the steering wheel, as if that’s going to help. Even though I press down on the gas pedal, simultaneously turning the key, the car is mute. “Shit.”

  I sit in the silence, punctuated only by the ticks and pings of the cooling engine, and the call of a mockingbird from one of the overgrown maple trees along the roadside. I glance around, but Route 7 is empty as far as I can see, and the only company I have this afternoon are the bees in the wildflowers along the gravelly grass strip that adjoins the blacktop.

  I grab my phone and remember it’s not charged. I toss it back on the passenger seat, where it lands next to my laptop case. Too bad I didn’t make it to my rental house before the car crapped out. The town of Mecklenburg is small, but my new place, on the outskirts, is still at least a few miles away.

  I get out of the car and prop up the hood, because this is supposed to be the universal sign for ‘help,’ but I wonder how long I’ll have to wait, and whether I should walk back to town—that’s definitely closer than the rental. While I’m debating this, headlights pull around the bend, and a shiny red truck approaches and slows.

  I clench my keys between my fingers just in case, and flex my knees. I don’t expect trouble, but you never know. But when I catch a glimpse of his face, all of my fight instinct drains right out, because damn—this man is gorgeous. I’m not saying bad guys can’t be hot, but this man is phenomenal in a way that transcends regular cute-guy-ness, and I also get a vibe of safety from him. Maybe that makes no sense, but it’s how I feel.

  He’s got dark brown hair and brown eyes that flash in the light. Defined cheekbones, a strong chin, sexy full lips. A short, close-shaven beard, hardly more than a few days’ growth—the perfect length, in my opinion. And the muscles on that arm, the built arm resting on the window? I might or might not be drooling.

  “You need a hand?” His voice is deep and strong.

  “My car died.” I clear my throat. “Probably the battery. Can you jump me?” Then I flush, my cheeks hot.

  “Yeah, I can do that.” His voice is lower now, and he smirks. “Good to see your hood’s already popped for me. Makes it easier.”

  “Uh-huh.” I swallow. Jesus, is he some kind of male fitness model? Those arms.

  “But first I’ll have to check you out.”

  “Ah, okay?”

  “Make sure it’s not something else.” He opens his door and swings out, and my next thought is something like, Holy fucking hell. His thighs are powerful through his worn, faded jeans, and his lean hips, narrow waist, and broad shoulders are taking my libido places it hasn’t been in a long time.

  “Oh, I see.” I relax my key hand.

  “You don’t need to worry.” He glances at my fist. “I’m entirely honorable.” The grin that spreads across his face makes my pulse quicken.

  “Good to know. Then I won’t need to attack you with my super-cougar-tiger ninja moves.” I wave my hand back and forth and his eyes dart to my hand, then up my body. I’m glad I wore my sexy scoop top and my best jeans today. The ones that make my ass look edible, according to my bestie back in Chicago.

  He laughs. “I think your moves need some practice. I’m a black belt, though, so I can hook you up.” The mockingbird sings from the closest tree, and it mixes with the classic rock pouring from his open door.

  Yes. Hook me up. I hope that the lust isn’t showing in my eyes, because that would be embarrassing. This guy is so freaking hot, he probably gets hit on everywhere he goes, from college girls and grandmas.

  “May I?” He holds out his hand.

  Because I’m holding the keys in my right hand, I transfer them to my left and take it. “I’m Kiera.”

  “Zach.” He squeezes my fingers but our grip is awkward. It’s like he wasn’t expecting my hand, and then I realize he wasn’t. He was asking for my keys.

  “Oh, you wanted these.” I hold up the keys with my other hand and they jangle, my guitar keychain clinking against the silver bells. “Found them.”

  “Your hand is just fine, Kiera.” He doesn’t put any inflection on the words, but I feel a spark anyway, and I’m disappointed when he lets go to take the keys. “Not that I don’t trust you that the battery’s dead, but let me just take a look.”

  “I might be a car expert, you know.” I cross my arms as he opens my door and moves the seat back to make room for his strong, tall frame. When he swings into the seat, I try not to let my jaw drop at the way his muscles move.

  “You might.” He inserts the key and turns it, nods when nothing happens.

  “I mean,” I continue, as he gets out and does something under the hood, following him and admiring his ass as he bends over, “maybe I’m one of those hidden boss show people. You know, the ones who pretend to be ordinary, and go undercover to see how their employees are doing on the job.”

  He taps something and I hear a metallic ting. His voice is muffled as he replies, “So you’re my boss, is that what you’re implying?” He stands up and raises one eyebrow. “Last I checked, I owned my own business.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And last time I checked…” his voice goes lower, and his eyes seem to burn, “I’m the boss.”<
br />
  “Are you.” His eyes are mesmerizing.

  “That’s right,” he murmurs, stepping closer.

  “At work?” I give him a teasing grin.


  I can feel the warmth from his body and I’m dying to lean in further.

  “Is that so?” I’m coming on strong and I can’t resist. I want you to be my boss. Toss me down in the back seat of your car and tell me what to do. Are my eyes telling him what I want? What I like?

  “Mmm hmmm.” He doesn’t back away, and he looks right into my eyes.

  “I like the way that sounds.” My face gets hot and I’m glad. Let him see.

  “I’m gonna hook you up, Kiera.” He steps in one more inch.

  I suck in a breath. “You are?”

  He smiles. “Got jumper cables in the back.” He points over his shoulder, but doesn’t break eye contact. “Just what you asked for, remember?” His voice, a touch lower now, is husky, and I swear there’s a glint of pure predator in his tone.

  “Yes.” I clear my throat and touch my cheek.

  He gives me a small smile, then steps away to get his gear, telling me to get in the driver’s seat.

  “Turn the key and press the gas when I say,” he calls out, and I hear his engine rev. “Now.”

  Nothing happens, and I know I can’t be doing it wrong—this isn’t rocket science. We try again, then he ambles over, shaking his head. “Sorry, Kiera. Not just the battery. My guess is alternator, especially because the car just flat out died on you, but we’ll need to have it towed. Get it checked out.”

  My stomach sinks. “Oh, no. Fuck.” I sigh. “Is there an Uber service in this town?”

  He laughs. “Nope. You’re kidding, right?” But when he sees my face, he stops. “I’ll drive you back to the shop. I’ll call Herb from the garage and have him come pick up the car.”

  When I hesitate, he quirks a brow. “Herb’s safe. You can trust him. And it’s my garage.”


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