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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 110

by Madison Faye

  “You will stand still this instant,” he demanded, his heavy hand molding onto my sore ass.

  As I dropped my head, large tears fell to the tip of my nose. “I’m sorry, Daddy, I really am.”

  “Unclench for me,” he said, tracing my blistered cheeks with his fingers. “You know I like this bottom nice and soft when I squeeze it.”

  Rubbing my eyes with the back of one hand, I turned to face him and inhaled a shuddering breath. “Do you still want me to stay?”

  “Come here, my little one,” he directed with a calm patience, taking me into his arms for a hug. “Don’t you realize I only worry about your safety because I care for you so much?”

  “I want to believe that,” I admitted, hiding my face into his large chest. “I do want to be your baby girl…”

  “Darlin’, as long as you stay here with me, my love will always be unconditional—but you need to understand something important. If you’re going to be mine, there isn’t a part of your body that will be off limits to me. I’ll take you how I want and when I want,” he whispered, slipping his finger between my wet pussy lips. “Daddy will be in charge and he’ll always make the rules in this house. Do you understand?”

  My heart was drumming so loud, it had taken over every aspect of my brain. There was no doubt that I’d adored his loving dominance from the moment I walked into his house, but why did I have to admit everything out loud to him?

  “I’d like an answer now,” he said in a soft but commanding tone as his thumb brushed over my quivering puckered hole.

  “Oh, God.” The response was mine, but my voice was hardly recognizable as a tidal wave of submission washed over my soul. “Yes, Daddy. I understand.”

  A low growl emerged from his chest as he pressed my back up against the wall. My heart raced, and my lips separated in awe as I watched him tug his pants to the floor. Palming his heavy cock, his eyes glittered with a flash of light. “Once I take you hard and claim that delicious pussy of yours, there’s no turning back. Understand?”

  All I could manage was a quick nod as he pushed his thick shaft into my tight sex, stretching every inch of my tender tissues until he filled me completely.

  “Not good enough. You know what I want to hear, Lori Hope.”

  Though my body was spiraling out of control with lust, my brain was perfectly clear. “You’re the one I want. I want to be yours. I want to be your baby girl,” I mewled as he pulled his cock out and then immediately drove it back in as far as he could.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the wall, young lady. I want that bottom cherry red before I give that sweet cunt of yours a good hard fucking.”

  Without question, I turned around and he smacked each cheek three times before his fingers threaded through my messy ponytail, lowering my face to his mouth. “Bend your knees, princess. My cock is aching to go deep inside you again,” he growled, rubbing the tip of his member over my drenched entrance.

  As his broad shaft pushed inside my pussy lips, stretching them to the hilt, he gave my ass another solid slap before grabbing my hips to drive deeper inside me. “Please let me come, Daddy,” I begged, my body vibrating with a fevered need as his shaft bumped my cervix.

  “Not yet. Not until I’ve filled every inch of you.” Withdrawing his member, he slid his wet finger inside my pulsing anus and then jerked my sex back onto his cock to drive it in with one last mighty thrust.

  Standing in the corner naked and vulnerable with my ass and pussy dominated by him, I turned my neck to the side and let out a shivering gasp, waiting for his permission to explode with wave after wave of pleasure. But I really didn’t have to wait much longer. His body pressed against mine and the warmth of his breath soon filled my ear. “You may come now, baby girl.”

  All rational thoughts exited my brain as I threw my head back and savored the stunning moment. His finger remained in between my trembling buttocks as the muscles in my pussy contracted around his thrusting cock, gripping him as I quivered, and a surge of sensations gushed through my body before he stilled, pulsating heavy spurts of cream inside me as my clit throbbed mightily at the same time.

  Turning to relax into his broad chest, a low purr escaped from my throat. “Did you say unconditional love?”

  “It’s the only kind of love I give, sugar,” he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

  * * *

  After a quick stop in the bathroom, we walked down the hall together to find Jake reading from his Kindle in the armless black leather chair. “Sorry for the delay,” John said as we stood in front of him.

  Jake jumped to his feet and extended a hand. “Nice to finally meet you in person, Lori.”

  I took his hand as my face flushed with embarrassment. Not only was he the one who had ratted me out for texting while driving, he obviously heard me being punished for it—and God knows what else just filled those ears of his. “It’s great to see you, too.”

  “Excellent. So, now that we have the introductions out of the way, let’s throw some burgers on the grill and get this dinner started,” John insisted, rubbing his hands together before we spun on our heels to head for the kitchen.

  But Jake hadn’t even begun to grill us. “Not so fast, you two.”

  John and I stopped dead in our tracks, glanced at each other, and then pivoted to face him.

  “Since I feel somewhat responsible for this working union, it would be nice if one of you would tell me how things went this week.”

  “Things are going great. Like I said in the text, your dad asked me to stay on for a while…”

  A mischievous grin lifted Jake’s lips as he sat back down in the chair and crossed one leg over another. “Really? And how long is a while? A week? A month?”

  “We’re going to play it by ear, son. Right now, her plane ticket is open-ended,” John said, flashing me a smile.

  “After all, I can work on my laptop from anywhere, right, boss?”

  “You can, Lori, but I have to wonder how much work really went on here this week? Is anyone going to come clean with that information?”

  All I could do was pray for John to read my mind. Please, Daddy. Please take care of this.

  “Well, let’s just say that Lori will soon be typing up a storm since she now has a vast amount of experience under her wing.”

  “Real experience, this time,” I admitted through a heavy sigh, palming my hot cheeks.

  “And there will be much more to come.” John assured me with a wink. “Much more.”

  The End

  About Shelly Douglas

  Born, raised, and still residing in Western Pennsylvania, Shelly Douglas creates fiction that is a combination of her actual experiences and a fantasy world which she's been immersing herself in since she was a young girl. Her books usually involve authentic personalities engaged in a struggle with who they really are on the inside, and she makes sure that her heroes and heroines always find a happy ever after at the end of their long journey.

  You can keep up with Shelly Douglas via her blog, her Twitter account, her Facebook page, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:

  Taking Helena in Hand by Sassa Daniels

  Chapter One

  The music was intoxicating. As Helena moved through the crush of people onto the dance floor, she couldn’t help but think it was too long since she’d done this. For the last few months, she’d been working so hard to complete her PhD thesis, she hadn’t had time to enjoy herself. Well, tonight was going to be different; she was going to let her hair down.

  Closing her eyes, Helena let the music seep down into her soul. Moving with a sensuality and grace she hadn’t known she possessed, she swayed her hips to the beat. As she raised her hands above her head, her heart fluttered at the thri
ll of giving herself over to something primal. For once in her life she felt free, sexy, alluring.

  Then, suddenly, everything changed, and she was gripped by intense fear. Helena froze, her skin prickling uncomfortably. She had the feeling she was being watched. Not for the first time, she sensed that someone close by was taking more than a passing interest in her. She felt like prey, pinned down by a hunter’s penetrating stare. A shudder ran through her. Although she’d never so much as glimpsed anyone suspicious, she knew they were there. They had been for weeks now, watching her, trying to decide when to pounce. Feeling vulnerable, she pushed her way back through the seething mass of gyrating bodies and headed to the table where her friends were waiting.

  “Here, I got you another drink.” Her roommate, Carrie, slid a glass across the table to her as she sat down. “Soda with a twist of lime, right?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  Helena knew her friends thought it odd that she never touched alcohol, but she didn’t want to risk getting into a situation where she couldn’t control herself. She’d seen how reckless alcohol made people. There was no way she would risk humiliating herself like that, especially in public. She took the glass that Carrie had passed to her and drank until it was almost empty. Clearly, the heat had made her thirstier than she realized. As she put the glass back down on the table, she was alarmed to discover her hand was shaking.

  “You okay?” Carrie’s boyfriend, Martin, was the one to ask. Reaching across the table, he took Helena’s hand in his in an unconvincing show of concern.

  “Fine.” The smile Helena gave him was cool as she drew her hand away from his unwanted touch.

  There was nothing specific she could point to, but Helena had never warmed to him. Something about the guy was off. He dressed like a down-and-out in clothing that hung from an almost skeletal frame. His shoes were coming apart at the seams and his personal hygiene left a lot to be desired. He didn’t appear to have a job, but always had plenty of money to throw around and Helena wondered if he was involved in something illegal. She really had no idea what her friend saw in him.

  “This place is fucking awesome,” Carrie raved, her words slurring after several luridly colored cocktails. “We should come here again.”

  Helena nodded but she couldn’t summon up any real enthusiasm for the club. She wasn’t comfortable in places like this and, if she was honest, she found it a bit trashy. The décor was cheap and tacky, and the patrons were not exactly classy either. Most of the women were dressed in outfits that were too short, too tight, revealing more skin than Helena would be comfortable showing. It made her feel positively matronly in her nicely cut red dress that skimmed her knee.

  Leaning back, she rested her head against the wall behind her. She was incredibly tired, the exhaustion coming from nowhere. Although the night was young, she’d been on her feet all day, helping out at the women’s charity she supported with both her time and money. Perhaps it wasn’t surprising that she couldn’t stifle an enormous yawn.

  “Boring you, are we, sweetheart?” Martin asked her.

  “No.” Helena’s response was curt. “I just feel a bit sleepy.”

  “That’s what comes of all that do-gooding,” Martin sneered as Carrie nudged him in the ribs as though to shut him up. “Helping those poor, battered women and their helpless little kiddies. It’s no wonder you can’t keep your eyes open.”

  Knowing he was trying to goad her into an argument, Helena didn’t respond. She was too tired to deal with his childishness right now. Actually, she was exhausted and, more than that, she was dizzy as well. Perhaps she was coming down with something. She’d been working pretty hard lately, what with all the volunteering and the race to complete her studies. It wouldn’t be unusual to become ill after such a hectic few weeks. Feeling flushed now, she decided to go and splash a little water on her face.

  “I’m just going to the bathroom,” she said as she rose to her feet.

  “Want me to come with you?” Carrie’s offer was half-hearted at best. Although she managed to look concerned, she seemed reluctant to move from her odious boyfriend’s lap.

  “No, stay here and have fun.” Was it her imagination or were her words slurring now? “I’ll be fine on my own.”

  Helena forced a smile, so her friends wouldn’t worry. She grabbed her purse from the seat where she’d left it and headed for the ladies’ room, unable to shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

  * * *

  Just what the hell was she thinking? Jacob Brentwood sat forward in his seat in what was supposed to pass for a VIP area and watched as the pretty blonde he’d come here to observe walked away and left her drink unattended yet again.

  For more than an hour now, he’d watched her knocking back drinks and flirting outrageously with the man who was clearly dating her friend. She’d even held hands with him at one point. Her behavior seemed reckless and now here she was, leaving herself open to the danger of having some illicit substance slipped into her drink. Did she have no concept of personal safety? That was something he was going to have to teach her.

  Sitting there watching her was making his head hurt. No, scratch that, it was definitely not his head that had suffered as he witnessed her provocative performance out there on the dance floor. It was an entirely different, more masculine type of discomfort he’d felt. As she’d wiggled her bottom in that body-skimming crimson dress, Jacob’s cock definitely sat up and took notice. Seeing her swiveling those luscious hips in time with the sultry music, he’d experienced a violent jolt of lust and he knew, in that moment, that he had to have her.

  As he saw her stumbling off in the direction of the ladies’ room, Jacob cursed under his breath. She was clearly three sheets to the wind. In that drunken state, she was leaving herself open to the advances of any unscrupulous male who wanted to take advantage of her. There would be no shortage of them in a shithole like this. He was going to have to move things along a little faster than he’d planned. It had been his intention to get the measure of her tonight and then pay a visit to her tomorrow to tell her that he’d been sent by his older brother, Lucas, to take her under his wing.

  Although worried about his ward, Lucas was too wrapped up in the acrimonious dissolution of his marriage to come here himself. Instead, he’d entrusted Jacob with the task of preparing Helena to take her rightful place at the head of her late parents’ business empire. She was to inherit everything they’d built on her fast-approaching twenty-fifth birthday but so far, had not sought to involve herself in the day-to-day running of the company. Lucas had expressed some concerns about the people Helena was associating with, but he’d failed to mention that the young heiress herself might be a bit of a handful. He was going to have to set some very strict rules for her.

  Taking the cellphone from his jacket pocket, he dialed his driver.

  “Marco, bring the car around back. I’ll be out in five minutes, and I won’t be alone.”

  Slipping the phone back into his pocket, he pushed his way through the chaos to reach the restrooms. Ignoring the indignant protests of the young women waiting in line, he opened the door of the ladies’ room and strode inside. Immediately, he saw her, hunched over a sink. She looked wretched. Her beautiful blonde hair was plastered to the side of her head as her brow sweated profusely. What little makeup she had on did nothing to conceal the pallor of her skin. Jacob shook his head, wondering just how much alcohol she’d had to consume to get into such a pathetic state.

  “Everybody out!” Jacob commanded. Predictably, the few women who were in the room scrambled to obey his authoritative tone.

  As Helena looked up to see what was happening, there was such abject misery on her face, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. This little lady was in a real state. Sure, it was a mess of her own making, but she’d clearly been left to do as she pleased for too long and, without firm guidance, she’d run wild. Well, that was not going to be allowed to continue.

  “Lucas?” The youn
g blonde queried, her face contorted in confusion. “Lucas Brentwood?”

  Someone who knew him better would have recognized the tic in his jaw as a sign of irritation at having been mistaken for his older brother. Sure, they looked alike with their dark hair and rugged features, more suited to the great outdoors than the boardroom, but Jacob’s eyes were a shade lighter. His brother also had an extra twenty pounds on him, mostly muscle, he had to grudgingly admit. Then there were the deep worry lines that Lucas sported, courtesy of his bratty soon-to-be ex-wife Madeleine, that set them apart.

  Constant comparisons of the two men in the media irritated him as he was the one invariably found wanting. His illustrious sibling cast a long shadow over Jacob and their younger brothers. Well, Lucas had really screwed up where this young woman was concerned, and Jacob couldn’t wait to tear into him about it. For once, big brother would know what it was like to be on the receiving end of a stern lecture.

  “Lucas?” Helena repeated, and Jacob realized his mind had drifted elsewhere.

  “No, missy, Jacob Brentwood at your service.”

  He knew he probably sounded pretty old-fashioned to her ears. He had to admit that, in many ways, he was. When it came to his personal life, he embraced the values of a time when men made the rules in their relationships and women who disobeyed found themselves on the receiving end of a spanking.

  “You speak funny,” Helena said with a giggle.

  He wasn’t sure if she was referring to his words or the thick accent that betrayed his Scottish heritage.

  “And you, young lady, are wasted,” he returned, disapproval etched into the taut lines around his mouth.

  “I am not!” Her tone was so indignant that if it hadn’t been for overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Jacob might have believed her. “I don’t drink.”


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