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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 114

by Madison Faye

  “Go fuck yourself!” Helena hissed.

  She wailed as he rolled her over and delivered three sharp smacks to her bottom. Pain shot out like lightning to merge with the pleasure building inside her. It was what she needed to push her over the edge. She came, screaming into the mattress, her entire body convulsing. Spots appeared before her eyes and, for a moment, she could hear nothing but a ringing in her ears. Jacob reached between her legs and pushed the vibrator deeper as she rode out the orgasm. As she came down slowly, she glanced back over her shoulder. There was such a look of lust and longing in Jacob’s eye, she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “I need you to fuck me.” Her voice conveyed every ounce of her desperation. “Please, Jacob, I need your cock inside me.”

  He was already stripping off his pants, but he paused and gave her a pointed look.

  “I need your cock.” Helena whined. “Please, Daddy, I need you.”

  “That’s my girl,” he praised.

  Jacob pulled the vibrator from her pussy and tossed it aside. The loss of it was only fleeting as, a moment later, he thrust his enormous cock into her dripping wet pussy. Helena moaned as he pulled her hips back until she was completely impaled on his impressive erection. She was so full, stretched more than she thought possible. As he began to move, sliding slowly in and out of her tight sheath, Helena whimpered. This was nice, but right now, she needed more.

  “Harder,” she gasped.

  Immediately, Jacob obliged, pumping in and out at her at a furious pace. His hand snaked beneath her and he cupped his hand around her breast. Taking the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he applied a little pressure, making Helena whimper as a new sensation wound its way down to her core. When he squeezed her breast hard, she cried out as pain mixed with pleasure once more. His hand trailed slowly down the front of her body as his cock drove relentlessly into her pussy. As his finger flicked over her clitoris, Helena’s body tensed. She felt his cock swell inside her as he stilled behind her. A moment later, they came, their bodies in perfect harmony with each other. As they both collapsed onto the bed, Jacob rolled and brought Helena in close to his side. Closing her tired eyes, she laid her head on his chest and drifted into a blissful sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Helena wasn’t surprised when she woke the next morning and found that Jacob wasn’t there. They’d made love several times during the night and, after holding her through that final, intense orgasm, he’d told her he was going to get up and make some calls. Sleep deprivation was the price, she supposed, of doing business on an international scale. She hadn’t minded him leaving her alone. After all that had happened over the last couple of days, she’d needed a little solitude, so she could try to process her contradictory feelings. It wasn’t easy to reconcile the differing needs of her heart and her head.

  She got up and showered quickly, letting the water run over her poor, wrung-out body. Every muscle seemed to ache, and she was starting to think it might be a good idea to take out a gym membership. If she was going to come close to matching Jacob’s athleticism, she needed to improve her fitness.

  After washing her hair, she stepped out of the cubicle, toweled herself off, and looked in the mirror. Yes, even after that refreshing shower, she still looked like she’d been ravished by a Viking horde. She turned and glanced back over her shoulder, expecting to find her bottom was black and blue. To her amazement, there was no visible evidence of yesterday’s spanking.

  As she headed for the wardrobe, Helena tried to decide what to wear. Jacob clearly favored demure little dresses. After all, that’s what he’d stocked the closet with before her own clothes were brought here. She thought about wearing one to please him but decided against it. Something had shifted last night when she’d demonstrated her willingness to obey him, and she didn’t want to look as though she’d capitulated entirely. Yes, she’d reconciled herself with certain aspects of their emerging relationship—she liked having his dominance—but she wasn’t going to allow him to take over completely.

  Raking through her things, she found jeans, which she was sure Jacob would not like, and a black t-shirt emblazoned with the words Girl Power. It was a bit dated, but it sent the right message. This girl had a will of her own and, today, she was going to exert it.

  Once she was dressed, she ran a brush through her tangled hair and left the golden strands to dry naturally. Her hair always took on a nice curl if left to its own devices. She took one last look in the mirror, gave herself a nod of encouragement, and headed downstairs to the dining room where she hoped to find Jacob still eating breakfast. She wasn’t disappointed.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” He rose from his chair to greet her with a kiss that took her breath away. Revealing his gentlemanly side, he held a seat out for her and helped her get comfortable. “You look beautiful this morning.”

  She looked thoroughly fucked, but Helena wasn’t going to reject a compliment. She smiled as Jacob resumed his seat. His eyes ran over her and he grinned. Helena was pretty sure he’d received the message she was trying to send with her clothing. She was equally sure, from the way his lips twisted and his eyes glinted, that he was amused by it. Huffing noisily, she reached for the toast and then poured herself a coffee.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” Helena asked, cringing slightly as she realized she sounded like a dutiful wife.

  “I’ve got a couple of meetings in the city.”

  That probably meant he was going to leave her to her own devices, which suited Helena just fine. Having missed a few of her volunteer shifts at the women’s shelter, she wanted to try to make up for it today. Broaching the subject with Jacob seemed tricky, though. She was damned if she was going to ask his permission to do something that was such a huge part of her life. He would probably assume the worst about the type of women she helped and forbid her from going. She decided not to mention it and focus on him instead.

  “You’re in oil, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “You’re thinking of my brothers.”

  “That’s right.” Helena concealed her amusement at the way Jacob’s jaw twitched. Clearly, someone had issues with his siblings. “Lucas Brentwood, oil baron. He’s quite a success, isn’t he?”

  “He does okay.”

  Okay? The man could buy Carmichael Cosmetics ten times over and it was one of the largest companies in the country.

  “And your other brother?” Helena asked.

  “Brothers,” Jacob corrected. “I have three others, besides Lucas. Travis and Michael work with Lucas, Damien’s an engineer.”

  Helena smiled wistfully. It must be nice to have siblings. She’d always been alone. Even when her parents were alive, the company had been more their baby than she’d ever been.

  “So, what do you do?” Helena asked.

  “Alternative energies,” Jacob replied. “Solar, wind, that sort of thing.”

  That was pretty impressive. Helena’s one wish for Carmichael’s, if she was going to get involved, was that they focus on doing their bit for the environment. If they’d ever tested on animals, that would have been something else she’d have fought against, but her parents had never allowed those practices.

  “That’s admirable,” Helena commented. “But it must make for some awkward family dinners if your brothers are raping the planet while you’re trying to save it.”

  “Don’t paint me as something I’m not, Helena. If I wasn’t making money, I wouldn’t give sustainability a second thought.”

  She doubted that was true. There was something about Jacob she trusted, that told her he was a good guy. Profit was probably not his only motivation.

  “Anyway,” he rose to his feet, “I have to love you and leave you, I’m afraid.”

  It was just a figure of speech, but when the word love left his lips, Helena felt a little tingle deep inside. He leaned across and gave her a quick kiss before heading for the door.

  “Oh, Jacob, wait,” Helena called out after him
and he paused. “May I go out today?”

  “No, you most definitely may not.” His tone was firm. “You’re to stay indoors until I get home.”

  The expression on his face told Helena he expected an argument, but she decided not to give him one. Instead, she bowed her head.

  “Okay. I’ll do as you ask.”

  Jacob hovered for a moment, as though he wasn’t really sure what to do next. Then, he turned and strode from the room. As Helena sat, quietly fuming, she heard the powerful roar of an engine outside and gravel shifting beneath tires as Jacob drove away. She got to her feet and hurried to the front door. She flung it open and stopped dead. One of Jacob’s security men turned to greet her.

  “Sorry, miss,” he said, sounding as far from apologetic as it was possible to be. “Boss wants you to stay put.”

  “I know.” Helena smiled sweetly. “I just wanted to check there was someone else here. It’s a big house and it feels a little spooky on my own.”

  “Don’t worry, miss. There’s a whole team of us here to protect you. A man on every exit, in fact.”

  Helena’s lips set into an unconvincing smile. “Well, it’s nice to know I’m safe. I think I’ll just head for my room, then.”

  She spun around on her heel and ran upstairs to her room, slamming the door behind her as she strode to the window. She looked out, scanning the periphery of the enormous gardens, for an escape. There wasn’t a gate on this side of the property and the wall had to be ten feet high. There was no way she could scale it, certainly not without being noticed. She shook her head. This was insane. Here she was, a grown woman of twenty-four, think about sneaking out like some teenager intent on making an illicit rendezvous.

  She cursed under her breath. She hated feeling this way, acting this way. Behaving like a spoiled brat went against her nature but there was something about Jacob’s imperious nature that brought out a certain childishness in her. Shoulders slumping as she realized she was stuck here, Helena walked across the room to switch the television on. As she passed the sofa, she noticed something lying on the coffee table. Her cellphone. She was surprised Jacob hadn’t confiscated that while he was in daddy mode. Snatching it up, she keyed in her security code and flicked through her contacts list. A moment later, the phone was dialing out.

  “Hello.” A groggy voice came from the other end of the line.

  “Hey, Carrie, it’s me,” Helena said, her mood perking up as she spoke to her friend. “I need a favor. Can you come get me?”

  * * *

  Jacob could scarcely stifle his amusement as he watched the live feed from outside of his house. He’d known Helena would try something. She’d been far too meek at breakfast. When he told her, she had to stay home, she’d accepted it too easily. While he was sure that she would accept his rules and modify her behavior eventually, he knew the change couldn’t have come about that quickly. They’d spent an incredible night together, but he didn’t kid himself that he’d actually fucked all thoughts of rebellion right out of her head.

  As his phone buzzed insistently on the desk beside him, he reached over and picked it up.

  “Yes, Marco,” he confirmed a moment later. “I see her.”

  It was hard not to see her creeping across the garden while her friend distracted one of the security guards, a young man who may well find himself in another job after this. Her movements were so self-conscious, she was actually drawing more attention to herself. Glancing this way and that, her body impossibly stiff, she looked like she was acting the part of a runaway for some terrible made-for-TV movie. She was doing a piss-poor job of blending into the background.

  “You want me to stop her?” the other man asked.

  “No, let her go, but follow closely. I want to know where she’s going. If there’s any immediate danger, grab her but for now, just keep watch.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  Jacob hung up the call and put his cellphone in his jacket pocket. He got up and paced around the room. He hadn’t spoken to Helena about her stalker, but he knew if she’d told her roommate about her fears, then she had to be aware of the danger. It made her behavior seem even more reckless. A woman like her could afford to hire the best bodyguards, yet she wandered around blithely as though she wasn’t about to inherit a billion-pound company. She should be taking advantage of the security being in his home offered her and relaxing for a change.

  He wondered what it was that was so important she’d go to these lengths to defy him. Enlisting the help of her friend was pretty devious. A prickle of jealousy made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as the thought crossed his mind that she might be sneaking off to see some other man. No, that wasn’t it. A woman like Helena would never have let him fuck her sweet little pussy or her mouth for that matter, if she was already involved with someone.

  The need to know what she was up to became overwhelming. Snatching up his phone, he rushed out of the office.

  “Cancel my meetings, Becky,” he shouted to his assistant as he headed for the elevator. “Something more important has come up.”

  Leaving Becky speechless because he had never canceled a meeting in his life, Jacob stepped into the elevator, and pushed the button for the parking garage. He was going to get Helena and take her home. She was his and he was going to make that clear, but he also needed to know more about her if they were going to make this work. They were going to have a proper conversation and agree on the terms of their relationship once and for all.

  Chapter Six

  Helena couldn’t help feeling a little guilty as Carrie drove her through the suburbs and into the city. She’d had to rake through the desk in Jacob’s study to find a piece of mail with his address on it, so she could tell Carrie where to pick her up. Then she’d had her friend distract a gullible young security guard while she slipped out a side gate. Far from enjoying a sense of liberation, she felt like a fugitive, but just what was she fleeing? A feeling of security and a man she could easily grow to love. It seemed so ridiculous. Then she remembered Jacob’s stern tone as he told her she couldn’t go out and that helped steel her resolve.

  “Thanks for doing this for me,” she said, turning to her friend.

  “It’s no problem,” Carrie relied, giving her a sideways glance, “but I can’t see why you couldn’t just walk out of there. Was he holding you prisoner or something?”

  Helena shook her head. “Nothing like that. He was just being protective.”

  “Because of your stalker?”

  “I’m not actually sure I do have a stalker,” Helena said. After all, she’d only ever had a feeling someone was following her; there was no actual proof. “I never mentioned my suspicions to Jacob.”

  A grimace formed on Carrie’s face. “Ah, er, I may have told that hunky Italian who came to collect your stuff that someone was stalking you.”

  Hunky Italian? Must be one of Jacob’s security team, who would definitely have reported what Carrie told him. Helena rolled her eyes. No wonder Jacob didn’t want her to leave the house. He was going to spank her arse raw when he discovered she’d defied him.

  “Why are you staying with Jacob Brentwood anyway?” Carrie asked. “I thought his brother was the executor of your dad’s will.”

  Lucas was her guardian, not the executor of the will, but Helena wasn’t about to correct her friend. Having a man who was a virtual stranger ruling over your affairs until you came of age was difficult to explain in this day and age. Not that Lucas had ever shown much interest in her. If the tabloids were to be believed, Jacob’s older brother had a messy personal life to contend with.

  “Lucas asked Jacob to help me learn about business,” Helena explained, “you know, so I can take over the family firm when I hit twenty-five.”

  Carrie shot her a sideways glance. Helena had often spoken of her reluctance to assume control of Carmichael’s. She’d confided her doubts about running a huge organization to her friend and shared with Carrie her dreams of establish a charitable f
oundation to help abused women and their kids instead.

  As they pulled into the parking lot behind the women’s shelter, Carrie’s nose screwed up.

  “What on Earth is he doing here?”

  “Who?” Helena looked around in confusion as Carrie parked the car.

  “Martin. I told him I was giving you a lift, but I didn’t say where we were going.”

  Helena knew that her friend would never have mentioned the location of the shelter to her boyfriend. Although plenty of people knew about it, few spoke of it. Men were not encouraged to come here because of the frightening experiences many of the women and their kids had gone through. She couldn’t imagine what business Carrie’s lowlife boyfriend thought he had coming down here.

  As she watched Martin and another man she didn’t recognize getting out of a white van, a sense of unease gripped Helena. Something wasn’t right here. Before she could react, Martin opened Carrie’s door and took the keys from the ignition.

  “What the hell?” Carrie yelled as her boyfriend dragged her out of the car.

  Helena flinched as Martin slapped Carrie hard across the face, knocking her to the ground. Frozen in shock, Helena didn’t realize she was in danger until the other man yanked her door open and reached across to unfasten her seatbelt. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her seat. In the struggle, she ended up on the ground. The man simply reached down and grabbed her by the hair. As he started dragging her toward the white van, Helena resisted with all she was worth, all the time shrieking obscenities at the top of her lungs.

  A moment later, all hell seemed to break loose. As Carrie struggled with Martin, trying to get to Helena, who was almost at the van, the back door of the shelter swung open. Suddenly women were screaming, yelling, and throwing things. Helena covered her face as some heavy metal object whizzed past her. Still, her captor refused to let go. Someone was shouting that the police were on their way, but he was undeterred. Fear threatened to make Helena black out. Blood rushed between her ears and spots floated before her eyes and she had to fight to stay conscious.


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