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Heart on Fire

Page 2

by Brandy L Rivers

  Then he gave her a determined smile. “I’m going to get that mask off you sometime tonight or tomorrow. Don’t want to give you up. I want more of you—need all of you.”

  “All right,” she whispered, terrified because she wasn’t sure she could walk away. Had he tried to remove the mask at that point, she wouldn’t have stopped him.

  Honoring her request, he left them in place, instead reaching for a condom. He ripped it open with a wicked grin.

  “Still on board, Devil?”

  “Oh yeah.” She sat up, took the condom from him, rolling it on his long, thick length, wondering how that was fitting inside. Her two previous partners were nowhere near his size. Phantom was magnificent. All hard muscle and sinew, no fat, pure masculine brawn. “You are so damn big and completely gorgeous.” She couldn’t help the breathless quality in her voice as she stroked his length.

  His eyes locked on hers, a moan escaping as he licked his lips. Watching his reaction to her touch was inspiring. She climbed into his lap, guiding his shaft, taking her time to accommodate his girth, while he sat on his knees.

  His big hands caressed her back as they moved against each other, causing delicious friction. One of his hands drifted lower to palm her ass, his middle finger grazing over her rear passage with every movement, driving her crazy with the extra layer of sensation.

  As her tempo built, he fisted her hair, pulling her head to the side to kiss and suck at her neck until she was right on the edge of another orgasm.

  He was going to leave marks, and she didn’t care. For once in her life she abandoned inhibition to let him have her every way he wanted—as long as the masks stayed on.

  “Slow down,” he pleaded. “I want this to last.”

  “Why? You planning to kick me out before I get my fill of you?” she taunted, driving her pace harder, faster.

  “No, want to keep you,” he roared as he came, bringing her along with him, which she believed impossible. When they collapsed on the bed, he whispered, “You’ve branded me.”

  Mila wasn’t sure how to respond. If anything, he’d branded her. This big, gorgeous man was too much. Powerful, masculine, and irresistible. But she couldn’t keep him. She didn’t know him—wouldn’t know him. He lived in another state, and she didn’t want a man to take over her life like Paul tried to do.

  * * * *

  The warmth of the sun’s first rays woke Mila. She was still tangled in Phantom’s arms, his body warm and inviting, especially with his erection pressed against the crease of her ass. He held her like he never wanted to let her go.

  Can I do this? Yes, I have to.

  She gently lifted his arm and slipped from his embrace. He lay there, a temptation she needed to walk away from before she forgot to protect her heart.

  They’d spent the night exploring each other. He made her feel things she hadn’t before—desired, cherished, wanted. She was in danger of falling for him if she gave in to her heart. The plan was no names, no faces, and no information. No regrets.

  Sticking to her decision threatened to break her heart. She stood, watching as his arms curled around the pillow she had rested her head on. Steeling herself against unwanted emotions, she tracked down her costume, leaving the mask in place in case he woke up.

  Before she could change her mind, Mila slipped through the door. She rushed back to Anthony’s place. It was too early to run into anyone on her walk of shame.

  Truthfully, she didn’t feel shame. She felt sexy and powerful, with a thread of guilt for leaving without explanation. After a deep breath, she hurried up the stairs, and found the door unlocked.

  Thank you, Barb.

  Mila’s best friend sat on the couch, and probably hadn’t slept, waiting for her to show up. Barb could do carefree and reckless with the best of them. But after Mila left Paul, and tried to close everyone out, Barb pushed her way back in to make sure Mila didn’t shut down.

  A relieved smile brightened Barb’s face. “How was Phantom?”

  “Amazing, better than amazing. I think he ruined me for all other men. I’ve never had anyone that attentive. Oh my god, the man played my body like a concert pianist.”

  Barb rolled her eyes. “You’ve only been with douchebag Paul, and dumbass Brad. Neither were good enough for you. I wish you’d figured out Paul’s game a lot sooner than you did. Then maybe you would have met Phantom years ago. He seems like a sweetheart.”

  “I don’t know about that. He’s a sex god though, that’s for dang sure. He kept me up all night. Did things to me I hadn’t even imagined. I’m glad he was exhausted this morning, because he kept trying to convince me to remove my mask. I couldn’t do it,” she whispered the last as guilt pulled at her.

  “Well, Anthony isn’t even sure who he is. Thought he was familiar. Still, he couldn’t give me a name. You’ll never know, unless you change your mind before we leave and go track him down.” She winked.

  “No. Can’t. It was a one-time thing.” Mila sighed, finally taking the mask off. “Besides, I’m not like that normally. He’d get bored with me. It’s better this way.”

  “Mila, that’s not true, not in the slightest.” Barb glared at her. “Being a teacher doesn’t mean you can’t have your fun.”

  “Right, well, I can’t have a ton of these nights. So, let me take a shower, because I’m a mess, and sore in places I didn’t think I could be.” She grinned, remembering the way he filled her body. Those memories were going to last a lifetime.

  “Are we in a rush to go home now?” Barb pouted.

  “Yes. Besides, I need to be back for school tomorrow, and I have papers to grade.”

  “You know I love you, but your alter ego is more fun.”

  Chapter 1

  Playful laughter outside his window woke Kyle. Their voices were feminine, a child and a woman. The sound brought a smile to his face.

  He managed to sit up and look toward the house next door. Sure enough, his new neighbor was playing in the dirt with a little girl he hadn’t seen. He heard they’d moved in two days ago. The last 48 hours he’d been on shift at the firehouse, and hadn’t had a chance for introductions.

  Muttering to himself, he tried to recall, “What did Ben say their names were?”

  A glance at the clock revealed it was noon. Complaining about the noise was out of the question, not that he would. The strangely comforting sound called to him. Nice change from the constant bickering from the old residents. The home was foreclosed a few months back, forcing the Larkays to move. The new neighbors were a welcome improvement.

  He moved closer to the window and smiled as he watched. She was pretty. Long dark brown curls haphazardly pulled into a ponytail, pale blue eyes an unusual contrast to her olive skin tone. She had some seriously nice legs, not that he could tell much else since she wore cutoffs that weren’t short enough in his opinion, and a loose t-shirt.

  The kid was an adorable mini-mom with unruly pigtails, maybe five years old and happy as could be.

  “Come on, punkin, you said you would help plant these flowers if I let you pick all of them.” The mom winked at her daughter, her smile genuine.

  Kyle had a sense of déjà vu. That voice maybe. Hmm?

  “I’ll get dirty,” the little one protested.

  “Then you’ll have to take a bubble bath, and you love bath time, so help me. Please.” Mom batted her lashes and her girl giggled.

  Too sweet. The exchange left him grinning.

  Crashing on the couch with the window open worked in his favor. He was too exhausted after a grueling day of battling wildfires and passed out ten seconds after walking through the door. Had he made it to his room, he would have missed this warm feeling.

  He took another look, and damn, but the woman was attractive. Her little girl made him smile as her hands landed sassily on her hips.

  Munchkin sighed dramatically. “Can we have pizza tonight if I help?”

  “Sure thing, bug. Now let’s get to it. You’re the one who wanted pink flow
ers,” Mom grumbled.

  So Mommy wasn’t a fan of pink? He liked her already, the little girl too.

  Damn it, what is her name?

  Time to call Ben, the local realtor, and ask because he was too damned curious, and didn’t want to look like a jackass when he went over to help.

  First stop was a quick shower. He was still covered in soot, and smelled like a campfire.

  Grabbing his phone, he hurried up the stairs and dialed his old friend.

  * * * *

  Cherish finally knelt down beside Mila, and helped dig the holes to plop the flowers into. Took some coaxing, and bribing, but that was all right. She was happy her little girl was keeping her end of the bargain after begging and pleading for the assortment of pink flowers.

  Oh, she hated pink, but there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for her angel.

  “Would you like some help, Miss Day?” a deep velvety voice asked.

  Mila nearly jumped out of her skin, as she turned to find her neighbor smiling from behind the fence. The man she had seen exactly once in the last two days, and even then only in passing.

  Her realtor had told her he was a fireman and worked wonky hours. Ben neglected to mention he was one of those firemen who should be on calendars.

  Jeez, he was so brawny and yum he made her mouth water. It had been years since a man’s presence had much effect on her.

  The grey firehouse t-shirt hugged a very impressive upper body. His smile showed off dimples that gave him a boyish charm, even with scruffy two-day beard growth. Smoky blue-grey eyes captivated her. The temptation to rub her hands over his short brown hair could get her in trouble if she gave in. Something about him rang a bell, but she couldn’t put a finger on what.

  When she didn’t answer, he added, “I swear I’m a good neighbor. Not a creep. You can ask Mrs. Clevenger across the street.”

  Blushing, Mila blinked and swallowed down her embarrassment to return his smile. “I don’t know your name, though you apparently know mine.”

  “I thought we don’t talk to strangers, Mommy,” Cherish piped in with a frown.

  “He’s our neighbor, honey, and the realtor told us he’s a fireman, so I think it’s okay this time.” She kissed Cherish’s cheek and stood up to go to the fence.

  Directing her attention to him, she pulled off her gardening glove, offering her hand and a smile. “You can call me Mila.”

  His big hand wrapped completely around hers, sending a spark that shivered through her body. He gave her a firm shake without crushing her fingers.

  “Kyle Blake. It’s a pleasure” She could listen to that voice all day long.

  Her little girl ran over with a big grin and put her hand out. “I’m Cherish Day, because Mommy cherishes me.”

  His smile brightened as he looked down. “Why, hello there, Cherish. That certainly is a fitting name for such a pretty young lady.” He gently shook her hand.

  Another point to the big charming fireman, and he was already racking them up. Her realtor mentioned he wasn’t married. Now she couldn’t help wondering why the hell not.

  None of my business, and I’m certainly not one to judge.

  Cherish giggled. “He’s nice Mommy. Can he help us?”

  Mila’s eyes widened as she looked down at her daughter, who stared back with big puppy-dog eyes.

  “Uh, sure.” She shrugged and met Kyle’s gaze. “If you don’t mind a little dirt or the color pink.” Her nose scrunched.

  He laughed. “You don’t like pink?”

  “I’m not that girly, no. Cherish loves it though. It’s her favorite color, as you can see.” She waved her hand at her girl’s vibrant pink ruffled skirt, paired with a hot pink shirt and sequined pink vest. Totally girly-girl, but it matched her personality.

  “Pink certainly suits you, Cherish.” He winked and walked around the fence to join them.

  Nervous, which was unusual, Mila went back to digging holes.

  Kyle knelt beside her. “Sorry I haven’t been very neighborly. Work has been hectic.”

  “I can imagine with the wildfires nearby. Sounds like they were finally put out last night?” She looked over as he did and their gazes locked. The trace of desire in his eyes made her pulse race.

  “Yeah, finally. But it’s been a few days of chaos. Your realtor happens to be a friend. He mentioned you drove here from Washington. Anyone besides you and your daughter?” he asked casually, obviously curious though.

  Her eyes dropped back to the garden. “No one else. Her father’s not in the picture.”

  “Bad news?”

  How would she know? One-night stand at a Halloween party. She never even saw his face, never asked for a name, and it wasn’t like she planned for the condom to break. It was a wild night of abandon. And sure, at twenty-two she should have been on birth control but she stopped after she dumped her college boyfriend, thinking she wasn’t going that route again anytime soon. She had since learned her lesson, and stayed on the pill, no matter what. Not that she needed it, since she had only been with one man since Cherish was born, and that relationship had been short-lived.

  Preparing for the worst, she whispered, “He’s never known, and I had no way of contacting him.”

  “Oh.” Kyle frowned.

  Mila took a breath and steeled herself against judgment as she looked into his eyes.

  He surprised her with a warm smile. “Sorry.” Then he did one better and changed the topic. “So what do you do?”

  “Teach. I’m starting at the high school tomorrow.” It was both exciting and nerve-wracking. New place, new students, and new challenges. She could hardly wait.

  “And what is it you teach?” His dimples popped and his eyes sparkled.

  So gorgeous, so tempting, and definitely not worth the trouble. She cleared her throat and answered, “Science, chemistry actually.”

  He turned to Cherish and winked. “I bet your mom is incredibly smart.”

  “The smartest ever.” She grinned at Kyle, then dug another hole.

  Mila blushed. “I don’t know about that.”

  “So what made you decide to move all the way down here?”

  “I needed a change, and my aunt told me about an opening at the high school. Having a babysitter handy will be a huge help.”

  Cherish bounced as she turned toward Kyle. “Aunt Dee is my favorite. She’s awesome, and makes the best cookies!”

  “Deanna Rogers?” he asked with a raised brow, his blue-grey eyes sparkling.

  “That would be her.”

  “She’s close too. Down the road, and around the corner.”

  “Yup, close, but not too close.” Mila reminded herself that he didn’t need to know, and wouldn’t care about her situation. Feeling stupid, she focused on planting.

  Kyle got busy, efficiently filling Cherish’s holes with flowers. In no time, they had everything planted.

  “Bath time, bath time,” Cherish squealed.

  “How long do her baths takes?” Kyle asked.

  “Uh,” Mila frowned, concerned with the nature of the question as a million fears swirled through her head.

  Clearly reading her worried expression, he held up his hands in alarm. “Oh no, I just thought I would get myself a mocha. There’s a café up the road. I was going to offer to bring you one, but didn’t want to be back before she was out of the tub. I swear, I only wanted to know how long to stall.” His panic washed away her doubt.

  Relieved, Mila offered a weak smile. “That’s unnecessary. You’ve been a huge help with the flowerbed. I appreciate the offer though.”

  “You do drink coffee, don’t you?”

  She shrugged, she was more of a tea person. “It’s okay, really.”

  He looked down at Cherish. “I was planning to bring you a creamsicle.”

  Cherish perked up. “A what?”

  “It’s an orange and vanilla drink, and super yummy. I’ll even get you whipped cream.” He winked. “Least I can do since you were so sweet and
helped your mom with the gardening.”

  “Mommy, please,” Cherish begged, dragging out the words.

  “Oh, all right. I guess I could use an iced chai.”

  His head tipped to the side as he studied her. “Chai? Tea drinker?”

  Mila nodded, trying to calm her thumping heart. Kyle was sweet, thoughtful, and clearly paid attention. He wasn’t at all what she expected, and definitely not what she was used to.

  One dark eyebrow rose. “You lived in Seattle, the land of coffee on every corner, and you don’t drink coffee?”

  Blushing, she shrugged. “Never liked the stuff.”

  “Okay.” He grinned, slow and sexy. “She’ll be out and dressed in half-an-hour?”

  “Yes, I’ll make sure of it,” she answered without thinking.

  “Then I’ll see you shortly.” He dipped his head and strolled back to his house.

  She stared after him a moment, wondering why she’d agreed.

  He’s a friendly neighbor. Nothing more. Out of your league, and you aren’t playing anyway.

  Mila took a deep breath and turned to Cherish. “All right, kiddo, bath time.”

  Chapter 2

  After cleaning up, Kyle walked down to the coffee shop. The same one he ran into Dee at about a month ago. She told him all about her niece moving up. He’d forgotten the conversation until he was standing at the counter.

  Kyle walked into Novel Grounds, scrubbing a hand over his face. It was early, but he had to run a few errands.

  Dee turned to him with a grin. “Hey, did you know the Larkays moved out last month?”

  “Good riddance,” he mumbled. Any of his other neighbors and he would likely miss them, but the couple who lived next door were mean, nasty slobs who constantly bickered. Their arguments turned violent all too often.

  Delight danced through her eyes. “You’re going to have a lovely new neighbor soon.”

  Curiosity piqued, his brow arched. “And how would you know this?”

  “Between the job opening at the high school, and our friendly neighborhood realtor, I managed to convince my favorite niece to move out here. With some work, the house will be perfect for her and her daughter.”


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