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Taking Shots (Assassins)

Page 23

by Aleo, Toni

  Shea didn’t know what to say, so he just stuck his hand out, offering her the flower. She looked at it, and then up at him as a huge tear rolled down her cheek. She reached her hand out taking the flower, than pushed the door open, before calling Adler.

  “Come on, Adler,” The dog came running up the stairs at speeds Shea was sure a forty pound pug shouldn’t be going and Elli turned to look at him. “Are you coming in?”

  Shea nodded as he walked past her, waiting in the foyer for her to close the door and hit the lights. When she did, his eyes adjusted and went wide when he saw his self looking back at him. His jersey that he had signed was hanging right beside an action shot of him shooting a puck. He looked around the room, taking in all the pictures of him and the rest of his teammates. There were pictures of them playing, celebrating and then the best one, the one of him with the cup above his head, tears going down his cheeks as he kissed the cup.

  “God, Elli, this picture is amazing; I need a copy of it.”


  “Make that two, my mom would want one, too,” he said with a grin as he turned to look at her. She looked down, nervously messing with the tie at her waist.

  “Alright,” she swallowed and looked up at him, “This is why I didn’t want you to come in my house, I thought you would think I am a crazy stalker fan.” He chuckled, looking around the room.

  “Baby, I’ve seen worst, this is awesome, I love it.” She smiled weakly and started for the hall.

  “Do you want the tour?”

  He nodded as he followed her through the hall. The left wall was of the kids and the right was a time line of Harper and Elli. “I didn’t know you and Harper had known each other since childhood.”

  “Yeah, since we were five.”

  “Wow,” was all he said as they reached the end of the hall that went into a large beautiful yellow living room. She had black couches with glass tables with big black vases full of yellow flowers on them. Her walls were line with black and white photos of Adler, then random things like a butterfly, a tree, and a brick wall that had a heart drawn on it. When Shea turned to the south wall and saw a TV that was as big as his, he just grinned, it had to be for the away games. Under the TV was picture of the kids along with others of her friends, he guessed, but none of her family, well, except her dad.

  He turned to see her waiting by a open door that’s frame was painted black, it looked so good with the yellow, “This is the kitchen and dining room,” she said as he peeked his head into the purple kitchen, he could see that the dining room was a soft purple, more a lavender with a big white vases of lavender on a large black table.

  “You’re color scheme is bright.”

  “Yeah,” she said as she walked past him to the other side of the living room, he followed her down a hall as she opened doors, showing him her office, done in pink, the bathroom, done in a very soft green, and the playroom for the kids, done in red. Then came her bedroom.

  Elli’s bed sat about five feet off the ground, the headboard consisted of four huge squares, two baby pink squares and two hot pink ones. The bedding was a mixture of all kinds of pink swirls, and she had to have about nine hundred pillows. Frilly little lamps hung from the ceiling and glass night stand sat beside the bed. One stand had a big bouquet of sweet peas, while the other had a pink alarm clock, along with her pink iHome, which was playing Adele, if he was correct, and a photo frame. When he got closer, he saw it was a picture of him looking as if he was about to kill someone.

  “Out of all the pictures you can put beside you bed, the one you chose is the one of me mean mugging someone?”

  Elli laughed, picking the frame up, “This was at one of the playoff games last season. I can’t remember who was in front of me, but you looked up at him with this look and I got this shot right before you plastered him into the glass in front of me. When I printed it out and put it beside my bed, Harper asked why. I told her it was for you to scare all my bad dreams away” She let out an empty laugh, “Stupid, huh? Wanna run?”

  He smiled, taking the picture out of her hand, putting it back on the night stand before wrapping his arms around her waist, “I’m not going anywhere,” He pressed his forehead against hers, “I’m sorry Elli for freaking out on you”

  “You had every right,” she whispered. He watched as a tear fell over her cheek. The sight of it made it hard for him to swallow. “I’m so sorry Shea. I mean all of it, I should have told you a long time ago, but I was so embarrassed of my failures.”

  “But, baby, with me you shouldn’t be, your past has made you who you are and I adore you, everything about you.”

  “I feel the same about you.”

  “Okay, so don’t hide things from me, tell me everything.”

  She bit on her lip, before looking deep into his eyes. “Okay, but not tonight.” She cupped his face in her hands, running her thumbs up and down his cheeks as she searched for God knew what, but he stayed where he was, holding her close as Adele crooned in the background about loving someone.

  “Dance with me?” she whispered as she moved her hands to the back of his neck, all he could do was nod. He was spell bound with the way she was looking at him. It was as if she was telling him how much he meant to her with her eyes. He had never felt so cherish in his whole life, then he did in the moment standing with Elli. Her gaze fixed on his.

  God, she was beautiful.

  Her hair was drying so it was in a mess of beautiful curls. She smelled like a ripe mango, her scent filling his nose as she laid her head on his chest as they moved to the music. His hands rested on the small of her back, holding her close to him as they swayed back and forth. They stayed like that through three songs, before Elli broke away from him, going to the door, shutting it, before shutting the light off. His eyes adjusted just as she came back into his arms.


  Chapter 15

  Shea knew everything and now Elli stood in his arms naked as the day she was born. It was dark so she knew he couldn’t see anything, but he could feel and it only took a moment for his hands to start roaming. Shea’s hands were shaking as they moved down her side, over her hips, onto her bare butt. She looked up at him, the only light was the stars and moon, so she could only see a little bit, but she saw the grin. She smiled back, as she slowly moved her hands up his chest to the top buttons of his shirt. With every button opened, her heart beat went faster.

  She was doing this, she was about to have sex with Shea.

  Elli moved the shirt off his shoulders, pressing her bare breast against his chest, wanting to feel skin on skin. Shea took in a quick breath, then let it out through his teeth as he held her close, watching her move her hands along his side. She pulled back a little and undid his pants, letting them fall to the ground with a thud from his belt. He took a step back only for a second to toe out of his shoes before coming back for her. It was heaven feeling his skin on her skin, his hard length against her stomach.

  Shea brought his mouth down to hers, kissing her so long and deep that when they parted she couldn’t breathe or form a coherent thought. He smiled as he slid his hands down to her butt, then over the back of her thighs, before lifting her up. She let out a little scream, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he chuckled, bringing her to the bed, and laying her down. He kissed down her neck, biting and nibbling as he went; when he took her nipple in his mouth she closed her eyes, running her hand through his hair as the other one gripped one of the many pillows on the bed. He moved to the other breast, giving it the same love he had given the first one before dipping his head down lower, kissing her belly, dipping his tongue in her belly button, before biting her hips, then licking them when she would let out a soft moan.

  He was driving her bat shit crazy and he loved it. With every little scream, moan, or meep that left her mouth, he would chuckle or gasp as he continued what he was doing. Elli could feel him shaking, as his hands moved along her body, like his control was slipping with every moment that passed.
When he trailed kisses down her hip bone, kissing the wetness between her thighs, he looked up at her, and she took in a breath. His eyes said it all, he wanted nothing more than her. Shea wasted no time, he took her whole in his mouth, biting, licking, fingering, everything, until he brought her to the point of no return. His tongue flicked so softly over her nub of nerves, as he moved a finger in and out of her, then he would suck her swollen nub into his mouth, making her scream in pleasure as he slid another finger in her. He kept changing it up, driving her crazy. Elli screamed his name when she came, hard, closing her legs around his head, trying to move him out since he wasn’t stopping. When she finally succeeded, he looked up at her, licking his lips as he pulled his fingers out of her.

  “Mm,” was all he said as he started kissing her thighs, moving back up her body. Her wetness covered her body from his lips and fingers as he kissed and touched her. He covered her mouth with his causing her to taste herself on his lips, and for some reason it turned her on even more. He moved his self between her legs, rubbing his hard length against her core, making her gasp and squirm underneath him. “I didn’t come prepared, baby,” he whispered against her lips as he looked down into her eyes, “I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

  “Neither did I,” she whispered. She looked over at the night stand that held all her stuff, “There are condoms in the night stand.”

  He was off of her in a matter of seconds, opening the drawer and pulling out the box she had picked up after going to the doctor. He opened the pack, pulling out a condom, tearing the package with his teeth, before sheathing himself. Elli watched as he took a deep breath in, before looking over his shoulder at her. She blinked twice, scared out of her mind as he grinned, moving slowly back over her. He nudged her legs open again, placing his self between her, positioning his shaft in the right direction. Shea looked up from where they were about to be connected to look down into her eyes. Elli felt the tears burning her eyes, even though she was beyond ready to have sex with him, she was scared. What if she didn’t do it right? What if he didn’t fit!? What if he can’t get off because it isn’t good with her?

  Shit, Shit, Shit!

  “I’m scared,” she whispered as a tear leak out, going down the side of her face into her hair, he closed his eyes, leaning his head onto her forehead, before opening them again to look down at her.

  “Don’t be baby, I..I..,” he closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath before opening them again, “I will go slowly; I’ll try not to hurt you.”

  “I’m not scared of the pain; I’m scared you won’t like it.”

  He smiled sweetly, before covering her mouth with his and pushing into her. It was like fireworks went off behind her eyes as he pushed himself to the hilt, groaning with every inch. It was a tight fit, but a welcome, glorious one.

  “Oh, God, how could I not love this?” he groaned as he moved out, then back in. Elli watched his face as he tried to keep his eyes open, looking down at where they were connected, but he couldn’t, his eyes kept drifting close, so did hers. She started to move along with him, meeting every thrust, until he started going so fast and hard that all she could do was lay there basically screaming out his name as she hit her climax again. He only slammed into her twice more, before he was shouting with his own climax, falling onto her, breathing just as hard as she was. Sweat dripped from his body onto hers as their breathing started to slow down.

  Shea put his hand down, lifting himself up a little to look down at her. He smiled, and then gave Elli a long lavish kiss before moving off her. She watched his prefect ass moved from the bed as he walked to the bathroom, she heard the snap from the condom, and the water running as he washed his hands. She sat up, throwing her arm over her breasts as she reached for her robe.

  “What are you doing?”

  She looked up at his gloriously naked body and her tongue basically fell out of her mouth as she tried to form words, finally she said “I was gonna put my robe on.”

  “No you’re not, get back in that bed, we aren’t done.”

  “We ain’t?”

  “Not at all,” he said with a grin as he covered her body with his, “There are still parts of you I want to taste.” He kissed her neck, then her ear as he licked and nibbled back and forth.


  “I think I missed your elbows, the back of your knees, and I will have those toes in my mouth before the night is over.”

  Elli giggled, his obsession with her toes was crazy, but it still made her hot, “So I guess it’s safe to say it was as good for you as it was for me?”

  “Good?” he shook his head, a cocky grin on his beautiful face, “It was epic, Elli, epic.”

  That was the last coherent sentence that was made for the rest of the night.

  Shea’s eyes drifted open as the sun warmed his face, he looked down at the beautiful woman that filled his arms, and sighed. Having sex with Elli last night felt like coming home, she was hot, perfect, sweet, did he mention hot? It had been so long since he had been with a woman. Hell, it had been a long wait just to have sex with Elli, but God was it worth the wait. All the past worries he had about not wanting her after their first time was nowhere to be seen as he looked down at the profile of her face, since she had her back against his chest.

  He moved out of the bed and went to the bathroom since he had to go. After using it, he went back to the bed, crawling in it as he glanced at the clock. It was only eight; his body was so used to getting up early that he did it even when he didn’t need to. Shea ran his hand up Elli’s thigh, then back down. Maybe he could get some morning sex out of her, and then they could sleep the morning away since they both had the whole weekend off. He placed a kiss on her hip, then one in the middle of her back, before trailing them up until he reached her shoulder.

  “Mm,” she moaned softly as she looked over her shoulder, she smiled, and then rolled onto her back looking up at him. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  She smiled before yawning, gripping his bicep in her hand, “What time is it?"

  “A little after eight.”

  “Ugh, why are you waking me?”

  He gave her a devilishly smile, and she smiled back as lust filled her eyes. Elli pushed his arm out from underneath him causing him to lay flat against her naked chest, before kissing him deeply. She pulled back too soon, and then she was gone, looking over the side of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, but then he heard it, her phone was ringing. Since her assistants were the ones working the weddings and other parties she had this weekend, he understood the urgency of answering the phone.

  “Shit, it’s my daddy,” she said, lying back in bed as she answered it, “Hey, Daddy.”

  Shea watched as she talked to her dad. She was so cute, calling him daddy, and smiling so shyly when he kissed her shoulder.

  “Um, I don’t know daddy, I can call and ask, I don’t know what he has planned for today, okay, I’ll call you back.” She hung up the phone and Shea laughed.

  “Can’t tell daddy I’m here?”

  “God no! He wouldn’t have it, he likes you, I don’t want to mess that up,” she said with a giggle, “He wants to have brunch with us.”

  “Okay, just him?”

  “Yeah, at 11.”

  “Okay, where at?”

  “In Clarksville, I don’t think you’ll have time to go home and get dressed. I’ll just tell him no.”

  “No, isn’t there a mall somewhere close? I’ll go get some clothes, then we can go.”

  Elli smiled big, covering his mouth with hers, kissing him lavishly. When they parted, she looked at him with such love that he was sure was going to say she loved him, but nope, she hopped out of bed, running to the bathroom with a giggle, saying something about not looking at her, but he did anyways. Shea took his fill of that luscious ass of hers, the hips that drove him mad, the bumps of her spine, and her long dark hair that went down her back.


  He smiled to himself as he got out of bed, going to the pile of his clothes, moving them around to get his boxers before pulling them up and walking out the room. Adler met him at the door, looking up at him with his big brown eyes. He really was a cute dog, fat, but cute.

  “Need to go out, boy?” Adler took off. Shea laughed as he followed him to the door, letting him out before going to the kitchen for coffee. He found what he needed and started up Elli’s coffee maker. After getting out two coffee mugs, he opened her fridge to see what she had as she came down the hall in a towel.

  “Did you let Adler out, by chance?” she asked, coming up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He closed his eyes, basking in the feel of her.

  “I did, do you want to wait to eat?”

  “Yeah, might as well or we won’t be able to eat at the club.” She kissed the middle of his back before walking off, disappearing down the hall that led to the front door. Shivers went up his spine, God the things she did to him. She came back into the kitchen taking the cup of coffee from him. He watched as she took a medicine bottle off the counter, and took two pills from it before popping them in her mouth, chasing it with her coffee. She looked over at him with a smile, “What?”

  “What was that?”

  “Oh, nothing, just some pills I gotta take.”

  “For what?”

  “Um, you know to keep things right I guess, it helps with my hormone levels.”


  “Yeah, no big deal, so the bathroom’s open if you want to take a shower.”

  “I think I will,” he said, kissing her cheek before walking down the hall with his coffee in hand.

  He loved her house, he could see his self living here, but they would have to keep the condo since they both worked in Nashville, or maybe they could find another house like this one, since he really did like this layout.


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