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Chains of the Forest (Chronicles of Ruvaen Book 1)

Page 11

by Darin Niemann

  Hunting more orcs seemed a good idea at first, but not nearly as many bands were roaming out of the orcish lands as once were. And with the winter snows happening daily, attempting to get closer to the creatures homes by myself would be foolish. Weather aside, I could easily take on one of their hunting parties alone but attempting to single-handedly attack an orc village? It would be suicide, even for me.

  From my vantage point in the corner of the room, I noticed the cloaked figure enter the tavern and approach the bar where Braddick worked. I couldn’t see her face but it was clearly a woman going by the curves of her clothing. She spoke a few words with the innkeeper who frowned slightly. The cloaked woman handed the old dwarf a note of some kind before leaving for the streets outside once again. I was about to return to my drink when I noticed Braddick’s eyes on me and when I met his gaze he motioned for me to come up to the bar.

  Curious, I took my drink with me as I maneuvered past the tables. When I arrived, Braddick was mulling over the letter in his hands and glancing at me.

  “What is it?” I asked him as I took a seat at the counter. It seemed ol’ Wolf had gone out the back earlier so I didn’t have to worry about startling him.

  The innkeeper raised an eyebrow before handing me the letter. “Seems ye’ve made a bit of a name fer yeself with them orc bounties. This here is a personal request for yer services.”

  The note was written on fine paper with elegant handwriting and carried a faint flowery smell. Interesting. Reading the note, it stated that Madam Della of the Willow asked for my assistance in a private matter. It also mentioned payment being a tidy sum of gold along with a favor, I raised an eyebrow at Braddick.

  “A favor? From the brothel?” I asked. It hadn’t taken me long to find out about the Greypoint‘s bawdy house. Many of the other Keepers frequented the establishment, though I had yet to go there myself.

  Braddick nodded, “Aye that be the place. And a favor from Della herself ain’t nothin’ to scoff at. Her business tends to gather all sorts of information that could prove ta be useful.”

  I frowned, “What sort of assistance could a brothel need from me?”

  The old dwarf scratched his beard, “That be the question now ain’t it? I had heard that some of Dell’s girls been missing lately. If they be askin’ for you by name it be serious. Has the feel of slavers all over it though.”

  At the mention of slavers I leaned forward. “Slavers?” I asked quickly.

  Braddick eyed me for a moment before nodding. “When working girls start goin’ missing it's most likely ta be slavers. Not many people go lookin’ for whores outside a whorehouse.”

  I felt a fierce anger rise up within me and it must have shown on my face as Braddick looked at me curiously. I turned away to study the vague note held in my hands as I gripped it tightly. The old dwarf didn’t know of my past as a slave so he couldn’t know it but this was a welcome request. I hated slavers.

  I asked Braddick for directions to the place and had to listen to his grumbling about youngins and foolishness for a bit before he finally told me. I left coin on the bar for my drink and departed for the Willow.


  It didn’t take me long to find the house of pleasures. From the outside it looked similar to a large, fancy inn. The only difference was the scantily clad woman adorning the sign hanging above the door. I paused at the entrance feeling strangely hesitant at such a place. Since my village had been decimated, I hadn’t thought much about women, although now it was at the forefront of my mind. Needing to clear my head, I focused on the slavers and my rage towards them. The fury I felt overcame any other emotions I felt.

  Hesitating no longer, I opened the front door and stepped inside. The place had a small counter but otherwise the main room was open. Instead of the usual wooden chairs that taverns used, the guests here had cushioned chairs that looked quite comfortable. The few tables were also much lower than normal, sitting only a foot or so above the floor. Another thing that differed from the Keeper’s tavern was the amount of beautiful women scattered about. They were, for the most part, lying on large, colorful pillows along the floor. A few patrons were sitting at the tables enjoying the comfortable chairs while watching the scantily clad women lazing about. A pair of women were dancing seductively with each other in one corner.

  As distracted as I was, I didn’t notice one of the girls as she walked up to me and set her hand upon my arm. I thanked Riken and Brandt once again for the sparring and control training we had been through, as without it I no doubt would have killed her on instinct alone considering how tense I was. I managed to only flinch slightly at her touch, though now my attention was focused solely on the brunette before me. She, like all of the women in this establishment, was a pretty thing. Her big, dark eyes stared up at me as she smiled warmly.

  “Welcome to the Willow, sir. I’m Autumn.” As she spoke the last she came even closer to me, her body sliding up against mine in an inviting and comfortable way. I had to once again focus my thoughts on the slavers to clear my head. I gently pried her off me while reaching for the note from the Madam. She pouted slightly when I pulled away from her but then her expression became serious when I handed her the letter.

  “Madam Della sent this for me.” I told her. Autumn glanced between me and the letter for a moment before nodding and taking my hand in hers.

  “This way.” She pulled me along as we left the main area and headed into the hallway leading to the back rooms. We passed a few doors, some open and some closed. In the open ones there were many more of the same colorful pillows piled around, though the rooms appeared empty of people at the moment. Finally, we reached a room at the far back and Autumn let go of my hand. She knocked twice before announcing herself and a guest. A woman’s voice from within came a moment later prompting us to enter and Autumn led me inside.

  This room appeared quite different than the other rooms of the house. Where the others had comfortable chairs and pillows of many colors with fragrances and decorations abounding, this room was simpler. It had a desk and a few plain, yet sturdy looking chairs unlike the gaudier ones from the main room. The papers and various trinkets atop the desk were neatly organized. From its appearance alone, I could tell that the purpose of this particular room was strictly for practical use rather than the Willow’s particular business.

  Behind the desk sat another gorgeous woman, although upon further study she was older than the others by a fair bit. She had short blond hair with a rounded face yet she wasn’t overweight in the slightest. Her makeup and clothing did wonders in hiding her age. She looked quite charming and I felt her confidence by merely being within her presence.

  My guide bowed slightly as we entered and approached Madam Della to hand her the note. She nodded when she saw the note and dismissed Autumn from the room. The Madam sat with her hands under her chin as she studied me and I studied her.

  After a few moments, she broke the silence between us. “So you’re the one called Ruvaen.”

  “Indeed, and you must be Madam Della.”

  The Madam tilted her head slightly, “You are quite young for the stories I hear.”

  I shrugged as I wasn’t sure what stories she had heard. It was a bit surprising that word of me had spread beyond the Keeper’s tavern. Curious, I asked. “What sort of stories do they tell?”

  Della smiled. “They say you are a man shrouded in mystery and that you always return from your hunts with a bagful of… grisly trophies. Word is that the orcs even fear you enough that they try to avoid you. Whatever stories I hear, though, they all mention that you always hunt alone.”

  I couldn’t really deny it even if I wanted to, so I stayed silent. Madam Della took my silence as confirmation and grinned. “You know, I run a particular business that can help with that last bit. Being alone, that is.” She looked me up and down with her eyes. “I think some of the girls would even help for free.”

  Startled at the thought, I coughed. It wasn’t that I was averse to t
he help offered by such good looking women but that I was still unsure of the whole... arrangement. I ignored her remark and attempted to turn the conversation back to the reason for my visit. “And this problem of yours?”

  Her face grew serious. “To business then. In the last few weeks, three of my girls have gone missing. Now, sometimes this can happen, but it isn’t like them to leave without giving me notice. Especially unlikely as not a single one of them mentioned anything of their departure.”

  I scratched my chin. “I’ve heard as much from Braddick. He thinks it to be the work of slavers.”

  The Madam nodded, “I concur, although I have ways of dealing with slavers alone. My problem lies in the one I suspect to be working with them.”

  Interested, I let her continue without interrupting.

  “As the most prominent pleasure house in Greypoint I have many clients from all influences,” She paused for emphasis, “some greater than others.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “The mages?”

  She nodded, “Quite so. Some of them are frequent partakers here, though most shall remain nameless unless they desire otherwise. Mages do have ways of remaining anonymous. My issue lies with one particular mage. His name is Terence and he is a regular here. At first glance, he seems an amiable fellow, full of charm and wit. Alas, it is merely surface deep. I believe him to be in league with the slavers and helping to easily capture my girls.”

  As she spoke, anger marked her face. It was clear she thought of her girls as more than mere means to money. They were, each of them, precious to her.

  “And the reason you suspect him?” I asked.

  She leaned back while folding her hands atop the desk. “Each of the girls he has visited in the past has gone missing.”

  “I see.” It was unlikely to be a coincidence. If she had other mages attending to her business, surely one of them could help?

  I asked her, “Although… why me? Couldn’t you have one of your other patron mages look into this?”

  She sighed. “I could, but the problem lies in the man himself. Terence is regarded highly within the mage society, most likely because his father, Thaddeus, is one of the archmages there. Not many would risk themselves against such an influential family for a mere pleasure house. There is also the chance that they would let Terence know of my suspicions. On the other hand, my sources tell me that you are no lover of mages and have little interest in their affairs. In fact, you seem to avoid them when possible.”

  What sort of convoluted politics did the mage schools have anyway? It almost made me glad that I hadn’t ended up as a student. And she was right for the most part. I didn’t hate mages but I didn’t have any inclination towards them one way or the other. Other than my friend Amara, that is. But I knew that Amara would never work with slavers, in any regard. Especially after what had happened to her father.

  “And this Terence? What exactly do you…” I began to ask her when she interrupted me.

  “Whatever it takes to stop my girls from being taken. Though I would appreciate it if you were discreet enough so that any repercussions wouldn’t entirely ruin my business.” She spoke the last dryly with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

  I smirked and agreed. That meant that anything went as long as it couldn’t be connected to the Willow. It was certainly fine by me.

  I was about to depart and make plans when Madam Della stopped me. “One moment. Terence nearly always comes around on the second day of the week, usually in the evening.” She then took a few moments to describe his features to me in detail so that I would know him by sight. “If you see this through, I will owe you one.” She paused to dig in a drawer beside her. “Here.” She tossed a bag towards me and I caught it. It was quite hefty and clearly full of coin. “Half payment now and half again when the task is completed. Good luck.”

  I nodded and left, tying the pouch at my waist. Autumn smiled and waved at me as I made my way back through the main room. I returned the gesture and exited the place to prepare for what was to come.

  Chapter 12

  A few days later found me fully prepared and waiting outside the Willow. I had readied my weapons and gear and scouted out the area nearby the pleasure house extensively. I knew every back alley and side street within more than a few blocks of the place that could be used as an ambush spot. I arrived at my spot along the street posing as a beggar fairly early so that I wouldn’t miss Terence passing by chance. The idea to pose as a beggar had come from my first arrival to Greypoint. Most people had ignored me as if I didn’t exist, outside of a few generous souls, and that was exactly how I wanted to be. Nearly invisible, I waited for my prey to arrive.

  It didn’t take long for the man himself to appear. As Madam Della had said, he wore his usual white wizard robes. Indeed, at first glance the long, black haired and smiling individual seemed charming as he interacted with his friends. He arrived with two other mage students of similar age, both of which fawned over everything Terence had to say. It was clear they were trying to curry favor from him due to the influence of his family. As I had hoped, not one of them even glanced in my direction before they made their way inside. I sat patiently alongside the street in the rags I had purchased off an older panhandler. He had gladly given me his clothes for a generous sum of money. I knew how he felt from my own past experience.

  It was just over an hour later when Terence finally reappeared from the Willow. This time he was alone and looked around before making his way down a nearby back alley. Of course, after one short look, he completely ignored the rough looking beggar sitting across the road. Once he had moved a ways down the alley I made to follow, staying just out of his line of sight. He led me down a few side streets before he finally arrived at a somewhat secluded residence.

  The place was a small, ramshackle house within the poorer parts of Greypoint. It was tucked into a back alley with it’s door being the only one in sight. A perfect spot for hiding things. He didn’t bother knocking as he entered the place. It seemed the place wasn’t trapped or locked in any way. Quite foolish for someone wishing to hide their doings. I noticed that the one window next to the door was cracked open slightly so I quietly maneuvered myself up to it and listened.

  “...another one that I discovered tonight. She will make a large sum on looks alone. Perhaps it is time we move the others.” The first voice I heard to belonged to that of Terence.

  Another voice responded. “The wagon arrives tomorrow. If you could get the other one here before then we could ship ‘em all together.”

  The next thing I heard was a pair of dice rolling along a wooden table. “Blasted things! I should’ve beaten you that round.” A third voice complained. That made three people so far including the mage. With only one entrance it could prove difficult attempting to take them all on at the same time. As I had never fought a mage in combat before, I wanted to take him out first, and quickly at that.

  I waited a moment longer before I heard a slight rustle of iron followed by a squeak of wood. “When did you check on them last?” Asked Terence.

  “Couple hours ago. They have food and water. And you ain't never going to beat me at dice.” The second voice replied.

  I rolled my eyes. What thoughtful slavers. The interaction between the voices reminded me of my own time as a slave. The memories flashed through me before I shook my head and focused on the matter at hand.

  I heard faint footsteps along wooden stairs. A cellar, perhaps? Was that where they were keeping the missing girls? I honestly hadn’t expected to find them still within the town. Then again, when I had been captured it hadn’t been in a city, but along a roadside and the slavers then had immediately moved on. I wanted to go inside and check, but if Terence had gone down stairs, I would have to go through the other two voices sitting in the room before I could reach him. I doubted I could take both of them out without somehow alerting Terence to my presence. I decided to wait for now until a better opportunity arrived.

  The two other voices con
tinued to argue over their dice game, leading me to assume that Terence had gone down the stairs. Only a few moments later I heard the sounds of footsteps on the stairs again before the familiar squeak followed by the clang of iron. A cellar for sure.

  “All right.” I heard Terence address the others in the room. “I’ll bring the last one tomorrow night. Keep your eyes open. I have a feeling Madam Della is becoming wary of me.”

  I smiled grimly. How astute of him. Just… not quite astute enough.

  “You worry too much.” The third voice remarked.

  “Unlike you, I have a reputation to uphold in public. See to it that it isn’t disturbed.” Terence retorted snidely.

  The other two chuckled but didn’t comment further, turning their attention back to their dice game. Two breaths later the front door opened once again and Terence exited the shack. He had a glare on his face as he marched out and down the alleyway. I followed closely and after only two blocks I found a perfect spot to approach the man. There wasn’t anyone else in sight and Terence wasn’t paying much attention to his surroundings. Drawing near, I held a cracked wooden cup in one hand and pretended to limp as I called out to him. “Spare a coin?” I coughed out.

  Terence jumped at the sound, spinning to stare at me with wide eyes. He raised an arm at me but when he saw me he grimaced and lowered it, wiping his hand upon his robe as if to clean himself. I continued to stumble forward as he muttered. “Get lost, filthy creature.”

  As I came even closer he glared at me, then a curious look overcame him as he studied me once more. “Wait, I’ve seen you before somewhere…” He was about to raise his hand once more when I threw off my performance and lunged the last few feet to him and plunged my dagger into his heart. His eyes widened again in shock as he stared at the dagger in his chest. Slowly the light faded from his eyes and I let him fall to the ground dead. One down.


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