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Traitorous Heart 2

Page 4

by Breena Wilde

  Katie nodded. That seemed to placate her. “She wasn’t a fan of her upbringing. I know that for sure.”

  “No, she wasn’t.” I put my cigarette butt in the ashtray and took hold of her arms. “Do you want to try and get some sleep?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t sleep. From what Birdy told me, the police are confident the charges against her will stick.”

  “Why’s that?” I searched Katie’s worried face, wishing there was a way I could take away her pain.

  “She said she found the body. She called the police. When they arrived, there was blood on her hands. They found a gun and she told them it was hers, but she didn’t shoot him, that the last time she saw her gun was three weeks ago when she took it to the shooting range.”

  Katie began to pace. At first I tried to follow, but she kept running into me. So I sat in one of the patio chairs and listened. I was sick to my stomach. What Katie was telling me didn’t sound good. Her father was one of the best lawyers in the country, though. If anyone could make this go away, it was him. But then…

  “Why did she call you?”

  Katie sat on the chair next to mine. “Birdy thinks she’s being framed.” Her eyes locked on mine. They were deadly serious. “She thinks your drummer killed Reid.”



  “That’s ridiculous. Why would she think that?” Griffin stood and walked to the concrete edge of his rooftop patio. My stomach roiled with nausea. It was true I had feelings for Griffin, but if sides were drawn I would stand beside Birdy one hundred percent. She wasn’t blood, but she was my sister and I would do anything for her, including never speaking to the beautiful man in front of me ever again. It might break my heart. It would probably cause me to shed many tears, but I would do it. Birdy meant that much to me.

  “I don’t know all the details. They made her get off the fucking phone before she could finish, but she sounded pretty certain.”

  Griffin turned. His hands were shoved in his pockets, pulling his jeans down so that I could see the way his hips indented in that delicious and sexy way. The man really was a rock god, no doubt about it.

  “Did she give you any information?” Goosebumps prickled on his skin and I realized the man was outside in late October without a shirt or shoes.

  I went to the sliding door and yanked it open. “I’m going inside. It’s cold.” I shoved my pack of cigarettes and lighter back in my purse. Part of me knew I should leave. Any more time spent with Griffin was just pouring salt in a wound that wouldn’t heal... but I couldn’t bring myself to walk away.

  “I don’t believe Brian would kill anyone. Of all of the band members, he’s the most laid back.” Griffin came over and tilted my chin so I was looking at him. “You have my word I’ll get to the bottom of it, though. If he had anything to do with Reid’s murder, I’ll turn him in myself.”

  By the look on his face I knew he meant it and I really respected that. We’d just fucked twice in the span of a few hours. It was possible he was still talking to make me feel good. Highly unlikely, but possible.

  “I appreciate that, but I don’t want to come between you and your band. I’m just a girl.”

  He gasped, which surprised me. I knew he wasn’t just any guy. He wasn’t just a fuck anymore. Over the past few hours I’d grown to consider him at least an acquaintance, one I’d spend time with again.

  His hand cupped my face. “You’re more than just a girl, Katie.”

  “Well, whether you believe that or not, that’s what your band will think. I don’t want to come between you and your dreams.”

  Griffin’s face softened. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” His kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned into him because, god help me, I craved his touch—even after everything I’d just found out. In fact my messed up, addicted body believed that if we fucked again, everything would be alright.

  My mind screamed it wasn’t true. Of course it wasn’t. I knew that logically. My dearest friend in the whole world had been accused of murder. The person she allegedly killed was my ex fiancé. It was as though my worst nightmare crept from my mind and made itself real. I should be in the fetal position, crying about how the world wasn’t fair.

  Instead my body sang with longing, pleading for Griffin to make the real world go away. “Griffin,” I whispered, pressing my lips to his chest.

  “I know, Katie.” He tilted my chin. Gently kissed my lips, pressing my mouth open and exploring with his tongue.

  I moaned, giving him full access to my body and my heart while closing off my mind to all the shit lingering there. I’d have to deal with it, and I wanted to. No way would I let Birdy go to prison for something she didn’t do. Right now though I just wanted to forget. In Griffin’s arms that was possible. I wanted to pretend there was no one but me and him in all the world. There was no murder. There was only Griffin’s touch, his lips on mine, his hands caressing my body.

  I’d stay with Griffin until sunrise and then I’d give him up cold turkey. But not right now. Not yet.

  While you’re waiting for volumes three in the Traitorous Heart series, you might enjoy Blurred Lines: The Omnibus Collection.

  Traitorous Heart

  : #3

  Coming Soon


  Thank you so much for reading the second volume in the Traitorous Heart series. In this volume Griffin and Katie get the chance to get to know each other a little more. I loved the idea of them playing Clue and then there’s a real murder. In the next volume, Katie will uncover something so mind blowing, the brand new relationship between Griffin and Katie may not survive.

  If you enjoyed Traitorous Heart, volume 2, please go back to Amazon and leave an honest review. It would mean so much to me.


  Breena Wilde

  Breena's Books

  Erotic Romance

  Blurred Lines

  Distorted Lines

  Crossed Lines

  Dirty Lines

  Blurred Lines Volumes 1-4 Boxed Set

  Irresistible Lines

  Twisted Lines

  False Lines

  Gratifying Lines

  Blurred Lines Volumes 5-8 Boxed Set

  The Blue Room

  Christmas Secrets

  Traitorous Heart, #1

  Traitorous Heart,#2

  Blurred Lines: The Omnibus Collection

  Includes all 8 volumes plus the short stories, The Blue Room and Christmas Pleasures

  Contemporary Romance

  Her Secrets

  Erotic Paranormal Romance

  His Vampire Touch (#1, Erotic Party Series)


  Breena Wilde calls the West home, but she's lived all over the United States. The only state she's never visited is Florida. Someday she'll rectify that - either before or after she goes to Paris, France.

  She's the author of the international bestselling BLURRED LINES series.

  Find Breena:







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