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Guard My Heart

Page 15

by AJ Summer

  “Please, Jase.” Her voice is husky, a throw-me-down-and-have-your-dirty-way-with-me bedroom voice. Fuck!

  “What do you need, baby?” I ask, breathing heavily myself.

  “Please touch me,” she whimpers.

  “I am touching you,” I say.

  I squeeze her breasts to make my point. She spins around and grabs my shoulders. Her chocolate eyes blaze at me angrily. I can’t help but smile before I lower my head to her breast. I nuzzle her nipple with my nose while skimming my hand down her front. My fingers glide over her soft skin and bump over the belly ring I did for her a few years ago. I inch toward her warm wetness slowly. I know what’s waiting for me. It feels like every damn muscle is fighting me for control. To move faster, to possess her, make her scream my name.

  “Jase, damn it! Touch me! Touch me now or I’m kicking your ass all over this damn shower!” she says harshly. Such serious threats without even opening her eyes. I smile but she digs her nails in to my shoulders, and it’s game over, my kitten has won. I will do anything for her. My fingers stroke over her slick folds. She digs her fingers in harder. Fuck, I need this. I grind my teeth.

  “Open your eyes, Mew. You know how this works. And get your nails out of me.” The words come out harder than I intended. I can’t think with her nails lodged in my skin. It drives me insane. Her eyes flutter open. I look into brown eyes filled with love and lust. I'm drowning in a sea of melted chocolate and sex. Fuck! Why haven’t I married this girl yet?

  1. You share a house with four friends.

  2. You just made the last payment on her ring.

  “What’s wrong, Jase?” Mia asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I must’ve been staring at her like a dick while giving myself a mental bitch slap.

  “Nothing a kiss from you won’t fix,” I say, winking at her.

  I slip the first finger inside of her as her mouth meets mine. She quivers around my finger. I slide the second finger in and stroke her slowly. Teasing her body to life. She inhales deeply and pulls my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue strokes the metal piercing in mine in time with the rhythm of my hand. I steady her by placing my other hand on the small of her back. She’s rocking against me now, encouraging me to move faster. I rub my thumb over her clit. I hear the gasp of air escaping her before her walls start pulling at my fingers. Increasing the pressure on the little nub, I rub her faster. Her head slumps forward, resting against my chest. God, she’s beautiful. The sound she’s making has me hurting. Her orgasm ripples through her body, leaving her trembling and breathing heavy. She lifts her head and looks at me, struggling to keep her eyes open. She leans in and nuzzles her nose with mine. I close my eyes, listening to her breathing slow down.

  I reach for the water and turn it off. I grab her towel, which is the size of a blanket, and wrap it around her. I pull the only girl I will ever love close, and I place a kiss on top of her wet hair.

  “Hmm, I love you,” she sighs, snuggling her nose into my neck.

  I lead her out of the shower to sit on the side of the bath.

  “Don’t move, I need to get these wet jeans off,” I say, wrestling with the wet fabric.

  “Hmm,” she hums. She sits down and rests her head against the wall on the side of the tub. She looks beat. The late shifts she’s been pulling at the tattoo parlor are taking their toll. It’s not fair to her though, having to cover my shifts like that, but I couldn’t let Grams down. She’s the only mother I’ve ever known.

  One good thing came from all Mia’s hard work. Our savings. We will be able to get our own place soon. It would’ve been sooner, but I’ve been stashing away some of the cash I get working at the garage for her ring. She’s going to love it. When I saw it, I knew it had to be the one to make her mine forever. Jumping into the shower, I notice she still has her eyes closed. I look down at my still swollen member and chuckle. It obviously has other ideas than letting Mia sleep.


  Watching Jase is one of my favorite things to do. No, screw that, watching Jase naked and wet in the shower is my favorite thing to do. He is perfect. From the jet black hair falling over his closed eyes to the spraying water on his toe nails. I watch the water drops slide lazily down his firm chest. Even they seem reluctant to leave his gorgeous body. He’s been working hard at his uncle’s garage, and the rewards of his labor are etched into his lean muscles. I hear him chuckle and look up to find him staring at his hard shaft. I bite down on my lip to stifle the laugh bubbling up in my throat. That’s just weird! I look at the object of his amusement. I remember our first time, my first time. I was scared out of my mind.

  It started out innocent. We were lying under a big old tree, completely hidden by the overhanging branches. He drew slow circles on the soft cotton of my panties. I thought maybe he was drawing random doodles but then his movements got more structured, focused.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, slightly breathless.

  “Property of Jase,” he hummed, so close that his warm breath tickled the skin on my thigh.

  “Huh?” I asked stupidly.

  “I'm writing ‘property of Jase’,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “You are writing ‘property of Jase’ on my panties? With your finger? Is that normal?”

  “There are no rules to sex, Mia, but if you want rules, I will make a rule. No more talking,” he said while he slowly slid my underwear down my thighs.

  Jase looks up from his shower and finds me staring at him with a stupid smile plastered across my face. I duck my head. I'm not shy in the bedroom with him anymore, but those eyes do things to me—the intensity behind his stare, the secrets that flicker across his eyes when he lets his guard down, the desire. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and I shake my head slightly. His toes enter my vision, and I lift my head in time to see him wrap a towel around his waist. His head is cocked to the side, a cheeky smirk on his face. Taking his offered hand, he leads me to our room. He turns down the covers, and he pulls me in for a kiss. His lips meet mine, too soft, teasingly almost. It’s a sweet torture. I push into him, deepening the kiss, and suck his piercing into my mouth. That freaking piercing can do awesome things if used right.

  A loud crash tears up the stairs. I hear people shouting. Jase is already on his way toward the door, pulling his boxers on in the process.

  “Stay here!” he bellows, pointing his finger at me.

  I see the flash of anger in his eyes. This Jase is exactly what his hard exterior tells you he is. Dangerous.

  The door slams closed behind him, rattling the frame. I’m so sick of this shit. I bet Lewis is getting his ass kicked for the redhead right now. Okay, well not exactly. Someone is probably trying to kick his ass right about now. Lewis has been an angry teen all his life. Getting into fights is second nature to him. That’s why I have no idea why Jase had to go down there. And that is exactly why I'm going down there now.

  I grab Jase’s t-shirt and pull on my PJ bottoms before running down the stairs. I hear Jenna screaming. She’s standing at the bottom of the stairs. Following her line of sight, I see Aiden on the floor. Blood is trickling in a thin line down the side of his face. Some guy I’ve never seen before is standing behind him holding a bat. I move to the idiot and shove him hard.

  “What the fuck, you asshole!” I yell at him as he takes a step back right into Lewis who takes him down hard with a shot to the jaw.

  I scan the room for Jase. I don’t see him. Panic turns my stomach to ice. My heart is fighting my ribs. “Jenna, Jenna, where’s Jase?” I cry. My voice sounds like it can crack glass.

  Jenna kneels next to Aiden who sits up rubbing his face. “He ran outside, James is there,” she answers softly.

  I share the confusion on her face. Normally, fights start around Lewis. I start for the back door, but I'm yanked back by Lewis.

  “Mia, please stay here. I’ll go. You help Jenna get Aiden to a chair,” he says while his eyes plead with me right alongside his words.

  “Jenna, can you
handle Aiden?” The words come out harsher than I intended, so I give her a small smile. I have to find Jase.

  She nods. I shake Lewis off and run toward the back door. The shouting is getting louder as I get closer. My stomach drops as I step outside and see him.

  “No, Jase, No!” I scream at him, but he doesn’t hear me. He is re-shaping some guys face with his fist. The only thing holding the guy up is the wall he’s slumped against. In seconds, I'm next to Jase. I grab hold of his arm. He swings at me blindly, knocking me sideways into the ground.

  “Stupid ass! It’s Mia, you asshole!” Lewis yells, rushing over to me. I'm already on my way up. I should’ve known not to blindside him. I know how he gets. There’s a beast inside of him that he doesn’t know how to control.

  “Lewis, grab his arm,” I yell. I brace myself to do the same, but Aiden beats me to it. Jase fights like a man possessed, yanking hard on the arms of his friends holding him back. I grab hold of him from around his back. Together the three of us finally wrestle him to the ground. I climb over him straddling his waist. “Jase baby, stop fighting, please. Jase, look at me!” I say, trying to steady my voice. He curses a few words even I won’t mention. His muscles remain tense beneath me. My face hovers over his, and I place a soft kiss on his lips. He doesn’t respond. I suck his bottom lip between mine and bite down on it. His body tenses further, and I bite down harder, digging my nails into his shoulders, hoping I won’t have to draw blood. I moan against his lip. I don’t want to hurt him. I feel him move as he struggles with his arms still pinned to his side. He yanks harder, and a low growl rumbles in his chest.

  “Let go of my arms. Or do you guys like watching my girl take advantage of me?” he bites out.

  I nod my head, and Lewis and Aiden each release the arm they were holding. I swear I hear a sigh of relief.

  “Jeez, Jase, you scared the shit out of me. That hasn’t happened in a while,” Lewis says, blowing out a gush of breath. I lift my head and look around. The guy Jase was hitting is being led away by another guy with a mohawk. I mean these are scary-looking dudes. I don’t normally judge on looks alone. Jase is by no way muscle man, but he has a serious temper. A temper he normally controls pretty well. This guy must’ve done something real bad to tick him off like that. He won’t go crazy ass on you just for starting a fight in his backyard.

  “Fucking hell,” James curses as he approaches. Jase moves under me, and I look down at him. There’s a tick in his jaw, and he’s staring at my elbow. I bring the obviously offensive object into my view and see that I’m bleeding. Oh shit!

  “Calm down, babe. It doesn’t hurt. It just took some skin off,” I plead with him softly. I don’t need another outburst from him tonight. Anger flares in those green orbs, and I know I should’ve just stayed in my damn room.

  “How the fuck did that happen, Mia?” He starts to get up, and I stumble off him.

  “I fell on my way over to you,” I say.

  I hate that my voice sounds weak. He won’t buy it, I'm fooling myself.

  “Bullshit, Mia! You tried to stop me, didn’t you?” His voice makes me flinch, even though I know he will never hurt me. He will never hurt me.

  I see Lewis take a step forward, but my look stops him in his tracks. My head snaps up as I watch a garden chair fly into the pool.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Jase yells as he yanks on his hair. His feet stomp a heavy path in the dirt. I let him vent and hope some of that anger will drown in the pool along with the garden chair. I’d rather have him here than have him taking off.

  I look at James. “Well?” I ask him.

  He looks at me from between the trio of friends, watching the semi-naked madman pacing our backyard. I look at Lewis but he just shrugs.

  “I was out showing Red my guitar when I heard the shouting. Dude, she better not leave or I’m kicking your ass,” Lewis says to James who’s still staring at Jase.

  “Right now, I’ve got a hot-as-hell redhead sitting naked on my bed holding my instrument, and I’m out here, staring at Jenna in nothing but a t-shirt…wait this is almost better,” Lewis says flashing his dimples.

  “Oh shit!” Jenna gasps. I whip my head around just in time so see her dashing through the back door. How the hell did I miss that? How the hell did Aiden miss that? Aiden glares at the cheeky grin on Lewis’ face.

  “You assholes better keep your dirty minds in check!” He throws a glare at James before stomping after Jenna.

  Aiden is extremely protective over Jenna. They’ve been together as long as Jase and I. I always thought there might have been something between Jenna and Kyle, but she’s so perfect with Aiden. They had their first kiss on my 19th birthday. Aiden bought this house the day Jenna wrote her last exam and married her the next day. I don’t know why they’ve stuck around the lot of us for so long. They are the total opposite of us. Jase, Lewis, and I were seen as outcasts, the weird kids. Aiden, Jenna, and James are the more wholesome, preppy type. Yet they’re still here; maybe we balance each other out. We need them to remind us to be responsible, and they need us to remind them of the wild things in life. So in the end I think we work out just fine. Sometimes when things go all crazy I wonder how it would’ve been if Kyle was still alive. Why did he never get together with Jenna? What would’ve happened with her and Aiden? And even if my straight-laced brother would never have approved of Jase on first glance, I’m sure he would’ve changed his mind if he could see how happy I am.

  I turn my attention back to James. “So what the heck happened here?” I ask the elusive question again.

  I move over to sit on Jase’s lap, who finally decided to calm down and take a seat. He doesn’t look at me but opens his arms for me to snuggle up to him.

  “Lewis, you remember the green Chevy that came in last week?” James asks.

  Lewis rolls his eyes before asking, “With that hot piece of ass?” He looks at me from the corner of his eye before looking at James again.

  “Yeah, man, that’s the one.” James nods to confirm his answer.

  “And the mean motherf—, uh sorry, Mia,” he scoffs and clears his throat before continuing. “I mean with the dude who clung to her like six-week-old mold to a tuna sandwich?” Lewis explains rather disgustingly. My nose crinkles. Oh no, this isn’t about a girl, is it? I think to myself.

  “James hooked up with her yesterday after work,” Jase confirms my thoughts. James stares at the ground, and Lewis whistles and slaps James on the back.

  “Well done, my man,” Lewis says with a chuckle. James breathes out heavily, and it’s only then that I realize his shirt has been almost completely ripped off his back. A nasty bruise is playing tag on his cheekbone. Has my head been stuck up my ass since I walked out the back door?

  “That big dude came here looking for her with his army of friends. His buddies took me down when I went to get her a drink. The next moment he started hauling her out by her hair. That’s when Jase came out,” James explains.

  And just like that it’s all clear. Never lift your hands towards a woman in front of Jase.

  “So Jase was beating up her boyfriend,” I confirm. I already know the answer. James just nods his head.

  “Where is she now?” I ask, already looking around for this girl.

  “She took off with her friend after Jase grabbed that guy,” James answers uncomfortably.

  “I really hope you haven’t just opened a can of whoop ass for us,” Lewis says, grabbing a coke from the table.

  “I'm not worried about that asshole or his gangster-wanna-be friends,” James says looking at Jase.

  “It’s Uncle Ray I'm worried about. Asshole or no asshole, he is still a customer,” James says, his voice even softer than normal. He has this way of speaking just loud enough for everyone to hear. Not like Lewis who always seems to belt everything out. Jase lifts his head to look at James. He nods his head slowly.

  “Let’s get some sleep. We have an early start tomorrow. I don’t want to add ‘late for work’ to ou
r charge sheets.”

  Jase lifts me off the chair and places me on my feet.

  “Let’s get that cleaned up,” he says, pointing at my elbow.

  I see Lewis shaking his head. I hope he can handle his dad. James looks really worried. I wonder if this is the girl to finally snag him. Did I see her here tonight? What’s she look like? It’s not like him to go after unavailable woman. Lewis, yes. He sees it as a challenge. I imagine what she looks like as I follow Jase back to our room. I stomp my feet up the stairs. I want to make sure he knows I'm following and I’m not happy. All this damn fuss over a scraped elbow. Even the walls seem to shy away from the silent and moody Jase. I follow him into the bathroom and take a seat on the toilet. He fills a bowl with water and adds some antiseptic to it. He looks worried, his beautiful face edged with concern. He grabs the hem of the shirt I'm wearing and pulls it over my head. He breaks off several pieces of cotton wool from the roll and dunks them into the liquid.


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