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No Time for Temptation: No Brides Club, Book 4

Page 6

by McDonell, Monique

  He drank his coffee shirtless, he went for a run and came home and peeled his shirt off, he stepped out of the shower shirtless, and always at the exact moment she passed down the stairs. He even sat at his desk reading shirtless. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear it was intentional, but it was her and Liam. So, that couldn’t be.

  She fanned herself with a napkin. She’d always been attracted to Liam the person and to his handsome face, but now that she was having to add Liam’s body into the mix, it was even more challenging not to ogle him.

  At one point this morning he’d actually said, “Eyes up here,” as she’d been staring at him over her coffee. This was not good.

  Melody arrived first, and within a few minutes all the girls were present with their cocktails in hand. She loved this group of women and every week marveled at how lucky she was to have found them. Having true female friends who weren’t from the industry, didn’t work with her, and didn’t like her for her celebrity was a new experience and one she treasured. It was nice to spend time talking about their jobs and their families. It kept her from becoming truly isolated. She also loved how when anyone approached her for an autograph one of them always gave them a frosty death stare, so they almost always turned away or, if they braved the group, were especially respectful. Sadly, that was not always her experience.

  “So how’s the new place?”

  She grabbed her phone and showed them the photos. One in the kitchen had Liam, shirtless of course, in the background.

  “Is that Liam?” They leaned in. “He’s gorgeous.”

  “Yeah, that’s him.” She sighed. And he was indeed gorgeous.

  “Wow, I would find him hard to resist. He is temptation personified.”

  “We’re friends. We’ve always been friends. Though, it is different living together. We’re seeing a lot more of each other than we usually do.”

  “In every sense,” Kate said and held her hand up for a high five, which Rachel returned.

  “That’s true. Plus, he’s amazing to live with. My week has been insane and coming home to him, having someone to talk to. It’s pretty great.”

  “It sounds like you like him a lot,” Rachel commented.

  “Of course, I like him a lot, he’s my oldest friend.”

  “No, it sounds like you like him, like him.” She waggled her eyebrows to make her point.

  “It’s not like that, and you’ll see when you come over. We’re having a housewarming, not this Saturday but the one after. I hope you can all come.” She had just set up the online invite this afternoon, and she sent it to them as she talked.

  “Of course, we’ll be there. We can’t wait to see your place and meet Mr. Temptation in person.”

  “Really, we’re calling him that now?” she said with a smile because really he was way too tempting.

  “Are you inviting Zach?” Kate asked her. They knew he’d been texting her since their date. She liked Zach but not the way she liked Liam

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it. But please all bring a date or a plus one.”

  “Is Liam bringing a date?” The way Julie asked had Georgie thinking maybe she was interested.

  “I don’t know. He’s inviting a couple of old college friends and people from work, I guess. We’re still ironing out the details. I don’t know that he’s dating yet, he just broke up with his Chicago girlfriend.” She wasn’t discouraging her exactly, Georgie loved Julie, and it wasn’t as if she hadn’t spent a decade watching him date, but now that she was living with him, she wasn’t sure how she’d feel about him bringing women home. And it was the truth that he was on the rebound. “I’m not sure anyone in the No Brides Club should be his rebound girl. It might get weird.”

  The conversation swung around to everyone’s jobs and how busy they all were.

  “I do not know how people do all this and date.”

  Thinking about her own crazy life, Georgie didn’t either. Zach had called her yesterday, but they hadn’t been able to find a time they were both free yet. At this point they might have to meet for breakfast. Still, living with Liam had her wondering what being in a relationship and maintaining this schedule might be like, and for the first time she could see that having someone to share it with, the right someone, could be pretty great.

  Still, she had that with Liam anyway, no need to complicate things further. If he’d just learn to dress his whole body, this could be the perfect arrangement.

  * * *

  Georgie hadn’t been wrong when she’d suggested she worked harder than he did, her hours this week had been grueling. Tonight however he knew she was off with her friends at the No Brides Club. He was catching up with Malcolm at a bar as well.

  They headed up to the rooftop and grabbed a couple of beers before looking for a table. So far Liam had found the transition to the New York team pretty smooth.

  “To new beginnings,” Malcolm toasted him.

  “Cheers. It’s good to be here.”

  “I’m glad you finally came to your senses and made the move.”

  “About Cara or New York?” Malcolm had made it very clear he wasn’t a fan of his ex.

  “Both,” he said with a sly smile. “Any woman that wants to clip your wings is the wrong woman for you.”

  Liam wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but he nodded. “Well, so far the team seems to be adjusting to having me here.”

  “Yes, and contrary to your prediction, the Chicago office hasn’t collapsed either.”

  “It’s only been a week. Give them time.” He took a swig of his own drink. He liked to think he was indispensable, but he knew that wasn’t actually true. “Seriously though, I know they’ll be fine. They’re a solid team, and I’ll be there a lot anyway at least short-term.”

  “Enough shop talk. How’re the new digs?” Mal asked.

  He talked about the brownstone and how much he was enjoying it after living in a high-rise for years. He hadn’t discussed his living arrangements or that Georgie was part of them with Mal. He didn’t have a reason for that exactly.

  “Plenty of room to entertain the ladies. So many beautiful women in New York, my friend. Look at that table over there if you need living proof.” Malcolm tipped his head to a table across the balcony where one of those women looked very familiar. Georgie was there laughing with her friends. She looked happy and relaxed for the first time that week. “I think I recognize at least one of those women.”

  Liam knew which one he was referring to because she was at one time one of the most photographed faces in America. The slightly darker hair and a couple of years of age didn’t mar the resemblance much at all. “I certainly do. Georgie is my childhood friend, and we’re sharing the brownstone.”

  “You’re living with her?” Malcolm’s voice rose and his mouth fell open. “You’re a faster mover than I thought.”

  He felt his hand tighten around his beer. “It’s not like that. We’re friends. Old friends.”

  Malcolm’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “You’re living with her and you’re not . . .”

  Liam held his hand up. “Do not finish that sentence, Mal.”

  “Whoa, okay, message received. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Never came up.”

  “Dude, we’ve worked together for years. We’re business partners and your being friends with America’s sweetheart and now living with her never came up?”

  Liam gave a shrug. “I guess not. Anyway, we’re having a housewarming a week from Saturday. You should come.”

  “Are you crazy? Of course, I’ll come. You’re inviting me into the inner sanctum. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Okay. But please don’t make me regret it.” Liam shook his head. He really hoped Malcolm would behave.

  At that moment Georgie looked up and caught his eye, and her own popped wide and then all heads at her table turned to look at him, eyes wide as well. He raised his glass. And they all did the same as a pink blush crept up Georgie’s cheeks. B

  “You may not have clued your friends in, but hers sure know all about you it seems.”

  Oh yes, and he couldn’t wait to learn exactly what they knew.

  Liam and his friend came sauntering across the bar like they owned the place. In fact, they looked like they owned the city. They had slick suits, handsome faces, and so much confidence radiated off of them. As attractive as Liam was shirtless, the man rocked a suit.

  “Mr. Temptation is heading our way,” Rachel said, stating the obvious.

  “Hey, Georgie, sorry, didn’t know this was your place.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Good evening, ladies. I’m Liam, and this is my business partner, Malcolm.”

  “Oh, we know who you are,” Kate said her voice full of mischief.

  “Really? Do tell?” Liam’s tone matched hers perfectly.

  “You’re Georgie’s oldest friend and newest roommate, of course.”

  “What about me?” Malcolm teased.

  “You, we’ve never heard of,” she quipped.

  He pretended to be wounded, shot in the heart. When Georgie thought about it, even though she knew a lot about Malcolm from talking to Liam even she had never met him.

  “I know many of your secrets, Malcolm, and it’s still a pleasure to meet you.” She gave him a smile, and he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

  “Do you think our boy here has been trying to keep us apart all these years?”

  She didn’t think it, she knew it. He was the king of compartmentalization. While Georgie had always invited Liam into her life, he’d never done the same. In fact, now that she thought about it, the whole idea to move in together was completely out of character and the housewarming even more so.

  “I know he has. I wonder what changed.”

  “I really didn’t know you’d be here,” Liam interjected. So nothing had changed, he just couldn’t avoid her and Mal meeting this time.

  She gave him a smile. “Of course not or Mal wouldn’t be here.”

  “Well, we’re very pleased that you two are living together,” Rachel said.

  “You are?” they said in unison.

  “Yeah, it seems like it will work out well for both of you. Georgie has someone there with Tapioca when she travels, and you get her excellent cooking when she’s there. It’s a shame to think about all the food she’s wasted over the years.”

  She was definitely right about that, although that hadn’t been where Georgie thought she was going by the mischievous tone in her voice and emphasis she’d placed on the word very. It sounded very much like she’d been insinuating something.

  “I think I’m definitely the winner because I love the dog and I get the food,” Liam declared next to her. “Speaking of which, shall we order some? That is, of course, if you don’t mind if we join you ladies. I know this is usually girls’ night.”

  Georgie wouldn’t have minded saying no. Not because she didn’t like Liam but because she felt like all eyes were upon him and in turn her and how they interacted. She had a feeling that even if she was able to hide her attraction for Liam from the man himself that it would not be so easy to do the same with her friends. Of course, everyone had already agreed they should stay and Malcolm was waving down the waiter, and in no time another round of drinks along with what appeared to be every happy hour snack on the menu.

  He was standing up close, and she could smell the masculine scent of his cologne. It was woodsy and citrusy and totally Liam. She wondered when he started wearing it but couldn’t ask without giving away that she had been smelling him.

  “You’re quite sure you are okay?” He gave her a nudge.

  “I’m fine.” She gave him what she hoped was a genuine-looking smile. “Sorry, my mind drifted off.”

  “I can’t help but notice that when it was just you girls you were chatting and laughing your head off, and now you’re like a different person.”

  “I’m just watching everyone get to know each other.”

  “Sorry we crashed your evening. I’ll know better in the future.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s nice having you here. And you don’t know anyone much in New York, so it’s good to meet new people.”

  “It’s nice to meet your friends at last.”

  “Well, it’s definitely nice to meet Malcolm after all these years. He’s quite the charmer.” The man was regaling the girls with a story about a snake that escaped in a car while they were making a television commercial, and he had their rapt attention.

  “That he is. Don’t fall for it.”

  She let out a small laugh. “Hardly. And you should probably tell him not to work too hard, we are the No Brides Club after all.”

  She popped an arancini in her mouth so she wouldn’t have to talk anymore. Melody asked Liam how he was settling into life in the big city, and Georgie took a moment while they talked to try and see Liam the way someone else might, someone objective. Even objectively they’d think he was good looking with his shock of dark hair and the one dimple that popped up his left cheek when he really smiled. They’d find him polite and considerate, both of which he was, but he wasn’t a pushover either. He hadn’t become a success by stepping back. He’d worked hard to get where he was and that shone through, but she guessed most people didn’t see the sad boy from the impoverished home he’d once been. Of course, that was intentional, he made sure people only saw who he was now, and who he was now was very impressive, even more so because of who he used to be.

  “So you invited everyone?” Liam interrupted her train of thought.


  “Earth to Georgie.” He tugged on a strand of her hair the way he’d always done to get her attention. “To the housewarming. You’ve invited all your friends?”

  “All these friends, yes.”

  “We were wondering if she was inviting Zach or not?”

  Zach. Liam did not want Zach at the housewarming. He did not want Zach in his house trying to make a move on Georgie, the woman Liam loved. He tried to look calm, but he felt his hand tighten around his beer glass.

  “I guess I’ll invite him. He’ll probably be away, though, but I will check.” Liam hoped so.

  “Who is Zach?” Mal asked. Mal was watching Liam very carefully. It was reasonable to assume he wasn’t buying the just friends spiel that Liam had tried to sell earlier.

  “He’s Georgie’s old neighbor. He likes her. They’ve been on a date.”

  “He doesn’t like me like that. We’re just friends.”

  “Like you and Liam are just friends?” Mal had to poke the bear.

  “Sort of,” Georgie said. Whatever that meant.

  “I see,” said Mal. “Well, I am very much looking forward to the party. Will you be doing the cooking?”

  Liam and Georgie said, “No” and “Yes” respectively.

  “You want to cook?”

  “Of course, I do.” She looked at him like he was crazy.

  “I just thought with your schedule you’d be too busy.”

  “She loves feeding people,” Rachel explained. “Deep inside that tall blond woman lies a small Italian grandmother who’s busting to break free.”

  Liam laughed. She wasn’t wrong. “Just like your mama.”

  She gave him a smile. “We love Georgie’s mama.”

  Not as much as Liam did, that was for sure, and he felt even more deeply about Georgie herself.

  Beside him, Georgie let out a small yawn, so he checked with her. “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded. “We’re going to head off. I have to be at the farmers’ market to film by six.”

  “Why are you still here, then? Be gone,” one of her friends asked. Why was she? That’s right, Liam thought, because she needed to hang out with people who liked her just for her. Not for her fame or her money, just for Georgie.

  He slapped some money down on the table, and they said their farewells.

  Malcolm pulled him in for a one-armed man hug with a back slap an
d couldn’t help but whisper in his ear, “Just friends, huh?”

  All Liam could do was groan. He released his friend and gave him a steely stare, which just had him grinning like a fool. “This has been so fun.”

  Liam followed Georgie down through the crowded bar to the pavement outside, his hand resting on the small of her back as they went.

  “That was fun,” he said as they fell into step toward their home. “They seem like a really nice group.”

  “They really are. I’m so glad I found them. They’ve kept me sane since I moved to New York.”

  “My friendship alone isn’t enough to sustain you, huh?” He shoulder checked her gently.

  “Considering this is the first time we’ve been in the same city for a decade, no, not really.” She gave him a smile. “It’s nice having you here now, though.”

  “Nice?” He needed to work harder if that’s all he got.

  She shoulder checked him back. “Better than nice. I’m still getting used to it, though. You know it’s odd to have you around after so long. Nice but odd.”

  “Me too,” he conceded. “I keep seeing you come down the stairs in the morning and wondering if it’s real or not.”

  “The way I look in the morning you’re probably hoping not.” She laughed.

  “Hardly. You always look beautiful to me.” He was not lying, in a room full of women his eyes always found her.

  “You’re such a sweet talker. Always were.”

  “I speak the truth. Also, I love listening to you when you sing in the shower. It makes me so happy, your voice always has.”

  “You can hear me from downstairs?” Well, no, he couldn’t. He’d taken to standing outside the bathroom door just to listen, which he definitely could not tell her without sounding like a creeper.

  “From the landing. Must be the layout, I guess. Acoustics.” He waved his hand as if to imply it was inexplicable really. He hadn’t said which landing, so it was only a white lie.

  “Lucky you like my singing or it would be annoying.”

  They turned the corner into their street. “How many millions of albums have you sold? People would be jealous if they knew I got a free concert every day. Maybe I should start selling tickets.”


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