Book Read Free

Flash Drive

Page 25

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  “You’re taking me to a hotel for dinner? Let me guess, this is the hotel you’re staying in?”

  “Well, yes, I do stay here whenever I’m in town. It’s my hotel. I own it. So when I’m in the city, it makes sense to save money and stay here, don’t you think?”

  “You own it?” she asked as she stepped out of the car and looked up, up, up to the top floors.

  “It was one of my first acquisitions. I liked the view from the penthouse. C’mon,” he said taking her hand in his and pulling her after him, “I’ll show you.”

  They walked through the lobby, garnering a fair share of stares from both the male and female population assembled there, and Mallory noticed that the clerks at the registration desks visibly straightened as they recognized their boss. He led her over to the banks of elevators and took the open one on the far right. When it reached the 65th floor and stopped, he put a key in the control panel and the elevator continued up more two floors.

  The bell dinged and a doorman greeted them as they stepped out onto the carpeted hallway. The doorman rushed to open the huge double doors directly ahead of them and smiled as they went inside the suite.

  Once inside, she turned to admire first, the impressive foyer, and then the magnificent view out the far windows. She touched his arm, realizing that he, too, was wearing cashmere, and whispered, “You have someone waiting out there all the time just to open the door for you?”

  His delighted laugh warmed her with its sincerity. “No, honey, he oversees the running of my households. He travels with me and makes sure everything runs smoothly. My driver alerted him that we were on our way up. Tonight, he’s making sure our dinner is served promptly and efficiently, and then he will see to it that all the staff is dismissed, and then he too will discretely disappear.”

  “We’re eating here?” she asked, suddenly even more nervous than before.

  “Why not? The view is unparalleled; we can watch the sun set on the city, and my chef is one of the best in the country, if I do say so myself. Does it bother you that we’re here?”

  “I just thought there’d be other people around.”

  “Safety in numbers?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Well, I knew I only had one shot, that I’d have to impress you the very first time out of the gate.”

  “I’m impressed,” she said as she stared out at the lights of the city. “But I’m also a little uncomfortable being alone with you, in your home. We just met today.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ve read about me and surely you know a lot more about me than I know about you. I’m the one who should be a little leery,” he said with a slight nod, “you could do any number of things to me while we’re up here all alone.”

  She laughed at his serious put-on and then bogus expression of worry, and he thought he’d never heard a more charming sound. He took her wrap off her arm and her purse out of her hand and placed them on a burled mahogany table that was elegantly positioned behind a large curving leather sofa. “Come have a seat, I have some champagne chilling for us.”

  “Oh, I can’t drink. I have several surgeries tomorrow.”

  “Just one,” he said as he popped the cork and poured them each a tall fluted glassful of the sparkling golden liquid.

  He carried the flutes over to her and waited for her to accept hers before lifting his in toast, “To us, and to a night to remember.”

  “Stewart . . .”

  “It’s poor form not to acknowledge a toast,” he admonished with a seriously lifted brow.

  “To us,” was as much as she’d say.

  They sipped their champagne as he pointed out the sights of the city below them. A few minutes later they were called to dinner.

  They dined in the formal dining room, both of them seated at the same end of a very long table. They regaled each other throughout the meal—he with misadventures in his business travels, her with her days at med school and then with her residency in Boston. They both loved Boston and spent most of the time over the final courses talking about all their favorite places.

  They had a simple dinner that consisted of a small spinach salad followed by herb-roasted chicken breasts and asparagus served with a delicious mango chutney sauce. For dessert they had a tiramisu that was made with the lightest and creamiest mocha filling Mallory had ever tasted. She refused the after dinner drink in favor of a cinnamon-flavored cup of coffee, and realized that she was sad that their dinner date was coming to a close.

  “This has been very nice Stewart and I thank you very much for having me,” she said as she stood up. He rose and walked her back to the other side of the suite to the living room. Soft, low music was playing and he took her hands in his, “Dance with me.”

  He looked down into her eyes and as they bored into hers, their hypnotizing effect caused her to say, “Yes.” She simply nodded and without breaking eye contact, he led her over to the wall of windows to a section of hardwood flooring.

  He gently drew her into his arms, putting one hand around her waist while the other held her hand clasped against his on his shoulder. She leaned into him and together they swayed to the strains of the Sinatra’s Come Fly with Me. Increasingly, he pulled her closer, fitting her hips snugly into his while his hand moved to softly tangle in her hair.

  “Your hair is so beautiful, and you can tell it’s natural, it fits your coloring so perfectly.”

  “My mother is Swedish and my father’s family is of German heritage.”

  “It’s a nice combination,” he said as he brushed his lips against her temple.

  She was melting and she knew this could mean trouble. She was so enjoying his touch and the feel of being in his strong arms. The champagne and the glass of wine with dinner were having a telling effect. “I think I should be going now, it’s getting late.”

  He stopped dancing and lifted her chin with his fingertips. “I don’t want you to go,” he said simply. And then he spun her world as he captured her lips with his and didn’t let her go. His hand came up to hold her head to his as he ended one kiss only to realign his lips to take another. After torturous moments of languorously moving his lips over hers, she finally allowed his tongue to breach the barrier of her teeth. He probed for her tongue, twining in and out, chasing

  it while he alternately sucked and nibbled on her

  bottom lip.

  “Mallory,” he breathed against her lips, “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but I can’t seem to get enough of you. Just the taste of you is driving me wild.”

  His words were heating her skin and dampening her in secret places. She felt the heat of their embrace, the desire pooling in her center, and she shyly touched her tongue to his. Opening her mouth against his, her tongue timidly sought out his, causing him to groan as if in pain.

  His lips seared into hers and his tongue parlayed with hers and then he dropped his head and kissed the long column of her neck, showering her with one hot, burning sensation after another. When his lips found their way to her bare shoulder, he used the palm of his hand to ease the soft knit off her shoulder all the way to her elbow, exposing her breast to his waiting hand. His palm curved and he cupped the soft fullness of her, hefting the weight of her fleshy mound in his hand while his thumb grazed the peaked nipple. It was her turn to groan and he thought he would die from the sheer pleasure of hearing it. He bent to take her nipple in his mouth. She swooned against him, unable to support herself from the sudden buckling of her knees and the collapse of her legs. He caught her in his arms, lifted her, and carried her to his bedroom, never once taking his mouth from her breast.

  As tenderly as he could, he placed her on the soft linens of his turned down bed. He kicked off his shoes and followed his body down to hers. As he stretched out beside her, he heard her mumble some
thing, and desperate not to have her deny him, he covered her mouth with his.

  He plundered her mouth with his unfurled tongue thrusting and retreating until the rhythm was so compelling that she finally had to reach her hands up to hold his head to hers so she could follow his lead. He had one hand under her shoulders holding her to him, while with the other he stripped her dress down past her knees. When he felt, more than heard her gasp against his mouth, he slid his hand up along her outer thigh, grazing her hip and hugging her waist before caressing her breast again.

  Instinct took over as he subtly read every nuance of her body as it responded to his. He kept one step ahead of her as he imparted pleasures she was not accustomed to, forcing her body to feel and luxuriate in the primitive urges a woman was designed for.

  He sighed with pleasure as his hand roamed over her chest; a woman with breasts this large and responsive was every man’s dream, and as she moaned to every type of caress he used on them, his body grew hard and demanding. Moving his lips from one fully distended nipple to the other, he used his hand to caress her waist, her flat abdomen and then to delve into the region between her legs.

  He cupped her as his middle finger fluttered against her smooth labial lips, beckoning them to open to his touch. They blossomed like the full ripe petals they were, and he groaned at the silky slickness. “You are so wet,” he murmured into the cleft between her breasts. He licked her cleavage and the underside of her breasts, enjoying her sweet floral fragrance and her ripe, young flesh as he drew his tongue down her body. That he had a definite target in mind should not have surprised her, but at this point, her mind was mush.

  When his mouth grazed her soft blonde mound, he felt her hands reach out to stop him. He knew he had to act quickly or all would be lost. She couldn’t come to her senses now; he couldn’t stand the agony of it if she did. His lips joined his fingers where they were opening her wide for him and he licked and sucked on her feminine lips while lower on the bed, he insinuated his body between her legs. Her dress had slid to her ankles and it only required a flick of his wrist to send it to the floor so he could lift her legs to his shoulders. Had he known during dinner that she’d had no underwear on, he would never have been able to sit still; he’d thought she was at least wearing thong panties. Oh, she was being naughty—naughty for him. The thought made him shiver. His tongue darted into her as his hands gripped and stroked her thighs keeping her legs spread wide for him.

  “Stewart, no. We mustn’t . . .” Too late, he had her completely open, her knees bent, her feet on his back, his arms holding her thighs wide as he licked and kissed and lapped at her. Running his tongue up and down inside her slit, he reveled in her juices, enjoying the musky taste and slick feel of her against his tongue and lips.

  Expertly, he tongued and fingered her, inching back with some regularity to examine her glistening, gaping opening. Greedily, he went back for more, each time concentrating a little longer on the top of her slit where a hard bud had emerged, trembling and throbbing. Mercifully, he finally gave in to her soft, mewling pleas and took the small, full nub between his lips and sucked. As he felt it contract, and her body respond with an answering shudder, he grasped her buttocks to pull her even closer, giving him unlimited access to fuck her with his tongue. Fast. Hard. Deep. He felt her convulse against his lips, heard her cry of ecstasy as it echoed around the room and he delighted in the sheer satisfaction of giving her such unbridled pleasure that it caused him to feel the urgency of his own release.

  He quickly reached down and undid his pants, pushing them down around his knees. He fished for a condom in one of the front pockets, tore it open with his teeth, pulled it out and with nimble fingers rolled it onto his throbbing erection. While she was in a post climactic daze, he mounted her, positioned himself at her opening and entered her. He hadn’t gone far when he met resistance. Thinking he was improperly aimed, he pulled out and entered her again, this time more forcefully. And suddenly, without a single doubt in his mind, he knew that he had just broken through her hymen.

  Too late to undo anything, he took a moment to revel in the incredible sensation of feeling of her tight sheath surrounding him. Then, totally taken with her, and full of a heady lust such as he’d never before experienced, he thrust forward, pinning her to the bed and filling her completely. Sliding his hand between their bodies, he used his thumb to worry her clit as he drove in and out of her. When she shattered for him with a loud, harsh sob, the sound reverberated throughout his body and he moaned. It wasn’t surprising that he was only good for a few short thrusts and one deep, soul-jarring kiss before he was so consumed with passion and his incredible desire to possess her that he couldn’t control himself. Gripping her buttocks, he fully seated himself in her and exploded with the most incredible orgasm he’d ever had in his life. It left him weak and completely drained as his head fell alongside hers on the pillow. After a moment to recover, he propped himself up on his elbows to keep the bulk of his weight off of her, and he gasped, “Jesus, Mallory! Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  “I don’t remember the subject coming up. The last thing I remember saying was, ‘Stewart, we

  mustn’t . . .’”

  Between huge gulps of air he managed to get out, “Why are you a virgin, for God’s sake?” If truth were told, he actually sounded angry about it.

  “I wanted to save myself for my husband.”

  As her words sunk in, he groaned. His forehead met hers and his eyes closed. “Oh Mallory, I’m so sorry.”

  But deep down, in his true heart, he wasn’t. A part of him was thrilled that he had been the first and now the only with this incredibly beautiful and sexy woman. But he was sad that he had taken something from her that maybe she hadn’t been ready to give.

  “That’s not exactly what a woman wants to hear a man say when she’s just given herself to him.”

  “You didn’t give yourself to me, I took you. I used every trick in the book to keep you senseless and I took you. I am so sorry.”

  “I wish you’d stop saying that. Couldn’t you just tell me you couldn’t help yourself because you wanted me so much, and that it was the most wonderful feeling you’ve ever had? That would at least make me feel like my virginity wasn’t completely wasted.”

  “Oh sweetheart, it wasn’t wasted, trust me. And it goes without saying that I wanted you. I’ve wanted you since the moment you walked in and said, ‘Hi, I’m Dr. Mallory Greene and I’m here to give you your physical.’ Babe, that was the most incredible climax I’ve ever had. It’s never been this good, ever. No darling, it wasn’t wasted,” he said as he smoothed a strand of hair off her cheek.

  “Well, that’s much better. And, you did toast to a night to remember,” she said with a sheepish grin.

  “Mallory, I will always remember tonight. I would have even if you hadn’t been a virgin. You are a beautiful woman and your body is so responsive, you’re absolutely incredible.”

  “That’s funny. It never has been before. I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on. As much as it pains me to say it, I wanted you badly, very badly.”

  “Why does it pain you to say it?”

  “Because I’m spoken for, remember? I’m not supposed to be here in your bed, with you.”

  He grinned down at her, “Yeah, but now that you are . . . how about an encore?” he said mischievously. He pressed into her and she felt his burgeoning thickness filling her. Instinctively, she pushed back and he groaned his pleasure at the reciprocal movement. “Wait, I have to get a new condom.”

  He slid out of her, stood and shucked off his pants, shirt and socks before opening the nightstand drawer and taking a foil packet from the box inside. Only when he removed the one he had on and saw it stained with blood did he think to ask how she was and to reconsider whether a repeat performance was prudent. By no means had he been gentl
e with her.

  Assured that she felt fine, he came to stand beside her. She had pulled up the duvet and used it to cover herself. Her creamy white shoulders were a stark contrast to the crimson red satin. She saw him looming over her and she knew without a doubt that what they were getting ready to do, yet again, was wrong and unconscionable. But one look at the desire burning in his eyes and the powerful, furred chest that she had so carefully examined today, and she melted with her own desire. She watched him put the condom on his long, thick penis and then he was on top of her, positioning himself as his head ducked to capture a long hard nipple in his mouth.

  Her fingers delved into the thick mat covering his chest and found his nipples. His low moan ended with a growl. This time he took it nice and slow, letting her feel the power of his thrusts and the dizzying sense of completeness as he filled her again and again. Just when she was convinced nothing could ever feel as good, he pinned her to the bed by gripping her wrists together above her head while pumping like a crazed ramrod into her.

  Fast, quick jabs that stroked her right where her body needed to be stroked, and then she was gone, gone into an oblivion she could never have imagined, a place where every kind of color burst into the velvety blackness as she traveled away from earth and everything rocked out of place. She vaguely remembered hearing Stewart cry out, “Oh God,” before he groaned her name and bit the side of her neck. He collapsed, so relaxed and so drained that he felt he had left his body.

  A few minutes later, she tapped him on the shoulder and said, “I want to thank you for dinner, but I really must go now. I have surgery tomorrow.”

  He mumbled something unintelligible and then eased out of her. “Can’t you spend the night? I can have my driver take you home early in the morning.”

  She sat up and held the sheet against her chest. She looked so adorable with her rosy cheeks and her fair complexion. She had little red marks in all the places he had kissed her last, her skin being so sensitive they easily showed, and there were teeth marks where he had nipped her. Her blonde hair was mussed and draped over her shoulders, and she looked infinitely lovely. He wanted her all over again.


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