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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

Page 22

by S. N. Garza

  “That’s not even the worst part.”

  “There’s more!?” This was insane. I was about to lose my shit. Big time.

  “Yeah, when she fell down, she broke her hand. She’ll be in a cast for weeks and she had an audition for the Phoenix Symphony. It was a once in a lifetime deal. The doctor said she might be able to play, but it won’t be the same.”

  “You got awfully chatty with the doctor, Dessa.”

  “I know him, Christian. Give it a rest. Look, I need to get back in there, just in case she wakes up. Please, can one of you get a hold of her brother? I know he’ll want to know.”

  “Alright, give us the information and we’ll be on the next flight out. And Iridessa?”

  “Who is this?”

  “I’m Deke. Penelope’s friend.”

  “Oh, the hot one.”


  Iridessa giggled before saying, “Yeah, Deke?”

  “You sit on her. You don’t let anyone in there except for doctor’s, me or her brother.”

  “I don’t remember what you look like.”

  “Bunko will tell you. Promise me.”

  “Why? No one is going to disturb her.”

  “Promise me. I know that son of a bitch did something to her. I know because she was probably breaking it off with him.”

  “What? No way. The only way Penny would break up with him is if she cheated on him. He’s such a laid back guy. He…wait a minute. What are you saying?”

  “Exactly what you’re thinking. Just sit on her. If he comes to her room you call security. We’ll be there as soon as possible.”

  Then I walked back to the office to grab my phone, wallet and keys. Boiling hot rage burned through my veins. Motherfucker was a dead man.

  I was pulling on my jacket when Johnny came in and collected his things as well.

  “Where the hell you going, Johnny?”

  “With you of course.”

  “No. This is my fault. I have to fix it.”

  “Boy, you ain’t gonna get nowhere near Wharlon.”

  I whipped my face over to him saying, “How the hell you know his name?”

  “Because I talk to Penny, boy. And let me tell you, you ain’t gonna be able to touch him. Your ass will be in a jail cell quicker than a junkie gets high. You let me worry about Wharlon. You go to Penelope. She’s going to need you, son. You really think he hurt her?”

  “Johnny, I swear my life on it. After we…I know her. She wouldn’t have been able to stay with him knowing she cheated on him. And she did. Cheat on him. I didn’t help but Johnny. He hurt my girl. He put his hands on her in anger. My girl, Johnny. This is all my fault. And her friend says it’s bad? What if?” I was seriously losing it. There was a crack in my voice as tears burned. Johnny settled his hands on my shoulders, making me look up at him.

  “Our girl. And he’ll pay for it, son. I promise you.”

  That’s when I realized tears were already falling from my eyes. “I did this. He hurt her because of me.”

  “Deke. You can’t change what’s happened. You can only be there for her. Apologize, let her rant and rave and even if that means being hated, you be there for her. So let’s get a hold of the brother and get to the airport.”

  I nodded. There was only one person who might know. Her mother.

  When I got there, thankfully, Mr. Handleman wasn’t there when she opened the door.

  “Deke? It’s really late.”

  “Penelope is in the hospital. I need to get a hold of her brother, now.”

  “No! What happened?”

  “I’ll explain later, but where would he be? Can you call him? I don’t have his number.”

  “Yes, of course. By the phone.”

  I went passed her and dialed his cell phone, it rang four times before a voice much like Mr. Handleman’s came over the phone.


  “Patrick? This is Deke Morgan. Penelope is in the hospital in Arizona. Where are you?”


  “Where are you?”

  “Vegas. Now tell me.” I gave him the rundown and he swore. “That motherfucker is dead.”

  “Good. I’m not the only one who believes he did something to her.”

  “Of course. I never liked the guy and told Penny as much. But why?”

  “I might be the cause of it—

  “Morgan, did you break her heart? Again?”

  “Listen. There is no life here for her. She deserves better than some small town boy who ain’t going nowhere. But never mistake my love for her. I love her beyond your imagination.”

  He sighed and said, “Alright. Give me the info and Michael and I will be on our way. When will you get here?”

  “Within five hours and don’t worry about Alan. A friend of mine is already taking care of it.”

  “Alright. For now I’ll reserve judgement of you Morgan because you were there for her when she needed someone. And I understand about you wanting better for her, but it doesn’t excuse you for breaking her heart. Do you understand me? I swear if you ever hurt her again, I will break your face until it’s unrecognizable.”


  I hung up to see Mrs. Handleman crying. I went up to her, pulled her into my embrace and said, “She’ll be fine. I promise you. I’ll get the guy who did this.”

  “I know you will, Deke. I know how much you’ve always loved her.” I looked back into her face to see a sad smile. “I always hoped you’d be the one she’d end up with. Now I see you pushed her away so she could spread her wings.”

  “I did. I’ll always love her. Always. Even if she hates me.”

  “Love heals all wounds.”

  “Some wounds are too deep. I’ll call and let you know as soon as I hear something.”

  She hugged me again and let me go.

  I had my girl to get to. Even if I didn’t get the right to call her mine anymore.

  Chapter 28


  Patrick was already at the hospital when Johnny and I walked in. He was talking to a doctor when he looked up to see us rush over.

  “How is she?” I know I couldn’t keep the slight panic from my voice. I didn’t know how Penelope was going to be when she woke up, or if there was any lasting damage. I was seriously close to the edge of no return on my crazy factor and Johnny had to hold me back so I didn’t charge in there.

  “She’s sleeping. Her wrist is broken, a few of her fingers were broken from the fall, her ankle is sprained and she has a nasty concussion but otherwise, she’ll make a full recovery, mostly.”

  “Mostly?” I looked from the doctor to Patrick and I could already see the tears raging in his eyes.

  The doctor nodded and left us to Patrick who turned with tight fists, looking me right in the eye.

  “She probably won’t ever be able to play the flute as well as she has before. When she wakes up…that’s going to devastate her. Everything is going to change for her. The scholarship she had might not be eligible if she can’t perform like she did before. She was supposed to audition for an internship with the Phoenix Symphony, which only happens once or twice in a decade. She won’t make that and the condition her hand is in…I don’t know. She died. Her heart stopped. It was only for a minute before they could get her to respond but they were able to bring her back. The doctor tried explaining to me the specifics but when I asked if what happened would cause any future issues, and he said no. It was some anomaly or some shit. That Alan punk hasn’t even come by to see her. And that rock that was supposed to be on her finger…wasn’t there when she came in. So trust me, I know that little son of a bitch did something to her and when I find him—

  “Leave that to me, Handleman.”

  Both Patrick and I looked over to Johnny. I knew what he was talking about, but I wasn’t sure we should tell Patrick. I didn’t know him except from the little things Penelope had told me over the years.

  “Why should I? She’s my sister.”

nbsp; Johnny leaned in and said, “He’ll be taken care of. We consider Penny a part of the SoIn family. And no one messes with our own. Just leave it to me. He won’t get away with what he’s done.”

  “I don’t want him dead—well, if it was legal, yes. But I don’t want either of you going to jail.”

  Johnny threw his head back and laughed, getting the attention of a few nurses and patients.

  “I needed that.” He said before turning back to Patrick. “Patrick? He’ll be confessing and going to jail. Like I said, leave that little punk to me.”

  Then he turned, clapped me on the back and said, “See to our girl, Deke.”

  I nodded and he left without another word. I’m sure I wasn’t going to see him until I got back to Houston. I looked back to Patrick who was standing near Penelope’s room.

  “Has she woken up?”

  He shook his head before saying, “She’s going to be devastated.”

  “Look, it seems like you need a breather. Have you gotten any rest? It’s early morning right now.”

  “No. As soon as you called, Michael and I came. He’s at the hotel. The doctor said she wasn’t going to wake up just yet. It could take several hours, maybe a day or so. They’re keeping her medicated.”

  “I’ll stay with her. Go to your partner.”

  “And leave? With you here? I don’t think so. You are the last person she wants to see.”

  “I’ll deal with her. I need to be here. If I leave, I will find him and I will kill him for laying a hand on her. Without one fucking care to myself if I get put away. Trust me, she won’t handle it if she knew I was in jail. Even if what happened was a direct result of me being a dick to her. I have to be here, Patrick.”

  A phone rang and Patrick picked up it up. He walked away from me and then swore before coming back to me. “Alright. If there is any change, then you are to call me. There seems to be an issue with Michael using my debit card. You will call me.”

  “As soon as anything changes. I promise.”

  I put my hand out, the only gesture I knew that meant I was serious and I would keep my word. He looked from it to me and shaking his head, he took my hand, gave it a firm shake before pulling me in hard. Damn, stronger than I thought he’d be.

  “Fuck with her, and I will tell her everything.”

  That took me by surprise.

  “Everything being what?”

  He looked me up and down then shoved my hand away. “Give me a fucking break. What guy like you would give up something so shiny and bright in his life? I can read you like a book, Morgan. My sister has told me everything…or mostly everything. You pushed her away so she wouldn’t stay in that little town. You think you could have made her stay?”

  “Yeah. I think I could have.”

  “You would have been right. You could have. But you really don’t know my little sister. It’s going to blow your mind, Deke. Call me the moment she wakes if I’m not here.”

  Then he too, turned and walked away. What the hell was that cryptic remark supposed to mean? Of course I knew her. I’ve known her since she was fifteen. Been up close and personal with her. I knew being in Lilton wouldn’t have done her any good. It was the only thing I could do to make her see she needed to live beyond the county lines of Lilton. She deserved so much more than what I could give her. Big hypocrite I was. I still took what I wanted. And now look where it got her…in a fucking hospital.

  If this did change everything for her, would she come back to Lilton now? In a way I hoped she didn’t. But then my heart beat just a little bit faster at knowing maybe, just maybe, she’d return to Lilton and I could, hell. I don’t know. God knew how much I really loved her. How I longed to hold her at night. How I wanted to hear her laughter and let her silliness and lust for life fill mine with happiness. Marry her, have babies with her. And damn if the thought of her belly swelling with my child didn’t make my dick flicker with the need to do just that. Live and grow old with her. Die with her next to my side.

  I could show her I wasn’t really an asshole. That I was the man that could deserve such a woman as she.

  I walked into the hospital room and walked around the curtain to where she lay. Her face was bruised and there was a bandage around her head, her wrist and fingers. Her ankle was lifted high and casted. My hands fisted into tight grips as the rage began boiling in my blood for revenge. To turn right back around and find that fucker. What he did to my Penelope, made his life forfeit. How could I have done this to her? My babygirl? My woman?

  Instead though, I took a picture and sent it to Johnny with a message. “Make sure he knows what will happen to him if he ever comes near her again.”

  Johnny affirmed it and I sat down. And like I did for so many long nights’ years ago, I watched her as she slept. But this time, tears fell from my eyes.

  Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath. At least she was breathing. At least she had life still inside her. Because it didn’t matter what I did before this or after, this woman owned me. Owned me like nothing ever could. Heart, body and soul.

  And just like those long nights of watching her sleep, she was the only thing that could bring me peace as I fell into my own slumber.

  When I woke up, I hadn’t realized it was early evening. The outside was dimming. I looked at my watch to see it was later than I originally thought. I scrubbed a hand down my face before looking up—only to see Penelope was awake and watching me.

  I straightened and cracked my neck from the sore position I was in from sleeping.

  Why was it I had no idea what to say to her? She looked defeated. That was a look I never wanted to see on her face. Even after each time we’ve seen each other the past few years, she didn’t look defeated. Just angry and sad, but not beaten. A fresh rush of anger and rage coursed through my veins. Half of it at myself for doing what I did. And all the shit I’ve done to her in the past.

  There she sat, quiet, not saying anything. She didn’t have to say a damn thing for me to feel a wall slowly building between us. And I hated it. I didn’t want a wall between us.

  “Penelope.” My voice was rough with sleep, and thick with its own emotion at seeing her like this.

  A single tear fell down and she looked away from me. Like it was too hard. And that hurt. Because I deserved her hatred. Her anger. Then she looked at her hand in the hard cast. Her breath hitched and her eyes closed tightly.

  “What are you doing here?” Her voice was broken and bitter.

  “There was no way I wasn’t coming. Dessa called Bunko when she couldn’t get a hold of your brother.”

  “And where is my brother? He should be here. Not you.”

  “He left earlier when he had a card issue with his partner. I told him I’d call when you woke up.”

  “Well I’m up. Go and call him.”

  “Penelope, I’m—

  “I don’t want to hear it. I want nothing to do with you. There's nothing you can do to make me forgive the harsh words you said to me. I mean, come on. How many times do you have to break my heart before I realize that you’re never going to change? And that I’ll always be a fool over you. I’d say it’s your fault, but I just—

  "I can change."

  "Men like you don't change, Deke. They just make it worse. I want you to leave. I can’t do this. Not with you."

  "Penelope, please."

  "I don't want you here. You have hurt me for the last time. Alan was a good man. He didn't deserve this. To be cheated on because I am so fucking weak when it comes to you. And I am. Alan and me were doing just fine."

  "He pushed you! You fell down a flight of stairs and almost died! You did die! It might have been for a split moment, but that was enough. If he hadn’t hit you before last night, he would have in the future. I can promise you that. A man who hits once with no remorse, is a man that will never change. That should clue you in that he wasn't all that was good and proper."

  "You're not all that's good and proper."

might not be all that's good, but I would never hurt a woman. I would never lay a hand on you like that. In anger. Never. And you fucking know it. You know me."

  "Do I? Do I really know you? Ha. I don’t think I ever did. Alan—

  "Don't defend him. He's the bad guy."

  "So are you! Call my brother and just leave.”

  I stood up because I knew I was only upsetting her more. I could feel something inside me ready to break right along with her. And I knew she could see the tears in my own eyes. Our irises were mirrored images of each other. Only I could see I was doing more damage.

  “You will never know.”

  “Never know what?”

  “How helpless I am to you.”

  “Helpless? I doubt that. I’m not forgiving you, Deke. My heart—

  “Needs time.”

  She continued to look away from me. Tears were streaming down her face and I had to fist my hands to control the need to go to her ad wipe away each one. To just tell her how sorry I was. How much I really loved her. Needed her. Wanted her. To just tell her how much my arms ached without having her in them. Year after year without her was killing me. But she deserved so much more.

  But I just can’t picture my life without her. I definitely couldn’t live if this had turned out worse than it already was. Like death. Oh, thank fuck for that. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if she wasn’t in this world. She made me better even though she didn’t know it.

  “Just go, Deke. You’re not making me feel any better.”

  “Look at me first.”

  When she did, I felt the acute pain she felt. Because I know I indirectly caused it. If I had to spend the rest of my life making it up to her, I will.

  I looked over her face, body, memorizing every single detail. Knowing exactly what I’d be doing what I got home. Drawing her.

  “Bye, Deke.”

  The bye sounded final. So I didn’t bother saying anything else. I reached out to caress the side of her foot where her breath caught and hitched. It killed me not to go to her, but I knew she couldn’t handle it right now.


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