Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1) Page 23

by S. N. Garza

  So I left.

  And waited. For one and half years, I waited for my girl to finally come home.

  Chapter 29


  Why oh why did I decide to move back to Lilton? Oh, that’s right. My mom finally divorced my dad and she moved out. Begging me to come home and help her. I couldn’t say no to her. Not after everything she’s been through when she finally told me.

  I also persuaded Iridessa to move down here with me.

  We managed to graduate at the same time and she said if she was able to get a nursing job at the Lilton County Hospital, she’d move here. I knew she was excited at the chance to be close to Bunko. They had been doing their best to keep a long distance relationship going while she was in graduate school. Bunko had been a frequent visitor. Moving to Lilton with me had been easy for her.

  Mom had just moved into a three bedroom house she was renting, of course in the same neighborhood but far enough away from my dad that they didn’t see each other much.

  My father hadn’t changed. At least now, Patrick could come with Michael and stay with us if he wanted.

  I got a job with Mr. Eiling, teaching symphony band at the high school. I couldn’t play the flute as well as I used to so this was the next best thing. My original dream. The incident with Alan changed all that. My hand ached if I played for too long now. My wrist throbbed sometimes. When I got out of the hospital and back into school, I heard Alan had gotten into an accident where he had to leave the school. I hadn’t seen him since and I was glad.

  I never pictured him as the violent type but there was a first for everything and it wasn’t like I hadn’t been wrong about a guy before. But Deke I could deal with. It’s not like I had any reason to seek him out so I knew it wouldn’t be so bad. After the incident I had also got a child education certificate and applied for the assistant Pre-K teaching job at Lilton Elementary. School started in two weeks so while Dessa worked at the LCH, I was at home with my mom. A lot. The past few weeks I hardly got out and my mother was getting irritated.

  “Penny, dear, why don’t you go out? Have some fun?”

  We had been sitting at the kitchen table drinking some sweet tea as she waited for my answer.

  I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what to say. “Mom, there isn’t much to do around here.”

  She rolled her eyes saying, “Penny, you need to get out of this house. It’s bound to happen, you know.”

  My eyes narrowed at what she was trying to hint at. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mother.”

  “Oh, Penny. Stop being silly. You know exactly what I mean. You’re going to run into him sometime. Might as well get it over with. He knows you’ve moved back home. In fact, he lives in the house up the road you know? He showed me this house and helped me move in here.”

  “Mother. I don’t want to talk about Deke Morgan. He is a subject that unless it’s relevant to the conversation, I don’t care to hear about.”

  Mom blew out a raspberry and threw up her hands. “Children. Here,” she said grabbing a paper from her purse. “I need these groceries. Could you please go get them for me? It’s my day off today and I’d much rather relax and fiddle with housework than get out.”

  I squinted my eyes at her, trying to see if she had some hidden agenda. She’s been shifty the since Dessa and I moved in at the beginning of this summer. It’s like she tries to find something for me or Dessa to do. Outside the house somewhere.

  “What?” She said with wide innocent eyes.

  “What are you hiding?”

  Her eyes almost bugged out of her face. “Me? Nothing. I just want you to get some fresh air.”

  “Mmmm-hmm. Sure. Alright. Let me get out of my pajamas. I was planning on having an Arrow Marathon, but since we do need food, alright. I’m going. Happy?”

  I got up and went to my room, getting into some skinny jeans that made my ass look huge, but I didn’t give a crap. Strapping on a belt, I slipped into my flip flops and threw on a Lilton High Band shirt. It was my old one that I never got rid of and had taken to college with me years ago. Still in good condition, too.

  Speaking of clothes, I needed to stop by my dad’s and go through my room. I don’t want to do it anytime soon, but I needed to get it out of the way. Maybe later today since it looks like I’ll be out getting some fresh air.


  I didn’t bother putting on my contacts and threw my hair up in a top knot and left the house.

  I pulled into the super market, determined to get the food and hurry back home.

  I didn’t get that lucky. Half way through the list, a voice I was not wanting to hear called out my name. And no, it wasn’t Deke either.

  I turned to see Jimmy Romoth walking up to me and voluntarily wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

  “Penny! It’s so great to have you back in town.”

  I patted his back awkwardly and stepped back, making sure there was enough space between us. I remember what he did and what his brother did to me. And what? Did he think he could be buddy-buddy to me now? Ha. So not happening. And he looks like a freaking greasy car salesman. Gag me much.

  “Hi, Jimmy. How are you?”

  He looked over my body with slow perusal and I was almost to the point where I was ready to gag. He wasn’t even be subtle about it. Like he was taking every part of me and analyzing every little detail. Gah. It was making me sick. He still had greased, slicked back hair and his teeth were a little too yellow for me.

  “Great. And look at you! You look great. Shopping?”

  No, you idiot, I was just walking around with a cartful of food for the fun of it.

  That’s what I wanted to say. But somehow, I didn’t have to. A deep, rambling voice behind me said, “Well, I hope she’s shopping. I mean, look at that cart. That would be a lot of stuff to put back.”

  We both turned and holy-moly-guacamole. Was it wrong that I looked over him like Jimmy looked at me? I mean, from his shiny shoes, to his creased black pants, up to—Lord Jesus—he looked like he was packing a whole lot between those thighs. Geez, Penny. You freaking perv. Then up to a stark white collared button shirt with a skinny black tie. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearms and he had both arms covered in tattoos.

  I hadn’t even got to his face yet. My eyes landed on his to see a sexy smirk marring his face. Jet black hair cut tight at the sides and then shorn on the top, but unlike Deke who could put his hair in a mini-man bun, this guy had thick short hair. His eyes were crystal blue and smiling. He was like some sex-god.

  “Oh, snap.”

  “Honey, I thought I told you to wait for me.”


  The hot dude flashed his eyes to Jimmy before coming back to rest on mine. And oh, sweet mother of God, he was rescuing me. I mouthed, Thank you.

  “I’m sorry. I was ravenous. Wanted to get it out of the way before meeting you for lunch.”

  The guy chuckled and sidled up next to me. His arm wrapped around my waist as I turned back to Jimmy who had this sour look on his face.

  “Jimmy, meet—

  Oh, dear God. But hot dude was flawless as he shoved out his hand and said, “Philip Lawe. Nice to meet you. Jimmy Romoth, correct? I have a deal with your older brother, Geoffrey.”

  I couldn’t help the stiffening of my back at that name. Jimmy smirked at me before saying, “Yes. Well, I’ll leave you two as you were. Nice seeing you, Penny.”

  He turned and scurried away. That was the only way to describe his movements.


  “That, honey, is a no brainer. I wouldn’t subject no one to that little cretin. First time I actually met him though. I feel sorry for his wife.”

  I looked surprised at that. I mean, with the way he looked at me? Ugh. Sick creep.

  “Well, thank you. Philip. I’m Penelope. Penny.”

  I stuck out my hand and he took it, and gave it a quick, hard shake. Wow, no kiss on the hand. I was almost offended. At least, my hand
felt that way. I looked at it to him to find him chuckling.

  “Do I need to kiss your hand, Penny?”

  I couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh. “I did think that for a second, but no. Thank you though, for coming to my rescue.”

  “You are welcome. I do have a question now though.”


  “Why did you freeze when I mentioned the older Romoth brother?”

  The smile wiped from my face and I felt red creeping up into my face.

  “Oh, an old boyfriend?”

  “Ha. No,” and because I didn’t care about it now, I said, “No. He attacked me when I was fifteen when I wouldn’t go out with that creep.” I pointed to where Jimmy had escaped.

  This look of malice came over his face before a smile that was almost scary spread across his features.

  “Hmmm….guess she isn’t going to get what she wants.” He mused before looking down to me. “I’ll enjoy taking his company apart even more now.”

  “Taking his company?”

  “Yes. Would you like to talk about it over the lunch date we’re supposed to have?”


  “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  “Yes. And I feel intrigued to insist. You did say you were ravenous and I can’t have some slip of a girl hangry on my hands.”

  That brought a smile back to my face. “Hangry? I don’t know about that. I don’t go all ‘Grrr’ when I’m hungry, okay?”

  “Alright, do you need anything else?”

  I looked to my basket and then to the list my mother gave me. I shook my head, and said, “No, whatever else I need I can get some other time. I’m done now.”

  He walked me to the register as I cashed out and he even helped me load my VW Beetle before I locked up. He crooked his elbow out to me and I slid my hand in the crease of his elbow, and holy crap. He was muscly. I couldn’t help my hands squeezing the tight muscle as a blush stole over my face.

  “Sorry. God, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s all good, Penny. Muscle’s happen.”

  We walked across the street to the Chili’s and right before we entered I swore I heard my name. I looked to the right to see Deke, stopped still and this furious look came over his face as he looked beyond me and to Philip.

  I rolled my eyes but it didn’t matter. Philip still noticed and he chuckled, placing a hand to the small of my back and led me into the restaurant.

  We sat in the bar area and he waited until I was settled before sitting across from me.

  “So…Deke Morgan didn’t look pleased to see you on my arm.”

  “I don’t care if Deke Morgan looks pleased or not. He’s an asshat. You’ll do well to remember that.”


  “Nothing interesting about it.” I snapped and his eyes widened, but with bemusement.

  “I see. Well, creeps and asshats aside then.” A waitress came to our table and Philip said, “What’s your poison, Miss Penny?”

  I normally didn’t drink but hell. Seeing Deke…even for a second after a year and a half…made my stomach clench and tighten. He looked…even more delicious than Philip.


  Not going there.

  Never again.

  Not if I can help it.

  Chapter 30


  Barely home and she’s out with the most undesirable guy there is? Philip Lawe had been all over Trixie since he drove into town three weeks ago and now he’s trying to get in Penelope's panties? Over my dead fucking body. In the few weeks she’s been home, I hadn’t even gotten a glimpse of her! I was giving her fucking space before I went to her.

  Hell, I was running late for my shift at SoIn when I just had to look up and see her with her hand wrapped around Lawe’s arm. Johnny was going to have to deal with staying a bit longer because I can’t deal with him trying to not only get in Trixie’s pants, but now Penelope’s? I wanted to smash my fist into his rich boy body.

  Was I going to regret this? Probably, but when it came to Penelope, I had never been able to think straight. She had my full attention whenever she was around. It was like the universe shifts whenever I look at her.

  I might have fucked up royally, but I knew she was living with her mom and her sorority sister, Dessa. Bunko was head over heads in love with her. A most unlikely relationship that was, but I could tell how much he’s changed in the past year since Penny’s assault.

  I walked into the restaurant and looked around when the young girl at the host stand greeted me.

  “I’m actually with someone. A short woman, and a really tall guy with tat’s up and down his arms. Where did they sit?”

  “Oh, the hot guy?” The girl had a red blush creep up into her cheeks and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

  “I’m not hot?” I couldn’t help teasing the girl who blushed even more.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. And, ahem,” she coughed as she looked me over, “definitely so, Deke. They sat over there in the lounge.”

  She pointed to where their general direction was and I walked past the stand. Lawe came into view and his eyes flashed over to mine as this smart aleck smirk came over his face. Then he looked back down to Penelope, picked up her hand and kissed the knuckles, making her giggle.

  I saw nothing but red.

  I made my way to the booth and forcing Penelope to scoot over, I sat down next to her. A gasp of surprise escaped from her mouth and I smacked Lawe’s hand away from hers.

  “Get your filthy hand’s off her.”

  “Deke! What are you—?”

  I turned my glare at her and she quieted instantly at the look on my face. At first.

  “What are you doing here with this guy? He’s only going to play you.”

  A snort came from across the booth, but I ignored it. I wanted to know Penelope’s response.

  Then she was in my face, growling, “Maybe I wanna be played with. You ever think of that, asshole?”

  And I couldn’t help it, I kissed her. Right there in front of Lawe. Damn right I did. I licked over Penelope’s lips, where a small feminine sound escaped her. Then one of her hands laid on my chest and just when I thought everything was okay, a sharp pain radiated through me.

  “Ah!” I looked down to see she had twisted my nipples.

  “I didn’t give you permission to put your mouth on mine.”

  Then she shoved me back and turned away, doing her utmost to ignore me.

  “You can’t ignore me forever, Penelope. We need to talk.”

  “Not in this lifetime, dirtbag.”

  Still ignoring the man across from us, I got up, leaned in closer and whispered, “I am so sorry.” Then I kissed her head before reaching over and grabbing Lawe’s starched shirt. “Don’t even think about it, Lawe. This one isn’t yours. And neither is Trixie.”

  The smirk on his face vanished before his nose flared and this blue eyes became flat and hard.

  “Beatrix is a big girl. She can make her own decisions. And this one can, too.”

  “Trixie. She doesn’t go by that name. And you’ll do well to remember that.” Then I shoved him back and walked out. I couldn’t be in front of this guy anymore. Not when he was with my Penelope.

  And yeah, technically she wasn’t mine…yet. I knew I had a shit ton to make up for, but my anger was too palpable right now. I wanted to punch that guy until that pretty face of his was bleeding profusely. He thought he was badass because he had tattoos? Gimme a fucking break.

  I made my way to SoIn, where Trixie was cleaning the windows and Castor was working on someone.

  “Hey, Deke. Everything okay?” she asked.

  I stopped, shook off the attitude I knew I still had and took a deep breath. There was no point in showing my anger and there was no way I was jealous. No way. And I wasn’t about to snap at Trixie. She and the others didn’t deserve my bad mood right now.

  “Yeah, Trixie. I’m fine. Just had to take care of some b
usiness. Sorry I’m late.”

  “Johnny’s still here. Everything’s fine. How’s Penelope?”

  That brought me up short. “You saw?”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Did I see Philip walk her into Chili’s? Yes.”

  “He is such a womanizer.”

  She tilted her head and said, “That, he probably is. But I don’t think Penelope is interested.”

  I put my hands on my hips and with a glare I said, “Yeah? How do you know that?”

  “Oh, I just do.”

  The bell above the door rang and I turned just in time for a hand to smack across my face. Penelope. She was the only one who did that to me and for some reason, it made my dick hard as fuck.

  “What is your problem? What did Philip ever do to you? And for your information, Philip sounds like a good guy.”

  “Yeah, because you have the hots for him!”

  Another smack cracked across my face. Goddammit. I just don’t know when to stop, do i?

  “Dammit, I’m gonna spank your pretty little ass red if you hit me again.”

  It might make my dick hard but hell, it fucking hurt.

  “Ha.” Then she smacked my other cheek and it ringing began filtering in my ears. “He saved me from having to deal with Jimmy Romoth while I was grocery shopping, so as a thank you, we went across the street to grab something to eat. Now, stop being a complete prick. Did you think we’d be fine if I moved back here? Ha. I still have wounds in my back from the knife you shoved in there. So if you think you can just waltz back into my life like nothing happened? Think again. Next time you think you should come my way, just don’t. I’m done.”

  Then she turned and slammed from the shop, in all her glorious fury. My dick responded immediately and didn’t care if she smacked the hell out of me.


  Johnny’s voice broke the silence and I shook off the need to go after her. Because I really wanted to. I turned and we both walked back to the office.

  “What was that?”

  “Sorry I was late.”

  “I didn’t ask why you were late. I asked what that was.”

  I didn’t want to get into another argument with him. He knew my fuse was short when it came to Penelope. I scrubbed my hand down my face and went to my desk where I plopped down and pulled at the roots of my hair.


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